Joseph is a fruitful bough,
a fruitful bough by a wall
(spring or fountain)
whose branches run over the wall.
Genesis 49:22




And they gathered them together into a place called,
in the Hebrew tongue, "Armageddon." Revelation 16:16 (KJV)


1. A place where the final battle will be fought between the forces of good and evil.

2. Any crucial conflict. (The American Dictionary)


1. An appointment to meet.

2. To meet at a place previously appointed.

3. A scheduled meeting place. (The American Dictionary)


The generation of Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, is coming forth in this last day. Changes are taking place as this "dust man," the container of the Holy Spirit, is maturing and walking in his inheritance. None can stop God's plan of the ages. Time is running out for the natural realm and a supernatural day is fast set to dawn. It is time for the sons of God to be birthed from the womb of the morning and to be seen in this earth, (Ps. 110:3). Glory to God, we are a people God has chosen to fill with His Glory. NOW is the day of salvation! Surely creation is standing on tiptoe waiting to see the manifestation of the sons of God. (Rom. 8:19-22 Amp.) None will be able to stand before them. All enemies will tremble and be defeated as this dust man putting on immortality, takes his authority in the Name of Jesus Christ.

The purpose of this writing is to reveal, teach, and bless all. Our generation has seen great and mighty things take place. Knowledge has increased more than in any generation before us. The capability of the natural mind has greatly expanded, but it can never surpass the Wisdom of our God or His plan for the ages. He is revealing mysteries and secrets never before understood in His Mighty Word.

We have a rendezvous in Arm'-a-ged'-don, on the plain of Jezreel. Arma means: A "hill," Megiddo means: "A crowded place", and Jezreel is: "The Seed of God." The battle zone is being revealed between the forces of good and evil. The battle is set in array and the mind of man is the prize. Rendezvous means: "A scheduled meeting place." IT WILL HAPPEN! What is seen in the natural has to first be seen by the Spirit. There is a spiritual battle in the midst of man. There is much mixture in the Seed of you and me. We now begin to see mysteries of this generation man unfolding in our day.

Blanche Reynolds


In our life, this natural realm is not our home. We are just passing through. This Earth is the scene of man's testing. The lessons that we are learning here are equipping us and making us ready to propel us into His Eternal Glory, It's Resurrection Life, and the Melchizedek Order, which is the power of an endless and indestructible life.

This is what we have. Unfortunately, most of the time we do not see it. We get up in the morning, look into the mirror and think, "Oh, it's just you again." Where is the Lord? Where is the child of faith and power? Where is the light and the glory?

There are things that must be understood, a condition in the being, the rising of truth within our vessel. There is a mixture in each one of us, like a shade drawn. It keeps us from understanding all the authority and power that we have in the Lord because our generation man has been born in iniquity, or lawlessness and rebellion. We are renegade about our eating habits. We want what we want, when we want it. We live in a "fast system" in this world. We do not want to wait for anything. We are a very impatient people.

Our personality, shapened in our environment, has caused us not to understand who we are in Christ Jesus as His heir. Fortunately, God is not done with us yet.

When the Lord was speaking to me, it occurred to me that if we are to go on in God, we need to understand where we are going. A lot of people are post-trib and rapture conscious. Nobody wants to face the test. Nobody wants his flesh to burn. Everybody wants to pet his flesh. We are all at different levels of understanding. As we look in the Word of God, we are saying, "Lord, we need some answers." If the body is going on, which it is, we need to go on like God intended.

I began to search out my inheritance, mainly the blessing of the first born. They always received the "double portion". Do you know what the blessing of the first-born as heirs of Jesus Christ is? The Name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost in us. We are the first-born. Jesus was the first-born and we are His heirs. What is bequeathed to Him, has come to us. He has given us power, authority and dominion to bring forth that inheritance in every area of our life.

I was looking at this mystery of inheritance. The Lord took me back to the 49th chapter of Genesis. The Amplified Bible says, starting in the first verse, "And Jacob called to his sons, and said, "Gather yourselves together (around me), that I may tell you what shall befall you in the latter, or last days. Gather yourselves together, and hear, you sons of Jacob, and hearken to Israel your father. Rueben, you are my first-born, my might and the beginning (the first fruits) of my manly strength and vigor; (your birthright gave you) the pre-eminence in dignity and the pre-eminence in power. But unstable and boiling over like water, you shall not excel and have the pre-eminence (of the first-born), because you went to your father's bed, you defiled it; he went to my couch! Simeon and Levi are brothers (alike, headstrong, deceitful, vindictive and cruel); their swords are weapons of violence. O my soul, come not into their secret council; unto their assembly, my honor, be not united, (for I knew nothing in their plot); because in their anger they slew men (an honored man, Shechem and the Shechemites), and in their self-will they disable oxen. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel." And surely, this came to pass.

As we are reading, we are knowing what we remember of the Word and how the blessings of the inheritance were fulfilled in the children of Israel. Look at the 22nd verse of Genesis 49. "Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well (spring or fountain) whose branches run over the wall. Skilled archers have bitterly attacked and sorely worried him; they have shot at him and persecuted him. But his bow, (that is his strength) remained strong and steady and rested in the strength that does not fail him, for the arms of his hands were made strong and active by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob, by the Name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel."

Turn over to the 48th Chapter, when Joseph took his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, to father Jacob. What a blessing grandchildren are. I am a Grandmama, so I know. To see your seed reproduced and to see the blessing of our generation. What an honor. How sad it is that the enemy wants to take the mind of man and so corrupt it that the generation seed is a bondage and not a blessing.

We look at the abortion law. What is it doing? What is the bottom line? It is the curse of illegitimacy, it is murder! The curse of illegitimacy, in Deuteronomy 23, has a ten generation out-cast curse. They were not allowed in the congregation of the righteous. God's law this day has been defiled through the promiscuity of men and women breaking His law. They do not hold precious the condition of love to bring forth according to their kind. They defile the vessel in adulterous acts of uncleanness and perversion. This is the lust of the flesh, calling after the lust of the flesh. We are seeing the bottom line of it all is a "reprobate mind."

What is Satan doing? He is trying to take the mother instinct. You mamas know. Our love reaches the highest Heaven, the lowest Hell, and the darkest grave. Your children are precious to you and always will be. I have a grandson that lives in Heaven. He is just the same there as he was when I held him in my arms.

God put an instinct in humankind to love so completely that it could transcend every hurt, bruise, and wound, and still love. Don't you know that old sly fox, the devil, wants to stop that? He knows if that woman murders her own seed, he can take that ability to love and bruise her to the harlot system of adultery, perversion, and uncleanness. She lives a life of pleasing the desire of the flesh rather than honoring the preciousness of God's creation plan.

These things are going on in this hour. We have it within our understanding to intercede, travail and break loose from those bondages. This bondage has come down through our generation man. It has caused us to be full of rebellion, which takes away from the things of God. We are being called upon by the Holy Spirit to communicate with the Lord, to intercede, and to seek His truth. When we seek Truth, everything in us comes into the obedience of His Word. Rebellion will not be allowed in our life. We will not live in or be bound to the death realm. We are understanding how to break the curses of illegitimacy. (Deut. 23). We are breaking all bondage of rebellion. In the Name of Jesus, as His heir, we have the right to use His Name. We are meeting the conditions of the Lord. God thought a whole lot about a man's inheritance. He held it very precious.

Back to Joseph in the 48th Chapter of Genesis. Here he is, bringing his sons to grandfather Jacob. Grandfather begins to pray and give them the blessing of the inheritance, and he crosses his hands! Here Manasseh, who was the first-born, receives the second blessing. We are scratching our head and saying, "Why did this happen, Lord?" We remember what happened when Jacob tricked his brother Esau and stole the birthright. Here we see Jacob as the grandfather, doing the same thing to his grandchildren that he had done to his brother. But, there's more to it than that.

This inheritance that God has given unto the children of Israel, is a land flowing with milk and honey. It is a place God prepared for His Seed to dwell in. The enemies were to be driven out by the Lord God Almighty Himself when the children of Israel walked in obedience and discipline to His Word. God is preparing a Heavenly mind, a Heavenly place, a Heavenly Glory, when we dwell in Him. This is the plan of God. So the Lord allowed this hidden mystery. Now it is time for the property to be given out.

Do you know what "Manasseh" means? Manasseh means "forgetting the toil of my father's house." Forgetting all the hurt, the wound, the pain, the bruise that has shapened this generation seed. But, let us understand, the "first-born privilege" was left for a latter day. A time of inheritance would come for God to prove His Word, (Jesus) through His end-time sons. We are beginning to see this Manasseh people principle, who are forgetting the toil of their father's house." They are dealing with themselves, breaking generational curses, forgiving their ancestors, all in the wonderful Name of Jesus.

We too, must forget the toil of our father's house. Like the heir of Jesus Christ, when we met Jesus, what did He do? He forgave our sins. All of the bloodline bondages, sicknesses, angers, frustrations, jealousies, and hatreds of our generation man were forgiven. When you meet Jesus, He washes you white as snow so you can be like Him. He gave us power, dominion, and the authority to use His Name. Everything that would set itself against us and try to destroy our fellowship with Him, would be cast out in His Name. That is "forgetting the toil of our Father's house." It is the message and the work of deliverance, (salvation) (cast, in the Greek, means to vomit violently). Demons must leave in Jesus' Name. Demonic forces have been allowed through the generation bloodline. They can depress, oppress and possess, at whatever state a person finds himself. In the Name of Jesus, he is set free!

Turn to the 27th Chapter of Numbers and I am going to share some insight that I discovered. Manasseh's symbol for his tribe was the palm tree. The palm tree is symbolic of victory. There are three or four thousand species of the palm tree. The Word says in Psalms 92, that, "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree." The palm tree that is known to produce fruit, is known for it's ability to produce it's best fruit in it's old age. I am not a farmer, but I know when the fruit trees begin to get old, they have to have things done to them so they can produce an excellent fruit. If we look at this symbol by putting on our Spiritual glasses, we begin to see a mystery unfold.

Excellent fruit in the old age is a mystery revealed. It is talking about maturity. It is talking about time to hear, time to grow up, time to mature.

That first second after you were saved, you didn't know how to command anything, but, when you began to learn the Word, sought the Lord and prayed, you saw prayers answered. God moves in our faith and solves our situations. Authority came into our life and you began to realize that you are the heir of salvation. We have been delivered, that is what salvation means. We can forget the toil of our father's house. The privilege of the first-born is finally being realized. God is unfolding His Truth and expanding His Word so we are knowing that every Word God has spoken is in our behalf. He has given us dominion and power to walk it out so we will never be the door mat of the enemy again! There are things which must happen to bring about the maturity of the Body. We are growing up. It is time to deal with this old flesh man and be delivered!

This palm tree, where does it grow the best? In the desert where all the other conditions of the natural realm are directly opposite of what they ought to be. Where do we function the best when we have overcome the crisis, the trouble, and the situation? When we come to that answered prayer place where God has met us in the situation and crisis, then we know it was only God that brought us out to walk in a spiritual realm. Talk about a desert!

And what else happens? When the wind blows across the desert, it will bend that palm tree nearly to the ground, but it will not uproot him. You know why? His root under the ground is just as big as his trunk is above the ground. We are talking about who we are in Christ Jesus. Knocked down, but not knocked out. Glory to God, we have long roots. All the Word of God comes to our aid and works in our behalf.

