God is doing great and wonderful things in this earth, isn't He? The closer we get to this climax and final hour in God, the more mighty and majestic and glorious are His people... His ecclesia, His called-out sons, out of the womb of the morning, "at the beginning of your understanding." God is making a people ready to know how to feast in His presence.

Let's pray: Father, I thank You that Your word is neigh us, even in our mouth. And I thank You Father that it never returns to You void, but it does all that You sent it to do. Now Father, we command our being to Your attention, and we ask You God to write Your word indelibly upon our hearts. We pull down vain imaginations, everything that would set itself up against truth, for we would hear from You, Lord. For Your word is mighty and You have come and You have chosen this earthly container as Your dwelling place. So Father, we make ready for learning, and we ask You to teach us. Let our understanding be fruitful, Lord. The very nature of the Holy Ghost – wisdom and understanding, let it rise within us that our spirit is taught of the excellent things that are so glorious to this Omega people, this end-time people, this finished word people. And Father God, we just praise you and we thank you Lord that we can glorify Your name and to handle the things of truth and be fed at Your table. So Father, we bless You and Praise You. We ask now Jesus – be all in us all You want to be! AMEN!

You know the word is so good, so rich, so energized with life, and when you begin eating at Father's table, so to speak, and the word is such life in your midst and you are so excited about the things of God, it is so hard to find a stopping place. I did a series in a Bible study on the barefooted ministry of the Sons of God, and I realized that if you get barefoot outside you are going to watch where you are walking -- that's the message to the body of Christ. This barefooted son company, I call us. Do you know that the priest could not get into the Holy of Holies unless the feet took him there? The feet ushered him in there and you and I (I call us the foot company), we are bringing the body of Christ in. It is glorious to see what God is doing as He sums up His finished work in this generation, a people ordained by God. The prophets foretold and spoke of it. The angels have longed to look into this realm and God has chosen you and I in this time of all this preparation to put breath and life, the ability to comprehend and know that every word that proceeds out of his mouth is so energized and full of life to a resurrection people – a first fruit company. A people that are going to stand in the dominion of the total word and tell it like it is.

We begin in Exodus about the third or fourth chapter. We see Moses, God's man in his hour. God selected him as his administrator to deliver a people from captivity, from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. Here this man was born in a time when all of the male children were being murdered. Born in a time when fear in the people of his generation, the Jewish people, were afraid because their first born were being slain by Pharaoh's decree. And because he was beautiful, and Jochebed, his mother, looked at him and decided that she was going to put him in this bullish basket and send him down the Nile. Come what may, this child must have a place in this earth in this hour. Little did she know that the mighty hand of God's protection would adjust that little basket to be right in the right place at the right time.
You know you and I are not an accident going somewhere to happen. We are God's plan in this hour and God is right on time, and He is right on target. The things of the crisis of this natural realm that seem to be grievous to our understanding, and the hurts and the pains that we are experiencing -- you know, God delivers the oppressed in the midst of their oppression. Job 36:15 And He opens their ears to His voice through adversity.

In our day our culture and our standards measure a man, we measure him by his wealth. His wealth affords him a place of goodness in the community, he is looked up to, and we say, "well, you know this guy is really blessed of the Lord." But you know that is not the way it works. When God blesses a man, when God chooses and selects a man, God has His own measurement, His own plumb line – His name is Jesus. Just as Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered, so too, this human container who is going to stand in this final hour as God's reconciled, justified people. There will be nothing there that will have to be tested because with God's plumb line measure we are going to pass every test. That's right!

I was thinking about John the Revelator. Here was John, exiled to the Isle of Patmos. I can just imagine the people saying about John, "boy, John, you really must have done something bad. They ran you out of all the cities. Escape for your life to the Isle of Patmos." And here is John laying there seeing heaven open. You don't think God does not know how to mold and shape a man in his eternal purpose, and deliver him and give him an understanding of His glory. When I see the fire going on in a person's life, and the crisis abounding, I get excited because I know God is carrying out His word. He said that He would baptize us with the Holy Ghost and Fire. It is time that the body of Christ stop being afraid of the fire, stop living to die, and begin to live to live. It is time that we begin to understand that out of death has sprung forth life, and JESUS WAS THE FIRST BORN OF THE DEAD, and glory to God in like manner we are going to see that example. A life people will arise and have all the fulness of life in their veins for that holy blood of righteousness has covered a body, a people of the cross, who went to the cross as He did. Born to die, born in this natural realm, controlled by the blood of the veins of an ancestral bondage of the bloodline, BUT THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST SET FREE, because life in the blood, that perfect blood, as heirs of salvation we have been given the right to stand according to the principal of the whole of Calvary's Cross – a delivered people, emancipated, glorified in the image and likeness of the pattern, the Son, Jesus Christ, the only begotten of God. And so when you can start thinking in that kind of understanding you can get on with life and know that the Lord your God, who allowed the crisis holds the reigns. He is in control and He is your source.

I had a little situation not long ago, and I was complaining to the Lord because I didn't get enough expense to take care of my need at this certain place. I was saying, you know Lord, it is just You and I here... You know how we are, just human, just flesh-minded, in this world but not of it. I was making up the bed and I was thinking this and the Lord said, "Let me tell you something, those people are not your source, I am." I said, yes sir, yes sir. When you make that decree "my God, be in me all you want to be" He who knows more of what you need than you do yourself, and you give him that right of control beloved. He is going to put you in that place where He prospers. He brings those things in your life that you need. He takes care of every need, and it is always supplied and it is always right on time.

