In grateful appreciation to:

Olen Reynolds, President, Kingdom Voice Ministries
Stan and Elizabeth of, for transcribing and editing
Jerry Needler for art works

Our sincere THANK YOU. Without their dedicated help, we could not have accomplished this book.



"Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who reads aloud [in the assemblies] the word of this prophecy; and blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who hear [it read] and who keep themselves true to the things which are written in it – heeding them and laying them to heart – for the time [for them to be fulfilled] is near.

Revelation 1:3 (Amplified Version)


1. EPHESUS - Desirable, permissiveness.

2. SMYRNA - Myrrh, bitterness.

3. PERGAMUM - Married with the world.

4. THYATIRA - Burning incense (Idolatry, Paganism).

5. SARDIS - The escaping one.

6. PHILADELPHIA - Brotherly love.

7. LAODICEA - A just people, neither hot nor cold (passive).



1. Manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc. with regard to a person or thing: tendency or orientation, esp. of the mind: a negative attitude; group attitudes.

2. Position or posture of the body appropriate to or expressive of an action, emotion, etc.: a threatening attitude; a relaxed attitude.

3. Posture (natural): Postures are such as our ordinary actions and the occasions of life lead us to exhibit.


1. The travel of a day by and to any distance and for any time indefinitely (as a journey from London to Paris.)

2. To travel from place to place.

3. To pass from home to a distance.


1. Passionate ardor in the pursuit of any thing.

1. Excessive zeal may rise to enthusiasm.

2. In general, zeal is an eagerness of desire to accomplish or obtain some object, and it may be manifested either in favor of any person or thing in opposition to it in a good or bad cause.

3. To have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. Romans 10:2 "I bear them witness that they have a [certain] zeal and enthusiasm for God, but it is not enlightened and according to [correct and vital] knowledge."


1. The raising from death to new life, in Biblical usage specifically a raising of the righteous of all ages at the end of earthly history.

2. By the resurrection of Christ we have assurance of the future resurrection of men. I Peter 1: 2, 3. "Who were chosen and foreknown by God the Father and consecrated (sanctified, made holy) by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and to be sprinkled with [His] blood: May grace (spiritual blessing) and peace be given you in increasing abundance – that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ, freedom from fears, agitating passions and moral conflicts. Praised (honored, blessed be) the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah! By His boundless mercy we have been born again to an ever living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." Born again into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay, imperishable, unsullied, and unfading, reserved in Heaven for you.


1. The act of disclosing or discovering to others what was before unknown to them; appropriately, the disclosure or communication of truth to men by God himself, or by his authorized agents, the prophets and apostles.

"How that by revelation he made known to me the mystery, as I wrote before in few words." Ephesians 3:3; II Corinthians 12:1 - 4.

2. That which is revealed; appropriately, the sacred truths which God has communicated to man for his instruction and direction. The revelations of God are contained in the Old and New Testament.

References of Definitions came from American Dictionary of the English Language; American Everyday Dictionary; and Eerdman's Bible Dictionary.


The Word of God always used a man's name to reveal HIS character, his nature, what he was, and his bloodline. When a man's name changed, he took on a new nature and personality. For example, God changed Jacob's name to Israel. In Genesis 32:27, 28, it says, "[The Man] asked him, What is your name? And [in shock of realization, whispering] he said, Jacob [supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler]! And He said, Your name shall be called no more Jacob [supplanter], but Israel [contender with God]; for you have contended and have power with God and with men and have prevailed."

God changed Saul's name to Paul in Acts 5:34. When the name Paul was said, the people understood that this was a new man, a new image, a man of God. A change had taken place and a name was given to show the change.

Even as God used a man's name to reveal his character, God discloses the characters of the seven churches through their names. Revelation 1:1, "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John." So, this is the unveiling of the Resurrection (life out of death), "Jesus." When we were born again, we became part of His Body. It is a progressive work, a revealing, of His Nature within. The principle of resurrection is life out of death. When we are born again into life out of death, the principle of that new nature has to be disclosed and developed within us. We are going to be like Jesus. We are heirs of His Nature, all His attributes. Not until we are born again, can we realize the mixture of life and death in our members (Romans 8:2). THERE IS A WAR GOING ON BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH IN THE MIDST OF EVERY BELIEVER. Just as John saw the seven-fold Holy Spirit nature before the throne, he also saw the seven churches of the earthly mixture that must be overcome and come out of the Resurrection body. So, we identify that nature and character and we look at what is revealed in a name and the authority and dominion that we have received to deal with each of those controlling spirits.





The journey through the seven churches takes place in the book of Revelation. The attitude, the personality, of the seven churches, is revealed in the name of each church. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ. His many membered body. His unveiling of the divine mysteries that God gave to him to disclose and make known to us, things which shortly and speedily must come to pass in their entirety.

He sent and communicated it through his angel (messenger) to his bond servant John, who has testified to, and vouched for, all that he saw in his vision. I often say regarding John, "here was everybody saying, "John, you must have really done something bad to get put on the isle of Patmos all by yourself." And here's John laying, looking, at an open heaven and seeing the mysteries and the secrets of God. God was revealing to him what must take place at the close of the Lord's day.
Thank You Lord that you revealed this truth and covered it over with such mystery so that no one can take it, and flaunt it, and make it a mockery or hurt with it. God reveals His mysteries and secrets as we are ready to receive and understand them, and He is showing us in this last day as He stands at the door, the preparation to close this hour on His timetable.

He is revealing this end time day and His soon return, the setting up of His millennial kingdom. There are so many awesome, wonderful things that we are just in awe about. Scarcely can we comprehend, but God is making ready, in this last day, a generation "us", a generation who will do exploits in His name, who will stand in authority and dominion and speak the truth. Who will not waiver, who will not suppose, who will not compromise, but they will speak the truth the way it is.

The people will have an ear to hear and the changes that are necessary will come to pass. The Lord will come to a hungry and thirsting people who are ready to know all of his intentions. Jesus said that He was the ever-living one – I am living in the eternity of eternities.

We have been born through the salvation work of Jesus Christ into the time frame of God's eternity. It began when you received Jesus at Calvary. The kingdom of God came to us. We were scarcely aware of all the Lord was doing. We knew so little about ourselves, let alone the knowledge of Him. There was so much that was so far beyond us, that we stood in awe. Just awe stricken at what we were hearing, and much of the truth went right over our heads, because our little minds were not ready to comprehend eternity.

In the second verse of Revelation 1, He is talking about His bond servant, John, who has testified to, and vouched for, all that he saw in his visions, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. He said blessed and happy and to be envied is the man who reads aloud in the assemblies the word of this prophecy and blessed and happy to be envied are those who hear it read and who keep themselves true to the things which are written in it. Heeding them and laying them to heart for the time for them to be fulfilled is near.

The Word continues, John, to the seven assemblies of churches of Asia, "may grace and God's unmerited favor be granted to you and spiritual peace and peace of Christ's kingdom from Him who is, and was, and who is to come and from the seven spirits that is the seven-fold Holy Spirit before His throne." (Amplified Bible).

I just want to show also how the King James version reads. "Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand and John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is, and which was, and which is to come, and from the seven spirits which are before the throne and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth, unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood."

Now, turn with me to Isaiah the eleventh chapter. Let us see what the seven-fold Holy Spirit nature is in Isaiah 11. This is Isaiah prophesying. "And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, David's father, and a branch out of his roots shall grow and bear fruit." Of course, he is talking about Jesus. "And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him. The spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord." That is the seven-fold Holy Spirit nature. And all of this is resting upon Him and shall make him of quick understanding and his delight shall be in the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord and he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes and neither decide by the hearing of his ears, but with righteousness and justice shall he judge the poor and decide with fairness for the meek, the poor and the downtrodden of the earth, and He shall smite the earth and the oppressor with the rod of His mouth." The rod means authority.

One of the customs of the culture of the Hebrew people was this, every head of the house had his name carved on his rod, or his staff, and he kept that in his hand. And when his family had a big argument and he was going to have to settle it, his rod was in his hand. He had his name carved on it, and his character and his nature represented the quality of person that he was. He held that in his hand, and he judged truthfully and righteously for his household. So everybody knew that when he made that judgment, his name was on that rod and here's what it says about Jesus' rod, that He would smite the oppressor with the rod of His mouth and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked. It's in the name of Jesus. It takes a breath to speak. The rod is in His mouth. The authority is in His mouth, and He has the right. And with righteousness shall be the girdle of His waist and faithfulness the girdle of His loins.

Now, open your Bible to II Thessalonians, 2:3 - 9. This is speaking about the mystery of iniquity (lawlessness and rebellion).

In Zechariah, the fifth chapter, when Zechariah and Haggai, (now remember the Jewish people were in exile to Babylon.) They carried them away to Babylon because of their rebellion against God's laws, and God just let them get captured. Haggai and Zechariah were the two priests in that day. As time passed, Cyrus the king and Darius his son, allowed them to go back to Jerusalem. They were allowed to rebuild their homes and they could also rebuild their temple, but they could not put any walls around Jerusalem, because the Babylonian King wanted to be able to come in and out. They were not going to let them fortify themselves by building walls again, making it necessary to have another battle with them. They had already won the battle once. So, they all went back to Jerusalem.

History states that 16 years went by, and the Jewish people never built the temple of the Lord. They built themselves fine houses of board and wood and made them nice, but they never rebuilt the temple. They had no place to go to settle their differences. When they came to the temple, they would make the proper offering and discuss their problem, and the priest would know exactly what they were to do. But with no temple, there was no place to settle any differences. God had a plan.

When Zechariah and Haggai began to realize this, (they were the prophets of that day), they began to pray. Haggai received a word for them and he said, " you live in your paneled houses, you put your money in a bag with a hole in it, and nothing is working right for you."

Zechariah, it seems, travailed until he burst into a place where the Word is stored up, things ready to happen. Here he saw this angel of the Lord on a horse standing among the myrtle trees. Then he saw the four horses of the Apocalypse. He saw the red horse first and, of course, that word "red" means Adam, and so he saw that red horse first, and when God created the heavens and the earth, and fixed it, and he made Adam, and he made Eve, and that was like the symbol of the red horse. This horse is the symbol of the flesh.

The next horse was the black horse and, of course, you know man sinned and was cast out of the garden, and sin prevailed.

Then he saw the white horse, and that was Jesus on that white horse. He brought salvation.

The next horse was a dappled horse or a gray horse. The mixture of black and white, and that was the way the body was. You know we had that form of godliness and we denied the power thereof. We had the word, but we did not know what it meant. We had bloodline bondages and ancestors that had sinned, and we became the victim, a mixture in the bloodline. Black and white and nobody knew the difference, it seemed.

So, here were generations born down the genetic corridor that did not have answers, just woe and sadness and travail and they lost their battles. They were not honorable before God. All of that crisis that began to take place, (because they did not understand it)

But here is John the Revelator, and when he saw the four horses of the apocalypse, he saw the white horse first, because he was with Jesus and he knew all about what Jesus did. He knew all about Calvary and the cross and what Jesus taught. He saw that red horse next, the symbol of the flesh, that first Adamic nature. Jesus was there before the foundation of the earth. Then the white horse and then the black one rode with the balance and scales. The man of sin was being exposed and the righteousness of Jesus Christ was being seen and there was a great mixture in that age generation man. The last horse was that dapple gray. The mixture of black and white had run together, so the color changed.

This pale horse has got to ride in other words, today this flesh has got to be examined, and we have to get this darkness out of us, and the sin has to go. The demonic forces that have been allowed there because man sinned and fell short of God's glory, is there in the genetic bloodline and every household. Every namesake from generation to generation has suffered the pain of sickness and disease. The principal of the sin of adultery and uncleanness and lust because man walked in the stubbornness and rebellion of his baser (lower nature emotions) rather than giving himself totally to God and knowing that the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. He gave us the authority and dominion of His name that we could send the devil out – cast him out – cast all the demons out in the name of Jesus and be free to walk in the blessings of God.

Now the blessings of God are there waiting for us. Everything is ready and the Kingdom of God is now. The people are being taught the word of Deliverance. We must be ready when the Lord Jesus comes. There will be nothing in us that the devil will be allowed to test or come against, because we have been in agreement with the word of God and we have pulled down the strongholds.

We have recognized the defeats of the enemy; we have sent him out; we have not lived a lie; we have lived the truth, and we have run to the Lord, and have cried out (oh, God teach us your ways). And the mysteries and the secrets are ready to be revealed to every one of us as we are ready to contain them. Because of sin and because we have been stubborn, and because of the culture of our day, we do not want anyone to know anything bad about us. We keep it all covered over. We are like a time bomb ready to explode, and the body of Christ is suffering the defeat of this death realm because they do not realize and know the truth, and a lot of them refuse to know it. So we have problems, but Jesus is the answer. Glory to God! We begin realizing that the Lord is molding and shaping this man child (that's us). The pattern is Jesus and He is making us like Him.

We are dealing with this old flesh man that has been full of the garbage of the death realm. We are not letting death override us. We are not being ruled by the wickedness of ancestors that sinned and brought the curses down upon us. The Lord is revealing to us the curse of this death realm, and we are speaking in the name of Jesus, and breaking those curses. We are defeating the devil where he is hidden, and we are casting him out in the name of Jesus. The people are being set free from the bondage and decay. The corruption of death and life that is in the bloodline is being examined by this many membered body of Christ. They are knowing what they see is life everlasting, eternal glory that God has prepared for this last day generation man. We are saying glory to God because we are a part of all of this.

Let's look again at Zechariah, the fifth chapter. As he was talking, he saw this scroll flying through the air, and he did not know what it was. So they unwound the scroll, and its measurements were 30 feet by 15 feet (the same size as the veil of the tabernacle). Isn't that interesting? And then there was an ephah, (ephah means a full measure) a full ephah. He pulled the lid off, and there sat a woman. Her name was lawlessness and rebellion and they put the lid back on because they did not know what this mystery of lawlessness and rebellion was. They did not have a clue. All we knew was salvation. All we knew was to accept Jesus, and we knew that when we accepted and wanted Him, He would give us the gift of eternal life.

It seemed our salvation in a couple of weeks, we had lost some of our zeal. If somebody bumped our cup, there was anger and carrying on, just like we used to do, and we prayed, "Lord Jesus, what in the world is the matter here? Why can't I make it work, what am I missing here? I need to understand it." And so we kept going back to the Lord, and back to the Lord, and as we were ready to hear, the Lord began to teach.

I remember when the Lord started showing me about the genetic code of the bloodline, we were having coffee after the bible study, when someone said, "now, Blanche you do not really believe that genetic word, do you?" And I said, "oh yes, the Lord showed me." Well, the very next week I was down in South Georgia preaching, and the Sunday newspaper was laying there and the headlines were about the genetic research going on at Duke University. They were about to lose their grant funding. They had gone to the newspaper with that information so the people could see what they were doing in their research. I just brought that newspaper home with me and I said to myself after I read it, I would like to call those researchers at the Duke University and say, "what do you need to know?" Because the Lord was showing me about how we were affected. The sins of the father to the third and fourth generation, and here we are, we can hardly know three generations, much less the fourth. So there were things in our bloodline we did not have a clue about, and here we are trying to live right and not be defeated, and the enemy was just beating us down all of the time because he had the right to, if the curse was not broken off of us.

Well, we did not have faith. We did not have enough trust. You know, we had faith to a measure, but we did not have faith to march us all of the way through. We heard about the highway of holiness, and we wanted to be holy and we wanted to be pure and clean before the Lord, but we looked in the mirror and said, "you know – no way!" And so we kept coming to the Lord and kept crying out to God and gradually, as God's time was right, as this day approached, the Lord began to reveal to us a little at a time what was beginning to happen. Just like Zechariah, who burst into that realm where the word was stored up, we too burst into the word with a lack of understanding of God's mystery of lawlessness. We said, "what in the world would that ephah, with a woman sitting inside it, and her name being lawlessness, what in the world could that mean?" The minute they put the lid back on it, two angels came, women with wings like a stork, and they picked up that ephah and they extended it between heaven and earth. It was not time for that to be revealed. God was not ready. The cup of humanity was not full enough for that dumping out and emptying out of the knowledge of the Lord's return and the preparation knowledge that we as His household and must be set free. We must be delivered. We must be clean, and we must have an understanding that we do not have to put up with the bondage of a bloodline where man has sinned because our fathers ate sour grapes and the children's teeth were put on edge.

The word says in Jeremiah 31:28 -29, "no more, but every man is going to be responsible for his own sin." And here we are realizing that we do not have to put up with the sins of our fathers. We do not have to take what that bloodline bondage afforded, in the mighty name of Jesus. We can stand in that eternity, a glory of God's eternal promise unto us and be washed and cleansed and free, because the Lord God spoke. He sprinkled His blood on that covenant ark of heaven. The veil was rent in two from top to bottom and every man, every person has a right to come boldly before the throne of grace and sit down in the Father's throne while He makes all our enemies our footstool.

For the Lord would say unto you,

"Beloved bestir yourself and know that what I have decreed and declared unto you, I bring to pass. What I bring to pass I make sure you have knowledge of so that, in the time to come, you will not be found lacking. You will not be cringing in fear. You will not fall down in faintness because you do not know what is taking place. But I the Lord God am prepared, and I have begun to write My word so indelibly upon your heart and mind, that you shall comprehend all of My intention and you shall dwell with Me and I shall dwell with you. And the world will understand and know that I have a people called by My name, and they shall address every circumstance in life from everlasting to everlasting, and no more will gloom and doom and the death realm take control because My body is alive and well in this earth today." Hallelujah! Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord!

And so we are looking at this, and here is this ephah, that full measure, and what the Lord is saying to me by the Holy Spirit, is that lawlessness has got to be understood as a full measure that cup has got to get full, (an ephah is a full measure). When that measure is full, then God is doing something about it. Further on in Zechariah He says, "low in that day and it is now here I am going to cause Jerusalem to be a cup of reeling" (and I saw, in my spirit, that cup being thrown across the counter and what was in that cup spilled out and the Lord said to me), "deliverance" is being set free, pulling down the bondages. You do not have to have a bad temper. You do not have to be full of rage. You do not have to be contentious. You do not have to be angry about anything, you do not have to be in bondage to this death realm of hatred and rejection and all kinds of mental weaknesses and problems because the Lord Jesus has given us the power and the authority, in His name, through His shed blood covenant, the right to contend with death.

And the Lord said in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children." See, what makes rebellious kids has been rebellious parents, and they are the only role model of what was before them. Because no one knew how to deal with it, and no one cared enough to deal with it, they just hid it back in their mind, closed that door (so to speak). Now it has to come out. It has got to be emptied out and the people set free. Thank you Lord.

II Thessalonians 2:5 "Do you not recollect that when I was still with you, I told you these things?" He is saying to them, do not let anybody deceive you and do not let anybody beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except for the apostasy – the great falling away – comes first. That is, unless the predicted falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come. And remember what Jesus said at one point, that the abomination of desolation was standing in the sanctuary in the door of the sanctuary where it ought not to be. Then I went and looked up abomination and desolation.

Abomination: Extreme hatred, detestation. The object of detestation as the way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord.

Hence, defilement, pollution in a physical sense; or evil doctrines or practices which are moral defilements. Idols and Idolatries are called abominations.

The Jews were an abomination to the Egyptians, and the sacred animals of Egypt were an abomination to the Jews.

The Roman army is called the abomination of desolation. In short, whatever is an object of extreme hatred, is called an abomination.

Desolation: Deprived or destitute of inhabitants; deserted; ruin; waste.

A place deprived of inhabitants or otherwise wasted, ravaged; gloominess; sadness; devastation.

Having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hope; forlorn.

II Thessalonians 2:3 says, "Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except the apostasy comes first [unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed." See, that is what is happening now. What's in the cup of humanity is being revealed. "Who is the son of doom (of perdition). Who opposes and exalts himself so proudly and insolently against and over all that is called God or that is worshiped, [even to his actually] taking his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming that he himself is God." This is the anti-christ and all these things are happening today.

"Do you not recollect that when I was still with you, I told you these things?" (And just to say a little something here), have you been hearing on the news about those two big Buddha statues in some foreign country that they are tearing down? I am anxious to see what is going to happen when those things are totally destroyed. Those people have fought in bondage for years and years and years and now that old idol of idolatry is being torn down. There is something about to take place. Of course, I am not in agreement with the Muslim either, but I'm thinking if the Lord would begin there He is going to do the rest of it in the time to come. The bloodline is full of sickness and disease, incest, sodomy, uncleanness, oral sex.

It just makes my heart hurt for what is being accepted as the Word of God, also. What people are doing, and the abomination of desolation they are bringing upon themselves because they are breaking the laws of God. God is letting all of this happen until the appointed time. Now here is the verse: "For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority)." That is the mainstay of where this is – witchcraft is the same as rebellion, and that principle of rebellion against constituted authority is like this. Everybody wants to make their own rules. They want to make their own laws. They want to judge what they want to judge. They want to turn everything around, to suit themselves. They do not even want to obey our constitution and the laws of our land any more. It's not justice and liberty for all. It's whoever has the most money and can buy his way in. That is what they are going by, and it is an abomination in the sight of the Lord, and it has to stop. We are in for a rude awakening. There are things that are going to fall that we thought surely this cannot be happening to us. But, do not be dismayed and do not be upset because the Lord is doing a work in us that will cause us to stand in that day, just like the darkness is going to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. The light of God is going to be in His people. So the light of God is going to dwell in us, and the people will come to us because we have the light. The darkness that is there will have no part of that day. Light always dispels darkness, and there will be no darkness or anything that can harm us in any way. The light of God is the important thing within us.

Prophetic note:

The Lord doth say, "I will give you a word in that hour that will cause atmospheric changes in this earth. I will give you a word in that hour that will cause sin to melt and flow away from those who are bound in it. I will give you a word in that hour, saith the Lord, that will cause a light to shine and dispel the darkness of this death realm. For I have scheduled and made time ready for death to go and in the timetable of my working, saith the Lord, I will cause death to be totally swallowed in victory and no more will the grave be allowed to capture and remain and retain its victim. But I the Lord, who am the giver of life, will cause My everlasting eternal light of Glory to remain, and none shall cause it to be wounded or scratched or scarred or done away with in any way, for it is I, the Lord, who have planned in this hour to take out of this earthly order a bride for My Son, and yea, I shall plight their troth, saith the Lord. I have winnowed and I have made ready and I have set a word in this earth that will be fulfilled in you, for I am the Lord that healeth and restoreth and breaks the chains of bondages. There will be a day beloved when a curse will be no more. There will be a day when blood shall run pure and holy and free. There will be a day, saith the Lord, when the world will look, and they will know that mine elect have inherited My Kingdom, saith the Lord."

II Thessalonians Chapter 2, Verse 7: "For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority) is already at work in the world, [but it is] restrained only until he who restrains is taken out of the way." And when that man of sin is removed, when that darkling veil of death is discarded, when the righteous robes are held together by God's golden girdle... (Gold speaks of God's divine nature.)