The palm tree grows in the heat of the desert, like the refining fire. When gold is put in the refining fire, at a certain point of heat, all the dross is gone. The only thing that is left is the pure gold, Hallelujah! We are talking about inheritance. He is showing us the things that have to go. The tree bends in the storm and in the heat of the desert, it stands!

The palm leaf is the symbol of victory. Remember when Jesus came into Jerusalem? They waved the palm branches, and then they laid them down for Him to walk on. What was symbolic of a "wave victory" now became the "path" of victory as He marched into Jerusalem. "Jeru" means "A threshing floor", and "Salem" means "Peace. What did He do? He went to Calvary and He took your place and mine!

Calvary provided an inheritance path which could be bequeathed unto you and me. It is an inheritance which is lasting and will remain. A victory, Hallelujah, the Glory of God in our lives. God was speaking to a people, a generation. Twelve sons, and then two grandchildren, were grafted in because of love. (Remember Reuben forfeited his birthright when he defiled his father's bed.) God, holding precious the inheritance principle which He bequeathed to us, all through His Word.

In Numbers 27, we look at the Manasseh tribe as they begin to receive their inheritance portion. "Then came the 5 daughters of Zelophehad." Zelophehad means "A shadow." This is a shadow of what God was showing. It is covered up and not revealed. Zelophehad was the son of Hepher, which means "like a pit or a place that has to be dug out." Some of the things going on in us are going to have to be dug out. There are things hidden in our personalities which have kept us in bondage. We have not understood their origin, or how to get rid of rebellious curses which has weakened our bloodline. Like mysteries and secrets of things hidden, God is now unfolding or unveiling and exposing this old flesh covering with all of it's bruises until the Spirit of the Lord is seen in us. We are breaking out, like the bursting out of many waters. We are coming into a place where we will not be bowed down, broken, cursed, ruined and defiled any longer because we know the affect and the truth of our inheritance authority, in the Name of Jesus.

So Zelophehad's 5 daughters are here. Zelophehad was the son of Hepher, who was the son of Gilead, which means "a rocky place." Out of the pit, to a rocky place. Now the generation continues to Machir, which means "being sold out to God." He was the son of Manessah, "forgetting the toil of my father's house."

These daughters's names were, Mahiah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. "They stood before Moses, Eleazar, the priest, and the leaders and all the congregation, at the door of the Tent of Meeting, saying, "Our father died in the wilderness; he was not among those who assembled together against the Lord in the company of Korah, but died for his own sin, (as did all those who rebelled at Kadesh); and he had no sons. Why should the name of our father be removed from his family, because he had no son? Give to us a possession among our father's brethren." Moses brought their case before the Lord.

God had set the law. A man's inheritance was transferred to his family and on through his generation. It was very important. So the Lord said to Moses in verse seven, "the daughters of Zelophehad are justified and speak correctly; you shall surely give them an inheritance among their father's brethren, and you shall cause their father's inheritance to pass to them."

Remember, as the Lord was speaking in Genesis 49 through grandfather Jacob, He said, "Joseph is a fruitful bough." The word in Hebrew for bough is "Ben." It means "like a son or an anointed one." He is like the builder of a family tree. The next thing that his blessing of inheritance said was that his branches would run over the wall. The word branch in Hebrew is the word "Bath." It means "like a daughter." An anointed son and a daughter that will run over the wall. Now we look at the fulfillment of this inheritance.

Never before in the history of God's plan had a woman received an inheritance this way. God so honored the principle of inheritance, that He changed His law. A branch that ran over the wall, a daughter, received the inheritance of a son. God kept His inheritance precious and Holy.

The word "well" is used in connection with a fountain. It is typical of the palm tree and the roots drawing from underground springs. Like a mystery, where do they get their life from? Where do they get their strength? Who are these people that stand in this hour under circumstances and crisis which would cause the natural person to fall and to faint? What is this inheritance? What is this in the being that would bring such a strength? It is the inheritance of the covenant in the Blood of Jesus which is making us His lawful heirs, so we can live as He lives.

We are in the world but we are not of it. We have all come through circumstances and crisis. We have all been wounded by pains and bruises. Some things were our fault, some things were not our fault. Some things we inherited down through the ancestral bloodline corridor. When a young person first begins to be promiscuous, that spirit is inherited. It was in the generation past and they only acted out what probably their parents or grandparents before them did. If you start examining this principle, most of the time, this is the circumstance. The curse flows through the offspring until the emotions and the act is accomplished. Like the Word states in Deuteronomy 23, "The illegitimate curse then causes the out-cast not to be allowed in the congregation of the righteous for ten generations." Forty years is a generation in the Bible, so this means that for 400 years, they would be cursed with this curse. If we look back, we can scarcely go beyond our grandparents, sometimes our great grandparents. We say, "Lord, things have surely been a mixture in our bloodline that has bruised and kept us." Things have come to our understanding, nature and personality that we cannot excuse any longer and say, "Well, I've always been that way."

The Body of Jesus Christ is called to rule and reign with Him. We cannot allow the death realm controls and the curses that have bruised our generation man to remain. You have the authority in your mouth. The Name of Jesus! His Blessed Name will break every curse, pull down every stronghold, cast out every demon, wherever he is, and however he has shown himself, in weaknesses, sicknesses, and infirmities.

God is calling this generation man to forget all the toil of our father's house. A covenant has been written in the Blood of Jesus Christ, ratified to justify us, and to reconcile you and me unto Him.

We remember in the 17th Chapter of Numbers, when the Lord was sick and tired of all the children of Israel griping and complaining. He said, "I've had enough of it. Moses, tell everyone of the leaders, the heads of the tribes to bring their rod and lay it before me, before the Ark of the Covenant, and tell Aaron to bring his, too." So they brought their rods. The rod is symbolic of authority. It was a custom in that day for every man to carve his name in his rod, this was his authority. When he stood at the door of his tent and he settled the matters of his household, his name and his rod, what he stood for, was carried out.

So, every man brought his rod and laid it up before the Ark of the Covenant. The next morning, they went to look and here was Aaron's rod. It had a bud, a branch, a leaf, and a ripened almond. Do you know why I believe the Lord sent an almond? Do you know what is characteristic of the almond tree? It blooms and produces fruit in the late winter, when it is the coldest. It is like us running to the Lord when the crisis is the worst. Talk about blooming, trust, and faith. When there is nothing else for you to lean on but Jesus, the job gets done and we know what the Lord is saying.

A man's name was his character, his nature, his attitude. It was what he was known by. There are attitudes here in the Manasseh generation that God gave an inheritance to. He changed the law to honor the inheritance because He knew that in the fullness of time He would send His only begotten Son, His Heir, and in His Son and His Heir, all power and dominion, all glory, was vestured.

The whole matter of judgment was given unto Jesus, according to John 5:22. God knew that when Jesus came, He would judge the world and bequeath unto His heirs the right to judge themselves. Judgment begins at the House of the Lord. We are judging ourselves by Jesus Christ, the patterned Son, the Heir of salvation. In His Name, we are healing the sick, and casting out demons, as His Great Commission commands us. God honored grandfather Joseph's inheritance. We are seeing it literally walked out here in the daughters of Zelophehad, the Manasseh generation that first-born of Joseph, which looked like they were ignored, came in. They were given a portion before the Jordan and after Jordan. They got a double portion, Hallelujah!

Let us look at Joshua 17:11. "Also Manasseh had in Issachar and in Asher (these six towns), their inhabitants and their villages, Bethshean, Ibleam, Dor, Endor, Taanach, and Megiddo. All of those six cities, like the number of a man, is a mystery yet to be revealed.

Let's look again at Zelophehad's daughters, and their character attitudes. Mahlah, the first-born, "means sickness, to be grieved, to be worn out, to be easily wounded, put to pain, afflicted, diseased, like a woman in travail." This is an attitude that has got to come out of our bloodline inheritance.

Noah, means: Rest, to let alone, to let fall, to withdraw, or to let down." Emotions are sealed away. Psychological decisions are made out of hurt and pain that says, "Nobody is going to hurt me any more," so we seal ourselves up. We don't know how to give love and we don't know how to receive it, but everything in our God nature wants to love and wants to receive love. So, we begin to examine, "Why am I this way, Lord? Why are my emotions sealed?" Then the Lord begins to unfold to us the bruises in the bloodline. Ancestral bruises caused by unrepented sin flow down the bloodline corridor and cause the mixture of insecurity and weaknesses that come to the surface in our generation, and we have had no knowledge of what has happened, and how we became that way.

Hoglah, it's an attitude. It means "like a partridge", a precious little bird. It can't fly very high. The house of the partridge is like a door, or being in a dungeon. The Hebrew says, "Locked in, to hold inside a prison, fearful of the slightest sound." Jeremiah 17:11 says, "They were like a partridge which gathers a brood that she did not hatch and sits on eggs which she has not laid." We are always seeing this attitude. Everybody trying to do everything for everybody else and never dealing with themselves. You have seen that attitude haven't you? These are attitudes that must come out of the body. They have been mysteries veiled over until this last day. This attitude of looking for position without working for it is in the body. Can't you imagine that bird looking for eggs she didn't hatch, so she wouldn't have to go through all that travail for and sit on them? People are looking for things to pet their flesh that they did not work out in their salvation.

The next daughter, Milcah, means: "A queen." To ascend to a throne, to lift up oneself, to take over, to dominate, to have the last word, like a Jezebel, controller, manipulator, the queen. This describes the queen of Heaven who sits on the throne wanting to control every situation around her. She wants to be the only one that the people can go through to reach the Lord. This attitude must come out of the Body. It comes from idolatry and pagan worship, strong witchcraft.

Tirzah, means: "Delight, to be pleased with, satisfied." "I've got all the religion I want. My grandaddy was a Baptist or Methodist or whatever, and I'm gonna be that because...." That is a satisfied attitude, looking no further with no vision. We see this so often in the body, "no vision." "My place pleases me!" It is in the realm of the flesh. It is attitudes that must be dealt with in the Name of Jesus.

Did you notice that there are five daughters here? There is also a five fold ministry in the church. In this hidden mystery of inheritance, we see attitudes in the natural that came down through this bloodline. Manasseh, "forgetting the toil of my father's house, and Zelophehad, "a shadow" that just died in the wilderness, and Hepher, "digging a pit."

Let's look at this Megiddo place, Manasseh's inheritance. Megiddo means "crowded." Naboth's vineyard, which Ahab wanted to use as a herb garden for his witchcraft potions, was on this ground of Megiddo. Jezebel had Naboth killed and gave Ahab his inheritance. The man who stood by and watched all this take place was Jehu. His name means, "Yahweh exists, " or, "The Covenant exists." God made a decree that a man's inheritance would be kept in His household. You and I are the heirs of Jesus Christ, and our inheritance is being in His Household. This Megiddo territory, given unto the tribe of Manasseh, was on the plain of Jezreel, which means, "The Seed of God."

The 12th verse of Joshua 17 says, "Yet the sons of Manasseh could not drive out the inhabitants of those cities, but the Canaanites persisted in dwelling in the land. And when the Israelites became strong, they put the Canaanites in forced labor, but they did not utterly drive out the inhabitants of the land.

Let's look again with our Spiritual glasses on. We are seeing each one of us and we know our namesake. We know the authority we have walked in, the call of God on our life, and the things that we can do in God. We search His Word, pray and seek Him, yet people still hurt our feelings. We still cry and we are still feeling wounded. We are saying, "Lord, let us examine the inheritance again."