Here was Moses, born at a time when fear was in the earth greatly in his very household. Given back to his mother, for this time of nursing. I can imagine how that mother felt, nursing that baby knowing everyday that when it was time for him to be weaned, he would leave her bosom. I can imagine all the insecurity and hurt and pain. I'm a mother. All the hurt and the pain that this mother was going through – rejection, hurt, you know, just being denied the right to be the mother. I know that psychologically this was transferred to this child. The reason I know it was because here was Moses a grown up man and he saw this battle going on an Egyptian was beating a Hebrew. Moses stepped in and he killed him and buried him in the sand, looking both ways to see what was going on before he did it. The next day he saw a couple of the Hebrews fighting, went out to settle the matter between them, and they said, "Well, Moses, are you going to kill us today like you killed the Egyptian yesterday?" When Moses looked both ways, that told me he was insecure. That told me he was bound in fear. Even in his station, living in Pharaoh's court, you know he must have had some clout. But this man had a nature, had a personality that had been bruised at a time when great hurt and pain was in the earth. So here is MOSES fleeing for his life. Got out there in the desert, first night, well of Median. When God is shaping a man, making him ready, there is always a well when the darkness comes. There is always a place for sustaining of life. God knows your frame and He knows what his intention was. I starting praying, Lord, be in me all you want to be, because I knew my puny mind would limit Him, and I realized that He had something in mind when called a Blanche forth and He put breath and life into her, and I wanted to be all of His intention. And so I said, "Lord all that you want to be, don't let me limit You Lord. Don't let there be anything in my personality that would keep You from bringing me to that place of perfection that You had made available for me, Your daughter in this hour." God is moving mightily. His word is glorious.

Here is Moses now, taking his wife out of one of Jethro's daughters, a fine comely girl, and they have a child. What did he name him, Gershom – it meant to be expelled or to be pushed out. The very child that was born to him had the meaning of the name of being expelled from Egypt. You see, psychologically the problem was still there in Moses the man. And even in the joy of the offspring, the firstborn of the summation of their love, there it was viewed for a man's name was his character, and so this child was named. Now Moses tending the sheep of Jethro, his father-in-law, looking at Mt. Sinai and seeing the burning bush and we come and we see this administrator of God's word being made ready to carry it out. He came to the burning bush, and God said, "Moses, take the shoes off your feet for the ground on which you stand is holy." So this son stood barefooted before God and heard the word of God. God said, "I'm sending you back to Egypt Moses to let the people go free." And Moses said who am I going to tell them sent me? And God said, "Tell them I AM sent you." When Moses heard God say Egypt, the last thought of Egypt to Moses was that dead Egyptian laying in the sand. So he was trying to get out or have another description spoken. If he had understood the I AM of God, if he had known that God in His awe compassing word that word that spoke the worlds into existence, the word that is the same yesterday, today and forever, he would have never questioned God. He would have been back in Egypt commanding Pharaoh to let the people go, had he understood the I AM GOD.

So God, in His wisdom, said that to Moses. Then Moses said, "what if they won't believe me?" And God seeing this man, knowing what He had placed within him, the quality of the deliverer within him, to carry out His word and to set the order of His tabernacle among His people. God said, "Moses, what is that in your hand?" Moses said, "it is a rod." God got right down there to where his sense and feeling – where his comprehension was. So, he said it was a rod. God said to throw it down. God made him act where he was operating. He threw it on the ground and it became a serpent. Moses had been on the desert forty years, and he knew what serpents were like. He had seen them come and go. God said, "pick it up by the tail." Then God required in the natural realm for Moses to act on the word and when he did, of course, it became the rod in his hand. This son, who had the quality of leadership, this son who was so afraid, and did not understand the I AM of God. This son who stood barefoot before the burning bush wrote the first five books of the Bible. God knows how to make and shape a man. He knows the quality of his design and his order. When He puts that breathe and life there He, the Lord God, planned that through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son in the fullness of the time, His time. There would be a people, like the priestly order of "barefooted" ministry who would walk carefully before Him and do exploits in the name of Jesus.

Now Moses is dead. Joshua has taken the leadership and they have crossed the Jordan. The priests have placed the stones in a heap at Jordan. And at the place of Gilgal (Gilgal means, the place of rolling), and here they rested. That night they slept in Gilgal. These people who had come out of the wilderness camping with God, having been birthed in the place where out of the undisciplined nature of their parents who had died in the wilderness, a new generation of life came forth who only knew the obedience of God's camp. They knew what it was to listen to the sound of the trumpet – the certain sound to pull up the stakes of the tent and move out in God. They knew what it was where each tribe had a place and they knew when God spoke when the pillar of fire at night and the cloud at day and the tabernacle sacrifices as the priests made the sacrifices for their liberty and freedom atonement from sin. This generation learned how to walk carefully, disciplined obedient, and because of this they could enter in to God's promise. Beloved, in this hour the body has to grow up. You cannot keep church hopping, running here and running there, because somebody said something that hurt your feelings. Beloved, it is time that we get into a body and begin to take our place as God's word in that body. It is time that we begin to see that the word of God is in our mouth and stop expecting everybody else to feed us and to get down and eat for yourself. It is time to put the milk away, beloved and eat the meat of the word. It is time to find out where you belong and to stop looking to see if somebody is going to hurt your feelings, beloved, and know what it is to forgive. For without forgiveness there is no remission of sin. It is time to stand boldly in the presence of God and know that this first fruit company, this life out of death people, we are going to start living. The life expectancy that you now have in the spirit is forever, beloved. Stop living to die and begin to live. Glory to God! A people who know that every word that proceeded out of God's mouth is bringing forth according to its kind, and your place in the beloved is now.