"For I would have you to view my image, saith the Lord. For I am keeping my word and I am causing My obedience to be pondered and kept and applied and lived and walked out, saith the Lord."

Verse 8: "And then the lawless one (the antichrist) will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth." The rod is in Jesus' mouth, and the rod speaks of authority. "And He will bring him to an end, by His appearing at His coming. The coming [of the lawless one, the antichrist] is through the activity and working of satan and will be attended by great power and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels – [all of them] lying wonders . And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing (going to perdition) because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false. II Thessalonians 2:11 - 12.

In order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely on] the Truth, but [instead] took pleasure in unrighteousness. But we, brethren beloved by the Lord, ought and are obligated [as those who are in debt] to give thanks always to God for you, because God chose you from the beginning." That's us, hallelujah! "

As His firstfruits (first converts) for salvation through the sanctifying work of the [Holy] Spirit and [your] belief in (adherence to, trust in, and reliance on) the Truth." That's the thing that the enemy is trying to destroy. It is the truth of God's word. Have you looked in the bookstore lately at all the translations of the Bible? They have one for kids; they have one for women; they have one for singles; they have one for divorcees; they have one for married people. They even have one for cowboys to read while they are out on the range. They have taken God's Word and watered it down, and diluted the truth.

God put enough energy of conviction of sin in His word, that when you read the word of God, sin in you causes conviction. Forgiveness takes place and salvation is met, and you are set free. "Because God chose you from the beginning to be the first converts of salvation, through the sanctifying (that means to be set apart) for the work of His [Holy] Spirit and [your] belief in (adherence to, trust in, and reliance on) the Truth. [It was] to this end that He called you through His Gospel, so that you may obtain and share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)." (Amplified Bible) "

So then, brethren, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions and instructions which you were taught by us, whether by our word of mouth or by letter (Paul speaking). Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, Who loved us and gave us everlasting consolation and encouragement and well-founded hope through [His] grace (unmerited favor). Comfort and encourage our hearts and strengthen them [make them steadfast and keep them unswerving] in every good work and word." Unswerving means staying in a straight line. We are understanding that as the Lord completes all of this, and as He is preparing our hearts, for this last day truth, that His Omega (the last) Word, He is opening this generation to His finished work, and we, like a foot company, we are the feet of the body; we are walking it out; we are walking it in. For the Lord doeth equip us to do it in His time, in His way. Hallelujah!

Back to Revelation, Chapter one, verse three. "Blessed and happy and to be envied is the man who reads aloud in the assemblies." We read in Verse 4: "John, to the seven assemblies (churches) that are in Asia: May grace (God's unmerited favor) be granted to you and spiritual peace (the peace of Christ's kingdom) from Him, Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, and from the seven Spirits [the sevenfold Holy Spirit] before His throne. And from Jesus Christ the faithful and trustworthy Witness, the Firstborn of the dead ( He was the first of many brethren) [first to be brought back to life] and the Prince (Ruler) of the kings of the earth. To Him Who ever loves us and has once [for all] loosed and freed us from our sins by His own blood. And He formed us into a kingdom (a royal race), priests to His God and Father – to Him be the glory and the power and the majesty and the dominion throughout the ages and forever and ever. Amen (so be it)." Hallelujah.

So here we are, we are beginning to realize now, all of these seven churches seem to be in a line. Everyone of these seven churches were in cities. Like the church of Ephesus, the church of Smyrna, the church of Sardis, all of the different churches they were in a city. And in each one of those cities there were things going on that were not right in the eyes of God. And every one of those names had a meaning to it, and that we want to address. These churches names promoted an attitude that must come out of the body of Christ.

Ephesus means "permissiveness" and "desirable," and if ever there was a permissiveness day it is now. The attitude of permissiveness in that Ephesus place (the religious order of that day) is clearly seen as we begin to look at the meaning of this name. Like the Ephesus church, the man of this day too, wants his own way. His desires and permissiveness is saying, "I want God, but I want Him on my terms." He is willing to compromise truth to have his way. The Ephesus nature is easily seen today in the church system. The church desires things and they are looking for acceptance.

That attitude of permissiveness is in the church today. The church desires "things", like being the biggest church in the city, or our building is the most beautiful.

It is the attitude of desiring things, permissiveness, compromising or allowing things to be hidden, producing fantasies in the mind. That realm of desire is an open door to the psychic realm, wishing to be something that you are not, letting those things control and consume your time and thinking.

In the city of Ephesus they had a great temple erected there to the goddess called Diana. She was Artemis of the Greeks – the fertility deity. The people built her a temple which was one of the seven wonders of the world. This immense temple was constructed over a swampy ground called a slime pit. Do you think that was an accident? No, it was said that people believed that the python evolved out of the slime and decomposition that was left on the earth in Noah's day. Out of all of this, the people believed that the spirit of divination would come from that python nature and take control to tell them of psychic fantasies that they wish to believe.

Greek mythology says that the god Apollo fought the python, the spirit of divination, in the heavenlies, and when he did, divination entered into him, and he became controlled by the psychic. This is like ESP or knowing things before they happen. He thought divination was part of the equipment of making him a god. Apollo was thought to be the god of light, the god of music, the god of youth. He was considered Nimrod of (Genesis 10:8 and 9) reincarnated. These are the three disciplines that satan seems to use to control the mind of man.

Let us consider Acts 16:16 – during Paul's ministry we see this dragon/serpent/python revealed in the Greek mythology exposed in his Marrs Hill encounter. Part of the Greek mythology was the oracle of delphi. It was the seed of divination that operated in the arts of soothsaying. The damsel in Acts 16:16 was possessed by a spirit of divination. The word for divination in the "Greek" is python. In the natural, as well as in the spirit realm, the characteristics of the python controls his victim by wrapping himself around him so tightly that there is no room for escape. The victim is controlled, then crushed to death. In the spirit, the python is allowed to attack its victim when deep hurt, emotional stress, hurts the mind of a person so badly, they say physiologically to themselves, "nobody is ever going to hurt me, this way again." This is the cue to the python, and he begins to take over and separate a person from family and friends so that they become non-committal.

In that python nature that overtook Apollo, he made a celebration of what had happened. He had slain the python and they called the celebration the pythian games. Apollo made amends to Mother Earth because he had killed her snake and violated her sacred place. He started annual pythian games. In the pythian games, that divination spirit was loosed upon the people. They celebrated it in song. Every man wanted to be something that he was not. It worked in the realm of fantasy and out of that came the opera, the drama, and the theater. The music was a controlling force, speaking to the mind. We see satan using it again against our young people and their minds in the rock and rap music. What is satan seeking to do? He wants to produce his image in this earth. If he can change the facts of the attitude of love and pull you into the realm of his seduction, his beguilement, and his bewitchment, he will control the mind. He wants to change the frequency of God's love to hate, selfishness, and jealousy. Man living by his "baser emotions".

Apollo told his worshiper to look first in their own hearts to find the beginning of wisdom. You see, the lie he sold the people was humanism. They would think that completeness or perfection lay within themselves as a natural ability. The mind of man would be so trained and so intellectual, that all wisdom would be in that natural human kind of thinking. As the generations have come and gone, that humanistic concept is now the control in our educational systems. That concept is a mixture, like a bowl of spaghetti, you cannot see where one noodle quits and another begins. I was surprised that my grandson knew the names of the mythological gods. He learned them in school. They are used as tools to teach this mythology so that when it comes time to make a choice to believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the only true God, that their young minds would be so confused and so warped, that they would make wrong decisions.

I have a friend whose daughter teaches in New York. She has a professorship in one of the colleges. She was a precious, little, sweet girl from Tennessee, but when the school system got through with her, she told her mother that it was weakness to believe in God and to think that she had to worship a higher power. She no longer needed that because she had an intellect and a capability. The humanistic views just wipe away God's creation, His Divine Word, until the mind becomes so bruised with that power that it can only produce death within the intellect. All it can do is to bring man to the power and control of death.

Getting back to Ephesus, and the people of Ephesus who worshiped the goddess Diana, they thought that if they went to the temple of Diana they could have a relationship with the temple prostitutes and produce a god. That was the lie satan sold them. And so out of all of that promiscuity the people were caught up in that free love and the uncleanness and the soul ties that it presented to them. According to First Corinthians Chapter six, verses 6 and 20, every time a man plants his seed in a woman outside of wedlock, they come together, they become one. The demons in her cohabit with the demons in him and the consummation of this act can produce a child that is illegitimate. It comes under the curse of the outcast, and not allowed in the congregation of the righteous for ten generations (Deut. 23:2). This was the curse that came from breaking God's law.

In our day, we have made a law that allows these children to be aborted. This has a psychological effect on the woman who agrees for her seed to be murdered. Mother love is being destroyed. A mother's ability to love is being removed every time a murder takes place. We can begin to see what satan is doing to the pot of humanity by destroying our natural, God given ability to love. Our families are being bruised in the development of their grown up emotions, and out of ignorance, this can take place because the people just do not know any better. They do not know God's Word. Their emotions are so covered over with the lower nature desire, they want to believe anything they do is alright.

When God's laws are broken, we will reap what we have sown. And so, the soul tie of the death realm is a powerful tool that satan is using to fill the pot of humanity with uncleanness and lust. They take no responsibility to do what is right in God's eyes. So with illegitimacy, we now see the spirit of rebellion.

You can see why satan wants this cohabiting sort to be everywhere because the quicker the pot of humanity is full of the death of that kind of uncleanness and man lives by the dictates of his baser emotions, satan thinks he has won.

So this Ephesus, desirable and permissiveness, has power over the mind of man, and this must come out of the true body of Christ (overcomer). In this Ephesus city, this permissiveness, (Acts 19) is where the evil spirit leaped on the seven sons of Sceva and stripped them naked.

This is where they brought the handkerchiefs and the towels that touched Paul's body, and the diseases left the people, and the evil spirits came out of them. God did unusual and extraordinary miracles at Paul's hand.

Now in Acts 19:1: "While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul went through the upper inland districts and came down to Ephesus. There he found some disciples." In Ephesus there was a man named Demetrius, 24th verse. "He was a silversmith, who made silver shrines of [the goddess] Artemis [Diana], brought no small income to his craftsmen.

These he called together, along with the workmen of similar trades, and said, Men, you are acquainted with the facts and understand that from this business we derive our wealth and livelihood. Now you notice and hear that not only at Ephesus but almost all over [the providence of] Asia this Paul has persuaded and induced people to believe his teaching and has alienated a considerable company of them, saying that gods that are made with human hands are not really gods at all.

Now there is danger not merely that this trade of ours may be discredited, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may come into disrepute and count for nothing, and that her glorious magnificence may be degraded and fall into contempt – she whom all [the province of] Asia and the wide world worship.

As they listened to this, they were filled with rage and they continued to shout, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! Then the city was filled with confusion; and they rushed together into the amphitheater, dragging along with them Gaius and Aristarchus. Macedonians who were fellow travelers with Paul. And Paul wished to go in among the crowd, but the disciples would not permit him to do it. Even some of the Asiarchs (political or religious officials in Asia) who were his friends also sent to him and warned him not to risk venturing into the theater.

Now some shouted one thing and some another, for the gathering was in a tumult and most of them did not know why they had come together. Some of the crowd called upon Alexander [to speak], since the Jews had pushed and urged him forward. And Alexander motioned with his hand, wishing to make a defense and [planning] to apologize to the people. But as soon as they saw him and recognized that he was a jew, a shout went up from them as the voice of one man, as for about two hours they cried, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! And when the town clerk had calmed the crowd down, he said, Men of Ephesus, what man is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is guardian of the temple of the great Artemis and of the sacred stone [image of her] that fell from the sky? Seeing then that these things cannot be denied, you ought to be quiet (keep yourselves in check) and do nothing rashly. For you have brought these men here, who are [guilty of] neither temple robberies nor blasphemous speech about our goddess. Now then, if Demetrius and his fellow tradesmen who are with him have a grievance against anyone, the courts are open and proconsuls are [available]; let them bring charges against one another [legally]. But if you require anything further about this or about other matters, it must be decided and cleared up in the regular assembly."

We see all this was taking place there in Ephesus. So the gods and goddesses were molded and shaped so that every man could have his own personal god. And let us say again, in Nimrod's day they called him the dragon. Nimrod was the dragon slayer. In Apollos' day he was the one that killed the big serpent and they deified him, remember Apollo was the god of music, he was the god of light, and he was the god of youth. So they were worshiping him after he killed the dragon and they wanted to deify him. Of course, every generation had a name for the satanic power that would come to take over. They call it mythology in Greece and they had the gods and the goddesses that they deified and worshiped, and of course, were false and not right.

The python, if we remember, the serpent, when we go back to the children of Israel in the wilderness and the serpents bit them. Remember, the Lord told Moses to make the pole and put the brass serpent on the pole, and they called it a "brazen trifle." It was just a trifle – a little thing, but when the people looked on it, if they were bitten by the serpents that were there, they were healed. Now that just did not disappear. Down through the generations, they deified the serpent on the pole because it had such power to heal them, and God gave it at that time. It was a one time thing, but they deified it. They called it the "Nehushtan," and they built a temple to it. This temple we find when we get to the Pergamos church (Pergamos means "married with the world") and it had a temple there to the "Aesculapius." The Aesculapius is the serpent again that they deified, and they were to go in there and look upon that serpent and be healed. So all of these things were taking place.

Back to Ephesus. The attitude of permissiveness is in the church. It is the attitude of desiring things and permissiveness, compromising or allowing things to be hidden, producing fantasies in the mind, that the realm of desire is an open door to the physic realm. Let us say again, people are wishing to be something that they are not. Letting those things control and consume your time. This is what happened when Apollos killed the serpent over the pit. They called it the "Oracle of Delphi." You could go to that pit and there was witchcraft powers coming from it. They would ask it questions and they would get their answers, and this was the way all that witchcraft began. This little girl of Delphi was set there to watch over all of what was done.

The city of Ephesus, in the New Testament days, was where the temple of Diana was operated under witchcraft powers, divinations, to control the people. When they built that temple over that swampy area, they were wanting the spirit of divination (that's what the python did – hypnotized, divination – the controller). He bound man and kept him from releasing his own personality in the spirit. I have seen that spirit under heavy anointing, and he wraps around his victims. He comes when you have been hurt or wounded sorely, had your feelings hurt and your heart broken. That is his cue to come and wrap around you. You make the decision that nobody is going to hurt me this way again, and that's his cue, and over and over again as hurts appear, until you become non-committal. (We are saying this again to re-enforce it to you.) We see these people all the time. They cannot open their arms and raise their hands freely and worship the Lord. They sit with their arms folded. They cannot enter into a conversation. They cannot talk in front of people. There is a python in place. It is genetic – down through the bloodline, they do not know it is there, and that python is guarding his property. He does not want that person to be free to worship before the Lord. So great divination was attached to this.

What was happening? Satan does not want your personality and my personality developed. He knows if he can limit us to stay in fear and lack of trust, and not want to grow up, you know, kid ideas and kid decisions, then he can come and control. The more we allow ourselves to be bated in those areas, the more we refuse to deal with ourselves because we are afraid, or because we do not want to know. Some folks want to run and hide. They do not want to grow up. Because of this, that spirit is allowed. I have seen him and I've seen him go, I mean over many, many people. He guards his property, and he leaves when you command him, in Jesus' name. I tell you, the name of Jesus makes him flee.

Remember, these are the three disciplines that satan uses to control the mind of man, as Apollo, was the god of youth, light, and music. Have you ever noticed that you will hear a song and it will get in your mind, and you will sing it over and over again? You see, satan knows that our mind is impressed easily with music and the sounds of music. Remember, someone said that "music soothes the savage beast." The subliminal technique came in and was back-masked to the rock music. They also placed awful words in there so that our children's ears were exposed, and their minds pounded with these vibrations. It is in the beat. It is in the sound of the words, and it is a degrading, horrifying, corruption that brings destruction to the mind and heart to the person that gives himself to it. And the rap music is the same. The rap music is repeated over and over again until the mind accepts what they are hearing.

The music was a controlling force speaking to the mind, and we see satan using it again against our young people and their minds in the rock music. What is satan seeking to produce? He wants to produce his image in this earth! If he can change the facts of the attitude of love, and pull you into the realm of his seduction, his beguilement, and his bewitchment, he will control the mind. He wants to change the frequency of God's love to hate, selfishness, and jealousy. The humanistic views just wipe away God's creation, His divine word, until the mind becomes so bruised with that power, that it can only produce death within the intellect. All it can do is to bring man to the power and control of death.

Abortion is a part of satan's strategy. It has a 10 generation curse that removes the person from the congregation of righteousness. In Deuteronomy 23:2, as the Lord said, "that they would be cursed and would not be allowed in the congregation of the Lord for 10 generations." That is 400 years, as 40 years is a generation in the Bible. What can do this? Do you think that the enemy is playing games? Oh, no. Just because you can sit in a place of passivity and permissiveness, the enemy is not going to leave you alone. This curse produces the outcast, the wanderer, and the vagabond. It is reproduced in the bloodline. If the mother and father practice illegitimacy, their children most likely will do the same. Abortion may remove the seed of illegitimacy, but it will not break the curse. It will add another curse – the curse of murder. It will reprobate the mind of mother's love. Mother's love reaches the highest heaven and the lowest hell, but if destroyed, satan can produce a beast like Ecclesiastes 3:18 says, "that man without God is but a beast." God is love. We must come out of this blindness of death and the things that death comprises.

We cannot live in the power of death and experience the glory of true life that is hid with Christ in God. It is the glory of resurrection. You died and your real new life is hid in Christ in God. Jesus annulled death on our behalf, and His death has given us power and dominion over it. II Timothy 1:10 "[It is that purpose and grace] which He now has made known and has fully disclosed and made real [to us] through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, Who annulled death and made it of no effect, and brought life and immortality (immunity from eternal death) to light through the gospel."

When satan controls the mind of man, he bruises man's ability to think correctly. Satan wants to deceive, kill, rob and take you over, and make you think that to try to equip your carnal mind to know the glory and the power of the anointing of the Holy Ghost, and the word that is spoken out of the mouth of God, is folly. Those kind of thoughts will only put Satan, that deceiver, in control of your mind. You will wonder why you cannot pray effectively, why you do not feel the presence of God and why you cannot intercede. It is because the power of divination to which you have given yourself unknowingly, is in control. Every time you enter into satan's kingdom, he is going to exact from you according to his plan. He will not let you escape. But in the mighty name of Jesus, you cast him out and he has to obey. That is the Great Commission's command -- to "cast out."

Ephesus was a mixture. They practiced divination. They worshiped the goddess Diana. The spirit exposing it was fertility. People came to that temple to have intercourse with the nimps and the homosexuals that were there, thinking that they could produce a god in their own being. How could the mind of man be so bombarded and beguiled and bewitched to think that he could produce his own god? It was because his flesh thought that might be fun. He did not know the difference between the precious and the vile. It was that old spirit of python evolving out of that swampy land that made the goddess Diana so promiscuous in her idolatry, that she could control the minds of her paramours. She caused them to believe that through their exchange in her temple and their cohabiting with her ministers, that they could birth a god. It was the controller, that same old spirit statue that was carried off to Rome and accepted by the Catholic church. Diana's name was changed to Madonna, and the baby that she held in her arms, was Jesus. Oh, you say, could that be? I say, oh yes it is. Look at the generations that have come and gone, and every generation always accepted what has happened in its history. We get all teary eyed when we believe those things the enemy tries to rule in our emotions. He wants to control the emotions so that you cannot understand what God intended for you to know. This image of Ephesus has to get out of the body of Christ. This nature has to be exposed and removed – it's divination, it's paganism and it's saying that permissiveness is alright – do what you want to do.

It is hard to say some of these things and realize that this is the truth. BUT GOD WANTS US TO KNOW THE TRUTH. It is so strong! We have looked the other way for so long, and we have not been taught the power of the precious blood of Jesus, and all that it really stands for. A lot of the people's first love, where they worshiped the Lord, they just became passive. We must come back to our first love in Jesus. We must get all of this right. Praise the Lord.

Father, I just pray that as we go through this "journey" Lord, we can retain it. May you bless us Lord. So that we will understand what you are saying, and we will know what must come out of this last day generation man. That we cannot walk in the permissiveness of our subconscious mind or of our conscious mind. We must to go all the way with you Lord and do what is really right. And everybody said, "AMEN!"





Smyrna means myrrh (myrrh means bitterness). It was part of the ingredients used to make the anointing oil, which was measured in equal parts, and this speaks of balance.

Revelation 2:8-11, "And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Smyrna write, These are the words of the First and the Last, Who died and came to life again: [Isa. 44:6.]. I know your affliction and distress and pressing trouble, and your poverty; but you are rich! And how you are abused and reviled and slandered by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of satan. Fear nothing that you are about to suffer. – Dismiss your dread and your fears! Behold, the devil is indeed about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested and proved and critically appraised; and for ten days you will have affliction. Be loyally faithful unto death –[that is,] even if you must die for it – and I will give you the crown of life. [Rev. 3:10, 11.] He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the Spirit says to the assemblies (the churches). He who overcomes (is victorious) shall in no way be injured by the second death."


My dearly beloved, I uncover my word to you and I give you My seasoned truth that you might understand and know that in this darkling day, as the earth trembles, as it groans and travails for what is to come, as this is My day, saith the Lord, I am preparing you, My people, to know the Alpha, the Omega, and all that is in between. For I am raising up My generation, saith the Lord, not a sleeping giant, not a 100 pound weakling, but My own that I have bought with a price, that My redemption has covered, that My word is fulfilled in the midst of it. I speak a word to your heart that the world would be troubled to hear, but you shall understand that you are in the midst of My glory that is being poured out on this earth, saith the Lord.

Mighty, mighty, mighty is the host of the Lord, but greater is He the Lord our God. He is the director of His host. And mighty and majestic are His words in the heart of His own, for the troubled shall be untroubled, and the weak shall be made strong. I will tend you, saith the Lord, so that there is nothing that you shall miss or do without, or cause fear to be bruised in your mind. For what I am giving you, saith the Lord, is my peace. Not as the world has peace, their knowledge of peace, but My peace, saith the Lord, so you are not moved in the storm. You are not down-trodden by the wind. You are not destroyed by the hot blast of the accuser. No, My peace will envelope you and protect you and guard you in the day of trouble, for all shall know that I have picked you out and called you My own from this day forward, saith the Lord.

Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus!