There are things in us that must be dealt with, which Jesus has given us power over. When Jesus Christ is in control of our life, we can deal with every attitude and emotion, and walk in victory. What is all this deliverance about? The bottom line is making more room for Jesus. These things should cause us to think, "How is this affecting me, Lord?" We need to begin to look at what we have been, our generation man.

I was a Porter before I married. I am a Reynolds now. A Porter is a "door keeper." My first name is Blanche, it means "white," like righteousness. So I am a white door keeper, but it says a whole lot more in the spirit. We stand at the door to bring the Body in, to give wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We are a generation people, and it is time to examine this generation cup that is full. We have reproduced a generation strain that is lawless, rebellious, full of jealousies, hatreds, selfishness, overindulgence, rejection, and self pity. But now we have come unto Jesus Christ. He has made us His heir. We stand under that Yaweh covenant, which means "The Covenant exists." We are being called in His Name, as His Heir, to fling from us the powers of death, the weakness of the flesh, and the lawless behavior of the death realm. It is only by doing this that we can come to the Lord Jesus Christ and embrace Truth, and be all we can be for Jesus.

He has given us, as His vessels, His Name and His personality so we might become like Him. He is changing us from one degree of His Glory to another. He is causing us to understand that we are not our own. We have been bought with the price of the Blood of Jesus. We do not have to stay under the circumstances. We do not have to have a nervous breakdown and be sick unto death and broken in this last day. We have an inheritance. The covenant has been ratified. We have the inheritance of the Word of God Who was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Word gave unto us "Life Everlasting" as joint heirs or fellow heirs as it says in Romans 8:2. The law of the spirit of life has freed me from the law of sin and death.

God changed the law to honor the covenant of the inheritance. God bequeathed an inheritance unto us through the Blood of Jesus Christ and He intended for the work of that covenant inheritance to be carried down from generation to generation, man becoming the generation of Jesus, one NEW man, the last Adam.

It is time for you and I to walk out in the power and dominion of Resurrection Life. The inheritance of the Word of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as His Heirs, is eternal life and it is the power of an endless and indestructible life. It is time to stand before Him, under an open Heaven knowing that the Word of God is full of life and endued with power in the midst of you and in the midst of me. We are a people joined together, a many membered Body, built in the strength and the authority of God's Word, called forth to set all creation free. We are a people given unto the Lord, separated from the world. Mysteries are being revealed, and secrets are unfolding the plan of God. We are taking our inheritance seriously because the Lord intended it to be that way.

This part of Manasseh's inheritance was a strategic territory. It is in that fertile valley of Megiddo, "a crowded place" where a battle is going to take place, in a city, on the Plain of Eshkalon. Eshkalon in the Greek means Jezreel. Jezreel in the Hebrew means, "The Seed of God." Who are you and I? We are the Seed of God. Where is the battle going on? IN THE MIDST OF US!

What are we doing? We are shaking off this old death realm. We are putting it under our feet. We are expecting God in every crisis. We are commanding glory into every situation. We know that He is alive and because He is alive, we are alive, and we are facing life in authority and dominion. We are taking our place in the power of an endless and indestructible life! Because He lives, WE LIVE, HALLELUJAH! All that He has spoken, He means for us to understand.

Let's look at this Megiddo place in Revelation16. So what is happening here? The seven bowls are being poured out. Seven is the number of completeness. But this was the sixth bowl that was to be emptied out over the River Euphrates. It's water was dried up to make ready for a road for the coming of the Kings of the east, from the rising of lawlessness will be like a battle ground on which you and I must make a decision. We must make choices in this hour. The battle is going to be fought. You are either going on the side of good and overcome, seek the Lord, and stand in the covenant of His Divine protection, His Word, or, you are going to be lost in the control of the nature of Satanic confusion! We are like a people in this generation standing at a crossroad. One road goes to Jerusalem, the other road goes to Babylon. Babylon means "Confusion."

We have but to look at what went on in the Middle East war of Desert Storm to know that the stage was being set. We looked in the natural at natural things. We saw our young men over there, standing equipped to go to battle with ammunition or guns that did not work correctly. This too, speaks about the people in the church.

We saw our boys standing over there, waiting for someone to give them a command to go in and take the land, and where was it? That same territory, that Babylon place, that confusion and chaos. There has been confusion in every generation. Like a cup being full, they stood in the Middle East, just like the church awaiting the last battle for God to sum it up. No one could move a muscle because the command could not be given. This was a police action, causing frustration. Can you imagine training an army and never using it? Can you imagine just being like a wall and that is all? A situation that we saw in the natural lets us know there was a battle in the Spirit!

The church, thank you Lord for the church, the "called out Ecclesia." The church has the equipment with all it's creeds, doctrines, and programs, but where is the victory? The people sitting on the pews are wounded. Their kids are on drugs and alcohol, and their hearts are broken. Husbands and wives are divorced. Little kids have more mommies and daddies than they can count on their hands. There are so many wounds and hurts in the Body of Christ. No parent or role model. God's plans have been adulterated bringing in the chaos of Babylon. The church has become a harlot system of spiritual adulterers looking to please and gratify something deep within. But, there is nothing there, until the real Word is received and the Truth is revealed!

God is calling us to "Come out from among them and be ye separate." How can the enemy steal all our blessings from us? Because, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS!! How can the false prophet come into the church and bring lying wonders and deceptions and cause people to get out of the Word of God? They try to work out their personal prophecy to please their flesh and exalt themselves high and be lifted up. How can this take place in the church of Jesus Christ? Because, the church of Jesus Christ does not know what His Word says. They do not know who they are in Him, as His heir. They do not know the inheritance they have received through the Covenant Blood of Jesus Christ! When that is found out beloved, you will not let the enemy stand in your household! You WILL command him to go in the Name of Jesus, because you are the heir with the power of an endless and indestructible life! He has given you a life force that causes you to live eternally!

We are saying, "Lord, there is a famine for your Word in the land. There is a famine for Truth!" Men stand in pulpits and bruise the children. They are like a jealousy image standing in the door of the temple, (Ezk. 8) afraid somebody will proselyte the flock. Things are taking place that we must understand. It is time to turn around and stop worshiping the Lord with our back to the Altar. It is time to understand the Covenant Jesus, that has been set to take our place. Jesus, The Lamb of God shed His Blood that we might go free. Not to chain and bind people to us, but to loose them to be all they can be in God and to trust the Office of the Holy Ghost to bring them forth! Where are the intercessors? Where are the people praying and seeking God for the true church, the Bride, being one in Jesus, like a marriage vow, the union message to be lifted up in this hour?

This Armageddon, this Megiddo place, must be understood. There is a battle being set in array and it is in you and me. Deliverance is the answer. It is the Name of Jesus, effective in you. He is the pattern that you go by.

In Revelation 16:11, John, the revelator, reveals that "I saw three loathsome spirits like frogs, or plagues, leaping from the mouth of the dragon." That old serpent seals the emotions so a man can never give love or receive it. It is like the Leviathan that Job talks about in the 39th, 40th, and 41st Chapters. That spirit is everywhere, and people are being bruised and controlled by it.

The Lord said to me, "Did you think that serpent disappeared when he beguiled Eve in the garden?" He said, "Where did I curse him to?" And I said, "To the dust of the earth, Lord," and the Lord said, "What are you made of?" And....I said.... "Dust, Lord!" Then I realized that divination power has been seducing and beguiling humanity and drawing them away to sorcery and witchcraft. There are things in us that have pulled and tugged on us because of the sins of our ancestors. We have seen that dragon in the church seal the emotions of the people. The people sit and cannot pray or open their mouth. Everything in them is wanting to shout, "Glory, Hallelujah," but, it is like somebody put a zipper on their lips.

In Revelation 16:11 again, "And from the mouth of the beast..." That old beast nature is rising up and marking the forehead and the hand, the mind, and the ministry. That mark of the beast is arising out of the earth where man is reduced to following greed, lust, overindulgence, and animal instincts. Not caring for their children or anybody else but self and the flesh. No mind to reason, but taking on that hoggish beast nature of self. The generations are producing more and more of this beast nature. The mind takes over until all that can be seen is more of what I want and I'll do anything I can to get it! These are the traits of a beast or an animal!

Looking at Revelation 16:13 again, where John saw the "frogs leaping from the mouth of the dragon, false prophet beast." The frogs are the plagues, (leaping) from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet. These are the realms, powers, and forces that have come upon human kind to control it! God is saying that they are really the spirits of demons, in verse 14, that perform signs and wonders. They go forth to the rulers and leaders all over the world to gather them together for war on the great day of God Almighty, the day of the Lord! There is a day scheduled, God's Day, when this war is declared, a rendezvous in the being of man!

The Lord said in Verse 15, "I'm coming like a thief and blessed and happy, and to be envied, is he who stays awake, is alert and who guards his clothes." What are you dressed in? What are you covered with? Are your garments jealousy, hatred, lust, pride, and self exaltation? See, blessed is he that guards his clothes. You cannot let the enemy take one thing that belongs to the Lord. You must be covered with the Truth and Righteousness of Jesus Christ!

Verse 15 continues, "So that he may not be naked and have the shame of being exposed!" We are going to deal with this while time is available. We are going to pull it down and cast it out in Jesus' Name.

It says in Verse 16, "And they gathered them together at the place, which in Hebrew is called Armageddon," (a battleground, a rendezvous, a crowded place, a meeting time.) We are the generation where the meeting happens. We are going to deal with this generation man. The choice is yours. We are going on with God. Time is of the essence. It is like the 11th hour. This day is about to close and the battle has been set in array. You must recognize the things that are going on and you must choose to deal with them.

My, Lord, we cry unto you for Truth to remain. We ask you Lord Jesus, that in the Seed of God, this crowded place, this man of mixture, where You have come to dwell, to rule, and to reign, that You give us wisdom and understanding.

I believe the first thing that should be addressed is the fact of where you are in Christ Jesus. If your life has not been in that place of peace, but full of turmoil and problems, it is time to get honest before the Lord and be set free. If you feel in your spirit man that you have been neglectful and have not taken time enough to be Holy before Him, would you just make that commitment now?

"Lord Jesus, I surrender and I renew my vows. I give myself to You. Teach me Lord, how to monitor my life in Your Covenant Glory. Lord, I surrender all that I am to You. I ask You to be in me all that You want to be, In Jesus' Name....Amen!



Deliverance is not a one time experience. It is many times, like a man peeling an onion. Every layer looks just alike, but every time you take a layer off, it gets smaller. So we are examining ourselves to command our being to the Lord, a vessel that can be filled with the Holy Ghost. We come unto the Lord and are bing changed into His image. In the natural, you have the image of your ancestry. You have your Uncle Joe's knobby knees and your Aunt Bessie's pretty blue eyes. You have the image of the natural man, but when you met Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit was born within you. You became a spirit being and it is a finished work. You became the heir to the Throne of God. We are beginning to realize who we really are in Christ Jesus. Rom. 8:14: "All who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God."

Everybody can tell you the world is waxing worse. The more the flesh is ministered to, the more control the enemy is taking. Powers of divination are being loosed upon the land until we are seeing the "very beast" arise in human form. No love, no care, no respect, no obedience. Grabbing, taking, jealousies, greed, overindulging. Every man for himself, an animal instinct. But when Jesus Christ came, He made us a new creation man, a "Last Adam," who is the "Image, the Pattern, The Son of God," and we are to be like Him. We have all been in the container of the flesh and it has had it's dominion in our life. Now we have awakened to the fact that some things in our vessel have got to go.