You see, God designed you and I to contain His word. He made us wonderfully and fearfully in His image. Glory to God! He gave us all the quality of His very nature, and in Him we have been designed to rule and reign with Him. It is time that the word of God was life in your midst, so when the familiar spirits come into the church to seduce the people, you discern what is going on. For the most part the body of Christ is following the signs instead of the signs following them. That's right. Would to God we could see what was going on. Would to God that we could come together with such union and perfect love that we could lay down our life and see the needy, the torn, the maimed and halt and the blind DELIVERED BECAUSE THE WORD OF GOD WAS IN OUR MOUTH! Hallelujah.
It is time to handle God's word carefully, to possess where you are standing. For God designed you to walk carefully before Him, and He has prepared your turf. Glory to God! The "barefoot" ministry of the sons of God. You know we are neither male or female in this glorious hour of God, but we are in the likeness, express image of Jesus Christ, the Word. Hallelujah, so many words to describe what is happening in this hour. God is raising up a people who are going to know even as they are known.

So here is Joshua, all the business of the stones laid in place. What a meaning, what a glorious meaning to know that God had in mind that the stone of covenant promise, the burden of the Lord, the burden to be lifted up, the place of possession, that each stone, a stone for a tribe, laid in the order of Gilgal, a resting place and the people had rest, hallelujah, experiencing God. You know what I used to think peace was? I used to think peace could probably be the prettiest waterfall, (because I like waterfalls). Everybody that I love all together, just meeting, just loving each other. Peace, I thought. Have you ever sat in some precious place and looked out over the ocean or just feeling so close to God and think to yourself, "could there be any hurt anywhere?" That is what I thought peace was. But you know what peace is, you know what the peace that God gave us is? It is in the midst of hell itself, in the crisis, when it looks like all is a disaster and your last breath is the last one you are going to take and you know that God is in you and you are in Him. That's peace. When you can stand in the gates of hell and know that in Christ Jesus you have dominion over it. You see, there comes a time when the crisis isn't needed, there comes a time when the lesson is learned. There comes a time when you rest in God, and when that old sly fox the devil comes knocking on your door and your peace starts being disturbed you say, "oh, no, what is going on here?" You quickly find out what the message is and deal with it. Remember what Jesus said before He went to the cross? He said I'm not going to talk with you much longer (He was talking to the disciples). He said the prince of this world cometh, but he hath nothing in me. See, He is the pattern, He is the light of the world, the outlaying of the divine, He is the image, the likeness of the Father and you and I are to be like Him in every thing. When your peace gets disturbed, that tells you there is something there you need to deal with and when you deal with it, worship and praise – expecting God. You know so many times in the death realm that we are so accustomed to and have lived in it so long it is hard to realize the "life expectancy of forever" and to know that life out of death belongs to you and that God has given you the privilege to stand under the covenant promise of perfect, whole blood that the things that have been tainted in the bloodline of the natural realm are not a part of this new life that you have been birthed in by the spirit through the blood of Jesus Christ. But so many times we allow its dominion because we don't know the difference.

My granddaddy had a bad temper, they said I had a bad temper like my granddaddy, so the bad temper is covered over, justified by the laws of death. Beloved, through the Blood of Jesus Christ you have been made a new creature. And anger is going to stay the same until you kick it out. Deliverance has got to come to the body. The body has got to receive it in the name of Jesus.
It is a part of your salvation, in fact the word salvation means deliverance. You cannot move in God until deliverance comes. Hallelujah.

Let's get back to Joshua. He was five miles from Gilgal. Five is the number of ministry. He looks up and there is the commander in chief of the Lord of Hosts, and Joshua said, "are you for us or are you against us?" And he said, "no, neither." And I thought, "now Lord why did he say that, because these guys were going to need some help with the walls of Jericho." So I began to question in my heart, "what are you saying here, Lord?" And He said, "as commander in chief of the Lord of Hosts am I now come". So I knew that God was about to do a work.

In doing some research about the walls of Jericho, I found out that the mortar was mixed with the life of the first born of the people and the last born of the people. They murdered their children and poured them into the foundation of these walls. Satan's counterfeit for protection. The walls were put up so that their enemies could not disturb them, they thought to protect themselves from their enemies. Satan's counterfeit. And what was God about to do? He sent the commander in chief, the plan was carried out, God was about to pull these walls down that never again would there be a counterfeit for Jesus Christ the only begotten Son, the firstborn of the Father who would be sent in the fulness of time to deal with all the sin principle and the curse of death. That through the protection of perfect blood you and I receiving Him, making Him Lord and Savior, that we would know that His righteousness, the word of truth -- that we would live forever in the glory of God because Jesus the door, the truth, the life and the way had taken us out of death and given us life eternal.