Oh, Father, we gather in Your name, sweet name, and Lord, we come to minister to you. Lord, we ask you to allow the anointing to be one. Let us hear with our ears, understand with our mind, comprehend Lord, this end time message. Let us be prepared for the day that lies ahead. Let us look well unto you Lord. Let us seek the higher ground, the choicest graces, the place that you have prepared Lord. And let us, Oh Lord God, remove the darkling veil of oppression, fleshly bondages, weaknesses that trouble. All of them ripe to disappear because the King of Glory comes in. Yes, Lord God Almighty, come in us. Let that leadership, rulership of the majesty and glory of Your person be felt in us as never before. And let us all, Lord God Almighty, ride the crest of your wave. Lord, let us move out into the preciousness of Your truth and let us not look back, but let us move on Lord. Arise and go take the Kingdom by force. For the Kingdom suffers violence and the violent takes it by force. Yes Lord, we come to seek the Kingdom with its knowledge of peace and joy and love, the established Kingdom within this many membered body. That we are in You Lord, that you are in us. So Lord, open our eyes. Give us that sweet anointing in the ears, and let your wine pour over our mind Lord, so that we are full, we are full of truth. And everybody said AMEN!

Bitterness is surely one of the attitudes that must come out of the body of Christ. If ever there was a day for "bitterness" to be noted, it is today. The church is suffering from the effects of bitterness as never before.

The mind of man has been filled with an embittered attitude. When the church does not get what they want, their anger becomes bitterness, hatred and violence, rejection and self pity. Also, all of this works in this spirit of bitterness. It is a powerful spirit that runs through the genetic bloodline for many generations unless its curse is broken.

According to Gen. 32, God would foster His Son Jesus to the household of that Jacob family down through the genetic corridor. Through that Jacob man, God began the wonder of forgiveness when he had to forgive Esau his brother. He had to obey the Lord and go back into Canaan to take up his birthright. When he wrestled with the angel, and the angel said, turn me loose, and he said "no", I won't turn you loose til you bless me. (I'm just touching on this Scripture to set our understanding.) The word said the angel of the Lord touched him in the hallow of the thigh. The hallow of the thigh is where the blood is manufactured in the bone marrow. God was speaking at the beginning of blood. That forgiveness was going to take place through that genetic hallway, down the corridor of time. God was going to bring about the fulness of forgiveness through His Son Jesus, who would take it to the cross, and render it inoperable so that everyone who would receive Him, and ask for forgiveness, in His name, would be forgiven.

So way back there in God's plan, just like before the foundation of the world, God was setting into place every jot and tittle, "line upon line" and "precept upon precept," so that everything fit. Nothing had loose ends or left out, or was a guessing game. God meant that in that time, when His last day household, (that's us) – "the Sons of God" – the generation of Jesus. Romans 8:14 "all who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God." We are learning the leadership of the Spirit – we are the Sons of God. Psalms 110. Born, out of that womb of the morning and the meaning of the womb of the morning "is the beginning of your understanding." That's where light begins. Out of the womb: the womb is the place of conception. Aha! Something is forming. Something is happening. So out of the womb of the morning and to the Sons of God, He said, "to you will spring forth your young men. They will be as the dew." And everything that the dew is exposed to, the dew covers. See, there is a mystery here, a revelation here that is not just a "buzz word," but there is a hidden mystery of reality that God means for us to comprehend, that in the fullness of time, as God' s plan was unfolding and being walked out. Please know that God kept the light on. He kept the word in place. He never changed His mind.

I always get blessed in the book of Daniel, Chapter two, when it said that this great hand just tore that rock out of the mountain. It was not a human hand. It just came out of the mountain. You know we cannot form; we cannot make, (in other words) we cannot add to God's Word and we cannot take away from it. We must have it like it is. When that rock was torn out of the mountain, (that was not touched by man's hand) it was by the hand of God! In Ex. 20:25, when they set up those stones to make an alter, they took stones that weren't hewn stones, and they were placed there in order to lay the wood on for the sacrifice for the "burnt offering," because God was going to consume it. It was a whole burnt offering, offered night and morning, and it was laid on those rocks that no man's chisel had touched. You could not make it so the fire would burn brighter or be easier or have the right kind of fuel to make the smoke rise. God meant that man would not touch what He was about to do. Man could not put his seal on it and say, "I did it Lord, now flow into it." God intended for His Word to come forth in it's completeness, just as He spoke it, so that it would be allowed to do all that He sent it to do.

When the sin was to be washed away, only the perfect blood of Jesus Christ could take that sin away and Jesus sprinkled His blood on the covenant ark of Heaven, making God's plan complete. Only the blood of Jesus was equipped, so holy, and so pure, to finish that work that God intended. So way back there when Jacob just thought he was going back to Canaan, and dreading to see his brother Esau, thinking in the natural realm, and all that goes with the natural. But, in the glory of God's Word, he was walking out God's plan that was far beyond the reach of change or humankind of understanding. He was wrestling for forgiveness to be in place at the beginning of blood. God would begin that forgiveness work. Generation after generation after generation, the cup of humanity was full of death. The powers of death brought struggle after struggle. Kings came and kings died. Many things took place because of man's rebellion against God's Word. Man refused to do it God's way. He wanted to add to it. He wanted it his own way. He wanted to pat himself on the back. He wanted to build himself up to be something that he was not, and God was not about to let that happen.

All down through the ages, this book of Revelation has been covered over with a veil, not ready yet to be revealed, and man has tried and tried and tried to uncover it. He has equated it in the natural. He said, "this is this king and this is that king and this is the anti-christ; this is the place this is happening". He has tried to figure it out and figure it out, and he comes to the end, and he still knows nothing, because God was not ready to begin to unfold and unveil to the man of this hour until man was ready to contain it.

Deliverance - we must be washed out. We must get ready to be holy before the Lord, get this garbage out of us, call it what it is, and command it to go. We must break the curse that allowed it to be there, back in our generation man. There are things that have happened to us, that we have no knowledge of, being in our genetic corridor. Through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and the mighty grace of God's mercy, He is beginning to unfold to us, "line upon line," and "precept upon precept."

In the vision of Chapter 1 of Revelation, John said, "I saw Jesus standing in the midst of the seven lampstands. I saw "us" there; us there!, the sons of the resurrection, born anew,(I Pet 1:3-4) life out of death, born of the Spirit, born to live forever, born with eternal life in the realm of eternal life, the eternity of eternities. And Jesus said it. "I'm living in the eternity of the eternities." That's where we are. We were born of the kingdom of God. We were born of the Spirit. We were born and completed in that birthing process to mature and grow and take our place in the glory of God's household family to know the truth, to become the truth, to pour out the truth, to a lost and dying world.

I tell you in this last day, God is raising a generation with the quality of life that will set creation free. You and I will speak a word, and the power of God will go forth out of our mouth like a two-edged sword, and it will divide and separate and part asunder, and the demons will flee, as they are cast out. The children of God will arise, and they will recount the glories and the praises of the Lord, and their life will be changed. The vision of God will be before them, and they shall see into that realm of eternity where God has ordained and made ready His kingdom, hallelujah, His priests and kings to take their place in Him, at last, and to rule and reign with Him.

WORD OF THE LORD "For dearly beloved, I brought together in this end time day and I have scheduled your mind and heart to comprehend the words that I am speaking. For yea, there was a day when your ears could not hear it, and there was a day when your mouth could not speak it, and there was a day when you gambled on the hillsides like calves let out of the stall, running here and running there with no direction and no purpose. But I declare unto you that I, the Lord your God, have called you out. I have set you in My peace that you might come to do My will, that you might know the truth, and that you might rise upon the obscurity of this death realm, and that you might follow after Me and be the light of life blazing in this earth, in this end time day. For I cause you to know that when I have called you, I also qualify you, and when I qualify you, I put My Word, the nature of My Word, the fullness of My Word, and all of My revelation power within your being. As you seek after Me, and as you long for the truth, I, the Lord your God, will uncover to your mind and heart, the things that you need to know, to separate you at last from the world and the power of this death realm, for when I spoke to you, to give you life, I meant for you to live a life – eternal life – in the eternity of eternities in My forever, saith the Lord, that I have foreordained before the foundation of the world to place you in covenant with Me so that in the fullness of My time, in the day of My provision you will do exploits in My name and it will be the most normal expectation of your breath and life that you have, because you have passed the test, and you have separated yourself from the death realm at last. You have been born again out of the reach of decay, out of the reach of all that belongs and is comprised in the death realm, I have placed within you a life understanding and when you begin to uncover the light of that life, you will see and know and understand that it is I, the Lord God, that have chosen you out of death, to know that life – eternal life – is yours forever, saith the Lord." HALLELUJAH!

I Peter 1:2-5 "Who were chosen and foreknown by God the Father and consecrated (sanctified, made holy) by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and to be sprinkled with [His] blood: May grace (spiritual blessing) and peace be given you in increasing abundance [that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ, freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts]. Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)! By His boundless mercy, we have been born again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, [Born anew] into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay [imperishable], unsullied and unfading, reserved in heaven for you, Who are being guarded (garrisoned) by God's power through [your] faith [till you fully inherit that final] salvation that is ready to be revealed [for you] in the last time."

To the angel of the church of Smyrna, the Lord spoke of their poverty and suffering. During the dispensational view of Smyrna at this time, there was great persecution of the Church. Millions of Christians were being killed and martyred, solely for their faith. The Lord speaks to them to not be afraid of what they are about to suffer, and the devil would put some in prison. But He said, "Be faithful." Because of their faithfulness to God, God considered them rich. When man is faithful to God, there is nothing that can be withheld from him.

Smyrna was an inland seaport about 50 miles north of Ephesus, and during the Roman times, it became bigger than Ephesus. They were sometimes called the "first City of Asia." It was widely celebrated for its wide paved streets and schools of medicine and science. It is not mentioned much elsewhere in scripture, but based on this letter, it was severely persecuted and suffered for its faith. We must note that this persecution of the church received no condemnation from the Lord, but He gave them commendations and encouragement. They were prosperous in the natural, but spiritually, full of bitterness, and it would deprive them of the crown of life.

"Fear not that you are about to suffer. Dismiss your dread and fears. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison that you may be tested and proved and critically appraised." For the most part, everyone reads that part fast because no one wants to go through a test or trial or be persecuted. The Lord said for ten days, you would have affliction. Ten is the number of responsibility. It is as if the Lord is saying, when you learn the responsibility of faith, I will give you the "crown of life." The crown is placed on the king's head. It means he has respect. He is the highest authority. What he decrees cannot be changed. He is all powerful in the natural. Bitterness can have no part in this kingly state, nor any of the demonic spirits that come through bitterness' open door. The devil seeks to destroy, to usurp man's authority. He lies in wait and looks for every opportunity to keep you from wearing the crown of life. As long as you do not know how to live in life, he can bombard you with demonic powers, anything to keep you from being all that you can be for the Lord Jesus. The spirit of bitterness comes down through the genetic corridor, from generation to generation. People's lives have been ruined and wasted because they did not know the truth. When the mind feeds on bitterness, the good things of God's love, the truth in His Word, are compromised, done away with in many cases. The mind is ruled by what is in it. So bitterness must come out of the body of Christ, and the mind be set free through the work of deliverance, and be filled with the love of Jesus.

Some historians have tried to say that the ten days of tribulation represent a prophetic message for the church age, like ten literal periods of suffering from ten different Roman rulers. But I believe, by the spirit and in the spirit, we must understand spiritually, tribulation and even death, and the avenue that has been allowed by the tribulation effect.

In this last day body of Christ, bitterness must be dealt with and cast out in the mighty NAME OF JESUS.





The name means: "pere," "gamio" and "cosmos" in Greek. Gamio means "marriage" and cosmos means "world." So the word Pergamos or Pergamum means "married with the world." It says to me, great compromise, co-existence. It says to me, that the people had the knowledge of the Lord, but they were so compromised with the world, they were married to the world.

We look about us today. We see this as an attitude in Christianity, in the church today, in the people who believe today. We see that there is a great famine for God's Word, for the reality of truth. We see there are many things being exposed that are not the Holy Spirit teaching, and it is not the fullness of God's Word.

We find that people are being pulled away into doctrines of demons – (I just say it like it is). False prophecies, false prophets, going about the land telling people with itching ears what they want to hear and who they think they are in the Kingdom. Self appointed prophets, some people calling themselves Apostles. They are great label pickers today, and everywhere it seems we look, we find this is the case. So we are saying, "Oh, Lord God Almighty, what must we do in this last hour?" And the Lord says, "The only way we are going to turn this around, is to teach the people out of it." So we say, "Lord, we want to hear and understand Your Word."

Being married with the world, Verse 12, "These are the words of Him Who has and wields the sharp two-edged sword." The sword is the Word, double-edged sword. It causes you to deal with yourself. It is going to part asunder those things that are not to remain. There are some fleshly things that have gone on in our lives that are going to have to be addressed. You can no longer move on into the revelation knowledge of God and carry with you the doubt and unbelief, selfish, jealously, lack of knowledge, just pure ignorance and foolishness, and the spirit of confusion. No longer can you sit in the congregation and listen to things that tickle your ears and leave you starving, and your heart broken, the way you came in, the hurt and the pain not removed is the way many go out.

Word of the Lord -- For the Lord your God set His Word in motion to turn this situation around that a people would come out of death into life, that people will learn how to live by the spirit of the living God, and they will stand in the authority and dominion of His Word, and they will speak the truth. They will believe the truth. They will trust the truth and they will see the truth revealed in and through and to them, for the Lord declares that His Word never fails. And your light will never go out, for yea, there is a dimly lit wick of light among us. So many times we scarcely can see through the haze or the darkness or the shadows. The Lord has given us eyes that can penetrate, eyes that can see.

Light is a provision that the eyes work through. The Lord has given us light, and in every dimension of light, the light is always the same. Light will always dispel darkness."

"As we, the children of light, come in to the truth and we begin to see with our spiritual eyes, the truth that God has decreed unto us in this last day, we will not go lacking. We will not fall short of His glory. We will not be cast aside. We will not fall down under the weight of the world and the hurts and the pains of the things that satan has thrown against us. For yea, (the Lord says) out of this death realm, I have called the fullness of life and when I birthed you, by the spirit, saith the Lord, I birthed you to live forever. When I gave within the midst of you light, wisdom light, understanding light, glory light, knowing. I, the Lord your God, intended for you to stay that way. To be enhanced and to grow brighter and brighter as you follow after the things of My Word, and allow Me to teach you what you need to understand. For there is no problem too big. There is no pit too dark, that I the Lord your God has allowed, to teach you. I have prepared you as light, that when you enter, you will cause it to diminish and to flee away."

"Oh, children of Mine", saith the Lord, children of Mine, bestir yourself and know that what has been darkness in your life in the past, I will shed My light upon it. The things that I have allowed to do you good, I will cause your understanding to know that I allowed this for your growth, for you to be grown in the splendor of wisdom and knowledge, for you not to be cramped or dwarfed because of lack of knowledge or lack of understanding. For I, the Lord God, have equipped you in all of these areas that, as you seek after Me, as you yearn for Me as your vital necessity, I, the Lord your God, will teach you. No more shall the world look at the church and say, Pergamos, married with the world. For yea, I have called you out to bring you in. I have made you the true Ecclesia, (the called out ones, the Church.) You are My Church, My dwelling place, saith the Lord, and I live within you and I will cause you to be such a light in this earthly order, that the people will come to hear what I say because I will speak through you, saith the Lord."

"So much is to be accomplished in each of us. Much has to be understood, for we have accepted the ways of our forefathers. We have done the things that were carried down from generation to generation. We did not ask why, we just did them because everybody did them. But this is an hour, the day, the moment of the Lord when change must take place. You can no longer be full of apathy, you can no longer compromise the standards of God's Word. You can no longer sit by the wayside and let somebody spoon feed you, for the Lord wants to teach you Himself. He wants you to understand that He is revealing revelation, revealed revelation into your being that will cause you to be strong and steadfast in this last day. For yea, as the Lord doth come and as all of these things are soon to take place, many things are way beyond our understanding or our ability even to comprehend. Things are about to take place, and the Lord is making His body ready to contain, to receive, and to pour out for the people that are lost and dying. For many screams will go up and many cries for help, and people will be running to and fro and there will be great calamity everywhere."

"I put My steadiness within you, saith the Lord, so that you will not be moved by what you see or what you hear. For you will know My voice, and I will carry you through every step. I will take you every place you need to go and I will cause men's ears to be pricked as I speak through you, saith the Lord. For this is the hour that this change, this millennial day, the glory of this generation day when I come quickly this day, when I turn this earthly order into a heavenly glory. Oh, dearly beloved, as you are gathered together unto Me, I the Lord God, am revealing to you My supernatural glory, that you might come away, that you might be in Me, as I am in you, and that you might know that I protect what is mine. I keep you safe from the wiles of this earth, and I cause you to be kept in the harmony of My perfect peace."

"Like a beautiful melody that is sung, that fits together, and the notes are played and it is a happy, rejoicing song, I, the Lord your God, am going to make you like My song, like My melody. I am going to make you in that rest and wonderful place where I have prepared you, that everything fits together. You will understand. You will also know and you also will have it revealed to you. You will pour out as I, the Lord your God, gives it to you, like a great and a mighty song, My Word will fill this earth as the water covers the sea," saith the Lord. For you are Mine and I delight in you, saith the Lord." AMEN!

Continuing in Verse 13, "Then to the angel (messenger) of the assembly the church of Pergamos, I know where you live – a place where satan sits enthroned. [Yet] you are clinging to and holding fast My name, and you did not deny My faith, even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed (martyred) in your midst – where satan dwells."

Now, in the research for Pergamos, in the city of Pergamum, there was a big temple. They called it the "Aesculopius", meaning, "medically," pertaining to the healing art. It was the temple of satan. It was the temple of the serpent. The people went there to that temple, to get their healing. It was a counterfeit, and it was not from the Lord. It was great idolatry. I believe it came down from the time when the children of Israel were bitten by the serpents, and God told Moses to make the brazen serpent and put it on the rod. When the people looked at it, they were healed. They called it "the Nehushtan", a little trifle brazen thing, it meant. I believe that, as the generations came and went, they had built a high place to it and they went up regularly and worshiped there. Remember, it was in Hezekiah's day that he pulled down the Nehushtan. Of course, when the enemy comes in, he makes his own plans. They have their own ways of worship. They interpret what they want. They put idolatry in there and the people do it. They do not know the difference because they have not met Jesus.

So in that day, the Lord was speaking of these seven churches. He was revealing to John the Revelator, on the Isle of Patmos, what was soon to take place, so that in the fulness of time, generations would come and go. He covered this revelation book over so that men would not adulterate it and interpret it to suit themselves, and make out of it, whatever pleased their flesh.

God has kept it hidden. It has been a mystery. Men have tried and tried and tried to unravel it, only to find themselves at loose ends every time, because God was not ready to unfold it. But here we are today, and here we are at a point and time when this vessel, the container of God, is full of death and all that goes with death. People live to die more than they live to live. This flesh man is in a compromise place. They live according to their feelings and their desires, their wishes, their longings, and not according to what the Word has said. But the Lord is saying, "Come out from among them and be separate." And the Lord is saying, "Do My Word." And we are saying, Lord we do not know enough of Your Word to do it. That has been the condition of much of the church system today. Not discrediting them, it is just time for all of that to stop and the glory of God to come in the children of God, the body of Jesus Christ, to stand in the fulness of His glory and to set creation free.

That is what the Deliverers are called to do. They are to set creation free, and creation is bound up in the frustration of death. It is just like it says in the 8th Chapter of Romans, that all the earth is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Most of the church are not acting like sons, hardly like God's family, most of the time. If God fits in, that is fine. If He doesn't, we will call on You if we need You, Lord. That is sort of an attitude we see. But we are going to be like Him. We are going to do His Word and we are going to be Deliverers, and see the generations set free. The Lord is calling out. We are peculiar to the world. I had a man tell me, "you took my mama off and you went down to Florida to minister with that funny way that you believe." Then he said, "I just couldn't understand why mama went with you." At first I wanted to get my feelings hurt. Then I thought this kid does not know. He did not understand, but his mama did, and we had a glorious time.

This Pergamos attitude, that "the people are married with the world," have their rituals, their sayings, and they observe certain times, and they do all of this in the name of the Lord. You know God is not in that. You know, God is not in Easter. He is in the Passover. Easter means "the Asherah," and that was one of the idolatrous gods that they worshiped in that day. The Asherah, Artemis, Molech, Chemosh, and Nisroch, they had so many of those gods. Every generation seemed to follow the previous one. But, it was just the same old Nimrod, the same old satan. He just took on a different look. He took a little different kind of name, but his idea was to seduce and deceive and beguile the people, and cause them to fall short of God's glory.

There, they were given all the promises of Canaan in that promised land, and they settled for compromise. They lived with those Canaanite people and they made covenants with them. They married them, and so, the more they inner-married (and the Lord sharply told them in Deuteronomy Chapter 7 they were not to marry into the peoples of that land, because He knew what would happen in the bloodline, as generations would come and go), all that idolatry and the longing for idolatry would come right down the genetic corridor of a man's genetic inheritance. God knew if they inner-married, they would take all of their idolatry sins into their life. Remember when Ezra, the prophet, came and he looked at the children of Israel, and he said, "Oh, no."(Ezra 9) The Word says he pulled out his beard and ripped his clothes, put on sack cloths and ashes, because they had inner-married. He said, even the Levitical priesthood was full of that Canaanite look. Little kids running around that did not have that good Jewish look. They had that mixture, and it has been because of that mixture, down through the generations, that man has fallen short from God.

Somewhere back in our genetic corridor, there have been ancestors that have loved Jesus, and they have sought after the Lord. Because of that, we have come close. Our heart has been pricked and the Holy Spirit has drawn us to the Lord. We find that this is where the cup of humanity is full, and we began to see the things that are there. We are going to have to begin to separate the precious from the vile. That is what Jesus did when He shed His perfect blood. He washed away our sins, everything that we did. But, all those genetic curses and those weaknesses and sins that were there from the forefathers, we had to deal with ourselves. So He gave us the Great Commission, and in the Name of Jesus, we cast out those demons, (in the Greek language, the word "cast" means To even Vomit Violently). We command the sickness and disease to leave us, in the Name of Jesus – that is the Great Commission.

So here we are in this day, and we are looking at the mystery word of the revelation of God, uncovering this last day, these seven churches. All of them on a road, you could go from one to the other, maybe 50 to 100 miles apart. Every one of them standing tall in the cities where they were built. But as a man's character and his nature was, so were they. There were different things in them that were not right. As the Lord begins to unfold His Truth in our lives, we begin to see we are the true Ecclesia. We are the called out ones. We are the Church of Jesus Christ, and there have been attitudes in our bloodline that has caused us to die more than to live. That has caused us to be full of sickness and disease and all kinds of worries and traumas and mind breaking experiences. The Lord wants us to know that WE HAVE AUTHORITY IN HIS NAME.