God says, "I'm the same yesterday, today and forever." Look at us, we're like a man on a see-saw, up and down, under pressures all of the time.

We were preaching in Ohio one time and my son called and said, "Mom I think you had better come home, there's been a tornado, and two trees have fallen across the house." Well, you know the first thing you think is getting home. But then I thought, "No, I'm about my Father's business." So, Olen and a friend got in the car and came home, got the tree cut off the house and I never missed a service. They covered the roof up until we could get back. We then went on from Ohio into Michigan and finished our Ministry there.

When we came back, we took the plastic off and we talked to the Insurance Company. We were devastated. You know we don't walk in the realm of devastation. You know you are honest, but they approach you like you are going to be dishonest, all due respect to the good ones. I looked at my husband and he looked at me and I said, "Wow, you know, we're not passing this test. There's something in this situation that has caused my righteous indignation to be stirred up. I'm upset that they assume that I'm going to be dishonest and take that money and put it in my pocket and not fix my house." I went through this see-saw time, until I got myself in that place where I said, "Lord, you gave us this house in the first place. You picked it out. You caused that real estate lady, that I had never seen before, to put her head on her desk and burst into tears." I thought, "That's why you sent me here, because she's got problems." She raised her head up and with tears flowing down her face she said, "God told me that I'm supposed to help you." If I could tell you all that she did, you would be shocked. But you see, when your Father is responsible for you, and He of course knows it, and you begin to know it, you are going to start resting in your circumstances. You are going to start expecting God, not hoping to make it before your rope gives out. You are going to expect Him to be there for you because He said He would! To wish is to hope, but to believe is FAITH!

When I was a little girl, a man could shake hands with the man he was doing business with and that was all he needed. A man took great pride in the respect for his name, his word, who he was. But now, we've got to put everything in writing and get it notarized and then a lot of times the other man wants to back out! We have come a long way with natural things being adulterated. It is going to happen because the Word says it is going to get worse before it gets better.

God is calling out of this death realm a people who are set to live with Him, being birthed a new generation man with the expectation of Glory, not defeat. Deliverance, like the bottom line, makes more room in you for Jesus! God has given us such an inheritance in Him, that every circumstance of our maturing and growth has been taken care of at Calvary. Isaiah 53 says, "Jesus was wounded for our transgressions," (and that is our sin.) "He was bruised for our rebellion." (That is all that wickedness, iniquity, and lawlessness.) "By His stripes we are healed." We see here that threefold work of Calvary knit together.

Did you notice that in between transgression and healing was the mystery of iniquity, that rebellious matter that His Blood was bruised for? His Blood was bruised so the bruise in our generation man would no longer have any effect. He took our place! In deliverance, we are commanding our being to the Lord. Do you know the deliverance is so trifling compared to the Glory that is set before us? The time is now upon us. The presence of God and the things that He is ready to reveal to us are here. If we will come on in to all that He has bequeathed to us as Heirs.

Glory is like dressing for an occasion. We are going to take the things off that do not apply. We are not going to be undone, limited, weak, fallen into the sleep of death. We are going to be ALIVE. We are endowed with power from on High. We have got the Holy Ghost, the very personality of God, to dwell within us, to show us all that we need to know and understand.

We are here to deal with this old flesh man. We have been wearing a veil of flesh that has been like a disguise. We have our Sunday face and smiles on when we go to church, yet nobody knows you just told your husband off as you got in the car. How could that kind of anger bloom out if you've dealt with anger? There's been demon activity in us and it is time for it to go. God is moving on. He is not going backwards. This is the next test that the Body of Christ has to pass. The bride is putting on her wedding garments, taking a tuck here, letting out a seam there. We are doing what is necessary to come into a union vow, an agreement, and to become one in Christ Jesus.

The Lord is showing us to us and the only person you can change is you! No matter how much the other guy makes you mad or how much the Lord shows you about him, until he makes up his mind that he wants all that God has for him, nothing will change. But when that happens, it is no problem for those oppressing demons to go in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

All that we are talking about, everything that we are seeing, has got to line up with God's Word. We are not making a new doctrine or a new philosophy, or writing something that has never been heard of before. It's ages old. Jesus Christ, the Word, became flesh and dwelled among us. He gave us a pattern as His Heir. He bequeathed unto us an eternal life that is the same as His. He means for us to partake of it in all of it's fullness. So we must deal with ourselves now.

Have you noticed in the medical field all the research in genetics that is going on? I was surprised a couple of years ago when I picked up the Sunday paper. On the headlines was an explanation of the genetic discoveries that were being done at various Universities in the Nation. I had begun to understand what it is to be an heir and have the inheritance of ancestors and the shapening that we've all received as our namesake in the natural. I looked at this newspaper article and to my surprise and blessing, I saw what God had been speaking to me about in their research, only they had put it into medical terms.

They had blown up a gene until it looked like a great cylinder or a capsule. It looked like it was wrapped in grave clothes, all the way around, up to the top. Little arrows were pointing at different places saying, "This is where the arthritis comes into the conception as the gene is transmitted." Another arrow showed where mental retardation, diabetes and all of the alcoholism comes. The weaknesses in the genetics, coming together as we, in that parenting process, create the blessings of creation. This is God's plan. The things of the ancestry are right there in that exchange of a man and a woman coming together, in God.

The Lord began to speak to me, "Isn't it a shame that love and it's meaning has been so adulterated by the world? It's lust, it's illicit sex, it's harlotry, all manners of uncleanliness." Most children are conceived in lust and not love. Shocking as it may be, some people are saying, "The marriage bed cannot be defiled." Beloved, they do not know or understand of what they speak. Those spirits are transmitted and come into being when that exchange takes place.

God made His creation plan so special that a man would leave his mother and father and take unto himself one wife and they two would be one flesh. There was to be no other exchange in our life. But now when we look at our system, moral decay has come like a cup that is full. Perverted ways are the accepted way. Holiness and the preciousness of God's Creation Plan is not acceptable. The Church is in a state of confusion. We are seeing many spirits transmitted into the flesh of man because God's law was broken. Oral sex opens the being for spirits of homosexuality.

Incest comes through the bloodline. Illegitimacy comes through the bloodline. Incest produces mental retardation. You see children born where mothers have been on drugs and cocaine and alcohol, already addicted. This is the genetic response. There is a lot more there, than the Church has understood. Deliverance, and breaking the curses, causes your life and my life to be set free. We forgive our ancestors, but we do not let their un-repented sins go any further.

What we are talking about here is not just the medical field's new findings. There is a mixture in the genes that we are identifying. This has been in the plan of God since God chose, on the fourth day of the material creation, the seed principle. That seed would come into the earth and it would die. Out of that death would arise new life, the same principle of salvation. God is speaking unto us about the necessary things that we have to know by the Spirit in this hour. We are learning them in the natural, but God is saying, "You must understand them by the Spirit."

We looked at Manasseh in the first chapter. This first born son of Joseph who was to get the double portion, but it looked like Grandpa Jacob had made a mistake. He crossed his hands and blessed Ephraim first. Ephraim means, "Doubly fruitful." Here was Manasseh, meaning "forgetting all the toil of my father's house," and it looked like God was passing him by. But, God was preserving that character of nature, that name sake, that understanding of what is to take place in us for a later day.

A plot of ground before the Jordan was given as an inheritance to this generation of Manasseh. Jordan means, "The descender," and is symbolic of the Spirit. After the Jordan, Manasseh received an inheritance there, too. Talk about a double portion! He built six cities, some of them bordering Issachar and Ashur, but the ground belonged to the Manassehites.

Gideon, which means, "Destroyer," was from the tribe of Manasseh. God called out of that generation, deliverers, a namesake, "forgetting all the toil of my father's house." God could call a destroyer out of that because He knew in the fullness of time Jesus Christ, THE DELIVERER, would come and He would set all of creation free.

In shadows and types, hidden mysteries and secrets, God began to unfold unto us this generation man, the Manasseh company. We looked at Zelophehad in Numbers 27. Zelophehad means "a shadow," he was a Manassehite. He died in the wilderness from natural causes. This man didn't have any sons, just five daughters. Five determined daughters who went to Moses and Eleazar and said, "Give us our father's inheritance." God said to Moses in Numbers 27, "What these girls said has merit." So, God did something He had never done before, He changed the law to honor the inheritance. God meant for that tribe to continue, so the five daughters of Zelophehad got their father's inheritance. His name was just a shadow.

Time began to pass, the generation rising and falling. In Joshua 17:12, it said that Manasseh never did drive out all of the Canaanites from his possession. He never did get total deliverance from his enemies, but his name meant forgetting, forgiving, setting the record straight. No vengeance, no holding grudges, a character and a nature.

So part of this Manasseh inheritance was the city of Megiddo. Turn to I Kings 21. In this inheritance that all of us have received, we have the bloodline bondages, situations that have occurred that have caused us to ask a lot of questions, like, "Why me Lord? How come all this has to happen to me like this? I just want to mind my own business, I just want to be sweet and I want to be loving and I want to be pretty, Lord. How come all this is happening to me?"

In us, there's a drawing to the occult sometimes. We just kind of want to see what the horoscope said because we're really wanting it to be good. That nature didn't just happen in you because today was Monday and the newspaper was laying on the table. But, there is a spirit in the midst of you, drawing you, because of the sins of the fathers, which is a genetic response. Rebellion is the same as witchcraft and because of the rebellion in the generation man, we are a mixture of this death realm. The sins of our fathers, that sin of rebellion, Deuteronomy 5:9 says, is visited on the children to the third and fourth generation.

We are looking at this bloodline generation man, and we are beginning to examine the things that need to be examined. We are saying, "I do not want to be this way, a flirtatious man or woman full of lust." You know you ought to be modest, Holy, and honorable. You want these things to be in your vessel, but if you let the lid off, it would become boiling hot. We should be saying, "Oh God, this appalls me, how can I be this way?" Have you ever wondered why a good looking guy marries an old ugly woman? I used to wonder about that thinking, "Boy, what do they have in common?" It's that spirit of lust in each, wanting to co-habit and being drawn together. Flirtatious things that say, "I've got what I want." It puts the body into bondage.

In that coming together, two people bloom of the double portion of that kind of uncleanliness. You see why Jesus' Blood was bruised so this affect of the bruise in our blood is not going to take control and force us in ways that are not Godly. We've been born of the Spirit and the Spirit of the Living God lives in you. He is the Teacher, the Spirit of Truth. In His Name we revoke every curse, and command every demon to leave! We are learning God's way and not this flesh man's way. We are saying, "Lord, we want all that you have for us." But then here we are with Jezebel tendencies. Nearly all the girls and about half of the men have attitudes of control, dominance, and manipulation. These are attitudes that belong to Jezebel.