So, God sent the commander in chief of the Lord of Hosts to deal with this, and he told Joshua to put the trumpet in the priests' mouth. It was the trumpet, the ram's horn, that was used for the feast of tabernacles, the ingathering time, the time when restoration would take place. God was giving His children this promised land with all the authority and power of deliverance. The only time God took the whole tithe was from the city of Jericho. Never before did He do it. He took the whole tithe. God took the first fruits of deliverance, because Jesus the Word, the Deliverer was about to come and there would be no counterfeit. There would be nothing there that people could measure their safety and protection by that they could make with their own hands. God was molding and shaping and bringing forth a man child – the head, the leader of the church. The mind of Christ would come and this many membered body would come together, a remnant, if you please, but joint heirs with Jesus Christ and all who are lead by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God. Joint heirs with Jesus Christ, and in the fullness of time, this people would emerge in the glory of total life, in the perfection of perfect truth, like the feast of tabernacles the trumpet sounds. The trumpet sounded and the body came together, many membered, corporate in stature, but with the purpose of deliverance in mind. For all of creation stands, one translation says, "it is standing on tip toes waiting to see the manifestation of the Sons of God in this earth." A people delivered because God planned in the ages to set creation free. Hallelujah, glory to God!

So this "barefooted" ministry moves on. Let's look in I Peter Chapter 1. We are knowing now that Jesus Christ the Word has come, and He has laid down His life. Going to Calvary's cross as one man, but with the knowledge, the perfect word Himself, that He would come as a many membered body in the ages to come, and all of creation would know that Jesus the Word, the Kingdom of God had been set up. That Word propelled into the fullness of time as the Ancient of Days and the ages roll, God's intention was for this many membered body to know Him, more than His humanity, but the power of all heaven open, the deity, the fullness of God and God made His plan coming forth so perfectly and so fully to a people called out by His Name, BORN ANEW, it says. Third verse, "Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)! By His boundless mercy we have been born again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. [Born anew] into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay [imperishable], unsullied and unfading, reserved in heaven for you. Who are being guarded (garrisoned) by God's power through [your] faith [till you fully inherit that final] salvation that is ready to be revealed [for you] in the last time." Boy, I am getting excited Lord. You see, God didn't make any accident. You think you were just a happen stance, when somebody told you about Jesus, and you overheard a conversation, or wherever you were when you started feeling bad about the image you saw of yourself. Oh, no, beloved, the Word fell on you, God was taking His tithe. You see, when that tenth lamb, in the natural, went into the fold, in Leviticus the 27th Chapter, every tenth lamb, the shepherd's rod fell on him and he belonged to God. Now if that little lamb was all battered and beat up and looked like he had been fighting all day or he was limping and retarded and blemished, he went just like he was. Oh, yes! Now if the guy felt bad because it looked like God was getting a bad deal, he could put a good one with him, but that lamb came just like he was. He was ear-marked as God's tithe. YOU AND I ARE GOD'S TITHE! God made the selection, He chose. You didn't get here because of your works of righteousness, or because you looked good, or somebody else did it for you. Oh, no. You came because God sent His Son, hallelujah, to set His kingdom in order, and He called His tithe together. The rod fell on you.

Isaiah said in the 11th Chapter, talking about Jesus the Messiah coming, he said the rod's in His mouth, and He is going to smite the oppressor with the breathe of His lips, and He is going to slay the wicked. Beloved, the rod's in your mouth. Hallelujah! We have the NAME, the AUTHORITY, the POWER, the NAME OF JESUS – and like the character and nature of the man that was carved into that rod, you and I have that name in our mouth. Glory to God. And in that name that is above every name, every demon in hell has to bow, that old sly fox the devil has to step back when you command in the name of Jesus, he has got to obey you. We are the birthright privilege. The birthright of the Jewish custom was a double portion, and you and I got that double portion. Hallelujah! His name is the Holy Ghost and His name is Jesus! And that double portion is effecting your inheritance. As heirs of salvation we have the right, glory to God, to stand in the presence of God. You have the right to sit down in His presence while He - the Lord your God, makes your enemies your footstool.

So take heart, be energized in life. God is bringing forth a people who are called by His name. That's holy blood flowing through your veins. That spiritual giant that God had in mind is coming together. It has been asleep for some ages, but beloved, He is calling a people, not a bunch of 100 pound weaklings, but a people who could stand the test. You are in God's commission and He knows what it is going to take to make you realize what He has endowed you with. You see, He had placed that in Moses, but Moses did not know it was there. But, hallelujah, when he realized it! God knows how to make you understand who you are in Christ Jesus!


"See My plan that I have given unto you, My children. For yea, I have brought you forth that I might bring you in, saith the Lord. I would not have you standing out peeping through the curtains, but I would say unto you, come on in, come on in and dine with Me, for I have many things to share with you. Yea! I unfold the mysteries and the secrets of the ages to him who inquires of Me, saith the Lord. Ask and you shall know and receive. For flesh and blood cannot reveal My Word unto you in this hour, but it is in the Spirit and by the Spirit and through the Spirit that I am speaking to My Spirit in this earth, and you are my Spirit, saith the Lord. For I am the giver of life and you are My life in this hour I have begotten you so that all of My word in you shall be understood and you shall stand, not as a defeated army but as an army that I have polished, saith the Lord, that I have equipped with all the equipment that is needed that you might know that when I speak, My word is declared and it is never void of power."