So, just as each one of those cities had an attitude, and they were a great mixture, some of them had great abilities to create. They found out they could dye wool. The first one, I think, was Sardis that dyed the wool and made colors. Then, I think that it was Laodicea that had the salve that they made that helped people's eyes, and was a healing salve, and it just amazed me that all of the things that were there. We look at ourselves and we begin to see the weaknesses and the tendencies, as well as the strengths and the blessings. We find sometime that our faith is very weak and we are lacking in trust. We have to search for it because we have been so brainwashed with death more than with life. So the Lord, in His great and mighty wisdom, is uncovering, and He is showing us attitudes. He is showing us the weaknesses, the underdeveloped personality in every one of us, where we have missed the mark. So He is uncovering these seven churches as He revealed Jesus. Remember the book started out, it says this is the unveiling of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Then it went on to talk about the sevenfold Holy Spirit nature that Isaiah 11 talks about. In our Spirit man, we hear John, and he said, "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day." He said, "I was rapted in His power," (and my antenna went up).

God is grooming this generation. He is calling out of it, a people who will take authority and be disciplined and obey His Word, who will look neither to the right or the left, but stand for what the Word declares and not be moved by what they feel or what they see. The Word of God is alive. It is powerful and it never fails when you decree and stand on it. Beloved, it is so. It works. Then you understand it and you determine to stand. You are not going to be moved. You are not going to go by how you feel. You are not going to go by what you think. You are going to go by what the Word says, and when it says, "I will never leave you or forsake you," then I am standing there. When it says He will be with us and go all the way, I'm standing there. When He says He is my Healer, I'm standing there.

I have not stopped, praise the Lord, and He is going to take care of everything that concerns me. But little by little they possessed their inheritance. So little by little you and I are possessing our inheritance. We used to just go to church and come out and all we could remember maybe was one of the songs they sang. We would say, "The preacher really preached good today." They would say, "What did he preach on?" "Well, you know, I just cannot quite remember." The enemy would snatch it out of our of mind before we got out of the door.

What I see the Lord doing, and what Deliverance is all about, we cannot be a compromised people. We cannot be one thing to one bunch, and another thing to another bunch. We cannot live in confusion, and we cannot be confusion. I have seen some folks I did not want to be around very long because they were so confused. God is growing us up. Every generation has had the light for their day. Now this is our day, and there is a light for our day. We are the ones charged with getting the captives set free. Some folks think we are funny, but it is the bottom line that counts. Every person that I have seen really delivered, when I see them again, they run to me and hug me because they are different. Deliverance works. God honors His Word. They are changed.

So often we pray for people. While we are praying, we are hoping that it works. While we are praying, we are asking God to please do it this time. We are saying, "Lord, I'm just asking you, do not leave me now. I want you to help this person." But see, our attitude should be, "Thank you Lord that, by Your stripes, we are healed. I pray for this person to have that kind of faith. Touch them, and for them to rise up and be set free and delivered from this infirmity, in the Name of Jesus." WE MUST EXPECT IT! We cannot compromise God's Word. So this "married with the world" attitude has got to be addressed.

Pergamos was the seat of satan. Revelation says it was the seat of the temple of the serpent. How did it become the seat of satan?

Philadelphia and his brother Eumenes encouraged that Babylonian experience when the Medes and the Persians took over Babylon. The deities or the dignitaries of the land all escaped to Pergamos. Of course, they brought all of their idols with them. Every time the enemy is going to come into your territory, he is going to bring all his demonic junk with him. How does he get an entrance into your territory? Well, you get mad and pitch a fit. The devil does in anger what God does in love. Or, you allow that steaming jealousy and bitterness to control you. You see why these things have got to be exposed in us, and we have got to get rid of every demon work in any area of our life so there is nothing there that the enemy can put his finger on. When God sends us out to help somebody, we have the anointing. We get it done. We do not get threatened or beat up, because there is something in us that we did not know was there.

In Romans 6:16, the Word says that whatsoever a man giveth himself to, that is what he becomes a servant of. If people are angry all the time, and they are out of control, they are going to serve that anger, and anger is going to take them over. The end of anger is murder. Anger, death, destruction and of course, it will break your mind. It will cause all kinds of horrible things to take place. When a person realizes that they have a bad temper or a quick temper, they have to deal with that. Well, I spent a lot of time praying about it, but, I did not get anywhere, until I found out that I had authority in the Name of Jesus, and that I could cast this out. It was an evil spirit. It certainly was not the Lord, and when I cast it out, I was amazed. You know, now, when somebody bumps my cup, I hardly ever get upset, and if I do, I get right over it. I try to always repent, and as soon as I can, I get before the Lord, and I take myself through Deliverance. I do not want the enemy to have the right to come in and take over my life or do anything to me like that.

If you serve the things of death, or if you become like that character or nature, then those things have a right to blossom up within the midst of you. The root is planted, and it puts on tentacles and branches. It calls many things into your being. We look at that anger and we find that murder, contention, jealousy, death, all of those things, belong on that root. When it sets out those branches of bitterness, self destruction will even be part of it. When those forces are let loose, and you are out of control, the enemy can come in. He can say, go ahead and kill somebody. You are so out of control, you would literally be lead to do it. They have a word. They call it "temporary insanity". The court system knows that there is a place in the mind of man where man is so out of control in that, that he cannot help what he does. They do not know or understand that it is the demon that takes over, and it is the demon that talks.

One time Olen and I went to this house to pray for these little children. They were retarded, and the mama was having a terrible time. We were ministering in that town, and the people asked us to go there between the services, so we did. I was working with one of the children in the kitchen, and the other child who was very retarded seemed really interested. I had laid my Bible down on the couch, and he wanted to get my Bible and tear it up. Olen picked it up before he could, and that little child looked up at Olen, and this big man's voice came out of the child and said, "We are not going to play any of those foolish games, are we?"

When I got through praying with that other little boy, that little child ran and got between the mattress and the box springs on the bed to get away from me. That demon so drove him. I did not get it out like I wanted to. The parents would not stand, and he needed a lot of help and a lot of teaching. We were amazed at the possession. That demon was in possession of that little boy, and probably, if God did not heal him, he is institutionalized today.

Such a shame, but see, whatsoever you give yourself to, that is what you are the servant of. The daddy and the mama were not where they needed to be with the Lord. There were a lot of demons in them in control that they had inherited. They did not know how to work with it, and it was just a shame. What they produced was those two retarded children. Retardation comes from incest in the bloodline.

When back in the generations, when this had gone on, when I was a little girl, and people that had children like that, hid them in their closets, attics or basements because they did not want people in the community to know that they had produced a child in that condition. People back then believed the Word and they knew what incest would produce. We have come a long way, and we have gotten a long way away from God's Word. The Lord wants us to understand that there is pure and holy living in store for us, and that there is holiness in our vessel where the bloodline bondages have no more claim and no more place in our life. Where the Lord so sets us free from that kind of corruption, we just do not live there anymore. Praise God! We are not "married with the world."

The more you refuse to deal with yourself, or you do not deal with yourself, this does not stop that old sly fox, the devil. He is going to be there, bombarding your being at every opportunity he has to compromise and condemn.

You see, all these churches are like attitudes, characters, or natures that have to come out of the Body of Christ. Remember what the Word says. We have to overcome in each one of these areas. In that overcoming process, we are seeing that God is doing a work. He had a word to say to each one of them. That Word is being revealed. The revelation is to the spirit man. Flesh and blood cannot reveal this to you. It has to be done by the Spirit, and so, as you are in the Spirit and wrapped in His power, the Holy Ghost is teaching you. We are putting on the power of an endless and an indestructible life as we obey the Word of God and allow Him to come forth in the midst of us.

Pergamos was the seat of satan, the temple of Aesclepios. It shows marriage with the world. Marriage produces a union, a coming together. Man thinks that he can have what he wants and still please God. This union is a perverted union. Satan's next effort was to join the world and the church. I can remember when men and women came to the altar and they didn't get up until their need was met. Back in the early days of Pentecost, I can remember that was the way the church acted. It didn't want to look like the world. The church wanted to look like Jesus. They knew they were separate. Some people put names on them, but there was a condition met inside. They belonged to Jesus. Now in this end time, the vision of Jesus is being revealed in this earth. His personality is being revealed. Wrong attitudes must come out of us.

Let's look some more at the seat of satan. The temple of the Aesclepios was the temple of the serpent. You see what is happening? The serpent, like the cobra, now joins forces with the python. In Egypt, all the pharaohs thought they were gods over the people. The pharaoh would wear that crown that had that great big spread cobra serpent on it. The cobra serpent was supposed to be all wisdom. (Again, to further reenforce this to your mind.) The python was supposed to have evolved out of the slime pits over where they built the temple of Diana in that city of Ephesus. It says that the python evolved out of that slime. I was thinking on that today. Back in Noah's day, when the earth was covered with water, and all of that decomposition, and everything was dead, as the water started to subside in certain places, they were left with slime pits of all of that decomposition of all of that death of all of the different animals or whatever was there, people and animals and whatever. All that remained was the molecules and the little atoms in those slime pits. Out of those slime pits, began to crawl out, as time went by, those python serpents. They were tamed, so to speak, because they didn't seem to harm the people. The ladies, when they had a big meal, and it was hot, (they didn't have air-conditioning) they would take the pythons and let them run up and down the table or wherever they wanted to be, and they would pick one up and wrap it around their neck to cool them off while they ate. It was just creepy, but this was the way they did. They liked them because they kept down the rats and the different vermin that would infest their homes.

I have been reading this in some of the background. We begin to understand as we are walking in the spirit, and the Lord is teaching us, we are seeing that python as a spirit. He comes, and through your hurt and pain, he begins to wrap himself around you. Most of the time, when we are little children, and we are hurt, whipped for something we didn't do, we say to ourselves, nobody is going to treat me this way again, and that is our problem, the cue to the python spirit. We do not know how to pray through, and we do not know how to give it to Jesus. The python spirit comes and he wraps himself around you. It seems every time something happens, there he is again, until he has consumed you. We see people controlled by that spirit. They sit in the congregation with their arms folded. They cannot pray out and they cannot shout and sing. They can hardly pay attention to the preacher. They are non-committal. They cannot give and they cannot receive. Their emotions are all bound up. Now, you know the psychiatrist would tell you all kinds of things, but if we talk about the spirit, we will have to talk about spiritual things, and this is what I saw in the spirit, and when I commanded it to go, it did.

Many evil spirits, such as broken heartedness, greed, selfishness, jealousy, anger and all of the things comprised in an under developed personality, are trying to defeat man and make him a part of the "great coverup". When God develops a personality, we are straight as an arrow. We are holy before Him. We know the truth, and we search after the Lord. And so, God is in control.

Pergamos, married with the world, we have power and authority, in the Name of Jesus, that we can recognize when the enemy approaches. I am reminded of that scripture, "that we are in the world but we are not of the world." That attitude of the Pergamos place, where idolatry abounded, was allowed. We have to stop allowing idolatry in our life, paganistic practices and things. You have got to make that choice. I did it a long time ago, and I made certain decisions. I was a great celebrator, and I held a lot of the holidays in great awe and respect. But when I met Jesus, and I came to a certain point in my life, I realized that most of those holidays had their origin in witchcraft, sorcery, great divination and paganistic worship, I said, "I cannot do that any more. I love the Lord and I praise Him. I just cannot do that." But this is something that you yourself have to decide. I do not tell anybody that you have to quit this or quit that. You have to decide it.

When you are ready to go on with the Lord, it is like putting a match out. It is nothing. The Lord will let your desire and your love for Him be far greater than any pleasure that you might get out of something you would deify or edify before Him. God said, "let there be no other gods before me." I respect that. I want it to be that way. I do not want anything in my life that makes me married with the world. You examine what you are giving yourself to, and you look at your attitude toward it. I mean, I could make the prettiest Christmas Tree in town. It was beautiful, all glistening and glitter and all that. When I read Jeremiah 10:3, I couldn't do that anymore. So God is letting us know. These are just outside easy things, but when you get serious with God, and purpose to do His will, your attitude will be to please Him. You will want to know His ways, and take on His personality in your life.

Jesus says to REPENT. Then, to him who overcomes, who (conquers), I will give to eat of the manna that is hidden, and I will give him a white stone which no one knows or understands except he who receives it, with a new name engraved on it. Isaiah 62:2. You are not supposed to be a worrier. Some folks have great nervousness. As we are getting before the Lord, He is showing us all of these things. And we want to declare, "I am not going to be bound and harassed anymore by this spirit of worry. I am commanding this to go, in the Name of Jesus." You have to mean it. You have to get mad at the devil. He just keeps coming until he sees you do not push any further. When you put your feet in, and you say you are not moving me any further, then he quits, and he knows when he cannot do any more. Praise the Lord.






Thyatira was a very wealthy city. It served as the main business and commercial route between Pergamos and Sardis. Thyatira was an important trade and manufacturing city, being located in the northern part of Lydia, on the river Lycus. The city was known for its purple dye and dyed garments. In Acts 16:13-15, Paul converted Lydia, who was from Thyatira, at Philippi. She was a dealer of purple fabric.

In their pagan worship, their chief deity was Tyrimnos, also known as the Greek sun god, Apollo.

This church age is called "the pagan church, or the corrupt church." History calls this period of time "The Dark Ages." When the Pergamum church age ends, the Thyatira church age begins, and continues "marrying" into the world.

In 607 A.D., trouble over the title of "Universal Bishop" assumed by the patriarch of Constantinople, John the Faster, flared up again, for Johns' successor, Cyriacus, also insisted on using this title. Boniface III thereupon secured from Emperor Phocas, a decree acknowledging that "the See of Blessed Peter the Apostle should be the head of all the Churches," and that the title of "Universal Bishop" should be reserved exclusively for the bishop of Rome. This was no new departure in imperial policy. The great lawgiver, Justinian, had legally recognized the primacy of the Roman pontiff. At this time, the repetition was considered necessary to curb the titular pretensions of the Patriarch. Therefore, Boniface III, in 607 A.D., is recognized as the first "official" Universal Bishop, or Pope.

The Catholic Church continued to grow in numbers, power, and influence. It also continued to allow in many damaging false doctrines and practices, and drifted away from Scripture, as their sole source of Truth. They relied more heavily on "Tradition" as their source of Truth. Examples: the worship of Images and religious relics, use of "Holy Water," prayer beads, dead saints being canonized by the Church, celibacy of a priesthood as a requirement, doctrine of purgatory, sale of "Indulgences" to get people out of purgatory, the Inquisition, transubstantiation (belief that the bread and wine taken in communion becomes the actual body and blood of Jesus), the Bible being forbidden to the people, the "7 Sacraments" become required for salvation, Church Tradition was made equal to the Word of God, and the Apocryphal books were added to the Bible as Canon.

Beginning in Revelation, Chapter 2:18, "And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God, Who has eyes that flash like a flame of fire, and Whose feet glow like bright and burnished and white-hot bronze: I know your record and what you are doing, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your recent works are more numerous and greater than your first ones.

But I have this against you: that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess [claiming to be inspired], and who is teaching and leading astray my servants and beguiling them into practicing sexual vice and eating food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she has no desire to repent of her immorality [symbolic of idolatry] and refuses to do so.

Take note: I will throw her on a bed [of anguish], and those who commit adultery with her [her paramours] I will bring down to pressing distress and severe affliction, unless they turn away their minds from conduct [such as] hers and repent of their doings. And I will strike her children (her proper followers) dead [thoroughly exterminating them].

And all the assemblies (churches) shall recognize and understand that I am He Who searches minds (the thoughts, feelings, and purposes) and the [inmost] hearts, and I will give to each of you [the reward for what you have done] as your work deserves. But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not explored and known the depths of satan, as they say – I tell you that I do not lay upon you any other [fresh] burden: Only hold fast to what you have until I come."

I thought if we could understand the Jezebel of Thyatira, apparently it was somebody that was trying to rule in the church of that day. A lady called me from Kentucky and in the place where she goes to church there is a woman that is trying to take over. This lady that called me, I know has a true prophetic word in her heart, and she only tries to speak when the Lord tells her to. She doesn't go around prophesying to everybody she sees. This Jezebel is trying to control the preacher. She has a following of people that follow after her and hang on her every word. She is going to split the church, if something isn't done about it. This lady called me and asked would we pray, and I told her we would. Now this is just typical of what the Jezebel spirit does. It is manipulative, controlling, and is always seeking to have its own way.

The Lord spoke of what was going on in Thyatira and the angel (messenger) of the assembly of the church of Thyatira to him write: these are the words of the Son of God who has eyes that flash like a flame of fire, and whose feet glow like bright burnish brass. In other words, the Lord is saying, "Nothing is getting passed my eye sight." Brass stands for judgment and His feet, where He is standing – that's a judgment place – He is going to judge right there – Whose feet glow like bright burnish white hot brass – this image of Jesus Christ reveals Him who holds the seven stars in His hand, Him who stands among the lampstands, that sevenfold lampstand that has the true light and the fulness of light. I was thinking about that, so many people have had visions of Jesus, but they never see Him as the resurrected Lord. It seems most of the time He has brown hair and wearing white clothes like the pictures that people have painted, but the resurrected Jesus – His hair is white as wool. He has on that linen garment and the girdle that holds His clothes together is gold. His legs and His feet shine like brass. His eyes glow like a flame of fire. I was just thinking, if you come in contact with something like that, you would really have that on your mind, and this image was standing amongst seven lampstands (the seven lampstands being the churches). So Jesus has given us a revelation that is a mystery to the world, but to the true believers, we are beginning to see Him in the midst of His body. That's what it is saying to me. We are seeing Him in the capacity of Lord and Savior, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Ruler, Him Who reigns and Who has finished the work that leads to this day. As He is the fullness of light, He stands in the midst of that sevenfold lampstand. Here is the Thyatira Jezebel being exposed, and it seems like, in every one of the churches, all the defaults and the things that they weren't doing exactly right, the Lord just sort of named it, and we would have to read between the lines.
I was blessed to realize that when Zechariah saw the vision of the two lampstands, they had an olive tree planted on each side which had a continuous flow of oil into the branches of the lampstand. It is saying to me that this light will never go out. The olive oil is a natural light and when it is put together correctly, and the match is lit into that oil, that oil will burn and burn. So the olive trees that were planted right next to the lamp were saying to me that the Word of God will never fail. It will always be there for us to see and know. The Lord is speaking to us of the things that we must reckon with, to deal with, in the Name of Jesus, to pull down the strongholds and to take away the attitudes of error in the character and nature of the different churches that were on this road of this last day church.

All of this, the Lord intends for us to understand. The burnished brass of His feet and legs speaks of refined judgment, not just making a scattered thought about it, but refined judgment. Sometimes when we might make a judgment quickly, we might not think something through and it might be the wrong kind of judgment. So Jesus said the whole matter of judgment in St. John Chapter 5 was given unto Him. This shows this bronze, brass of the feet and legs speaks of refined judgment. It is standing in its place. In other words, God has a plan, and His plan is working. When we purpose in our heart and in our mind to serve Him, and to take on His nature and become His likeness, then the Lord begins to teach us His ways so that everything that we need to understand is going to be put in place. Everything that has to be removed, I believe the Lord is going to show us how and when, and expose those things that need to be removed.

Thyatira means "like burning incense." Remember when the two sons of Aaron burnt the strange fire, the incense, before the Lord, and the Lord struck them dead and that strange fire. We liken it now, if we think about Thyatira, (burning incense or strange fire) we think of religious spirits, manipulation, controlling, and all of those demons have got to come out of the body.

This Jezebel nature is a strong witchcraft power. This Jezebel power tries to stay hidden. It doesn't want people to really see what it is doing. It has a strong personality for theatrics and manipulation, to dominate, to control, and to be the one that everybody has to go to or work through in order to get anything from the Lord. That controlling spirit has got to come out of the body. We can no longer co-exist with that kind of defilement, so we have to find out what we have to do about it.

In examining ourselves, we begin to see her manifestations. I searched me for that Jezebel nature because I knew I needed to. We might excuse ourselves for a long time, but when you are seeking the Lord, and you want what is right in your life, and you do not want to do wrong or let something go, you want the Lord to have His way. I remember addressing that Jezebel after seeing some of the things I saw in my family and I knew there was an open door, so I began to pray about it and call out that spirit of manipulation, and being able to dominate. I have always had a strong personality. I think my strong personality developed because that was where I hid most of the time. I if I could be the master of the situation, nobody could see my rejection or my fear, or anything that I didn't have in place yet. I was using that area, and it was giving me a hard time but as I began to pray about it, I commanded that demon to leave, and that Jezebel spirit came screaming out of me. I said, "Thank you Jesus." I knew that it was gone, and my whole attitude changed the way I looked at things, and the way I did things. I re-examined myself on several occasions because I kept telling the Lord, "I want to do what is right." I want you to be in me all You want to be, and I want to do what is right concerning You.

In that burning incense principle of Thyatira, many things are hidden that must be revealed. Burning incense is like a false light. A lot of people do not want to admit that they have trouble with religious spirits like Jezebel. A lot of times people prophecy falsely because they want to be seen and heard or they want to be in control. That hurts the body and it hurts them too. The Jezebel spirit works to gratify the flesh, or that spirit tries to override the true feelings, until it gets out of control, and we know something has to be done. It must be cast out. We cannot go any further. We cannot play games. We cannot hide and say, "Oh, it is somebody else," we have to deal with ourselves.

Thyatira, the burning incense. There is a growing and a maturing, and a standing in judgment. Who are we going to judge? We are going to judge ourselves. You may look at the speck in your brother's eye, but until the beam is out of your eye, you will not be successful to help him. No matter how much you condemn and what you have to say, it is only going to hurt. It is not going to help until you get it right yourself. You cannot take somebody through deliverance if you have not had deliverance. You cannot do deliverance outside of God's love. When we have love for our fellow man and we want to see people get helped, then, with their permission, we begin to command, in the Name of Jesus, and deliverance works every time. People get helped and the enemy has to flee.

The only person we can help is ourselves. We can not be bound up in weakness of our mind or have limited emotions. If we are bound up like burning incense or religious spirits that want to control, that is all that is going to come out of our mouth. If we become the mixture with that religious spirit, it becomes condemnation to the person you are trying to help instead of loving them and helping them to be set free.

I thought we needed to go back, and we needed to look at Jezebel from the perspective that we all know about Naboth's field, how Jezebel came and took it in the 21st Chapter of I Kings. I thought we ought to read it and get a little understanding here. Remember, Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians, the Phoenician territory of Tire and Sidon.

Ahab married Jezebel. Ahab was the king of the ten tribes whose kingship was in Samaria. Ahab brought Jezebel to be his wife in Samaria, and she brought with her something like 850 priests of the Phoenician idolatry. Of the Sidonians, 400 of them served in the temple that she had built, and 450 of them sat at her table for meals. So this Jezebel attitude was in control. Everybody was looking. It was going to put on a big show. Ahab, who wasn't very much of anything, (he was weak and spineless) let her dictate. That spirit in her quickly stepped into control.

I Kings 21. "Now Naboth the Jezreelite" (Jezreel means "The Seed of God") was from the tribe of Manasseh and Manasseh means "forgetting all the toil of my father's house." Manasseh had several cities, one of them being Megiddo, and Megiddo was on the plain of Jezreel. Megiddo means "a crowded place."