We see the beginning of this with Ahab, the King of the ten tribes that rebelled against God's Word. They set Ahab up as King and their Capitol was in Samaria. Now, Ahab takes himself a wife and where do you think this guy got his wife? From the daughter of Ethbaal. All the idolatry, the Baal factor, the Nimrod curse, the idol worship, the fullness of divination, the seer, the medium, the wizard. He gave his daughter to Ahab. How could witchcraft and rebellion come together so completely? Because they were like minded, a like kind. In Ahab's own rebellion against God's laws, he chose the same kind of nature to join himself with rebellion, (rebellion being the same as witchcraft.) (I Sam. 15:23)

After this marriage, here is King Ahab in I Kings 21. He's looking and he sees Naboth, the Jezreelite. Remember, Jezreel means, "The Seed of God." Naboth had a vineyard in Jezreel, that was the territory of Megiddo, the plain of the Esdraelon, (the Greek form of Jezreel, which means, "The Seed of God"). It was close beside the palace of Ahab. You see, Ahab could not have the territory of Megiddo, because God had preserved it. He gave the word to Zelophehad's daughters. They were to marry within their own generation, their own kinsmen, so that the land was preserved as "their inheritance." God changed the law to honor the inheritance.

As the ages have come, and the generation was raised and waned, we see Naboth. Ahab says to him, "Give me your vineyard," but of course Naboth is not about to give away his inheritance. That is what his father bequeathed to him. That was his and his ancestors, it belonged to his seed. So, a man's inheritance was very important. Your inheritance is very important. Your inheritance is through the Blood of Jesus. Your inheritance gave you the right to sit on your Father's throne. Your inheritance is to rule and to reign with Him. Your inheritance has given you power and dominion and authority over all the powers of death and over all the demons of Hell. Everything has been given unto our hands, in the Name of Jesus. Our inheritance is working in us.

We know how the story continued. Jezebel came and here's poor Ahab with his face turned to the wall saying, "Oh, I wanted Naboth's vineyard to plant my herbs." (They used those herbs to make their witchcrafts.) God wasn't about to let Megiddo go for such things. That was a Manasseh inheritance and God had given it.

So Jezebel said, "Don't you worry, honey. I'm going to get it for you." We know what she did. She wrote letters and had them go out before all the people of the land and she told them to slay Naboth right there in his own field. There was one of Ahab's soldiers standing by, watching it all. His name was Jehu. Jehu means, "Yahweh exists" and Yahweh means "Covenant exists." They shed Naboth's blood to steal his inheritance, but God says, "My Covenant exists."

So, God spoke a word that the seed of Ahab and Jezebel would be destroyed. Jehu heard it, Elijah had spoken of it to Ahab. But it was not until Elisha's day, in II Kings 9, that Elisha, the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets, and said to him, "Gird up your loins, take this flask of oil in your hand and go to Ramoth-Gilead," that rocky place, part of a refuge city." "A refuge city" was where they ran to if they had committed murder. Accidently, or on purpose, they could hide there until their problems could be settled.

So here all these men are in this refuge city and Elisha is saying to one of the sons of the prophets in verse 2, "When you arrive, look for Jehu." (Yahweh, the Covenant exists.) God was about to honor Naboth. He had given his life and his inheritance had been stolen, but God was about to judge it. You think America is not ready to be judged? Beloved, America is ready to be judged. She has broken God's laws. She is becoming like the abomination of desolations. She has allowed her freedoms to be stolen, the children's minds to be controlled by the Queen of Heaven, the New Age. She has allowed her seed to be murdered so that man could keep the population down and he could still sow his wild oats. God is not pleased with this land. Something has to be done and it's about to happen. Everything is coming into place for this fact.

Elisha said, in Verse 2, "When you arrive, look for Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat." Jehoshaphat means, "Judged of God." God was about to judge and He was setting up Jehu, the covenant, to judge it. He was the son of Nimshi. Nimshi means "rescued." Out of rescuing came judgment. It's time to put it right.

Verse 2 continues, he said, "Go in and have him arise from among his brethren and lead him to an inner chamber. Then take the cruse of oil (the anointing), pour it on his head, and say, Thus says the Lord, I have anointed you King over Israel. Then open the door and flee; do not tarry." So the young man, (the young prophet), went to Ramoth-Gilead. And when he came, the captains of the army were sitting outside; and he said, "I have an errand for you, O captain. Jehu said, To which of us all." And he said, "To you, O captain." And Jehu arose, and they went into the house; and the prophet poured the oil on Jehu's head, and said to him, "Thus says the Lord God of Israel, I have anointed you king over the people of the Lord, even over Israel." I have anointed you king, the covenant became king. In other words, God brought the highest authority into existence because from the highest authority, He was about to judge the inheritance of a man. You and I were given our inheritance through the Blood of Jesus Christ. We became Heirs of salvation and in Him we move, and dwell and have our being. Glory to God!

He says in Verse 6, "I've anointed you to be King." In Verse 7 He tells him, "You shall strike down the house of Ahab, your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants and the Prophets and all of the servants of the Lord (who have died) at the hand of Jezebel." See that Balaam witchcraft and false prophets? Four hundred fifty prophets of Baal sat at Jezebel's table and another 400 ministered in her temple, 850 altogether.

Now Jezebel, with that witchcraft divination power, the daughter of Ethbaal, that Balaam curse, had manipulated this situation by taking the King's ring. She wrote an edict and had it sent out to the people and in doing so had Naboth killed. Then, just like a Jezebel, she said: "I did it, go ahead Ahab, and enjoy it." An attitude is what we are talking about.

This same attitude is in the religious church today. We see Jezebel sitting on most every pew. They also run the house, they tell the husband what to do, and where to do it. What has the husband become? Like Nimrod, the great hunter, his god is sports. He sits in front of the TV or he goes hunting the deer, the quail and the turkeys. The Jezebels are crying, "Oh, I want my husband to come home. I want my house to be in Divine Order." They are saying, "Why can't this be?" It is because she will have to step down off her pedestal of dominance and control. You must deal with yourself and look into your generation man and find out where the idolatry is, and what it is. You must command it out of you and break the curse in the Name of Jesus. I'll not operate in witchcraft, I'll submit unto you, Lord God, and I ask you Jesus, to show me to me that I can become like you! This is deliverance! Deliverance, the children's bread, is going to set you free!

We must begin to take those witchcraft things that have bruised us. Not just fortune telling, clairvoyance, ESP, and being drawn to areas in this vein, but an attitude in you that must be addressed. We cannot go any farther until we begin to see the mixture in our generation man. You cannot come into the Blessings and High Praise of God and know the Glory of His Presence. You may have it in a measure, but you are not going to have it in fullness until you get the Jezebel out of you. So, we begin to examine ourselves. When you get manipulated and someone tries to control you, you see how this operates. Jezebel wants her way. We've seen people who didn't get their way in their church, so they just went to another one. They'll do anything, but cast it out.

In our day, it is time for this Jezebel-Ahab cycle to be totally revealed. How did it gain such a force? I believe the Lord said this to me. After World War II, our men came home from the battle. They were horrified at what they had been through. Their nerves were destroyed. The wife had been doing pretty good keeping the home fires burning. She paid the bills, worked the job, raised the kids, and she cleaned the house. So he, wanting to rest and gain his strength, fell into a pattern, and I call it Ahab. He let his woman become the head of the house.

There's been three or four generations since the second World War. Every generation, like a snow ball rolling down a mountain, gets worse. When this spirit is not dealt with, it becomes bigger. Now we see a generation born out of control, as these little children start school. There is a little Jezebel in the kindergarten, trying to hold the bathroom door for everybody else to go in. We see them wanting all the blocks, coloring the best picture. They are born right into society and we are thinking, "How cute, nobody is going to run over her," but, we are also beginning to realize what we have allowed has come to full stature. Parenting has lost it's correct role model.

What else has happened in all of this? There hasn't been a role model of a daddy that the girls and boys need. I work with people all of the time who say, "I can't remember my mother or my daddy saying, I love you, because they were too busy." We've been on a treadmill the last few decades, trying to make it so that we can produce what everybody said was the American Dream. You know, nobody wants to be outside of the American Dream. We've got to have two cars in the garage, a chicken in every pot. We've got to have all the latest technology in our houses and access to it. We've pushed, shoved and neglected our understanding and our growth. We've put things before our inheritance and our heritage! Men have become slaves to TV and they are weak!

Where is the true father image? Now we see the mixture in the family. The woman takes on the male role, and the man takes on the woman's role. Then we see the Lesbian and the Homosexual, like crossed bars emerging. We are saying, "How can that get into my family?" It came because God's law was not honored. The man has not been the priest in his home. The Divine Order that God intended to take place has been neglected. So much so, that now, if the grownups do not like their partner, when they exchange their vows, in the back of their minds they are thinking, "Well, if this doesn't work, I'll just get another one!" Vows, God's laws, have been like something in a foreign language to us. God is calling us back to pattern. We cannot go any farther until this is emptied out of us.

How are we going to empty it out? In the Name of Jesus, we command our being to His attention. In Jesus' Name, I command every curse broken. I command every legal right that Satan has had to harass me to be cancelled, right now, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! We are dealing with ourselves so that, as the Lord brings forth His truly anointed, we are ready to become it's container.

The Lord said this to me when I was teaching in the book of Haggai 1:5-7; "consider your ways, how have you fared?" "You earned your money and you're putting it in a bag with a hole in it." They didn't have a place to worship, and they were not worshiping the Lord. They built their own houses, but they did not build the house of the Lord. They did everything they wanted to in the natural, but they did not worship the Lord! There was no place to go to worship the Lord, yet the Lord allowed all of this to happen. He was exposing the Truth, which is, that man's vessel is the dwelling place of the Lord. We must worship Jesus in Spirit and in Truth.

We are looking at our generation man now and we are saying, "Lord, how come we can't ever get ahead? We take two steps forward and six steps backwards." The curse of poverty, and the spirit of poverty comes in and takes authority because of Godlessness. It is not your inability to put it together and make right decisions. It is the curse, because your generation man has left God out of his life. Godlessness and faithlessness is in the generation! When you break that curse of Godlessness, things are going to come together. The Lord said to me, "Discipline and Divine Order lets His Blessings flow." God has already spoken all the promises. If they are not in your life, then you'd better be finding out why!

We go back to the facts of life and examine ourselves. What have we reacted to because of the sins of our fathers? In the Name of Jesus, we break those curses, right now! Every legal right Satan has, WE CANCEL!

We are a people being prepared for war. A battle in the Heavenlies, "the mind of man." A battle between the forces of good and evil, a crowded battle place, that God is bringing forth as we are ready to understand and see what the enemy is trying to do.

They crowned Jehu, and when he got the crown on his head, and he sat on that top step, all these men rolled up their robes and laid them on that top step for him to sit on. In other words, everything that we have been covered with, we are now letting you sit on, Jehu. Jehu is the Covenant, or rather, we are going to be covered with the Covenant. We are submitting to the Kingship of this Covenant. So God anointed Jehu, made him the King to carry out the Kingly order, the honor of a man's inheritance. In this battle zone, we have begun to see the Jezebel nature.

Jezebel is not going to do you good, she is going to knock you out! She hates the Prophets. She wants to control you, she does not want the true Prophet Word in you. She wants you to be caught up in all the false Prophets, the false Prophecy, the petting of the flesh, and the exaltation of the flesh. She will tell you how good you are and what God is going to do in you and where you are seated in Him. She does not want you in the Word and feasting on Truth. Her aim is to manipulate and dominate. She wants everything Spiritual in your life to come through her.

When the storm comes, not IF it comes, but WHEN it comes, you must have the authority to deal with it, in the Name of Jesus. You do not care how bad the storm is, that doesn't matter because you KNOW what the word says. You know what you need to know because you know what God has spoken! God always honors His Word to us. The "Last Day" battle is in the mind of you!