We have been born into an inheritance that is beyond the reach of change and decay. You cannot live in the corruption of the natural realm, beloved, once you have had a taste of Jesus. It just isn't there for you any more.

Again in I Peter 1:6 "[You should] be exceedingly glad on this account, though now for a little while you may be distressed by trials and suffer temptations." Please note that it says, "just a little while." Remember when you were raising your children and you were cooking and they came and wanted to play around the stove because they wanted to be where you were. You would say, "no, don't touch that, it will burn you." The first thing you know, most of them got burned at least once. They found out that it was hot. And did you notice that after that you did not have to tell them that any more. They knew it. They knew it was hot. You see, we are not always going to have to be distressed by trials. God is waiting for us to get on, to grow up, to come over – to be an overcomer. He knows that this life is grievous and there are trials and problems. He knows the generation that He has sent you through. He knows the bloodline and all the bondages that it has afforded, but he also knows that Jesus Christ's perfect blood delivered you from every bit of it, see! God knows all of the horse thieves and the traitors and the emotional problems that came in your generation, but He also knows what He vestured you with through your endowment, your right as an heir of salvation for "perfect blood".

We are not to continue to suffer temptations, but GLORY TO GOD, we learned obedience by the things we suffered. Then God can trust us and send us out in ministry. A lot of folks are crying out, "God, use me, " and "Lord, I want to preach Your word," and "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, Lord." Have you ever noticed when that person really gets ready, there is not a devil in hell that can close the door. When God thrusts you out to ministry, and God gets ready to use you, and you are ready for the mission that God has decreed you for – it comes to you. There are just some of us that way, but when I rested in God, it came to me. God could trust me, then I could look with His eyes, hear with His ears, speak with His mouth, and I would know – it's not me, it's my Father. You know so assuredly, that's God moving through your hand. That is God setting you in that place where you preach His word. That is God sending you that little lamb that has been bruised, hurt and torn. You know what the problem with the church is? She measures God's blessing by the amount of people she can get in her congregation. Shame, shame, that is the way they measure the preacher's success. But beloved, that is a shame, it is a disgrace to the word of God. But you show me a people where the shepherd is the shepherd, and he nurtures, he loves, he blesses, and he teaches his people. He let's them, when the time is right to grow up and handle the things of the Holy Ghost. Doesn't it grieve your heart to see great masses of people, and there is never a message in tongues, or maybe only one. Isn't it sad, that that many people could come together where the anointing of God is supposed to be poured out, and we limit God because we are so bound with our natural understanding of measuring Him by numbers and seeing how many influential people we got so that our bills can be paid. Beloved, it is a stench in God's nostrils, and I know it is. So sad, it is that people are caught up in the death realm. All of that junk belongs in the death realm. That is the culture of the natural man. But out of that death, God has called a life, a people who can live according to the purposes of God. Glory to God!

He says, "we might be distressed for a little while, and suffer trials and temptations." But God intends for us to know the genuineness of our faith. When God set the mechanism of faith in the order of His word, He made it the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever wondered about that? It is what God chose to convey you into His presence, to know who you are in Him. By faith in Jesus Christ through His shed blood, we are saved. So faith must be applied, and as long as somebody else is feeding you, beloved, you are not going to exercise your faith. But when you start to eat the word yourself and begin to digest truth, your faith is going to be expressed. And when you come to the Lord and learn how to pray through and stop praying the scared prayers or expecting two or three people on the telephone to pray for you for your victory when your prayer closet is available or hasn't been used for a while. Beloved, God is calling a people who will learn how to intercede and travail in His presence. He is longing for us to communicate with Him. We are so busy communicating with one another and trying to measure each other by Brother or Sister so-n-so or this man of ministry who is on the airwaves and he said this and he said that... beloved, God wants to tell you a secret yourself and He wants to put that fresh word in your mouth so that when you speak, beloved, the WORD OF GOD IS LIKE A COAL OF FIRE, and it is going to do what it is needed to do. God is moving mightily in a people who are looking and seeking Him. He that seeks, finds. It is time to find out who you are in the Kingdom!

Remember the King of Tyre, and how he was expressed as Lucifer who had all the beautiful jewels on his garments, and how he was walking up and down in the stones of fire? The Lord began to speak to my heart as I looked at that and I realized that God has called us His living stones – stones of fire. That old sly fox the devil paints sin beautiful, makes the things that we give ourselves to in the selfishness of our natural man, so busy and binding and keeping us to himself. And the devil just walking up and down in the stones of fire, but it is time that we realize who is fanning this fire. The winnowing fan is in His hand – Jesus' hand. When you stop being afraid of the fire, you can be purified. The jewels are going to show. I get so excited when I think about the jewels of the Ephod, and the jewels of the City in the Book of Revelation, and how each one of them had a glorious revelation behind them. Did you know that most of them came from the quartz, and that the quartz... most watches are set on the quartz because it is so exact. It can be timed and made so perfect. Did you know what happens to that quartz, that each one of those stones are made and shaped by pressure, and at a certain point of that pressure, they change and they become transparent? You know, that is like you and I, the image of Christ, that underneath the pressure there is a point that the lesson is learned, and what do you see? You see Jesus. We are becoming that transparency of light – Jesus Christ, the Word, that life word, the light is in us, and that light always dispels darkness. The principle of light in every realm is the same in the natural. It dispels darkness. In the spirit it dispels darkness. God set the principle of light so that it would be forever. A knowing in our understanding.