Verse 2, "Ahab said to Naboth, give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near my house. I will give you a better vineyard for it or, if you prefer, I will give you its worth in money." The tribe of Manasseh from where Naboth was from received their inheritance from the Lord with the admonition that they were to keep it in their family as an inheritance forever. They were told not to sell this property, and so, if Naboth honored his ancestors and God's Word, he couldn't sell it.

Verse 3, "Naboth said to Ahab, the Lord forbid that I should give the inheritance of my fathers to you. And Ahab, [already depressed by the Lord's message to him] came into his house [more] resentful and sullen because of what Naboth the Jezreelite had said to him; for he had said, I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers. And he lay down on his bed, turned away his face, and would eat no food." Now let's look at this with our spiritual eyes, and we begin to see the character and nature of this Ahab man. He was sullen; he pouted; he was a spoiled brat. And what did he have? His wife was Jezebel and she was the manipulator, the witch, the dominator, the controller, and she would get him what he wanted. You know, this Ahab man views Jezebel as a "momma." A lot of men are looking for a momma more than they are looking for a wife because, for whatever reason, in their growing up, they were bruised in their emotions so bad that their emotions are under developed. They are always looking for a mother image in a woman rather than a lover, a wife, a helpmate.

This is the case with Ahab. He marries this woman; her father is very wealthy; she brings all of these prophets with her. It must have been quite a scene to see all of those prophets marching into Samaria.

Here is Samaria walking in rebellion. Serving those golden calves, changed the laws of God because of Jeroboam, the former king, and now Ahab is the king, and the kingdom has not been set right.

The people are not obeying the ways of the Lord, and so, the problem that is here just shows the personality and quality of the man that Ahab was. He is going to pout. The Ahab nature is full of depression, stubbornness, and pouting. This is what he uses to try to get his way.

Verse 5, "But Jezebel his wife came and said to him, why is your spirit so troubled that you eat no food? And he said to her, because I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite and said to him, give me your vineyard for money; or if you prefer, I will give you another vineyard for it. And he answered, I will not give you my vineyard. Jezebel his wife said to him, do you not govern Israel? Arise, eat food, and let your heart be happy. I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. So she wrote letters in Ahab's name." She usurped his authority. Jezebel is always going to usurp the authority around her. Even though she was supposed to be the wife and have the place of submission of the wife, she was stepping over his authority. Because of the weakness in him, he was so depressed. He wasn't ruling as a king. She stepped over the line to take over.

Verse 8, "So she wrote the letters in Ahab's name and sealed them with his seal and sent them to the elders and nobles who dwelt with Naboth in his city. In the letters she said, proclaim a fast and set Naboth up high among the people. And set two men, base fellows, before him, and let them bear witness against him, saying, you cursed and renounced God and the king. Then carry him out and stone him to death." Jezebel always seems to know how to manipulate her control and that spirit knows how to take over and how to make things look like something that they are not. She is a master at being like a con person. Being able to con somebody is a part of that Jezebel spirit. I haven't heard much about it being taught, but the more I see it, the more I realize, that that person knows how to manipulate to get what they want and to get it as painlessly as possible, with no strings attached, that they can just step in and step over the line and take what they want. Now she wasn't just going to have his property taken away from him. She was going to have him forfeit his life. She stops at nothing to get what she wants.

The Lord said to Thyatira what He had against them was that they suffered the Jezebel to live. These things go on in the church system and nobody seems to do anything about it. Everybody is scared of her or they look the other way. No one wants to have a confrontation with that Jezebel nature. But it is going to have to be exposed. It will have to be dealt with, and people will have to put it away from them if they are going to have any peace or any great growth in God.

Once that spirit starts taking over, everything has to come through them. So whatever state of mind and character and nature that Jezebel person has, that is what is going to be fed to the people. And the people will be weak. They will fall into the sleep of death. The nature of selfish greed and possessiveness all work with the spirit of Jezebel.

We must understand that the Lord has given us power and authority and dominion over this spirit, and we must understand that the gift of discernment, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the discerning of spirits, will expose the Jezebel nature every time. The Jezebel will try to take over and control the newborn Christians that have not been taught the Word of God. This seems to be one of her greatest feats. She wants to control the little ones, and she wants them to look up to her to think that she is the way that they are to come, if they are to get closer to the Lord.

So she planned this plan where she had the men there to accuse Naboth of cursing and renouncing God, and then carry him out and stone him to death.

Verse 11, "And the men of his city, the elders and the nobles who dwelt there, did as Jezebel had directed in the letters sent them." I mean they didn't question. Nobody said, "well, I have been living with Naboth all of his life and I haven't ever seen any of this."

When Jezebel gets in control, it is like everything else just goes her way. Everybody is blinded. They just cannot see or understand what is going on. So, "Naboth cursed and renounced God," they said and, "he was carried out of the city and he was stoned to death.

They sent to Jezebel saying, Naboth has been stoned and is dead. Then Jezebel said to Ahab, "Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite which he refused to sell you, for Naboth is not alive, but dead." When Ahab heard that, he arose to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite to take possession of it." You see, Ahab wanted to plant his herbs in the vineyard, and they used all of those herbs for witchcraft.

Naboth's vineyard was his inheritance. That was his possession. It was his inheritance and was prized by that Manessahnite tribe that it belonged to. The Lord had changed the law in order to give an inheritance to them. We think about that for a minute and we think, "yes, Lord, You sent Jesus, Your only begotten Son, and we became His heirs" – inheritance bequeathed to us through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we might enter into God's covenant place, be born again, be set in that place that God has ordered in this last day to rule and reign with Him, a people, a generation, a quality of sons out of the womb of the morning, so many things to describe the birthright privilege of inheritance that we have obtained through the covenant shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Down through the genetic corridor, here was this Manasseh territory and Manasseh was the firstborn of Joseph. But Manasseh didn't get the firstborn inheritance. Grandfather Israel (Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel) crossed his hands and gave Ephraim the firstborn and Manasseh the second blessing. And everybody was saying, "why in the world did God do that," but, the word Ephraim means a "double portion" – doubly fruitful. Ephraim got the double portion because that is what the inheritance gave to the firstborn.

We would say poor Manasseh was left out, but then we turn to the book of Revelation 16:16. Here is this last battle being set in array, "Armageddon" they called it. It is on that plain of "Jezreel," arma means "a high place", megiddo means "crowded" and Jezreel means "the seed of God." So in that high crowded place, there is a battle going on in our mind. This battle must be fought by every person. We have a rendevous – it is a scheduled meeting place. We have a rendevous at Armageddon, and everyone of us are going to fight that battle. The mind must be set free. We are going to pull down those strongholds. We are going to command the enemy to loose us in the Name of Jesus, and our mind is going to be set free from all the bondage and slavery of the death realm. It is crowded right now. We are bruised to the max. Down through the genetic corridor, the man of sin is full of sin and wickedness, deceitfulness, full of death. But glory to God through the blood of Jesus Christ, we can be and are born again. We are born of the spirit of the living God. So the spirit of birthright, the spirit that we were bequeathed at Calvary, born again, until this human container that has been flesh and was full of the carnal nature which can only be found in the death realm has been given the birthright privilege of spiritual birth. We are changed. We are born of the spirit of life eternal, immortal, a life that is forever. This Manasseh territory that Jezebel thought she could just walk in there and take, God had a plan that they would not be allowed to take that over and steal a man's inheritance that was a gift to him from the Lord. God set the prophecy in place, and the prophet came and anointed Jehu (Jehu means "the covenant exists"). Remember, in the fulness of time, Jehu came and he called to the Eunuchs and he said, "throw her down." She had painted her eyes, and they threw her down out of the second floor window. All that was left of her was the skull, the palms of the hands, and the feet. The skull (that was where the brain was), the hands (her service). It was horrible, defiled. Her feet – the bottoms of her feet, her walk was totally abominable before the Lord. So that was all that was left as a memorial of her wickedness.

As we start realizing the magnitude of the Jezebel spirit, we thought it just kind of went away there and that was the end of it. But Ahab and Jezebel had children, one of them being a girl. Her name was Athaliah. Athaliah was "like mother, like daughter." She was a wicked woman too. During this time, there was so much unrest with the kingship of Samaria up for grabs, and people were ready to sit on the throne. It seemed that this Athaliah saw her chance to usurp the authority of the kingdom, just like her mother when she took over, and had Naboth killed, then presented all that Naboth field to Ahab. Just like Jezebel when she cursed Elijah, and said he would be dead before dark. As I realized what she had done, it didn't sound all that bad in what she said. There was so much venom and hatred in her words, that the spirit of fear entered into Elijah, and he could not shake it. He ran that 20 miles ahead of Ahab's chariot. He ran 100 miles – 80 more miles, 1 days journey passed the "well of the oak." "Beersheba" means the well of the oak. It is the place of the covenant. He ran a days journey beyond that, before he stopped, he was so terrified.

And when God spoke to him He said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" And Elijah said that everybody was against the Lord, and he had been doing all he could to save and lift up the Lord, and he said they had conspired to take my life also.

So Elijah went into this cave and you remember the story, the Lord came in the wind, and He came in the fire, and He came in the storm, and He came with a still small voice, and the message was the same. His message was, "What are you doing here, Elijah? One days journey passed the well of the oak, he ran 100 miles to get out of Jezebel's way, and fear was still in his heart. He left his servant at the well of the oak, and went a days journey, even beyond that, so frightened. The Lord said, "What are you doing here?" Well, the Lord knew that when fear possessed Elijah, he could not obey the Lord.

We have to think here with our spiritual understanding. When these spirits that are ages old, that come down the genetic corridor of our ancestors, and eventually to us – those things are there because no one ever dealt with it. In every generation it is compounded and compounded until the root is so strong, and so big, it literally takes the mind and the control of the next generation that is formed.

So here was Elijah as the Lord spoke the second time to him. His answer was the same as the first when he saw him. God knew that fear had possessed him. He wasn't at a thinking place where he could change his mind and get it right. So the Lord told him three things to do. He was to go and anoint Hazael and look up Jehu and Elisha. He was to anoint all three of them. Hazael means "God sees," Jehu means "the covenant exists". Elisha means "God saves." But God knew that Elisha understood the language and he knew that a man's name and his character, his nature, was what his name was. So God knew that when he spoke those names to Elijah, he would maybe understand that the covenant exists. Jezebel did all of this, but God's covenant exists. The Lord was speaking to Elijah through the strength and power of the vocabulary of the meaning of the name. Even after those things were completed, poor Elijah, it seems, never totally understood. The Lord caught him up in the whirlwind and, of course, Elisha wanted his garment. I always get grieved in my spirit when people want somebody elses anointing. You ought to get your own. You do not want what God has given to somebody else. You want what the Lord has for you. I have heard people say they want so and so's anointing and I say, "I want what the Lord has for me." He knows my frame. He knows what I can handle and perchance, and suppose, He may make that anointing greater than those people you might look at and admire.

All of this was occurring before the Lord Jesus came and there were many things said and done during that time that God was revealing a mystery and helping us to understand that when God makes a change, or God speaks, He never changes His mind. When He calls and He qualifies a person, He never revokes that call. That call is always there. We see some folks working, trying to take the anointing of their call and serve the Lord, and we see it is watered down. It is diluted with their personality, and their wickedness begins to show, and the first thing you know, you have a mixture in the pulpit and you are hearing error. I knew this man that had committed adultery, and he was trying to preach that God just didn't look at sin. He thought he was going to get away with that and we told him, in love, that he was not. One day, I had to step in and take him out of the pulpit, and that was a hard thing to do, but I couldn't let him tell all the people wrong. I was in charge of the meeting and he had asked if could he help me. I thought it might be good and encouraging, but I had no idea he was going to do something like that. I had to step in and I thanked him, and told him I need to take over and sat him down. All the people started to boo him, but we didn't let that continue. This man needed help. He needed deliverance from lust. Praise the Lord. We are going to get this right.

So the Lord said to Thyatira, "I have this against you that you suffer that woman Jezebel to live", that you are putting up with her. We do not have to put up with divination, witchcraft and sorcery. We do not have to allow the hexes and vexes. In the Name of Jesus, we have all power and dominion and authority over all of these spirits. This burning incense, that strange fire, things that look good to a point, is totally wrong at times and is so often the case. People want to hear what tickles their ears and pleases their flesh. But that is not what they need. They have to be taught the truth. And we have got to do it God's way. We cannot water it down. We cannot rise up and pronounce ministry out of our anger when we would like to tell somebody off. We have got to let the Lord use us, and let nothing ever deviate from God's Word. It must be just right. When we go through deliverance, we do it according to Mark 16:17, "the Great Commission." We must do it the way God said or it is not going to be right. You may get a manifestation, and you may think something took place, but the enemy is just smiling because he knows you do not understand what it is to have faith in place, and trust in place, to the point that you can command the enemy and he has to flee. He cannot stay. He cannot stand up against you. He has to go. No matter what is going on when we, as God's servants, stand to do His will, we must do it His way, and as much as lies within us, we must search diligently to find out what His way is. We cannot do it because somebody said I think it is this way. We have to find it out for ourselves.

It occurred to me years ago, that if it didn't line up with the Word of God, then we shouldn't be teaching it. Deliverance cannot be psychology. It cannot be out of some kind of mind strengthening experience of mental health or something in that nature. It has to be IN THE NAME OF JESUS. And when we speak in the Name of Jesus, and with the gift of discernment in operation, we are seeing what is going on. Deliverance cannot be 1, 2, 3, 4, and it is done. You have to have the gift of discernment working so as you pray, the Holy Spirit is showing you the spirits that are there. Some have more, some have less, but most of the time as we look, we see a pattern. We know that there are certain demonic groups that fit together. We know that when somebody gets all bound up and controlled by demonic forces, that in the Name of Jesus, we can begin to command them to loose that person, and the demons must be cast out (the word "cast" in the Greek translation means "to vomit violently"). The Lord begins to show me the areas where the person needs help, and I begin to pray and command the demons to go.

We are ever learning, and as we look at these seven churches, we see the attitude of each one. What a name means, a character and a nature being revealed and the things that the Lord had to say about it.

This Jezebel woman called herself a prophetess. It concerns me when someone tells me they are a prophet or an apostle or something like that. It seems to me that people are more concerned with the labels they can put on themselves than they are in obeying the Lord and helping a person. So, I call myself a servant. I'm a servant of the Lord, and we are not trying to strive for some kind of a label. Whatever is needed, whatever counsel is needed, I am just asking the Holy Spirit to work through me to get the job done so the person gets the help they need. If you get in God's way or if it is all you, you, you, then that person is not going to be set free.

So let's go back to the 20th verse again. "But I have this against you; that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess [claiming to be inspired], and who is teaching and leading astray my servants and beguiling them into practicing sexual vice and eating food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she has no desire to repent of her immorality [symbolic of idolatry] and refuses to do so." And when somebody has an unteachable spirit, then look out and back off if you can, because they are not going to be for you, or help you.

So the Lord was exposing all of this so that they would know the quality and the nature that burning incense meant, not doing it God's way. I thought about those two sons of Aaron, when they put that strange fire before the Lord. He smote them right then. They died right there. God is very careful that we get it right, because He knows that if we do not get it right, we are not going to make it. We may stir up a big to do and have a lot of Holy Ghost rushes and emotions, but if we do not do it right, it is not going to be effective, and we are not a help to that person. We are a hindrance to them. We must get ourselves in that place where the Lord can teach us His ways. Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted the things of the Lord. Down through the times and years of my life, I have been on a see-saw a time or two – up and down. I have been around the bases a few times, but I have made a few home runs too! But always, all the time, something inside of me was saying you got to get it right. And this one time in particular, there was something that I could have done and got away with it, that would just be pleasing to me. I was just thinking, but the enemy was really working on me. Then I got up one morning and I thought, "Woe here!" I prayed and I said, "You know, Lord, I am going to do what is right." That was it. All that garbage stopped that I had been thinking. All of what I thought I could get away with didn't even look good any more. When you make up your mind, you want to do what is right! You see, that is what I see happening to these seven churches. All the things that were there, and God, being so careful and merciful and so loving to let them know where they were missing it. In God's great timetable of time, He is giving us time to understand, time to obey, and time to get it right.

That Jezebel nature and that spirit of Jezebel, I see everywhere. It has got to come out of the body. It has got to be cast out of us. It can be in the men just like it is in the women. It is no respecter of persons, that arrogant, high pride, dominating, controlling force that would stop at nothing to get its way. If you really want to know, the Lord will show you. When He shows you, then you must make the choice. Are you going to deal with it, or are you going to let it ruin you? The choice is yours.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for your Word. I thank you Lord, that You are teaching us. I apologize to You Lord. I have been so carried away today with so many things on my mind, that I have wandered. But I say to You Lord, I thank You for Your Almighty Word. I thank You for the truth. I thank You that You have given us time to hear it and time to get it right and time to overcome every obstacle in this death realm. That we are no longer living to die but we are living to live. My Heavenly Father, our eyes are on You and we love You so much, and we praise You Lord, and we thank You for Your Word. I ask You Lord, to expand it to us. I ask You to let us ponder over it many days. I ask You to reveal revelation knowledge to us Lord in and to and through it. I ask You, Lord, to comfort us with the knowledge of who we are in You. AMEN!






We are going to talk about the church and the city of Sardis. In the book of Revelation Chapter 3, "And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Sardis write: These are the words of Him Who has the seven Spirits of God [the sevenfold Holy Spirit] and the seven stars: I know your record and what you are doing; you are supposed to be alive, but [in reality] you are dead." Revelation 1:20 says, "...the seven stars which you saw in My right hand and the seven lampstands of gold: the seven stars are the seven angels (messengers) of the seven assemblies (churches) and the seven lampstands are the seven churches."

The word Sardis means "the escaping one." The word escape means "to flee from and avoid, to get out of the way, to shun, to obtain security from, to pass without harm, as to escape danger, to pass unobserved, to avoid all evil, to be guilty, to be running away, to be leaving, like the custody of the law without a warrant, just escaping, getting away."
We say, what does that mean? The word Sardis, also Sardius, was one of the stones in the Priest's Breastplate, and it was the stone of the emblem of the tribe of Rueben. Rueben means "behold a son." The Sardius stone was the 6th foundation stone in the wall of the heavenly New Jerusalem. The Sardis stone came from the quartz family. It is a semi-precious stone. It was mined out of the earth, and during the course of time and heaviness, as the sensitivity of pressure was placed upon it, it began to change its identity. During the stages of pressure, it would become cloudy. As it continued under the pressure, it would change colors, and became red at times. But in the end, it was transparent.

On the scale of measurement where they measure the gem stones, their scale of quality is measured by number 8 or 9 (8 is like a new beginning and 9 is the fruit of the Spirit). On that scale of about 8 or 9, the Sardius stone changes and becomes transparent. I see in that understanding, that as this is presented to us, and we are looking in this changing time that the pressures of life, the problems that are put upon us, the different things that seem to hold us down and hold us back, when we come through them, the Lord delivers us. When we learn the lesson, we are in that transparent place where the world is going to look. What they are going to see is Jesus in us – going to see right through us.

This "escaping one" – Sardis was a very wealthy city. Sardis was located in west central Asia-minor, some hundred miles from the Mediterranean Sea, about 30 to 35 miles southeast of Thyatira. It was located on the northern ridge of Mount Tmolus, 1500 feet over the Hermus or the Pactolus river. That Pactolus river was where the gold came down out of the mountain, and they panned for that gold.

In Sardis, they were the first ones to coin money. They made gold and silver coinage, and it was a very rich city. According to history, prior to the first century, Sardis was an extremely wealthy city. It was, in fact, the ancient capital of Lydia. Remember, Lydia was where they took the flax and the wool. They made all of those beautiful dyes, and their purple was so expensive. They changed the look of garments because people could then begin to wear colors.

So Sardis had a lot of history of beginnings of things that would change the life form of their culture and growth. We look at our life time, what all has been invented, and how things just become household items. When we first heard about it we thought, "that is impossible, it could never be made."

I remember when I was a little child, we went to the bus station to see about going somewhere. On the wall of the bus station, they had a big picture of an airplane. All of the seats had people riding in it. My little head thought, "how in the world could that get off the ground?" I stood there for a long time just looking at that picture. But, you know, it wasn't any time until that was a reality. Now you just go jump on a plane to go where you want to, and you do not think anything about it. But in those beginning stages in God's time factor, a time of His creation, God is making His identity known. We see the many changes in this natural realm, and God has allowed us to benefit from them. Also, you know, how many times have we been trying to do something and couldn't do it. When we just prayed, God showed us what to do. God is doing such great and wonderful things continually, and we get off in our little corner of the world, and we think nothing is happening but this is a rich and a wonderful day.

Sardis means "the escaping one," and we have this attitude in the body of Christ today. Everybody wants their way, and they want it now. They want God, but they want Him on their terms. They want to get away so the bad things do not affect them. Everybody is running around, and running away from responsibility. Everybody wants to volunteer until it comes time to put forth the energy to get it done. Sometimes, I call them "7 day wonders" because they are all excited on Sunday. But by the next Sunday, they have quit. So we say to ourselves in this attitude, "if I do not hear it, I won't volunteer. Then I do not have to do it, and I can act like I do not know anything." With the escaping one – we are seeing that there are many ways to escape responsibilities.

Depression is one of the mind's escapes. When the mind cannot stand what is going on around it, depression can set in. When you give yourself to depression, it takes control, and the first thing it produces is insanity. The mind breaks, and all that broken minded trouble sets in.

There are so many ways of escaping, people are looking for an easy way out. Some churches just get you saved, and then you just wait to go to heaven. I thought that for a long time. Then I realized that there were a lot of things that I didn't understand. A lot of words that I was saying, I really did not know what they meant. So I started making a study of some of those words, and I realized that there is a responsibility. There is a discipline, and obedience. The word resurrection means "life out of death." People are living to die more than they are living to live. The Lord said to me, "Go back to the basics." So I went back to salvation, and I began to study all that happened up to that time in the Word.

When Jesus hung on the cross, and He gave His life, He forgave us our sins. He gave us the right to have eternal life, to be born again – born of the Spirit, and have life eternal. But now, the attitude of "the escaping one," you have to act a little differently. You have to deal with it. This attitude has an effect on us. It causes our development to be stunted. You know, sometimes when we have a crisis, God allows it to make us better. Now we do not open the door and tell the demons to come on and attack us. I'm not talking about that. But sometimes, when we have a crisis, the Lord wants to show us what the demons are, and what they are doing in us. We are so caught up with trying to run away, trying to look pleasant, and trying to make everybody think we do not have any troubles.

I hear people say, "I do not have any demons." I think, "Woe, you just do not understand." What man has not understood, he has tried to escape from. He has made excuses for them. That Sardis attitude has got to come out of the church body today.

With all that the Church in Sardis had to overcome, I just started understanding. Verse 2 "Rouse yourselves and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying." That tells me we are going to have to begin to examine ourselves inside. You are going to have to rouse yourself. If you let yourself, you could just sit all day long, and never hit a lick at anything. The first thing you know, you could not get around good. It is just so in the things of the Lord. In your walk with the Lord, you rouse yourself, and you keep awake.