Can you see what the enemy is trying to do? If you are ignorant, you are going to be knocked out. But, if you know the truth, he wouldn't dare. Once you know where the enemy has been combating against you, you are going to cast him out, in the Name of Jesus! Let me tell you, the enemy knows that! So what is he doing? He is trying to keep you blind! He wants you to remain ignorant! He wants to do everything he can that causes you to malfunction, so that you will NOT KNOW THE TRUTH!

The Lord has said to me, "There's a starvation in the land, a famine for the Word of God." When people do not know, they are going to follow the lying wonders and the signs that are going on, the supernatural excitements, the soulish realm. But, Beloved, when you choose to get it right, you are going to have it right in the Name of Jesus. Praise God! So we begin, in Jesus' Name, to deal with ourselves. God made a decree and Jehu carried it out, The Covenant carried it out!

Do you think God is blind to all of this? Do you think He doesn't exist like our laws in the land suggest? The airwaves are trying to tell the people there is no God, or there are many Gods. The Devil is a liar, and the subliminal messages that he is creasing the mind of man with is unreal!! He is putting on such a counterfeit show, to take you away from the real thing. He KNOWS that when you get Deliverance, he is not going to fool you any more!

God judged that situation in II Kings 9. Looking at the 26th Verse, it says, "As surely as I saw yesterday, the blood of Naboth, and the blood of his sons, says the Lord, I will repay you on this plot of ground, says the Lord. Now therefore take and cast Joram (Ahab's son), into the plot of ground (of Naboth) as the Word of the Lord said. When Ahaziah, King of Judah, saw this, he fled by the way of the garden house." Jehu followed him, because he was an idolater, too. He was kin to all of them. So he said, "Smite him also in the chariot. And they did so at the ascent to Gur, which is by Ibleam. And (Ahaziah) fled to Megiddo, and there is where he died."

So, God judged this house of Ahab. He judged that Jezebel and Ahab nature. Jehu came to Jezreel, which means "The Seed of God", and told those men to throw her down. Jezebel heard it and what did she do? She painted her eyes. See? The same old harlot, going to seduce him if she could, but God had given a name, a character, a nature, Yahweh exists; the Covenant exists. This man had a destiny to fulfill, the Plan of God. What's in a Name? An attitude of Godliness! The Covenant exists.

So Jezebel looked out the window. Jehu told the men beside her to throw her down. They threw her down and when they did, it says that "Her blood splattered on the wall and on the horses." Horses are symbolic of the flesh. You know in Revelation 14:20, where it is talking about the grapes of the wine press and the blood running like a river up to the horses bridle? I believe the Lord said to me that this is talking about bloodline discipline. Remember, a bridle commands discipline in direction and obedience.

First of all, what does the wine press do? It puts pressure on the grapes. What is happening in that process of wine making? The Lord is blending the fruit of the vine. In the process of wine making, the fermenting process, the bacteria, or corruption rises to the top and there's a sediment in the bottom. In the process of wine making, they pour it into a clean vessel for so many days, until the wine maker looks and there is no sediment on the bottom, there is no scum on the top. He then says, "it is ready, the wine is done."

Here we are looking at the wine or the Fruit of God. He is the vine dresser. We are looking at the fruit and the grapes are ripe. "Earth's crop," he said, "is fully ripe." Hallelujah, we are ready. At last judgment has come to the house of the Lord. We are dealing with the things in the bloodline. There is that wine press, the Word of truth, the Power of God, the authority of the Name of Jesus.

As the wine press experience continues, the mixture flows out and the cup is full of Godlessness. The things in the bloodline are up to the horse's bridle. The horse is symbolic of the flesh. Everything that the flesh could contain is ready to be judged of the Lord. God has given us the authority of the Name of Jesus, the "patterned Son", to judge by it. He is God's "plum-line". The Lord said in John 5:22, "The whole matter of judgement has been given unto me." As His heir, we are judging. We are a wine press experience, up to the horse's bridle. The bridle is what reigns him in, symbolic of discipline, and bringing us in line with the Word of God. He is calling us to overcome, to deal with our flesh, and to line up with the Word so there is nothing in us that is contrary to Him. No running with the horses "flesh", no out of control. We are seeking God, ready for the Bridle of Truth, obedience.

So what happened to Jezebel? Her blood splattered on the wall and the dogs came out and devoured her. Jehu said, "You know, she was a King's daughter." Even if she was the King's daughter of that Balaam curse, all that medium and wizardry, Jehu was going to give her the honor of being the King's daughter. When they went to bury her, all they found was the skull, the feet, and the hands, symbolic of the mind, the service, and the walk. The only things that were left are the things that God is exposing to us. We must take His Work and apply our mind, service and work before Him.

The enemy wants to take your mind. He knows the ability of God's love in the mind of man. If he can produce a subliminal sound that will adulterate, cause a spirit in you to arise until you have no strength, no power, and cause you to become a slave to that spirit, then he is going to come in like a great wind to consume you. Every place where you are weak, he is going to be there with his arrows to destroy.

God is saying, "I've given you the mind of Christ!" Did you ever wonder about that 7th Chapter of the Book of Revelation where God was talking about sealing the sons in the forehead? That seal is the mind of Christ. We had better be more concerned about getting the Seal of God, than the mark of the beast. What happens with the mark of the beast? It produces that old animal instinct with no control in our mind. Where is the other mark? It is in the hands. No ability to think it out, no service, no way to work it out. If the enemy controls your mind and he controls your service where you cannot do anything, then he is going to control you. The mind is the gateway, the doorway, the "rendezvous" where God has called a scheduled meeting place. We are going to deal with ourselves in Jesus' name, Hallelujah!

Many people are talking about the Day of the Lord in the Book of Zechariah. We are going to see that "In the Day of the Lord" there is going to be a lot of things to take place that will be different than what we might expect. If you have not dealt with yourself, if you are not strong and full of Glory, expecting God, you will not be able to stand in this "Day of the Lord." God said to Zechariah 12:2, "Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup or bowl of reeling to all the peoples round about, and against and upon Judah also. It will be in the siege against Jerusalem." Jeru means "A threshing floor", and Salem means "Peace" (The threshing floor of peace). Now I believe we are the "New Jerusalem". We are the threshing floor of peace. The earth's crop is fully ripe. The bowl is full and He has caused it to be a cup of reeling. Things are spilling out of us that must go, so the Lord God can rule and reign in us.

He said in Verse 3, "And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all peoples; all who lift it or burden themselves with it shall be sorely wounded." We are looking at a people wounded because of the trespasses, sins and the rejections. There are things that have come against the mind that we have not been able to cope with until our memories have become bruised. He said this is going to happen "In that Day."

The 4th Verse says, "In that day", says the Lord, "I will smite every horse." He is talking about all the flesh. I'm going to smite all the flesh "of all the armies that contend against Jerusalem." Everything in you that sets itself up against Truth, the Lord is going to smite. In other words, He is going to let it boil up. You are going to go through a crisis where you are going to have to make a decision. Do I want to go God's way, or do I want this sin to fester and boil over and harbor all this demon activity in me?" The day of decision is here, and you have got to make that decision. And He says, "I'll smite every horse of the armies that contend against Jerusalem." All that flesh that keeps that seed from developing.

In the 6th Verse, it says, "In that day will I make the chiefs of Judah like a big, blazing pot among sticks of wood and like a flaming torch among sheaves of grain." God is calling a people who are going to ooze or illuminate the Light of Truth. A flaming torch among the wood in a blazing pot among the sticks of wood. Talk about being ready; refined - perfected in Jesus' Name.

In the 7th Verse, "The Lord shall save and give victory to the tents of Judah first." Judah is Praise. Have you ever noticed why the enemy does not want you to praise the Lord, or to seek the Lord like you need to in the Name of Jesus? He wants you to sing all the songs that are written, but as good as they are, they do not compare with the Praise and Worship that is spontaneous out of the vessel! The Lord is calling a people to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. You do that when you allow your spirit man to arise and meet Him, the author and finisher of your faith.

We have traveled the United States all this year, and we have noticed that there are so many new songs on the charismatic hit parade that do not have the Name of Jesus in them. They call Him Lord or they call Him, HIM, a lot of times, but they do not call Him Jesus! See, the devil doesn't care how much you say all these other words, but when you start talking Jesus, that's the name that breaks through, that every knee has to bow to. So, God is calling a people to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, to know Him as He is.

Verse 8 of Zechariah 12 says, "In that day will the Lord guard and defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he who is (spiritually) feeble and stumbles among them in that day (of persecution) shall become (strong and noble) like David." I love it, Hallelujah, Glory to God! See, we ARE going to be like Jesus!

Verse 9 continues; "And it shall be in that day, that I will make it My aim to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour out upon the House of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of Grace of unmerited favor and supplication. And they shall look (earnestly) upon Me, Whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him as one who is in bitterness for his first born. In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, (a grief), as the mourning of the city of Hadadrimmon." Hadadrimmon was the storm god. He was the god of thunder. So the Lord is saying, "In that day I'm going to make a great mourning." It is going to sound like thunder, and it is a great mourning. They went up and they sacrificed to the Hadadrimmon god and where was this going on? It was taking place in the valley of Megiddo.

Hadadrimmon was a composite name of the semitic storm god; it means thunder. It is a Canaanite, Baal god. It was like false prophecy, false burden. You know, wailing and moaning and crying, a religious spirit. Again, where was this found? In the region of Megiddo. Mannasah's territorial inheritance, his name means, "Forgetting the toil of my father's house." There's a Hadadrimmon sound in the land. Do you know that once a year they went up to this Baal cult and they expected it to die and be resurrected? Satan's counterfeit for the real thing. If he could get the people to mourn, wail and expect the thunder of Hadadrimmon in that Megiddo place, he'd have it made, and that's exactly what is going on today.

That Jezreel, the Seed of God, you and I, have been victimized by idolatry and paganism. We've followed after signs and wonders. We've had holy days and holidays where we have lifted up the principles of demonic forces and we haven't known it! We see quickly, the last day of October, is the highest satanic holy day!

Do you know what the jack-o-lantern means? The jack-o-lantern was what the druids, the satan worshipers in England back in the Medieval days, gave to the people who gave them their little baby to sacrifice on their altar. They would burn the babies alive to Molech, or satan! They would put that sneering, grinning pumpkin in the window of the house where they got the baby, which said to everybody that passed by was . . . . "We got what we wanted out of this house!"

When the people didn't give their children over, they cursed them with the pentagram on their door. Satan is not sleeping; he's doing the same kind of horrifying garbage he has always done! The name may get changed, the identity may look different, but the attitude and the demon spirit is still the same. It comes out of the pit of hell and it wants to control your mind! It wants to bruise your seed! it wants to ravage your children, and in the Name of Jesus we can stop this demon of Satanic control, no matter what form it takes! He HAS to obey the Name of Jesus!!!

The highest calling any woman will have is to be a mother to her little ones and tell them about Jesus and nurture them in the Word of God. That is the highest calling in this natural realm, for your seed to know the Lord. You talk about an appointment in God! You think God is making junk? Oh no! You are precious and wonderful and glorious and being made Holy in His sight. There are demon spirits that use the curse over you like a nest, or like a doorway entrance, like a rope through the bloodline down through the genetic corridor. They can enter each generation and try to produce their image, destroying the God image. They have a right to be there, because of the ancestor's unrepented sins. They have to be cast out in Jesus' Name. We are the fathers and mothers of this generation that are finding out the Truth! Talk about a call of God! Family order, the discipline must come in the body! If your husband is not the priest in your home, then get in your prayer closet and intercede before the Lord and ask for Godly Wisdom. Call upon the Lord until this man takes his place as the head of your house and becomes the priest in your home!