Another thing about these stones, on every one, some would be a hardness of five, some of eight, some of nine, and the higher quality of pressure will always break the lesser quality of pressure. So if you took a quartz that was a quality of nine, and you hit it on the quality of eight it would burst the eight. You see, God is saying to us that in His time and as He means for us to know Him the more we move into Him, the more we allow His word, the pressure sensitivity of the overcomer, we will be that transparent Word that will stand the test of the hammer. And He says, "Is not My Word like a hammer?"

Let's look in Daniel 2. We have been talking about the image of Jesus. Let's look at this image that King Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream. This image that sounded great, looked wonderful, I'm sure when it was finished, but so lacking in power and life. Like the church in this hour, so many programs and methods, looking for a place to gather the people together in great numbers and show the world how many are standing up for Jesus, but so devoid of life, the reality of perfect life. I was impressed when the Lord said to me, when they put that first big satellite up, and they said, "Now one guy can stand in front of one microphone and preach one time and the whole world can get saved." Everyone was saying, hooray, glory to God. Then the Lord said to me, "But I'm still gonna do it my way. I'm going to convict of sin, I'm going to draw him with cords of love. I'm going to send the Holy Ghost, because without the Spirit, no man comes to the Father. And I'm going to save him by the blood of Calvary." I said, "thank you Jesus." Oh, Father let us know that the body must come back to the basics. Let us understand that resurrection life is "life out of death", and resurrection life is what you came to give us. And this first fruit company, this hundred and forty-four thousand, this twelve times twelve, apostle, discipleship company is going to follow the LAMB where ever He goes and we are going to see Jesus as He is. I tell you God is getting a people ready to step into His heaven nature. He is getting a people ready to leave this earthly order, glory to God, with all of its problems. A people who can stand in the presence of God and know heaven is open. And it is opened to him who has eyes to see and ears to hear, open to him who intercedes and cries out and pours out before the Lord. Open to him who will stand and declare Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. Open to him who will lay his life down and command his being to the Father's attention. Open to a first fruit company who will know life, this end-time this "barefooted" people, this priestly order, this nation of priests. "Barefooted" sons will look carefully at what they are walking in. What they are giving themselves to. What they are possessing as a people and a nation. Looking to the image of Jesus Christ the Word and never wavering from truth. Not allowing the familiar, the mass of expectations of death, the things that would look so good to the eye of the beholder whose eye has not been circumcised from the order of death, nor born by kingdom promise through perfect blood to know that we have been born anew, incorruptible – the state of Godliness – all of His decree for you and I. As He is Alpha and as He is Omega and everything that is in between, He has given this last generation people, the promised people, the promised Word, the Will of God. His promise is to bless you and every promise, every word that proceeded out of His mouth is to bring forth a people who are going to know Him even as they are known.

Daniel began to explain the vision to the King. Daniel 2:31 You saw and behold a great image and this image which was mighty and of exceedingly great brightness stood before you and the appearance of it was frightening and terrible. As for this image, its head was of fine gold, its breast and arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of brass, its legs were of iron and its feet part iron and part burned potter's clay. Now, let's look at this image. We know that gold speaks of the divine nature and the image in this counterfeit had the head of gold. Shoulders and arms where the hands are connected are the service indicators. The word silver that the breasts and arms were made of, means "redemption". The belly and the thighs, the reproduction organs was made of brass, the symbol of judgment. So, what was brought forth would be judged in that judgment. Legs of iron, speaking of strength and surely satan's counterfeit image was of men trying to promote success in life and a good self image. THE ONLY IMAGE WE ARE GOING TO BE LIKE IS THE IMAGE OF JESUS CHRIST, THE WORD. The only mind you are going to grow in, is the mind of Christ and the intellectual wisdom of man is foolishness as far as God is concerned. You see, in God's wisdom the gift of discernment can operate and all the other gifts of the Holy Ghost. In God's wisdom you know by the spirit and through the spirit the very mind and heart and reasoning of God. Flesh and blood cannot deliver a people. The psychiatrist can tell you what you got, but they cannot tell you how to get well from it. The root of rebellion has got to be chopped. Its got to be cast out. As good as it sounds, as great as it seems, and all the preeminence we give to the doctors, the doctors are still "plan B." The Cross of Calvary, "by His stripes you are healed", that's "plan A." It is for him who chooses God's way. Let us know the trumpet is sounding and it has got a certain sound. The trumpet has sounded and in obedience I see this disciplined company marching around those Jericho walls. And I see that when the command was spoken, the ram's horn was put to the mouth and the trumpet made a certain sound. The time of restoration, and the walls fell in a heap, hallelujah, from top to bottom. If we had seen the blast in the natural, we would have probably tried to throw a grenade in it or some kind of gas and the pieces would have gone everywhere, but, oh no, this wall fell in a heap right where it had stood. God made a decree, there will be no counterfeit. There will be nothing but the pure Word of Almighty God and His plan in the ages carried out. You cannot protect yourself, beloved. You cannot use man's method to build an image. You are going to have to stand as the whole counsel of God and take it line upon line and precept upon precept and let the Word teach you. Let's grow up. Let's get passed this basic training time where we can be some use to the Kingdom. Let's lay aside the petty differences of religious doctrines and let's let go and let God have His way. Let's move out and seek God and inquire of Him and let's pray for one another.