In one of the churches, God was concerned in Ephesus about them falling away from their first love. I am always saying, "Lord I do not want to fall away from my first love. When I loved You, and I knew that You loved me, that became a reality in me. I want to always remember that in my being." The Word says, "Rouse yourselves and keep awake." So that is something we are going to have to do. The way we are going to keep awake, we are going to stay in the Word. You cannot sit in the seat of your emotions day after day, and not read the Word, and grow in God! Your emotions may be fed, and you will carry on, but you will not have the equipment to walk through life. You will not be able to stand in the face of your enemy when he comes. Because you will be weak, you will be wanting to escape, and you just will not be equipped to even recognize that he is knocking on your door.

So when God lets a little crisis come, He is showing us to us. When we get down to the bare facts, and we are ready to deal with ourselves, we think, "well, now Lord, I have this problem with jealousy. I have this problem with greed." When we can get that honest with the Lord, then we can approach our problems and get them out of us, and have deliverance – BOTTOM LINE – DELIVERANCE IS MAKING MORE ROOM IN YOU FOR JESUS!

That is what it is all about. The more you empty out of this old death realm from the demonic forces which live in the flesh, and the more you deal with that death realm, and cast out those spirits, then you can take control of your life.

There comes an order of discipline to our life when we choose to serve the Lord, to choose to deal with the enemy wherever he has been fighting you. You recognize him, and you see what he is doing, and you command him to leave, in the Name of Jesus. HE HAS TO GO! He cannot stay there. When there is a lack of faith, and lack of trust in our life, we are going to try to make a lot of loud noise, or find some kind of method to escape our problem. We try to tell the devil off or get a prayer all written down that we can memorize and repeat, and we think that will solve our problems. But see what is happening, your faith is not increasing. You are escaping into a place where you think that if you get loud enough or repeat the prayer enough, the devil is going to cringe and leave.

However, it takes trust and faith in the Word of God. When you know the Lord Jesus, when you love Him, and your communication is with Him in that love relationship, then when you cast out the enemy, he cannot stand there. When you speak the Name of Jesus, in that faith, and trust in Jesus' Name, in the understanding of Who He is, His person, when you speak Jesus' Name, the devil trembles. You do not have to add anything else to it. You do not have to make it sound big or write it down or make it flash big letters across the sky. When you know Jesus, when you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus, and you command the enemy, you can whisper, and he is gone. The enemy knows the Lord. He knows the power of the Name of Jesus. He knows what Jesus stands for.

There are a lot of ways that we try to escape, to get God's job done. We pray things like, "Look what I did, and did you see this or that." But praise God we must always do it God's way. We cannot deviate with our own method or our own vocabulary of how educated or good it might sound. We just have to do it Jesus' way. The only way we are going to do it Jesus' way, is to communicate enough with Him that we know His ways. (In your prayer closet, in the presence of the Lord, you are set free.) You know the wonder of worship and praise, and the liberty that it brings.

Years ago, I was traveling for a clothing store we owned. I was on a buying trip for it. I always prayed as I traveled. The Lord was so real to us, and we were so blessed. The Lord was just doing such marvelous things in our lives, teaching us to stand in faith and trust. On this particular trip, I had to get up very early in the morning and go to the wholesale house about daybreak. The man had the place open when I got there. Another lady and I were there at the same time. She went in and she was walking down the isle where I was. She said, "Boy, you must have really got up early this morning," because she knew where I came from. She said, "I did too, but I'm not afraid to be by myself. I carry a gun with me all of the time. I keep it in my glove compartment." I said, "Well, I do not. I have Jesus." It didn't occur to me to say anything but that. I said, "I trust Him. How could I ask Him to save me, and expect Him to save me, and I didn't trust Him enough that I would have to carry a gun to protect myself." I didn't know it, but the man that owned the place was listening. When I got around to check out and pay my bill, he said, "Young lady, I want to ask you something." I said, "Yes, sir." He said, I want to know what has happened to you that made you have that kind of faith. Well, you know, I had not even thought about it being faith. It was just because I knew the Lord, and I trusted His Word to take care of me. I just said what I knew. It was the most normal, natural thing for me to do.

But understand, God let that happen so that I would understand what had happened there. I didn't have to search and write a scripture down, or try to testify of something. It just came out of my mouth. As we grow in the Lord, we are not going to be looking for an escape. We are going to be ready to face whatever responsibilities we have, and bless the Lord, and thank Him, and expect Him. We will say, "I'm just expecting You Lord to do something about this. I'm expecting You to change this circumstance because that is the way it is." He always takes care of us. So we are asking Jesus to direct our lives.

So this Sardius stone (shadow and type), "the escaping one," shows us the attitude of when you look with the eyes of the spirit, you realize "the escaping one" as it was tested through time by pressure, the transparency came at a certain level. "The escaping one" can be seen at each level of pressure as it exposes it's attitude.

Here we all are looking like Christians. We have our dress code. We have our way that we do things, and we have our friends that we run around with and go to church with. This is acceptable, and this is alright, until you get in a battle zone. When it comes time for you to deal with the enemy, you are going to have to have the Word. It is not going to be – oh, isn't she nice, and do not you like the way she dresses, and the group that she goes with?

But it comes down to the time. See, this is what is wrong with the church, the church is not equipped to be overcomers. They are not overcoming the death realm. In fact, they are taking the implements of the death realm and trying to measure the life realm with them, and it doesn't compute. But praise God, there is a generation, (that's us) glory to God, a remnant company, hallelujah, lots of words to describe us – a people that God is making ready. He is equipping and He is teaching, and I say, "thank You Lord." I do not want to get away with something. I do not want to run down the road with no problems because I am trying to escape all of the time. I want to go step by step, according to your plan Lord, and deal with every obstacle. Call it what it is. Cast it out, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. And I want You Lord, to reveal Yourself to me. I want to know the revelation of Jesus – the revealed revelation of the Lord. I want to understand His purpose, His direction for my life.

This attitude of "the escaping one" is being revealed. It is talking about the end time church. You know, when Jesus stood amongst the lampstands, that was the resurrection Lord. We are the children of the resurrection. We have already passed from death into life because we have been born of the Spirit. We have passed into Spirit life, and the Lord has equipped us to mature spiritually, just like we have matured in the natural realm. We have grown and we have gotten some age on us. We know how to come in out of the rain and comb our hair, and some of the things that are necessary.

Now, regarding the Spirit man, the biggest part of the church has been afraid of demons. They are saying, "we do not have any demons." They have succumbed to teaching that let's them off the hook from dealing with themselves, and that is the escaping attitude. They are looking for a way out. They want to be raptured before the tribulation, because that means the flesh man is not going to hurt. Well, this is a "wake-up" call.

We came to the Lord when we asked Him to forgive us. He birthed us again. We were born of the Spirit. Our spirit man has been maturing all of these years. Now, we stayed adolescent for a long time because it was fun to play, and it was nice to see the manifestations of Jesus and look for the miracles and all of the sensational things that are there. But there comes a time when we, as the body of Christ, are going to have to grow up. The signs and wonders should be following us instead of us following them. We are going to have to take authority, in the Name of Jesus, with no doubt. We have to be faithful, trusting, Godly, Holy and do it the way the Lord intended for us to be. LOOKING FOR RELIGIOUS ESCAPES IS NOT GOING TO MAKE US MATURE AND HELP US TO GROW UP.

So we are going to have to begin to recognize the attitude that is in us. The only person you can change is yourself. So we turn our eyes inward, and we begin to examine, "Why do I react the way I do? Why do certain things or people try to hurt me? Why do I feel rejected? Why am I greedy or what is wrong with the way that I am doing things?"

We were so poor when I was little. When we got that clothing store, and I could go to the wholesale store to buy, I had to watch myself or I would have bought everything my size to sell. Everybody wasn't the same size as me. I had to learn. I had to look to see that greed and self-centeredness wasn't there in me, and selfishness, that we could be a giver and not a taker.

There are so many things that the Lord wants us to understand within our being about ourselves, and we examine what is taking place. The Lord said to the people in Sardis, "you are dead." See, if all you are doing is living in the death realm, then you are a death subject. You are living to die more than you are living to live. If you are stacking up treasures in this earth, that is where your treasures are going to be.

I believe that the Lord is saying to us in this last day, it is time for you to lay aside some of the training. You are going to have to unlearn some of the religious things you have been taught, and we are going to have to get it right. Not get it right according to so and so, but get it right according to the Word of God. If it doesn't line up with God's Word, then we do not want to do it. We cannot take someone's method, where they say, "now I know this works, and this is the way I am going to do it." We are going to have to get in the Word of God and find out what the Word says about all that is happening.

So the Lord was speaking to those seven churches. The different attitudes and the meaning of their names, a man's character and his nature was the meaning of his name and his attitude. The intention that God has for the personality is the surety of His being in us. We are going to be Holy and Godly and pure, so our name makes a difference. I mean, you do not call somebody an ugly name when they are a beautiful person, and kind and generous and good. You do not say ugly and bad to them.

So the Lord has put us in that place, and He has given us a name change and that name is "Jesus." Jesus is the new name that we have received. He is the head and we are the body, and in the Name of "Jesus," we cast out the demons. In the Name of "Jesus, we heal the sick. We are being taught by the Lord a way of life, (the living resurrection kind of life), and so we are expecting God, instead of death. We are expecting blessings, instead of curses. We are expecting all of our needs to be met and the curses of poverty and depredation to be broken. All of those areas of our lives that have put bruises on us, we are examining those areas now, and we are getting rid of them.

I found that I had great rejection. I said, "Lord, show me about this rejection." I began to realize that my mother gave us away. We lived in an orphanage. We didn't have a mother and a dad. Did you know that the role model of the mother and father is so important to a child? It is sweet security when love is felt.

Because we were in the orphanage, we did not get the understanding of love. I always wanted to be accepted, and when I got a friend, I did not know how to be a friend. I just overwhelmed them with my presence because I was so pleased to have a friend. I didn't know how to be a friend because rejection was the way I viewed everything. I expected to be left somewhere hurt and crying, and all of that rejection happening all over again.

The Lord knew all of the different things that had bruised me as a child, and the things that had come through my generation man. I did not know that in my salvation, God's love was real, that I could call on His Name and settle things within me. I could be strong and be sure in His Name, and want to be holy, pure, clean, and not have ugly thoughts and unclean thoughts. When I met Jesus, I found out He loved me unconditionally. If I obeyed Him, and I fellowshipped and communicated with Him, then He was going to show me what to lay down and what to pick up. There came a day that I dealt with lust and uncleanness. I remember when it was gone, it was gone. I didn't have bad, ugly thoughts. If something happened, I just commanded it to leave me right then, in the name of Jesus. I just do not live that way anymore.

What I am trying to say, is, the Lord is changing us to be like Him. And no matter how popular you are, or how far you have traveled, or what you might have obtained, the condition inside is what makes the difference. Knowing the Lord and being ready to stand in His Name, you do not waiver. You do not fall short. You believe. You trust. You have faith. You just speak the Name of Jesus, and the enemy has to go. He cannot stay there, he has to obey Jesus' Name.

Then when we say, "Well what is there to be afraid of?" What would people be running so scared of? It is ignorance. They do not understand. They do not know the important things that they need to understand to be matured and to grow up in the Lord, a spiritual being, walking in the spirit, lead by the spirit, understanding spiritually what is happening, the gift of discernment, discerning things as they are. So God is teaching us.

Back to Verse 2, "Rouse yourselves and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying; for I have not found a thing that you have done [any work of yours] meeting the requirements of My God or perfect in His sight.

Call to mind the lessons you have received and heard; continually lay them to heart and obey them, and repent. In case you will not rouse yourselves and keep awake and watch, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come. Yet you still have a few [persons'] names in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes, and they shall walk with Me in white, because they are worthy and deserving. Thus shall he who conquers (is victorious) be clad in white garments, (that is a symbol of righteousness) and I will not erase or blot out his name from the Book of Life; I will acknowledge him [as Mine] and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels. He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches)."

So the Lord covered over all of this wonderful teaching so that worldly eyes could not look at it as a word on a piece of paper that God would, in the fullness of time, begin to unveil or unfold or bring to understanding in this last day people, every jot and every tittle, every line that we need to know and understand, because we are going to set creation free.

We are going to go about with the eyes of our Father, and we are going to see the lost and the dying– the needs that the people have, and there is going to be nothing in us that the enemy can put his finger on, to bring any kind of torment to us, because we have dealt with the strongholds that satan has tried to defeat us with. That is what deliverance is all about – it is getting us ready to get the job done in this last day.

The Lord is coming soon, and we will be ready. We will be ready. We will be perfect, even as the Lord our God is perfect, because He said we would. He said, "Be ye perfect even as the Lord your God in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48. This perfection understanding is what deliverance is bringing about. The more we deal with ourselves in total honesty in our communication in the presence of the Lord, when we are talking to the Lord we can say, "Lord show me this or teach me this. I want to get it right. I want to be that transparent vessel, that transparent gem that you have designed and called forth, so that people can get the help they need because you are so incarnate within me, that I can step out of the way and you can take over and get the job done."

Sometimes, and this doesn't happen all of the time, but when I am praying for someone, and know that there is a blockage. There is something that is not quite right. The Lord will say in my spirit, they are not going to deal with themselves. He will lead me to speak something they are ready to deal with, and the Lord will show me, and we have results – they get set free! You see, in our communication with the Lord, the more we are around Him, the more we are like Him!

The Lord is bringing us to that mature place. This tangible realm of sense and feeling is where we have all lived all of our life. Now we have been born of the spirit with spiritual knowledge. It is not like that "sixth sense" of the tangible realm.

You have to learn how to release yourself to the Holy Spirit. As you abandon yourself to the Lord in worship and praise, you seek His Word, and communicate with the Lord. Then He begins the spiritual training, that spiritual walk, so that you recognize what has to be.

I told you about my little friend I was praying for. She said, "I know I have a Jezebel spirit, and I want it out of me." I didn't know much about Jezebel at that time. My friend was just sitting there, and I thought I'm knocking myself out. Finally, I said, "Lord you are going to have to show me what needs to be done." At that moment the Lord gave me a vision. I saw her when she was about 13 years old, standing out on a little stoop of a back porch, just enough room to stand there and go down the steps. She had a sauce pan in her hand, and she was waving it at God, just as mad as she could be, because all of the kids got to go to the fair, and she had to stay home and cook. She was the oldest child. So I told her what I saw and she just fell in my arms weeping. She said, that's right, and that Spirit came right out of her. That was supernatural Holy Spirit discernment. I didn't know that had happened, but the Lord knew what it would take to break it. God is getting us to that place where we are not looking for an escape. We are not looking for a method or something to get it done and say oh, look what God did, when God didn't do it at all. We did it. We want to learn how to let God do it His way. We must get out of God's way.

So, "the escaping one!" Well, Sardis was one of those seven churches, and that was an attitude. That attitude is being revealed now. We must deal with it.

I was going to talk about the Book of Life, I used to wonder a whole lot about that – was my name really written there, and did they spell it right? There comes a time in your walk with the Lord, that you just know that all of those things are in place, and your mind is just set on pleasing Him and getting the work done. Right now, it is a very serious moment. It is not easy to deal with yourself. There are so many things that we escape into to keep from doing it, but we must do it. Our personality – some of us are survivors, and some of us are manipulators. We have our little ways of going about getting what we want. But there comes a time with our walk with the Lord, when we have to let Him in the driver's seat and let Him do the driving. We must let Him show us what we need.




Revelation 3:7-8 "And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut. Who shuts and no one shall open: I know your [record of] works and what you are doing. See! I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name."

We look at the geographic place for the church of Philadelphia, and the words that the Lord spoke. Philadelphia was located about 20 miles southeast of Sardis on the Cagamis River. The city was named after its founder, King Attalus Philedelphos II, of Pergamum. It means "the city of brotherly love." It was built out of affection for his brother and predecessor, Eumenes II.

Philadelphia was a city known for the spread of the Greek language and culture. The city was regarded as a wealthy trade center. It was located on the main route between the east and the west. Philadelphia was a blessed congregation. Even though they had little strength, they kept God's Word, and did not deny His name, and endured patiently.

Brotherly love, to love one another as we love ourselves, to love as we would love a brother. That is an attitude, and it is a good thoughtful attitude that makes a place in the heart to treat one with kindness and loving care, and always abound in understanding what is happening to someone else because you love them.

That is a good quality – brotherly love. I see the good of what the Lord is saying, but I see the other circumstances too. The brother that this Philadelphus loved was Eumenes, who was an exiled Babylonian king. He had come in exile to this place, and Philadelphus loved him. He loved the papal worship, and set it in place in that church, and that meant that the person that was the pharaoh, the king, the religious leader, could all be one man. The word papal means: "license or indulgence over the church; office and dignity of the pope or the bishop; controlling religion. That is where we got a lot of the leadership from some of the Catholic beginnings, because of the kingship. Because of this, the king could interfere or be involved in all of the matters of the kingdom. If it was religion, he wouldn't be blocked out because he didn't have the right to be there. This was set up, and at this same time, down through that time frame, they began to look about the religious order. They thought, as time went on, some of the things that the different religions were doing, the people really would not want to turn loose of. They enjoyed the pomp and circumstance of what they were giving themselves to. They opted to keep some of those things so out of that, the Catholic church began to evolve, and we got the holy water, the statutes, the hail Mary – the worship of Mary, and a lot of total error that people accepted because it gave them a sense of feeling in the natural that there was something that they could touch or they could feel.

The different times that they set up for all of their program of do's and don'ts, much of it was taken from the scene of idolatry in the paganistic churches of the Canaanitish and Egyptian people, the people that lived all around them. They accepted those ways, and it became like a doctrine, or the way that they decided it should be done.

And down through the generations, it has changed very little. Those spirits that were in place back there, are still there now. They are ages old. They have brought wounds, scars, pain, and suffering to the people. The devil has lied, and through those lies, the people have believed lies, worshiped in places, bowed down to images and idols, and caused a separation or gulf to be fixed between them and the Lord.

Here we are in the last day, and we are looking at those seven churches. We are knowing that Jesus came, and He is the Lord of the resurrection. Resurrection means "life that is out of death," and as He was "the resurrection Lord," He stood in the midst of those sevenfold lampstands. He was at home there. He is the head of the church, and we are the body. But in the headship of the church of Jesus Christ, there has to be righteousness, correctness. There has to be truth. It can only be God's way and God's plan according to God's order, God's laws have to be obeyed. Because the mind of man has been so loose and careless, and so full of desire to fulfill the lust of his eyes, and do the things that he wants to do, instead of whether they are right or wrong, or whether they are approved by the Lord, they want the Lord, but they want the Lord on their terms. We find that there is a lot of mixture in the church system today of incorrectness – people taking the Word of God and expounding on it incorrectly, and leading the people astray.

What we have is a bunch of hurting, bleeding, dying, sick, degenerate, pitiful humanity, that is looking for the form of godliness, but they are denying the power thereof, as the Word declares. II Timothy 3:5. Because they have been so lead astray by the feelings of their emotions – their sixth sense – and in that natural realm of sense and feeling, where the sixth senses abound, man has done what he felt, what he wanted to do, what seemed good, and what he could enjoy himself. Whether it was right or wrong didn't seem to make a whole lot of difference, as long as he felt good doing it.

Of course, out of that has come a language called the New Age. Right and wrong is being left out of our teaching system. Whatever seems good, is what is being allowed. Down through the generations of time, as each generation comes, it seems that it becomes worse than the generation before it. Unrepented sins binding the mind and the consciousness, man led astray due to the blindness of spiritual things and the Godlessness that he has chosen for a way of life. We look at this city and say, brotherly love. But there was an undercurrent underneath that city of great trauma and great unrest of heart and mind because of the evil that it was being perpetrated and put in place for the generations to come. In the city of brotherly love, Eumenes set the papal worship, where idolatry was accepted and paganistic practices allowed. So much took place of uncleanness, that the people were wandering here and wandering there. They had no direction and no conscious. It seems that they are deaf when it comes to hearing the voice of the Lord. This is what happens to the being when man chooses to compromise what is good and right, with what is evil and wrong. When man allows his own mind to decide what he wants to think is right, and what he wants to think is wrong, then that is when man gets in trouble.

When the laws of God are broken, then God's principle that, "you will reap what you sow" is set in place. Now, in this day, and in this hour, we are reaping what has been sown in the generations past of children who have forgotten God. Parents who have forgotten God's laws, the way of right and truth have been discarded, man has written his own laws, written his own history. He has changed the bad things and put in the things he wanted it to say, and it is accepted as truth. If they cannot call it truth, they will say, "we will put some spin on it." In our political arena, all the government of our land, things that are going on all around us right in our own townships and city, there is much evil. There is much uncleanness, much unrest, and we have a nation that is hurting, weeping, moaning, and crying because God has been left out of their life the right way.

Beloved, I believe that the Lord is calling us back as He has given us this Word, the attitudes that must come out of these seven churches. We cannot have it smoothed over and polished and look all good on the outside, and be a decaying corruption on the inside – WE HAVE TO GET IT RIGHT! We are going to love that which is right, correct, good, wonderful, Godly, and holy, and we are going to seek after the kingdom of our God. We are going to ask for His kingdom to be established in the midst of us so that we know where we stand. We know that when we stand for what is right, we will not be moved and we will not compromise. We will not fall down because somebody puts their hot condemnation out and tries to frighten and scare.

But when the children of God get the Word in their heart correct, and they begin to decide as the Lord decides, and they begin to want the things of God more than they want the things of the flesh, and when we make that decided dedication of our being to the Lord when we come to Him in total honesty, holding nothing back, we are not going to cover it over with some kind of superficial love or some kind of words that sound really good, we want to get it right. This is the day that I believe that the Lord is calling His true Ecclesia (His called out ones). That's us! He is calling us to hear in that heaven realm, where the Word is stored up, where God can speak clearly and purely, and we can comprehend and know and act upon it. So our heart and mind are being stirred today, changes have got to take place. We are not going to have it our way. Beloved, we must have it Jesus' way. If we do not know what Jesus' way is, we must get in the Word and find out what His way is, on our face before Him as we read. As we begin to pray and seek the Lord, I believe He is going to pour it out. He is going to teach us. He is going to show it to us so plain that we could never renounce or run past it, or neglect it, ever again.

I believe that there is a generation of people like you and I that God has set in this very hour who will bring together His church in righteousness, peace, rest, joy, and the perfectness of His mighty Word. We will not be looking to cover ourselves in an escape place, but we will be standing there unmovable because the Word of God is sealed in the midst of us. We are not going to faint or fall short.

The seal of God in our forehead, the mind of the Father, the mind of Christ, all that the Lord has spoken in place, and when it comes time to walk or talk or dwell or have our being in ministry, it will flow and function just like you inhale and exhale – so normal, just so normal. I believe that the Lord is bringing us into this last day place so that, as the hurting, wounded ones are falling out of the pews of the church, they cannot handle it anymore, the Lord will have us stationed nearby.