I am not talking about the guy that carries the check book in his pocket. That is not a priest. If you balance your budget better than he does, Praise God! He's dumb if he doesn't understand the blessing he has, but it means he doesn't look the other way and give you a place to be greedy or selfish or over-indulge. Being a priest with the family finances is a commitment, a command of Christ Jesus.

The priest is concerned about what God thinks in everything he does. The priest spends time before the Lord, seeking God. The priest cares about what happens to his beautiful wife. He loves her like he loves his own body. When they come together, it is in holiness, harmony, beautiful, precious, commitment, love, becoming one in God! It is not dirty, unclean, or lustful. It is a continuance, an expression, which produces the springing forth of your seed, born in love.

You look at those little babies that are conceived in love. You start loving them. The Word says, They are not fearful. Perfect love casts out fear. They smile and grin and try to do everything just like you asked them to, but, as you find these other babies that are birthed out of rejection, out of lust, and perversion, they are always looking to be accepted . They are hyperactive because, in their little being, they don't have any peace. They don't have a feeling of belonging. Peace and love is a God nature in there and it is striving to mature and produce a mind that follows after God.

There is a war going on and we haven't understood it. We have been so greedy and so self-exalting, we haven't realized the preciousness of our seed. What the enemy has come in to do is to destroy it. I pray that you will look at your generation and your household. Take yourself before the Lord and begin to break the curses that are there. We've been that man of sin and we've come short of God's Glory, but this is a new day, a new day where we have been given the Light, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom of Godliness, to know the Truth and to command, in the Name of Jesus, that we be set free!

When I was a girl growing up, we had a cute little saying. When we got in the car, we said; "SOS". It means, "Scoot over some!" See, we were flirting when we said it. But I am feeling in my spirit man, that there is a generation that is going to be sited in God. We will be rested in God who is the Highest Order, seated in the Kingdom, the King, the Crown, the Authority. Nothing exists beyond Him. You have the right to "SOS," to come up there, sit in His Throne, be there in Him, and be joined together. You do not see where He quits and you begin, because there is nothing in you that is going to be like that divination (python corruption). You are going to be healthy tissue, the Body of Christ, joined together, dealing with yourself and maturing, developing in victory, life out of death.

No man is an island unto himself. I need you and you need me. This is Holy Ground. We must "come away, seek after Him", and let the Lord have His way in us. During deliverance, we are not going to look around and say, "Oh, did she really have that?" We are not going to be full of pride and be afraid that somebody is going to see something there in us that makes us ashamed. We are going to strip the flesh veil off and let the Lord teach us His way. Don't you agree?

I do not want you to be afraid. Fear is not going to help you. I do not want you to be prideful in that fear of what somebody might think, or what somebody might say. This is battle time and we are an army. God is mustering out the troops and we all belong. Every one of us have been bruised and wounded, some worse than others, but all of us, when we get honest before God, are going to examine ourselves. I want us to do that right now.

We are going to pray a prayer of deliverance. I want you to deal with yourself. Ministers can only cover so much territory. We can convey the Truth to you and you can receive it and deal with yourself. Then, when you share it, it can go forth. In this last day, there isn't going to be big "I"'s and little "U"'s. There is not going to be one big great ministry standing up and saying, "I've got it all and you watch what I do, because that's what is right." It is going to be a many membered Body with God moving through His vessels like a one on one. He is grooming His fivefold ministries to come forth in this last day. The ultimate purpose is to set creation free. God created the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in it, to take out of it a Bride for His Son, and that is us, becoming one in Him.

With both feet on the floor, and no legs crossed, and no arms crossed, this is warfare, and this is the battle position and I am going to tell you why. Remember when you wanted to tell a lie and you crossed your fingers and you thought it would be all right? Ask me how I know! I found out that this was a term of witchcraft and sometimes when I am working with somebody and we are having a difficult time, they are not getting free easily because the power of witchcraft can hold a person back and make it hard on their deliverance. So, uncross your legs, and have both feet on the floor when we pray, in the Name of Jesus.

I am going to lead you in a prayer; Lord Jesus, I forgive all of my ancestors. Every generation that has bruised me in my vessel, I forgive them Lord. I break every curse that they have visited upon me because of their sin. Now I command, in the Name of Jesus, all witchcraft, all rebellion, stubbornness, hatred, vengeance, anger, jealousy, false prophecy, idleness, divination, you will loose me in the Name of Jesus. All clairvoyance, ESP, astrology, all sorceries, I break your curse. Every hex and vex, all powers of the occult, wherever it is hidden in my generation man, I command it canceled. I call the spirit of Jezebel out of my generation man and I command you to loose me, in Jesus Name.

(Now. . . take a deep breath and push it out in the name of Jesus. If you feel like you have to scream, I want you to scream. ) All mind control, I call it out in Jesus' Name. The power of Jezebel, the manipulation, the domination and control, I command it to loose me, in Jesus' Name. (Take a breath and let it go; breath it out, in the Name of Jesus.) It has to go in Jesus' Name. That spirit of dominance, that dominating spirit, selfishness, stubbornness, I command you to loose me in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I'm the priest in my tabernacle, and I'm commanding you to go. I'm not defeated, Hallelujah, I am the victor, in Jesus Name. That driving spirit, that never lets me rest, In the Name of Jesus, I command you to loose me! (Take a deep breath and let it go. ) I break the curse of sorcery and I break the curse of divination over my life, in Jesus' Name, and I command you to loose me and I cancel every curse that has allowed any of these demons to harass me!

Now, just begin to praise the Lord. I Bless your Name Jesus. I thank you Father, in Jesus' Name. Now Father, I ask that You come in and fill up all the places You just emptied with Your Holy Spirit. Father, be in me all You want to be and continue to show me to me, in Jesus' Name . . . . AMEN!

*Note: To better understand the battle of breathing out, please refer to Isaiah 11:4 and 11 Thes. 2:7-8.



There are so many curses coming against the bloodline. They are like a nest that the demons live in. When the curse comes upon your life because of the ancestral bloodline bondage, Satan has a right to exact from you whatever the allowance of that curse is. Because of this, we are being accosted by the enemy. Many times we do not understand how the enemy could be doing this. We reason, I have received Jesus, my salvation is intact. I'm praying, I'm in the Word, but I'm still losing my temper, I'm still having ugly thoughts. We ask, "What is this, Lord?. . . I need to know and understand."

I have already shared with you about the work of Calvary. Jesus was wounded for our transgression, our sin. He was bruised for our lawlessness and rebellion, and by His stripes, we are healed. This mystery of lawlessness and iniquity has not been addressed very much, and I wondered about it.

We have been born with, and shapened in this iniquity. The 51st Psalm talks about this iniquity when it says, "Behold, I was brought forth in (a state of) iniquity; my mother was sinful who conceived me (and I, too, am sinful). The lawlessness that Zechariah saw in his vision in the 5th Chapter when they opened the ephah, was a full measure that contained a full measure. When they looked inside, there sat a woman on a mixture of grains. Zechariah said in Verse 6, "What is it?" The angels replied, "Why that is lawlessness." So they took the iron cap and put it on the ephah container. The Angel picked up the ephah and suspended it between Heaven and Earth.

I am saying, "Lord, what is all this, this mystery of iniquity? I thought that I was about to find out and You capped it off and lifted it up." The Lord said to me, "It's not ready yet to be revealed."

When Zechariah was praying for Israel, they had not obeyed the Lord and built a tabernacle, he burst into the realm where the Word is stored-up. He saw things that were awesome and splendorous, waiting for it to be revealed in the hour that God had decreed for them to come into the earth. He was commanded to write his vision when he saw the four horses of the Apocalypse. He saw the red horse first. Red in the Hebrew is the same word for "Adam." Mysteries begin to unfold, the black horse signifies "sin", the white horse signifies "Jesus" the finished work at Calvary, and the spotted black and white horse signifies "a mixture" of good and bad in man.

Then, we look at John, the revelator, (Rev 6:2-8), he saw the white horse first because he was there; he knew Jesus. John had walked the shores of Galilee with Him. He saw all the things that had happened. He had experienced the tomb and the resurrection. He knew that Jesus Christ was at the right hand of the Father and that "it was finished." Death had been subdued; he had won. The grave could have no more sting, death could have no victory.

The white horse had ridden, but at the end, there was a spotted horse seen by Zechariah. However, in the Book of Revelation, the horse is ashy pale (Rev. 6:8) "So I looked, and behold, an ashy pale horse" (black and blue as if made so by bruising.) We see the mixture coming together. The mixture was so mixed that the black and white both had run together and now it was ashy pale. So in our understanding, we are beginning to see that there are things the Lord is revealing unto us of the mixture, the power of the death realm. These are things that have bruised the Seed of God, you and I, our generation man. As we begin to understand that we were born out of death into life, we must begin to handle the Glory of Life. Living in the Spirit, taught by the Spirit, comprehending spiritual things, is God's plan for us. Darkness is removed; no more mixture. Jesus was bruised so that our bruise could no longer control the generation bloodline. He was bruised for our iniquity, our rebellion.

When we meet Jesus, and realize our forgiveness, that He broke all of the curses that allowed the enemy to bruise us, as we begin to grow in the Lord, the mixture begins to be shaken. (Zach. 12:2)

God said: "I'll cause Jerusalem to become a cup of reeling." When you sail a cup across a counter, if there is something in it, it will spill out. The time has come to deal with this cup of the "generation man". When you see it Beloved, you have the authority to remove it. It was not time in Isaiah's day (Isa 53:12) when he talked of the work of Calvary through prophetic utterance, the Word of God was speaking of a day in the distant future. It was not time, in John the Revelator's day, when he wrote all the awesome things and explained what he was seeing in mysteries and secrets. But now, the day is here when you and I see that cup of lawlessness in us is full. It is time to deal with it now!

We are finding that the mixture in us, which means the lawlessness, rebellion and iniquity is being allowed. Like the ashy pale horse, neither black or white, I see it as compromise, apathy in the body. It has been a mystery to our ancestors, but now we are understanding this mixture. The unrepented sins of our forefathers allowed curses to have an effect which opened the door to demon activity. We are seeing that it was a curse due to the rebellion of the fathers that allowed the enemy, Satan, to come. The demons are put into our life because of the rebellion, the mystery of iniquity, and the lawlessness that has abounded. They have a right to be there. We can not go any farther until we get set free.

We must take the work of salvation, our deliverance, seriously. It is not a one time experience. Your salvation is an up-to-date, every day experience in Christ Jesus. The condition for deliverance is total honesty with God. When you get honest before the Lord, the cup of reeling gets bumped and you see what is there. He begins to show you what needs to go.

For some time, the Lord had been talking to me about the nest, or the curse that the demons work through. We haven't understood a lot about the curses. We know that the Word says "Cursed is He (Jesus) who hangs upon a tree." (Gal. 3:10) He took upon himself every curse that we might go free. We begin to realize that there was something for us to possess. We are going to possess our inheritance, and in doing so we must break every curse. Yet Beloved, we are going to have to do it God's way, and that's in the Name of Jesus.