For I call a people to know My voice and to understand My Word and to walk it out in this earth, says the Lord. And I cause it to come forth in you My beloved, that you might stand as My privileged people, the heirs of My throne, My government, and speak according to My Word.

You see we are a last word people, that is the government word, that's the word of the King. When the King made a decree, you couldn't go any higher, the King has spoken. The Word is in your mouth today. You are decreeing, you are judging, and you are bringing forth according to His kind. This old image that NEBUCHADNEZZAR saw had the image that was formed and made by man's hand. And suddenly while they looked, a stone was cut out of the mountain without a man's hand and it came and it smote the image on the feet and the image crumbled. The whole image crumbled and disappeared and the wind took it away – like the wheat or the chaff on the summer threshing floor. I said, "Lord God, what are you saying to us in this hour?" This old system of churchianity has got to go and the people have to put on the mind of Christ. We have got to come together and love one another. It is time for the shepherds of the flock to stop being jealous over their flock and allow the flock to grow up and to learn and handle the things of the kingdom. It is time that they began to trust God. You see, God was the one that made the plan. The plan was in His mouth. He set the fivefold ministry in the church and it only takes one of them to bring His children in. But when the fivefold ministry is the order of the church, beloved, that church can grow. It can be fitly joined together and those people can send the thousands to flight and the enemy has no place to stand because the people trusted the Word of Almighty God. Let Deliverance come Lord. Let Deliverance come, and let us be delivered from death and everything equated with it.

It says in Daniel... "While they looked... the stone smote the image on its feet which were of iron and clay." That is what this mixture is. That's you and I in this hour. The iron and the clay, the feet company, there is a mixture in the Holy Seat. The priests are trying to minister with all of this junk in them. And the Lord said to me, "You know they are not going to take that junk and sit in My throne with it, it has got to go." And the only person you can change is you. I might see some of the things you need, beloved, but it is only as God shows you to you that you can be changed. When you get tired lapping the mountain, beloved, you can begin to climb. Ask me how I know!

Not long ago I was in this meeting and this man said he had had a vision. He said I see a mountain. Everybody said Hallelujah. He said there is a ring of fire around the mountain. I said, I know what that is. No body wants to go through the fire. Everybody wants to climb the mountain, but they want to go just like they are. Beloved, the person that gets delivered... A lot of people talk about shame and pride and all of that kind of stuff, but that person that gets delivered, he doesn't care because that junk is not there anymore. You just don't live that way any more.

Ever since I came back from Brazil it seemed like I had been sick. My throat would give way, I had pneumonia, all that sickness, and I was preaching in Atlanta and this man said someone told him to tell me that he saw a big demon stand behind me and his name was Gorgeo and he followed me from Brazil just to smite me because we had done so much for the Lord in Brazil. We really messed satan's territory up over there. Hundreds of people got saved and delivered. We spoke the message of deliverance. They had never heard of it. It was wonderful. When you gave the alter call they pinned you to the wall. It was glorious. Anyway, I was just sick, sick, sick. He saw two angels standing beside me too, and I was raised in my thinking by that. My first inclination was, well, he just got excited and I am not going to let him put anything on me. Then when I was praying, the Lord began to make me know, "yeah, you have had this sickness." I was holding revival in Macon and my sinus stopped up and my eye nearly closed, my teeth hurt, and it was going into my ear. When I would get in the pulpit every night God would move greatly. Then I would go home and get in the bed. I would just nearly be devastated during the day. Then this pastor friend of mine, the Lord woke him up at 5:00 one morning and said, "You need to go pray for Blanche." So he got up and called us and came. By this time it was getting me. I had been praying and asking the Lord to heal me and I said, "Lord, You know You always heal me." My faith was not touching Him because my problem was bigger than what I could touch my faith to. That is something we need to guard against. He came and he and the ladies gathered around my bed and they began to pray and the Lord showed him that I had had pneumonia when I was about 20 and I always had had that weakness there. That spirit of pneumonia had stayed there.

What does the enemy want to do? Shut you up. So that was what he was doing, fighting me there, and I was having difficulty there. So he began to pray and took me through deliverance, and I threw the cover back and got out of the bed, danced all over that floor, coughed that mess up, and my voice was fine. I just thank the Lord. I have had a couple bouts with it since. It is a great war that has been declared, but I also know that I win. I am also saying, "God, show me what has allowed this to have the right to harass me. When you can be honest with the Lord, you can see the problem. Our problem is that we are so busy looking at each other, we don't want anyone to declare anything on us. But God did a work, and I have been so free in my spirit since then. I'm saying all of that to tell you this. That stone that was cut out of the mountain is Jesus. No human hands, nothing in the natural, nothing that we can do to shape and mold Him. He is God's mountain. And when that stone had smote the image that stone filled the whole earth. When you and I built up in all of the systems of this natural realm, beloved, the mess has got to go and the stone has fallen on this foot company and just like that pale horse that is made so by bruising of the Apocalypse, that horse has got to ride. The people have got to understand we are not operating with the bruised blood of the death realm. We are operating with the bruised blood of Calvary's Cross. Those things that went on in your bloodline, beloved, have no right to bind and hinder you any longer. They are only there because you haven't realized it. They only have authority because you haven't taken it away from them. It is time that you mortified the flesh and deal with yourself where you are in the Name of Jesus.