On that road to glory, we will have a hand. We will have a word, and we will hold them until they can stand. I believe that God is making us ready for this very time.

Seven churches on a road, all of them coming into being after the revealing of Jesus out of death into life – the firstborn of the resurrection. The next scene was the seven churches, the seven messengers, the seven stars in His hand, the seven angels, ministers. Then there He is in the midst of the lampstand, and that continuous flow of oil, like the two lampstands in the book of Zechariah 4:2-6, a continuous flow. The olive trees were right there by the lampstands so that there is no space left out, no place for darkness or light to be dim. When the Lord begins to show us His Word, it is light from then on. It is not dark here one day and blurred the next, or oh, dear, I cannot understand. When the Lord begins to teach us His "revelation Word", it is revealed continually. I was amazed. I am going to tell you this, I just wanted to see if it worked. When the Lord began to give me revelation knowledge, I was so amazed, I could just open the Bible and I would just understand it. I was so excited about it, so I thought, you know, I could just walk up to the pulpit and open my Bible and preach. So I decided I would try it, and it worked. Of course, it is better when the Lord gives you the message and you study and prepare, and He adds to it as you deliver it. I like that. But that particular time, I guess I was trying to make sure that I was doing this right, that I just wasn't getting off in fantasy somewhere. But when the Lord begins to open our understanding, He reveals things to us. It may just be one word out of a whole ten sentences, but it will just be there, and we will understand it.

As God is opening us to this last day revelation powerful ministry, we are seeing how hard it is to get people to try to understand or partake of the deliverance message. Oh, if we could but get it across to them. How much they need it and how great they will be when they are done. How wonderful the peace of God is when you can have confidence and rest, and just walk, knowing that the Lord is there.

You know, nothing can happen to you that God doesn't allow. You are just in that place where He prepares, and deliverance is making this holiness and pureness. That is perfection coming into place in us, is the way I see it. I believe that the Lord is taking the things of His Word, and it is just like He is sharpening it in us. Things I looked over yesterday, I see a little clearer today, and on and on and so on. We are just amazed at what the Lord is saying to us.

Let us read what Jesus said to Philadelphia one more time. Verse 7, "And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut." Now I have heard a lot of people talk about the "key of David." What I see the key of David is, that David was a man after God's own heart. That key that opens your understanding to the man David, "he was a son." "He was a father." When I did a study on that, I found that He was a father to all of his children, whether they loved him, treated him right, or whether they threw him away, he loved them. Absalom tried to kill him and usurp his kingdom, and take the crown from him and all of that. When God let Absalom run under the fork of that tree, and it caught him up and broke his neck, they took him down and came and told David. David said, "Oh, Absalom, my son, my son!" David should have hated him, you would have thought, or have him killed or run out of the kingdom, exiled from the kingdom. But he was still a son, see, like the key of David – and there is probably a whole lot more to that than I understand right at this minute. But that is what I feel that the Lord is saying to us. This key is to know the Lord, and like David, to always be willing to say, "I did it Lord." Always quick to report, never hold anything back from God. That was a key to the heart of God, and the Lord loved him so for that.

Another key that I saw that David would have, was the fact that he honored the king. Saul was relieving himself in the cave and David came and cut off part of his coat. He could have taken him right there. It made him a shame and a laughing stock, but David respected the crown, the kingship, because God had ordained the King to be. So, like the Key of David, I am seeing this as I am thinking on what the Lord is saying here. "He Who has the key of David." This is discipline; this is obedience; this is honor, respect for God; this is the majesty of worship of always bowing, being bowed before the Lord. David was always open and bowed to worship the Lord. Even when he rent his clothes and was dancing before the Lord, and that cart that they made, totally out of order, and poor old Uzzah tried to steady the ark. It fell as he tried to steady it. God killed him on the spot. Scared David so bad, they just quit right there and he had to pray. God had a way that the ark was to be carried, and they had built a brand new cart. That's the way man does. Man wants to build a new cart. Man wants a new method, a new way to worship the Lord, a bigger building – get them in a building program and we will get a lot of money.

We are seeing all of this, and we are looking at the hidden message here that we need to understand – the key of David. David respected God. He honored him.

What I see in our young people today, is lack of respect. They do not respect themselves, much less respect their parents. What makes disrespectful kids, has been disrespectful parents. From generation to generation, nobody bothered to find out what God thought about it, or cared about it, or what God wanted done about it. We have come a full circle into a lawless, rebellious, iniquitous generation that has broken God's laws. They have pleased themselves with themselves. They have become a nation that allows sodomy and all forms of promiscuity. Decency and honor seems to be a thing of the past. So we begin to look at our circumstance, and we want to get this right. Like the seven churches and the seven attitudes that were in those seven churches, and the things that God was pleased with, and the things that He wasn't pleased with, and God was merciful and kind to every one of them in what He had to say.

I have been asking, "Where did I fail, Lord? What did I do that was wrong that would make my kids be so careless and unconcerned and not caring about what was happening to me or even to see me or talk with me?" I am saying, "Where did I miss Lord?" Because I have always loved so hard and loved so much, and maybe I just loved too much and I didn't make them mind enough. Maybe I poured on too much. That is my natural momma eyes that I am talking about. But when I get my spiritual eyes in place, then I am realizing God is going to get a hold of them. He is going to turn them around. We gave them the right principles. We said love things to them. We said words to help them and, glory to God, they are going to have to make the choice just like we had to make the choice. They are going to get it right just like we had to get it right. And glory to God, it is going to be God's way. He is not going to let them write their own plan or job description and make it the way they want it. He is going to make them do what is right.

With the pain and suffering that is eminent, we say, thank You Lord, that mercy is coupled in there, and God's mercy is going to take care of them. And we say, thank You Lord, that You are in control, and that by Your Spirit, You know more of what we need than we do ourselves. We might cover our nation over, our family, our household, and say well, we all love each other. But I think we are going to have to get down, and we are going to have to define it. We are going to have to find out what is happening really, and be there for this generation that is maturing now, because they certainly do not have much of a role model in front of them. I have wondered about this a lot.

The enemy, it seems, has put such emphasis on this generation that is coming on. The little children, the witchcraft is being brought right down to the 3 year olds with the books and the different things. The enemy has to have a reason here, and I believe that it is this – because of the nearness of the coming of the Lord, and because of in that generation they will be adults and grown. Because we are the grandmothers and grandpapas at this time, we are going to stand in the gap. We are going to hold things together until we hear that shout in that eastern sky, and the Lord Himself comes. We are going to know that the Lord has come, and these fellows are going to be made ready because we would take that extra time and be careful to give them all the space they need. In my natural, I would like to fuss, but I am not going to, because it would only drive wedges that would have to be undone and chopped out later on. So I am just watching to see what God is about to do. I know that He will, because He has promised us our household, and I know that it is all going to be alright, no matter how far they have gone from us – across the world or across the nations. Praise God! The Lord is the same everywhere, that omnipresent glory will bring them forth as they are ready.

Verse 7, "These are the words of the Holy One the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one shall open: I know your [record of] works and what you are doing. See! I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name." I'm saying hallelujah Jesus, hallelujah Jesus. We are not going to break away and try to figure out some other method. WE ARE GOING TO DO IT GOD'S WAY.

Verse 9, "Take note! I will make those of the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie – behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and learn and acknowledge that I have loved you because you have guarded and kept My word of patient endurance." That is what I think He is teaching some of us – His patient endurance. We have had it in the shocking time and we have kind of held steady. We got over some of the hard parts, but we are going to have endurance. We are going to carry out God's Word patiently, and we are going to endure, praise the Lord! "[have held fast the lesson of My patience with the expectant endurance that I give you]." I say, Lord, we do not know how to endure as You endure yet. "I also will keep you [safe] from the hour of trial (testing)". I am saying, hallelujah Lord! "which is coming" not IF it comes or WHEN it comes, but "IS coming on the whole world to try those who dwell upon the earth. I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one may rob you and deprive you of your crown. He who overcomes (is victorious) I will make him a pillar in the sanctuary of My God; he shall never be put out of it or go out of it, and I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which descends from My God out of heaven, and My own new name." Hallelujah, glory to God!

I will make him a pillar – you know what a pillar is? A pillar is what holds up the porch. It is usually by the entrance way. We will be a pillar in the house of our God. Remember, He named one of those pillars Jachin and the other one Boaz. Boaz means "strength" and Jachin means "he who establishes."

"So I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have." So we are saying, Lord we want You in the midst of us to show us to us. We want to remove everything that could possibly harm us in days to come. We want the things out of our life, Lord, that are not beholding and uplifting to you. We want to please You Lord, in all of our ways. We want to be all that You intended when You called us. Beloved, when you now think you see that door that is wide open, and you begin to walk through it, Jesus' way will be the only way you will want to go. Praise the Lord!.CHAPTER SEVEN



Revelation 3:14-17, "And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the trusty and faithful and true Witness, the Origin and Beginning and Author of God's creation. I know your [record of] works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth! For you say, I am rich; I have prospered and grown wealthy, and I am in need of nothing; and you do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

Laodicea means "Justice of the People" and "The Lukewarm Church". Haven't we seen this lukewarm spirit before? If you are going to be passive and lukewarm, then you give yourself to everything and everyone to exact your needs of what you want.

Laodicea was that lukewarm church. In that lukewarm condition, you'll be all things to all men. That attitude is found in humanism. Whatever seems good and right to you, that's what you ought to do. That's an attitude. It's called passivity. It's just floating by, feeding your flesh, exalting yourself, just laying back. It's letting nothing affect you.

You're not for them, but neither are you against them. I call it ignorance. A man who is not for something, isn't worth anything. Beloved, it's time to make a declaration of what we are for, to get the vision of Jesus, and get this passive attitude out of us.

There was also something else that went on in Laodicea. They had a medical school there. They were going to heal themselves.

Laodicea was a wealthy city that was on a trade route. It dealt in exchanges. It was also a place where there was a scientific discovery. They discovered colierium. It was a salve for the eyes and ears that brought healing. What would lukewarmness do in the natural realm? It would be just like blindness. You would just close your eyes to everything that is going on around you. You let everybody function where they were, and then putting on eye salve so that it won't hurt you anymore, touching your eyes so that whatever is happening around you, is not going to affect you. There are a lot of folks using eye salve in this day, trying to get people to see just what they want them to see, and nothing more. That's an attitude that has to come out of the church. We cannot co-exist with the enemy. That situation that we are seeing has produced the mixture. We have been in agreement to co-exist with our enemies and in that co-existence or that passivity, like that Laodicean nature, we have become a mixture. We think, well, it seems all right. I'll just do it. That attitude has to be removed from the Body.

These are the things that the Lord said to us. Nothing shall escape in this hour. We are not going to bring this mixture into His Throne. It has to be removed, and the sooner we attack these attitudes, the sooner we will see the revealing of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The church has been encouraged in the midst of her tribulation. Do you see what He is saying? I can remember when I was a girl of eighteen in Bible School. I had just been baptized in the Holy Ghost, and I probably should have been put in a closet somewhere for about six weeks. The fire was burning in me. Oh, I was excited about the Lord. Well, every morning from nine to ten o'clock, we had the precious time when we ministered to the Lord in our rooms. On one particular morning, I got up and opened the Bible to the Book of Revelation. I thought, oh, hallelujah, the revealing of Jesus! Well, the more I read, the more frightened I became. I remember, by the time I read the last verse, I was shaking. I closed the book and I said, "Oh, God, what have I gotten myself into?" And the Lord spoke to me. Now, you think you're just sitting there all by yourself. Oh, no. The Lord knows your heart. That's Him, shaping, molding, blessing, and making you like Himself. We are being prepared for glory. So the Lord spoke to my heart because I was so frightened at what I had read. The Lord said, "What did it say at the beginning?" I answered, "It was the revealing of Jesus and to the overcomer. Him that overcomes, there'll be no effect of such things." Then the Lord said to me, "Do what you can do something about." I said, "Hallelujah! I can live with that." I can deal with me and it has been a part of my understanding from that moment to this day.

We have to deal with this flesh man. All of the bruises and the hurts of this tangible realm have to be put under our feet. We are now a new generation man, a kingdom son, full of grace and glory. A transfiguration process is removing us from the power of sin and death. So how has the church been encouraged to recognize her weaknesses in tribulation? When I see that somebody has a little crisis going on in his life, I say "Hallelujah! A son is being born. Rejoice." God is dealing with you. That's your Father. Let me tell you that the devil cannot do anything to you that your Father hasn't allowed for the refining and perfecting of your faith. He is not going to raise up a church that will break her ranks, wallow in self-pity, and run to and fro, trying to get somebody to bail them out. HE IS RAISING A MIGHTY ARMY THAT WILL KNOW THE TRUTH BECAUSE THE TRUTH SETS THEM FREE.

We have to get this vision of Jesus, standing in the lampstand. Do you know that the light of the lampstand was the only light in the tabernacle? There wasn't any borrowed light. It was the light, a total representation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Do you understand that the table of incense that stood before the veil of the tabernacle of Moses was Jesus Christ, the mediator? It was Jesus who would stand and take your place. He would be your advocate. It was the same height behind the veil as the tips of the wings of the cherubim above the mercy seat on the altar of the covenant, and it was depicting Jesus Christ, our advocate, and He is also our covenant. God didn't leave anything out. He didn't leave us in any place where we would not know the effect of His Nature in the midst of us. His intention was to bring out of this earth a bride for His Son, a union, a completeness, a oneness, perfection that you might be all He intended you to be.

There's an encouragement. It says in Job 36:15 that He delivers the oppressed by their oppression, and He opens their ears to His Voice through adversity. If you have a little crisis going on, God is trying to talk to you. Get the lesson learned. Find out what you need to know. Do not let your peace be disturbed. Lack of peace is the first way you know something is going on. Find out what the lesson is, and learn it quickly.

Laodicea speaks about compromise, worldly-mindedness, and eye salve, so that you can take what they are dishing out. Beloved, let us examine our attitudes, and let us find the attitude of Jesus Christ. Let His Word deliver you.

Revelation 1:18-22, "And the Ever-living One [I am living in the eternity of the eternities]. I died, but see, I am alive forevermore; and I possess the keys of death and Hades (the realm of the dead). Write therefore the things you see, what they are [and signify] and what is to take place hereafter. As to the hidden meaning (the mystery) of the seven stars which you saw on My right hand and the seven lampstands of gold: the seven stars are the seven angels (messengers) of the seven assemblies (churches) and the seven lampstands are the seven churches."

It seems the Lord was not pleased with this church, suggesting this church was guilty of apathy, complacency, and indifference. They needed renewal. We should note that this church was the only church out of the seven that God had nothing good to say about.

Lukewarmness is surely a powerful spirit and attitude that displeases the Lord. IT MUST BE RECOGNIZED IN THE CHURCH BODY TODAY. It seems many believers are more concerned about the important things of this world, rather than the important things of the Lord.

We have become apathetic, indifferent, and uncaring about God's truth. In our church system today, people could go to church and never hear the name of Jesus spoken. Most people would rather stay in the middle of the road than get involved in the Word to understand or have wisdom for this end time day.

We say, "surely, Lord come quickly. Let your fire burn within us, making us hot, full of Your Word – EXPECTING YOU LORD.





We have been asking the Lord to increase our anointing. We have been asking for more wisdom. I think, sometimes we forget to do that. We walk in what we have, and we enjoy the presence of the Lord, as He teaches us. But I believe that we must be aware that, for everyday progress, and to have the progressive work of His nature within us, more anointing is needed. So we say, "Lord, anoint us for all that lies ahead. Let us make the progress that is needed for the day in which we live." Praise the Lord for what He is doing in each of us. Hallelujah!

Let's pray. "Father, I thank You for Your everlasting gospel. I thank You for Your Word that is incarnate in us, Lord, that You are writing it upon our heart, every line, every precept. You are fulfilling truth within the midst of Your body. I thank You Lord God, that you have chosen us, and that You have placed Your anointing in the midst of each one of us. I thank You, Lord, that You make us the head and not the tail. You call us out of darkness into light. You set our feet in a large place, and You deliver us, so there is more room in us for You. Lord Jesus, we command our being to Your attention. We ask You to write indelibly, Your Word, upon our heart. For we seek You Lord, in all that You are speaking in this day when this earth is so full of divination, and the powers of darkness are all around us, like heavy clouds brooding over the earth. We thank You Lord God, that You called a light people, truth, light, wisdom, and You are grooming them to stand all the tests of time, that there be nothing in us that has to be tested, for we have passed the crises that makes us more like You, Lord. Jesus, keep us close to one another, close to You. Let us be aware and mindful of the need of our body, Lord, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us, Lord, be careful how we treat them. Let us lift them up in honor, and love them and cherish them as precious, and noble in Your sight. Let us, Lord, overcome every obstacle that would blind our way from such a glorious place. Now Jesus, teach us as we harken unto Your Word. AMEN!

I wanted to just make some statements. We talked about the Revelation of Jesus. The revealing of resurrection, "life out of death." You and I are facts of life. We are life because He has given us life – a resurrection life, power, dominion to overcome all that has bound us in the powers of death.

We looked at this unveiling of divine mysteries, knowing that in the soon return of Jesus Christ, a preparation and readiness, each one of us, His body must be contained in that precious glory of peace and rest and resurrection. We are looking at this mixture that is ripe to be exposed in this end time hour, where a body must go on. It is as though we have been at a standstill because the mixture of lawlessness from generations past – the cup is now full. The body is hurting, bruised, swollen by the demonic forces that have been allowed because of the rebellions of generations past. The Lord is showing us that we are truly His.

Sometimes, we forget to make progress because we are so caught up in the problems of today. And the Lord is calling us, like He is saying, "Bestir yourself, shake yourself, acknowledge what is going on. Let life be revealed in your container, your being. Recognize flesh weaknesses where the enemy bombards you and tries to set up his camp to overtake you. Let your good be seen, and let your joy remain." A vision of Jesus, He is the pattern.

God has called us to become His likeness. You know, I'm talking big, and it is beyond the natural kind of thinking. We stop short of that because of the limitation of our knowledge in the tangible senses. We stop short of it because many times, our problem seems bigger to us than our understanding of who we are in Jesus. We minister in our hurt and pain and cry out, "woe is me", and (the classic one), "why me, Lord!" We are trying all the time to sort of build ourselves up, to that place where we know that it is finished as far as we are concerned. Our human container, (this flesh feeling), has got to be dealt with.

In John's Revelation, this is end time truth, the revealing of our part in Jesus. At the very beginning, God lets us know that we are in Him.

Seven churches, the Ecclesia (the called out ones), mixtures that must be dealt with. We see Him speak. He said, "these things saith He," naming the appearance and nature pertinent to each church.

To Ephesus – it was a great and powerful church, but it was losing zeal. We see that attitude in the body. Great and powerful, but passive, tired, left or abandoned your first love, you have deserted your first love. I pondered that situation for a long time. How could I lose my first love? I remembered back to those days when I was first baptized in the Holy Ghost, as a young girl of eighteen, and started Bible school. I think some nights when I went home from a meeting I walked on top of the trees, a love and a joy that I was bursting with. Wonderful excitement, looking for Jesus in everything, everywhere.

Where are we Lord, in our relationship with You? How much time are we spending with you? We are a part of Your body. We are there before Him in prayer like a bride, the union process, being one with Him, a commitment and a communion, making us one in You. Great and powerful is this love. We must not lose zeal. These things, He said, "Him that holds the seven stars in His right hand." Standing in the midst of seven lampstands – what a magnificent thought – to think of the fullness of light! Total truth, no more guessing, "knowing I'm my Beloved's and He is mine!" No guessing about a light so clear and so marvelous in wisdom in the being – a church – a called out one, who will stand in that light and proclaim liberty to every captive.

Ephesus, "desirable permissiveness" is what it means. And let this attitude be desiring Jesus Christ. Let us turn away from the mixture that was in this city, in this hour, and let us know that, as the mixture has abounded in each one of us – He, Jesus, has given us authority to overcome it, to cast out demon forces that try to destroy us.!

To Smyrna, He says, "a poor and a suffering church facing martyrdom." These things He said, "that was dead and lived again." I believe that this one thing has to be understood in the body of Christ in this end time hour. We have viewed the church with a death understanding. We have viewed with a death understanding that is expecting the worst, a negative ending. The Lord our God has given us life out of death, that we might understand the power of life, and command that glory into everything that concerns us. When the crisis comes, the trauma shakes, the devastation is revealed, we take authority in the mighty name of Jesus and command each problem to be removed.

As all of this happens, we pray, "I am expecting light to be revealed here, Lord. I am expecting to understand truth. I am expecting to know the reason why. I am expecting to attack it in Your Name", and command every faulty thing that has disturbed my peace, to be loosed from my situation.

Smyrna means "bitterness!" If we allowed the facts of death to be our thinking process, it would produce such a bitterness within us, that we would become so cantankerously bitter, so full of corruption and death, that we would do just that – bitterness, the end of it is death. He says, "these things saith He that was dead and lived again."

To the Church of Pergamos. Tolerating teachers of immorality. "These things saith He, that hath a sharp two-edged sword." Pergamos means "married with the world." Things that must be overcome. That two-edged sword, the Word of God, that is rightly dividing truth. There is a separation that must come to you – between you and the world. You cannot view the Lord married to the world. You cannot be an unfaithful lover. You cannot expect the blessings of the protection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, when you are giving yourself to the things of the world.

To Thyatira He said, "You are growing in zeal, but you are tolerating Jezebel." Jezebel is like the spirit of witchcraft, divination, powers that control the mind. He said, "I'll throw her on a bed of ashes, and I'll cause her paramours to be thrown upon a bed of ashes. That idolatry that has gone on, has got to be revealed." He said, "I will cause severe affliction, pressing, unless they turn away their minds from such conduct as hers, and I will strike her children (her proper followers dead)." I really trembled when I began to understand this.

In Hosea 4:6, we are looking at a nation of forgotten children. Children with no parent identity. God's laws forgotten, and Gods says, "because you forget My laws, I will forget your children." Rebellion abounding. Children against fathers, fathers against sons, mothers against daughters, daughters against mothers. Horrifying things, murders and hatreds brewing, like a pot full of that mixture in this hour. A church that God has called to be a part of His body, that must change her attitude, and become like Jesus. Revelation 2:25-27 - Only hold fast to what you have until I come. And He who overcomes, (is victorious) and who obeys My commands to the [very] end - doing the works [that please Me] - I will give him authority and power over the nations; And he shall rule them with a sceptre (rod) of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, and [his power over them shall be] like that which I Myself have received from My Father.

"These things saith the Son of God to him that tolerates Jezebel, who hath eyes like a flame of fire." The Lord meant them to know that He saw that adulterous, divination power, witchcraft control in the body that was meant to know the miracle power of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of the Living God!