The commission of Peter was to come to Him to that living stone which the men tried and threw away, but which is chosen and precious in God's sight. Come, and as living stones, now, be yourselves built into a spiritual house for a holy dedicated priesthood. To offer up those spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable and well pleasing to God through Jesus Christ. You see, when you get that junk out, you can pray correctly. You will not be praying in fear. You will not be praying in selfishness. You will not be praying out of the lust of the eye, but you will be praying because the body has to come together. You will be praying as the mind of Christ to deliver the people and set creation free. Lord, God, do all that You intended Your Word to do.

He said, "for thus it stands in scripture, behold, I am laying in Zion." Who is doing it? He is. "I'm laying in Zion." What is Zion? Zion is the highest mountain of Jerusalem. You put your spiritual glasses on and view it. We are not talking about rock and sod across the sea, but we are talking in the Spirit and by the Spirit. Jeru means "a threshing floor" and Salem means "peace". Zion was the highest point of Jerusalem and Jesus is King of the mountain. His fan is in His hand. He knows what you need. We come to Him. The stone has been laid in Zion. A precious corner stone. And he who believes in Him and trusts and relies on Him will never be disappointed or put to shame. And He said, "To you then who believe and trust in Him, on him is the preciousness. But for those who disbelieve it is true, the very stone which the builders rejected has become the main cornerstone and a stone that will cause stumbling and a rock that will give men offense. They stumble because they disobey and disbelieve." You see why you have got to come into discipline. You cannot walk in rebellion, running here and there expecting someone else to feed you. God's got a word reserved in heaven just for you, special. You are the apple of His eye. He is birthing this end-time word into a people. It is time that the body of Christ move on. It is time like John the Revelator, we can see heaven open, and the angels ascending and descending before the throne. God is so good. His Word is mighty to him that has the ears to hear. And we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation. God's own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once we were not a people at all, but now we are God's people. Once we were unpitied, but now we are pitied and we have received mercy. The stone that was cut out of the mountain, hallelujah, just broke that image. The iron and the clay could not make that image stand up. This old church system is not gonna go in, cannot move in, cannot stand in that kind of foundation. But God is moving a people, and end-time company that is going to bring the priesthood in. My Lord and My God! Line upon line and precept upon precept, a holy nation. Glory to God!
Zechariah saw in his vision, the authority of the double crown, the crown of the King and the crown of the priest. Messiah, Messiah. He has called us out of darkness into light. He is the King of Kings, that tells us He is grooming the kings. There are some kings being made ready in this hour. The priests are taking up their place. Come on in. God has a place in His throne for His ecclesia, His called out ones. So many words to describe it. And the principle is the principle of union like the vow of a marriage. Jesus said, "These that You have given me Lord, I have given them to You. And just as I am in You, they are in Me". The union of the espousal for the vow has been made. God has designed you and I to be in Him. That is what the Word says. That is where we belong – IN HIM! As we are in Him we are going to know Him like the bride knows the bridegroom. We are going to know everything about Him. Hallelujah. We are going to see Him as He is. We are going to walk in that place. And every word that proceeded out of His mouth and formed the ages of ages, the ancient of days is the four and twenty elders and all the heavenly glory. We will stand before Him. The Word says they looked and could not find anyone, and suddenly there was a lamb as though it was slain and we all know that Jesus was slain, so we know that that lamb company that stood there that day was YOU AND I. We are the lamb of God. We are the image, the likeness, the pattern. He is the light of the world and in Him we move and dwell and have our being. We know what is in the book because it was written in us. The heirs of salvation. And as every seal was broken loose, every seal poured forth an understanding of the image and the pattern of Jesus, the Word. The Book of Revelation is Him, covered over, veil, sealed to those who receive the seal in the forehead. Everyone is worried about getting the mark of the beast. Beloved, you should be more concerned about getting the seal of God in your forehead. God's plan in the ages is for you and I to be in Him. God made the decree. His plan is perfect.

John saw heaven open. He saw the image of that perfection in His deity and the fullness of His nature, uncovered. He tried to explain it in the language of his day, and God made it so. So that in the readiness in the mankind, when you are ready and when I am ready, it will be disclosed to you, just like it is. My Lord and My God, he that has ears to hear, let him hear.

Looking back, we can't help but think about the "footprint." Everywhere the feet go, a potential footprint is left behind. What have you been walking through? What kind of print are you leaving behind yourself?

Are you walking upright? Do you know what kind of testimony you leave behind you?

Remember the priest wore no sandals when he ministered before the Lord in the Holy of Holies. God wanted him to know where he stood. No mixture under his feet. Solid Ground.

We are on the countdown for great and mighty things. Get ready! Be prepared! We would see Jesus! He left a trail through God's Word. He can be traced all through God's Word. His feet nailed firmly to the cross. The people thought this man is gone, only to find out He would walk into glory, a risen Lord. Praise God! How lovely on the mountain are the feet of them who bring "Good News."

With Love,