To Sardis He says, "these things, to Sardis with a name that has lived but it is dead." Sardis means "the escaping one." "These things, saith He that has the Seven Spirits of God." God speaking so clearly. That sevenfold nature of the Holy Ghost, every one, every bit of the fulness of the Holy Spirit, alive – endued with power given unto each one of us, without measure. The limit of God in your life is on your part – not His. He meant for us to have it all. He meant for us to know Him, to receive Him, and to dwell in Him, from everlasting to everlasting.

Revelation 3:1-5 - And to the angel (the messenger) of the assembly (the church) in Sardis write: These are the words of Him Who has the seven Spirits of God [that is, the sevenfold Holy Spirit] and the seven stars: I know your record and what you are doing; you are supposed to be alive, but [in reality] you are dead. Rouse yourselves and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying; for I have not found a thing that you have done - any work of yours - meeting the requirements of My God or perfect in His sight. So call to mind the lessons you received and heard; continually lay them to heart and obey them, and repent. In case you will not rouse yourselves and keep awake and watch I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come. Yet you still have a few [persons'] names in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes, and they shall walk with Me in white, because they are worthy and deserving. Thus shall he who conquers (is victorious) be clad in white garments and I will not erase or blot out his name from the Book of Life; I will acknowledge him [as Mine], and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels.

To the Philadelphia church, a nobody in a city, but faithful. It meant brotherly love. "These things saith He that opens and none shall shut." Beloved, when you are walking in the love of God, the Lord your God goes before you, and no man can shut that door that God opens. When you determine to love Him back, and to seek Him as your vital necessity, that brotherly love – "the love of the brethren", glory to God, a resurrection quality – life out of death!

Revelation 2:7-12 - And to the angel (the messenger) of the assembly (the church) in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one shall open. I know your [record of] works and what you are doing. See! I have set before you a door wide open, which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message, and have not renounced or denied My name. Take note! I will make those of the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie, behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and learn and acknowledge that I have loved you. Because you have guarded and kept My word of patient endurance - have held fast the lesson of My patience with the expectant endurance that I give you - I also will keep you (safe) from the hour of trial (testing) which is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell upon the earth. I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one may rob you and deprive you of your crown. He who overcomes (is victorious), I will make him a pillar in the sanctuary of My God; he shall never be put out of it or go out of it, and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem which descends from My God out of heaven, and My own new name.

Take note that Philadelphia kept God's Word with "patient endurance", and God will keep them safe. The overcomer will be victorious.

To Laodicea, the lukewarm church, passivity, "these things saith the faithful and the true Witness." We can no longer sit on the fence. We can no longer be lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. Beloved, it is time to stand in dominion of resurrection, and know that life has been given unto us. He has spoken these things.

Everything that would lay hidden is now being revealed. He is shaking this earth and all of it is His mercy. The Lord is not going to allow this resurrection process to be diluted with the power of death. He is not going to allow His body to be dismembered and be lost or deserted in this sea and mass of lawlessness and rebellion. He has called out discipline – divine order – to protect us from all that is evil. He has given us Himself and He has bequeathed unto us – called us a vital part of His own – His body. He was the lamb that was slain, and we are the lamb as though we had been slain. We are His body, and it is finished concerning us!

The Lord our God is well aware of where our progress is, and where we dwell, and where we are going! All of these things, attitudes in every one of us, this body, like this sevenfold nature of fullness of lawlessness, mixture, the Lord revealed, unveiling the divine mysteries. This is the revelation of Jesus. We are a part of that body. We are there because He came to save us. It is mind boggling to the natural mind. In our abilities of humanness, we cannot fathom it. But by the Spirit, and through the Spirit, we can know that He has made us a part of Him.

John 14 speaks it so clearly, "we are in Him and He is in us." That is a fact of life, and that is the way it is. When every enemy is put under our feet, when we pull down the blindness, we are looking through a glass darkly, at this point. There are things of this death realm that we have all been bound up in, demonic forces that have kept us from victory. We have been like that one who has lost their first love. Faithless, because of the weakness that we have viewed Jesus in, through our containment in the natural sense of human kind. We could not know the resurrection glory that God designed for us to be contained in, but every time we pull down those powers, demonic forces that have blinded our mind, and caused us to malfunction, it gets a little clearer. Knowledge increases. It is locked in the being of man.

We are not shaken when we hear the knock at the door, and that old sly fox, the devil standing there, and he wants to gobble us up. We are like Brother Wigglesworth was – "that's just you again." He doesn't come and cause you to tremble, because you know what the Word says in your behalf. You are not weak. You have not fallen into the sleep of death. Beloved, you are alive. That energy of the Holy Ghost is fulfilled in you. You are standing there in authority, a word of power and might, and you are commanding, in the Name of Jesus, because as an heir, a joint heir with Jesus Christ, you would not expect anything else but the power of life – that Word in your mouth. You wouldn't view him in fear and trauma like you used to, because you are learning the Word. You are making progress. You are maturing. You are overcoming. And to Him that over cometh, to Ephesus, He said, "I'll cause you to eat of the tree of life."

I really got excited there when He said that. I thought of the trees in the garden – the two trees. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of the knowledge of everlasting life. I saw that tree of everlasting life as Jesus, the planting of the Lord. I saw in my understanding what God meant when He said that Adam and Eve must be taken out of the garden lest they eat of that tree of the knowledge of life, and live forever, in that state of good and evil, understanding where the enemy could come in that divination power, sway them back and forth by degrees of his ability of divination, down through the ages. But God made a reservation, a preservation of that tree.

Here we see Him in the last chapters of Revelation. This tree that was planted by the rivers of water, water that was coming out of the throne of God.
In the 22nd Chapter, "Then He showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb, through the middle of the broadway of the city. Also, on either side of the river was the tree of life..." "With its twelve varieties of fruit, (like the fulness of perfection) yielding each month (that means a progressive work, a fulness) its fresh crop; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing and the restoration of the nations." And I said, Lord God, that tree of life, when our desire is only for You Lord, and when the things of the world are far behind, nothing matters but Jesus. You talk about love! To eat of the tree of life. Leaves for the healing of the nations. Leaves are shade to the fruit, protection from the sun, the rain, the storm. Leaves for the healing and the restoration, preserving life, a progressive work, producing fruit that is lasting and will remain. Ephesus, the changed body that overcame the power of death. He said, "To him that over cometh will eat of the tree of life."

Now to Smyrna, that word of bitterness, when you overcome that attitude of bitterness, hatred, jealousy, all that is wound up in bitterness, it says that you will not be hurt by the second death. In other words, you have died, and your real life is hid with Christ in God. You are alive because He is alive. You have seen Him, glory to God, and the power outflowing from His resurrection. Eat of that tree of life now, not hurt by the second death principles. Overcoming every obstacle of mixture produces a lasting glory for the true body of Christ.

To Pergamos, who has been married with the world, when we overcome that mixture, it says that we will eat of the hidden manna. Like mysteries and secrets, revelation knowledge, the Lord God, writing His word upon our heart. You see, no longer are we an adulterous lover. No longer are we looking into the things of the world to satisfy our longings. But now, oh Lord, we love You and You are ours. Jesus has come, and like the lover that He is, He begins to share with you, the secrets and the mysteries stored up in the ages, the word that is ready to be fulfilled in this earth, and to bring to completeness and perfection, all of His body, out of this earth, stored up, to eat of the hidden manna, when you overcome that old mixture of compromise.

To Thyatira, we move that old Jezebel nature out, that spirit of divination that has sought to possess, and cause us to malfunction, that Thyatira Jezebel harlotress nature attitude. He said I will give you the Morning Star, Jesus Christ, the light of the world, the Morning Star. He, the Son of God, the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. In other words, the light of day, the Morning Star. What is morning? That is where dawn begins, where you can see clearly. The Morning Star, the understanding of all truth, who you are in Christ Jesus. When that power of divination is broken, when that physic realm of Balaam, that Baal, that seer that would like to contain the church, the false prophets running to and fro in her. Beloved, when you have come out of that old Jezebelic nature that wants to run all the programs, and try to tell the preachers what to preach, and have all the people coming to them because they have got a word for them.

Beloved, when you can get beyond that attitude, He is going to give you the bright and morning star. A light that will be shed abroad every thought that ever has been, and ever will be. A truth that will remain in the midst of you that you will never think to compromise or sit down and be passive or fool away time again. But every moment you would give unto Him.

To that Sardis church, which means "the escaping one", to him that overcometh, He will not blot his name out of the Book of Life. Even in all that runaway, and we see those escaping ones every where, they come to the point where it is time to overcome, be disciplined, deal with themselves, and they pull out and go to another church. They stay in that immature place because they are renegades. They are wanderers. They are like illegitimate children. They do not want to grow up and mature, and become like Father. They want to do their thing. They want to spell it out like they want it. We see a lot of those kind of folks around, and that escaping one, like the jewel, that Sardius stone that it was, when God was through with it, it was transparent. There were no blemishes in it any more. All it did was reflect light. Sometime we can study on those twelve stones. It is a beautiful study. But to him that overcometh this Sardis nature, that runaway, He said He will not blot your name out of the Book of Life, to live in Christ Jesus. Now I want you to note that Book of Life. It was written on the front and on the back. There was no room for anything else to be written on it. God made that plan for life, and there wasn't any space for man to add to it or to take away from it. That book was sealed, every name written there, and God was the author. He wrote the names down. So when you overcome that escaping nature you are going to know where your name is written down.

To Philadelphia, He said, "To him that overcometh, I will make you a pillar in the temple of God." I thought about Solomon's temple when I read that, and there was "Jachin" (it means "established") and there was "Boaz" (it means "strength"). Jachin was a pillar and Boaz was a pillar on the porch of Solomon's temple. A porch is what holds up the entrance way. I thought, isn't that nice, Lord, an understanding doorkeeper. To him that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of the Lord. And it says he will go no more out. A place in God, a temple, Hallelujah!

And to the Laodicea church, He said, "to him that overcometh, He will cause him to sit with Me in My throne." I tell you, beloved, as these attitudes of death, the mixture of death is out of the body, resurrection life coming forth, we are going to sit in His throne. God planned and unveiled in Revelation, Jesus Christ, and there we all are, a part of His body, belonging to Him. The mixture of the church, sevenfold natures, attitudes that must be overcome. He closes each letter with this, as if He were warning or admonishing each one of us to take seriously what He says, and He says, "to him that hath ears to hear, to him that overcomes." We are all part of that tabernacle, living stones. It says in I Peter 2:1-2, "So be done with every trace of wickedness (depravity, malignity) and all deceit and insincerity (pretense, hypocrisy) and grudges (envy, jealousy) and slander and evil speaking of every kind. Like newborn babies you should crave - thirst for, earnestly desire - the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed] salvation."

In this last day "company of believers", to the world, it is a remnant. Romans 8 declares that all of creation is waiting to see the manifestation of the "sons of God." When we were "born again", we could only handle the "milk" of God's Word. We drank milk, but we are beginning to eat meat. Like little baby Isaac, when Daddy Abraham said, "tomorrow we are having a big feast. We are going to feast because we are going to wean Isaac. He is going to sit up at the table and eat meat for the first time." Here is little Isaac, just crying and carrying on because he liked that milk. There was nothing any better than that milk to him.

But it was time, if he was going to grow, he had to eat some meat. And here is Ishmael, standing in the corner, 13 years old. He knew what it was to eat meat, and he is laughing at his brother Isaac. Of course, the mammas caused there to be a separation at that point. But the point I want to make is, Isaac learned how to eat meat. He grew up and he was a son that was glorious, full of wisdom, who knew when God selected him a wife. Didn't take him long to run out into that field and get her off that camel. No, I think she jumped off that camel. See, when it is right, you know. Sometimes in our salvation walk, we realize who we are in Christ Jesus, and we know what is being carried out – the plan of God. We are like that Eliezer (Abraham's servant) who was looking for the camels, and we are saying, thank you Lord, for the camels. For if that lady had not been there that day, Eliezer would have had to draw the water. Thank you Lord, that your work is supplied. Thank you Lord, that you are teaching us. Thank you Lord, that there is a maturing process in every realm that is going to bring strength, adulthood, authority to sit down in the throne of God.

I can hardly imagine the glory of the Lord. But the more this old attitude of death is loosed from me, the easier that glory understanding is in the midst of me. You are not depending just on the six goose pimples and the twelve hairs that come into being (when you think you have had a spiritual visitation), but there is a knowledge in you – it's so, He said it, it's so. See, that's maturity. You are ready to take a bite out of the meat and to let it be digested spiritually to put sinew muscle upon you so that the Word of God that is energized with the power of life will bring that fulfillment of life in everything that concerns you. He says in I Peter 2:3, "Since you have already tasted goodness and the kindness of the Lord, come to Him [then, to that] Living Stone which men tried and threw away, but which is chosen and precious in God's sight. [Come] and as living stones be yourselves built [into] a spiritual house."

Now, I want to make a statement here. Deliverance is not a quick fix for you to escape from your enemy. Deliverance is necessary, and it is a completing of life authority, understanding in you. But beloved, when you are delivered you need to be in a body that is going to love you. You cannot run around and play church, and neglect the word, and go after the pleasures that are evolved because of flesh. You cannot neglect your relationship with the Lord. Deliverance is a very serious business. It is like a stepping stone. It is making you ready for the sure house, the temple that Jesus is building, the one that God called into being. You see, Moses had a shadow and type of the vision of that tabernacle in the wilderness. David saw it in the tent of Ornan's threshing floor and in Zion, God's city, and Solomon built a temple.

Generations have come and gone as each generation had a vision of what it was like to be a tabernacle or a part of God. But, you and I are living stones made up of a spiritual house. Jesus Christ is the head. We are the body. We are a many membered body, joint heirs with Jesus Christ. He was the first born of the dead. He is the resurrected Lord, and He came to give resurrection life understanding to each one of us. It's understanding that we are being delivered from all that has been death within us. That is what deliverance is doing. It is taking out the dead wood, the contaminations, the weak places, that could not be raised into that structure of glory. It is removing the shadows in the darkness so that you can know the sunny side, the light and the glory, praise the Lord! Living stones built up into a spiritual house for a holy, dedicated, consecrated priesthood, everyone standing in the dominion of total truth and never wavering, never being affected by embarrassment. We would measure up because the power of attorney of the Name of Jesus, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, has shown you to you, and you have been willing to deal with yourself.

IN THE NAME OF JESUS, YOU HAVE PULLED DOWN EVERY STRONGHOLD, CAST OUT EVERY DEMON, AND BROKEN EVERY BLOODLINE CURSE THAT WOULD CAUSE YOU TO BE WEAK AND FALLEN INTO THE SLEEP OF DEATH. YOU HAVE ARISEN OUT OF THE GRAVE, AND THE GRAVE CLOTHES ARE UNWRAPPED. Underneath is a glory that the nations, and the people are longing to see a many membered body standing in dominion and power, commanding, in the Name of Jesus. How do we know? Because we know the "Word" of God. How do we know? Because it works. It has worked in the midst of us. We are not talking about what some other generation wrote. We are walking it out. We are living it. We are turning, and we are walking out of death. Death has no power and no dominion over a people who have been called a resurrection life people who will live and not die, who will stand in glory, and know the truth, and because the truth has set you free.

No more pride of life in this natural realm, but a glory, a submission unto Him. I give myself to You Lord. I consecrate my being to your keeping, Jesus. A "spiritual priesthood", glory to God, holy before You Lord. Nothing in us that has to be tested. We have passed the test. Darkness is gone, the shadows have disappeared, the clouds are removed, and here we are, a Zion people, the mountain of God, a threshing floor of peace, a Jerusalem seed, Hallelujah! For it says, "[Come] and as living stones, be yourselves built into a spiritual house for a holy (dedicated, consecrated) priesthood, to offer up those spiritual sacrifices [that are] acceptable to God and well pleasing to God through Christ Jesus. For thus it stands in Scripture: Behold I am laying in Zion a chosen (honored), precious chief Cornerstone, and he who believes in Him – who adheres to, trusts in and relies on Him – shall never be disappointed or put to shame."

That is another thing deliverance does, beloved. When we have had a lack of faith or been faithless, once those shadows and darkness, powers, demonic forces are removed out of us, then faith seems just like breath. You must have it, Hallelujah, faith is there. You do not waiver. You expect. You wouldn't think any other way, but in faithfulness, resting in God, expecting. Faith is what God decreed to convey us to Him in His presence, seated in His throne. Yes, Lord, I love you Jesus. You have made a place for us.

Verse 7, "To you then who believe (who adhere to, trust in, and rely on Him) is the preciousness; but for those who disbelieve [it is true], The very Stone which the builders rejected has become the main Cornerstone. And A Stone that will cause stumbling and a Rock that will give [men] offense; they stumble because they disobey." PLEASE HEAR THAT! If you have fallen down somewhere, and it looks like you are under the circumstances, instead of on top of them, find out where disobedience is abounding, and deal with it, in the Name of Jesus. They disbelieved God's word. Let Him who is faithful, let us be faithful still. "As those who reject Him were destined (appointed) to do." They disbelieved God's Word as those who reject Him, and were destined (appointed to do). But it says, "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation." See, we are a many membered body. "[God's] own purchased people." You are not an accident going somewhere to happen, BUT YOU ARE THE PLAN OF GOD. Hallelujah.

You belong. You are a vital part of the body, and as you deal with yourself, you are delivered, and are being delivered. Now, "we are a purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." Paul said it like this, "When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, and I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things." God is calling to maturity, overcomers coming over, crowned with life, resurrection from the dead! Hallelujah!

Verse 10, "Once you were not a people [at all], but now you are God's people; once you were unpitied, but now you are pitied and have received mercy. Beloved, I implore you as sojourners and strangers and exiles [in this world] to abstain from the sensual urges (the evil desires, the passions of the flesh, your lower nature) that wages war against the soul". TO HIM THAT OVERCOMES! BELOVED, THERE IS A REVEALING OF JESUS CHRIST. He stands at the door. You and I are a vital part of His body. He has decreed and called us according to His Word. Let us go on. Let us receive truth. Let us hearken unto His Word.

Let's pray. Father, I thank you for Your Word, that You have made it available unto us. That you are revealing, oh, Lord God, a mixture in Your body that must be removed. We stand, Lord, a company of people seeking more of You. Let us be careful, my Father, to honor and praise and magnify Your Name, and get it right. Hallelujah. Thank You Lord, for Your Word that has been said unto us Lord. Hallejuah!

I am reminded of a message that I preached one day, when the Priests were putting the loaves of bread on the shewbread table, it is symbolic of the "bread of the face," or the "bread of the presence," it was called, and we are eating that bread of life. Jesus is "the Bread of Life."

There was one sentence that stood out so strongly to me. And it says, "and you shall set the shewbread, the bread of the presence, on the table before Me always." Beloved, He has called us unto Him. We are that bread company. Jesus Christ has given us His body. We are to be like Him, and we are before Him always! Hallelujah! Glory to the Lord! Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves and the four thousand with seven loaves, and five and seven is twelve – and they got in the boat and one said, "Oh, we forgot the bread." And another said, "No, we have one loaf here." And they did. They had Jesus Christ, the full loaf, the bread of the presence, the bread of the face, Hallelujah! And He was there, Hallelujah, in the boat! You are not in this journey of life all by yourself. We look again, and twelve men sit at a table. It is the last supper, the last time to eat together in the flesh.

And here He is, breaking the bread, pouring the wine. The children of Israel, the twelve tribes, symbolize the twelve loaves that laid on the shewbread table, every man having a representation with God. But now, twelve disciples, apostles, hanging onto every word, feeling grieved because they knew shortly, He would be gone, not understanding all He spoke, but feeling so aware of the changes that would shortly take place.

Their faith brought to a point where it must be acted upon, quivering, I am sure, and the full loaf broke the bread! He gave His body, Hallelujah! You and I have been eating that bread ever since we have met Him. He has been feeding us the Word. It is life everlasting. Let's move on into that realm of glory where the Word is fed upon, where you starve your doubts, Hallelujah, glory to God, and your fears! Let us stand in the glory of the Lord.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I am yours to command. I cry out for discipline and obedience in every part of my being. I give myself to You tonight, Lord. I ask for more anointing, more wisdom, more understanding. Teach me Lord, to be a vital part of Your body, to be there for my brothers and sisters, to stand in authority and dominion against all the fiery darts of the evil one. And now I command, in Your Name Jesus, peace. I ask You Lord Jesus, to let Your Word be revealed to me in all my ways. Lord, let me acknowledge You! Amen.

Jeremiah 50:20

In those days and at that time, says the Lord, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and none shall be found; for I will pardon those whom I cause to remain as a remnant [the reserved ones, who come forth after the long tribulation].


King James Bible
Amplified Bible
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Boyd's Bible Dictionary
Eerdman's Bible Dictionary

Other books available by Blanche Reynolds:
















PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD. Read EPH. 6:10-18 and II COR. 10:3-6

We enter into battle with the proper equipment for protection. We contend against Satan and his host. We must be protected.


FEED ON GOD'S WORD: Read Psalms 119, make it a daily prayer for awhile and stay in THE LIVING WORD.

KEEP SHORT ACCOUNTS WITH GOD: 1 John 1:8-9, Psalms 103:10-12. When you have yielded to a desire of the flesh or a temptation of Satan, quickly go to our Heavenly Father, confess the sin, receive forgiveness, forgive yourself, and be cleansed. The Accuser of the Brethren will try to burden you with guilt and condemnation. GIVE HIM NO PLACE!!! (See REV. 12:10)

CRUCIFY THE FLESH: Col. 3:5-10; Gal. 5:16-24. This old nature has been crucified with Christ, but we must keep It buried! We must change our lifestyle to please the Lord Jesus Christ, and not our flesh.

RESIST SATAN: James 4:7; Gal. 5:1. It is important first to submit your will to God, then you can resist Satan and his hosts. Pray daily for the Gift of Discernment that you might quickly recognize the enemy and his tactic. Tell him to get his hands off of God's property.

PRAYER, PRAISE, WORSHIP, THANKSGIVING: Heb. 1:8. Please God with your voice of faith. Take time daily for all the above. Remember early will I seek Thee. Take your eyes off yourself and bless the Lord.

GIVE YOURSELF TO THE SERVICE OF THE LORD: Read Luke 6:36; 9:24. This will strengthen our faith. As we experience God ministering to others through us, we are drawn closer to Him who is our Source.

STAY IN FELLOWSHIP WITH BELIEVERS: Rom. 1:11-12. God ministers to us through them, and we are encouraged, strengthened and fed. If we become distant from the body of Christ, our relationship with the Lord is seriously hindered, even endangered. Heb. 10:25.

PARTAKE OF THE "LORD'S SUPPER": John 6:53-58. Frequent receiving of the life of Jesus in the Sacraments of Holy Communion, Is the scriptural means of receiving God's Grace.

COMMIT YOURSELF UNTO THE LORD: Matt. 6:24, Rom. 12:1-2. Each morning and evening, place yourself In HIS care and recommit yourself, spirit, soul, and body. Expect his protection at all times. A total commitment gets total protection.