When the children of Israel entered the promised land, they experienced the provision of God and His Blessings. One tribe stood on one mountain and spoke all the curses that would happen to the people if they did not obey the Lord. Another tribe stood on the other mountain and spoke all the blessings that would come to them if they did obey the Lord.

Here were the children of Israel, walking through the promised land and hearing their inheritance conditions. In God's Plan, the curses were determined. God's Law is our protection. Every time God said, "Don't do something," He had a reason for it. There was a reason behind what God was saying. He knew the nature of humanity without Him and what the enemy would try to do. He knew that if He set certain laws into being and man obeyed them, His Blessings would overtake them. They would be blessed, prosper, and be full of His Glory.

So God set His laws and His principles into being to bless you and I. His laws did not go out of order at the moment that grace came into being. That age of the law was ripe to disappear when Jesus Christ finished the work of Calvary. God gave us this age of grace so that we could become obedient and disciplined; therefore, we would know the blessings for which His principles were given.

We've all sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Every one of us has been stubborn. We have pouted, been angry, and been full of hatred. We've done bad things. We have stolen and lied. The liar and the thief is cut off from God. (Zach. 5:3) And in Deuteronomy 23, it says that for 10 generations, because of the curse of illegitimacy, they will not be allowed into the congregation of the righteous. That is 400 years of being a vagabond and wanderer in the land, and not allowed in the presence of God. It also says that the incest of Lot and his daughters, producing Moab and Ammon caused the curse of being cut off from God for 10 generations.

We see why God sent Jesus. It was not an accident that there was some 450 years where it seemed that God was silent between the Old and New Testaments. It was time; the generation was now ready. The Voice of God, the Word, became flesh and dwelt among us. God's plan in the ages was ready to be revealed and walked out. A people were at last ready to hear what God was saying. The Day of the Lord, His Kingdom, is at hand. A people called, you and I, must come into the authority and the discipline of His Word.

Let's look at Deuteronomy 5:1-3. "And Moses called all Israel, and said to them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and ordinances which I speak in your hearing this day, that you may learn them, and take heed and do them. The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. The Lord made this covenant not with our fathers, but with us, who are all of us here alive this day." The generation that came out of Egypt died in the wilderness. It was a new generation born in the wilderness that descended into the Jordan and entered into the Promised Land. That old generation, full of murmuring and complaining, the bondages and slavery of Egypt, had died in the wilderness.

A generation had camped with God. A generation born to discipline. They knew that certain sound of the trumpet when Moses went to the door of the tent of meeting. Every camp and tent was pitched in the exactness of God's decree. No slothfulness or throwing stuff around or we'll do this or that tomorrow, because today we are going to rest. God had ordinances set down for them. It was the Word unto them to do good in the wilderness where they were. They knew when the cloud began to move, what God was going to do. It was not a guessing game with God. I view that cloud like the Holy Ghost. Fire by night and smoke by day, a road map in the wilderness to find their direction.

In the time factor of 40 years, (one generation) came a generation who learned obedience by the things they had suffered. If you've got a little crisis going on in your life, you ought to be shouting, "Hallelujah!" That is the Lord, your God, working with you, making you ready, showing you to you. You need to hit the ground running, finding out what it is you need to learn, and attack it in the Name of Jesus. Why? So that the discipline, the Divine Order, and the blessings of God can continue to flow through your life. There will be nothing in you in this last day that the old sly fox, the devil, could buttonhole and drag you around, saying, "You're going to do this and this because you are under my control!"

We are breaking those curses, the rebellions of the past, the things that have shapened us in the lawlessness of Iniquity. We are calling out that nest of demonic activity that has bruised our life and fashioned us into the death realm. In the Name of Jesus, we are doing it. My name does not mean a thing, but I have a new name, you have a new name. That name is Jesus. You are like Mrs. Lord of Hosts, that name of Jesus in the midst of you. When you command in His name, every demon in Hell recognizes the authority of the Name of Jesus. Don't be seduced or deceived into thinking that you do not count. That is a lie from the pit of Hell! We need you. We need all the help we can get. We need a body set free. We need deliverance understanding. We need the Words of God to go forth so the chains will break off and the oppressed will go free. Why? So that Truth can be revealed and everyone who hears the Word of God will stand in the dominion and authority of who they are in Christ Jesus.

The Lord began to speak in Deuteronomy 5:8-10 about certain things that require obedience. "You shall not make for yourself (to worship) a graven image, for any likeness of anything that is in the Heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water uender the earth; you shall not bow yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, (this means, He does not want to share you with any other power. He loves you with a perfect love) visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me. And showing mercy and steadfast love, (that is where we come in) to thousands and to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my Commandments."

You are saved in the authority of the Name of Jesus. This walk in Him requires discipline and Divine Order so that His blessings will flow completely. The blessings have already been spoken. They begin to be stirred up when your generation man begins to come into the obedience of God's Word, in the Name of Jesus.

You are breaking and removing the curses. Say with me right now; "In the Name of Jesus, I command every curse of lawlessness and idolatry to be broken off of my life. I go back ten generations and I break the curse of idolatry. I command every in-road that Satan has had into my life, canceled in Jesus' Name."

Let's look at Deuteronomy 6:1-2. "Now this is the instruction, the laws, and precepts, which the Lord your God commanded me to teach you, that you might do them in the land to which you go to possess it; that you may (reverently) fear the Lord your God, you and your son and your son's son. . . " See what God thinks about Divine Order and the role of the father and the grandfather? Divine Order is very important. "And keep all His statutes and His Commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life; and that your days may be prolonged."

We need to deal with this now, so recite this: "In the Name of Jesus, I command all irreverence, lack of the fear of God, lack of respect for the Lord, and paganism canceled in my life. I break this curse off of my generation man. In the Name of Jesus, I command that the laws and the precepts of the Lord, the discipline of Truth, will rise up in me. I command my mind to hear the Word of the Lord. I say, all flesh, come unto the obedience and discipline of the Truth. I break every curse of every lie of Satan. I command the curse of the thief and the liar to be cast from me, in Jesus' Name. I break the curse of lawlessness, in Jesus Name."(Mk. 16-17)

Continuing in the 3rd Verse. "Hear therefore, O Israel, and be watchful to do them; that it may be well with you. . ." See what is going to happen as you obey the voice of the Lord and begin to walk in the discipline of Divine Order? "That you may increase exceedingly as the Lord God of your fathers has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey. Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is One Lord . . . . the Only Lord."

We need to examine what holidays we observe. You need to look them up and find out their origin. Examine yourself and what you are going to do from now on. This is very serious. If you want God's Blessings in your life, then you must be obedient to His Word. I know that the Lord is calling a people to come unto Him to know His rest and His finished work. We are getting ready for the millennial reign. Jesus Christ is going to rule and reign on this earth for a thousand years. We, His Body, His manifested sons, spoken of in Romans 8:19, are going to rule and reign with Him. God is getting ready a Body, you and me.

The things that have been error in our life and caused us to be undisciplined have got to go. Many observe Santa Claus because that is all they ever knew. Grandmother did it, her grandmother did it, and on down the line. There comes a time when you are going to have to get the deception and Satan's lies out of your life and stop lying to your children and their children. There comes a time when we are required to have the things of God right inside us so His Blessings will abound and overtake us. You cannot out give or out bless Him. Everything is yours. When you realize that, the enemy is going to quit stealing from you. This is what happens when you break all these curses.

Deuteronomy 6:7 says; "You shall whet and sharpen them, so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the (minds and) hearts of your children . . . and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up."

Whoever said that it was the Church's responsibility in the Sunday School to teach your children about Jesus? As the father is the priest in the home, the head of the house, his responsibility was to teach the children the things of God, (Psalms 78:4) The children ought to be taught the things of God, they must be taught the things of God! That is Divine Order. The parenting process must be examined and taught correctly as our children grow up, choose a mate, and become a role model before their families. That kind of household is going to know the Blessings of God. When you purpose in your heart to be disciplined before the Lord, then "You shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up!"

Have you ever noticed the success of the television and what it has done? We don't know how to make conversation in our family. Everybody says, "Shhh, sit down. Don't walk in front of the TV!" That is about all kids know about discipline in some households. That "idiot box" is a mind controlling force. With the technique of the subliminal, they are now taking certain programs and putting underneath them words of rebellion that the natural ear cannot hear audibly. They are seeping into the subconscious mind. They are purposing rebellion and hatred to us, along with perversion and uncleanness. The cartoons for the children are horrible in this same way. There are things that catch the attention that we must, as Christians, become aware of things that control your mind. Satan wants to take your mind! I cannot express to you enough how important your mind is and what a dumping ground Satan wants it to be! You must command your mind to Truth and take time to be Holy before the Lord and pray, intercede, and cry out to God!

Let's continue in Deuteronomy 6:8. "And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand," which is your service indicator. "They shall be frontlets (forehead bands) between your eyes," like the blinders they put on a horse to keep him from eating the corn. You are not going to look at the things that are not of God. In other words, your eye is single toward Him.

Verse 9 says, "And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates. As for me and my house, we're going to serve the Lord" So, the things of God are revealed before you.

Continuing in Verses 10-12, "And when the Lord your God brings you into the land which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you, with great and goodly cities, which you did not build, and houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, and cisterns (wells) hewn out, which you did not hew, and vineyards and olive trees, which you did not plant, and when you eat and are full, then beware, lest you forget the Lord, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." See? Some people cannot handle prosperity because of the garbage, the flesh, and the selfish greed in them!

Let's skip down to Verse 18. "And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, that it may go well with you . . ." When God set His laws into being, He wanted it to be well with you. "That you may go in and possess, (in the Name of Jesus), the good land," the things of God, the Truth, the Word. As the heir of Jesus, you have the right to every Word that proceedeth out of His Mouth. It should be life and in the midst of you, expecting Him in every thing that takes place. When the crisis comes, you command Glory into it, not negative fear and feelings of depression, desertion and brokenness. But as the Word of God is being revealed to you, you are commanding, in the Name of Jesus that the curses be broken and the situations to come under the authority of God's Word.

Verse 19 says; "To cast out all your enemies from before you, as the Lord has promised." Obedience, God's discipline and Divine Order lets His Blessings flow. If there is an area in your life that you are not victorious in, then begin to examine what is going on there.

Verse 23 says, "And He brought us out from there, that He might bring us in, to give us the land which He swore to give our fathers." Let's skip down to verse 25. "And it will be accounted as righteousness, (conformity) to God's will in word, thought, and action for us, IF we are watchful to do all this commandment before the Lord our God, as He has commanded us.

There are things that have taken place, images we have collected, which are not pleasing to the Lord. Whenever you see the market flooded with a certain kind of statue or image, you better get some understanding of what kind of deception this is from Satan. There are a lot of books out about this, so I recommend that you go and find out what is going on. The Unicorn is one the market is flooded with. It curses your finances. It was like a god they lifted up. A horse is symbolic of the flesh. One horn meaning, "I'm going to push my way in and get what I want, regardless of whom I have to step on." The horn is symbolic of authority. It's saying, "The authority of my flesh is what is in control!"

Many people have kids that have all kinds of toys, including the Unicorn. The parents are not aware of what they have put before them. We have a responsibility before the Lord to be watchful of what we get for ourselves and our children. We must examine what we take into our home and call treasure. We will not have any graven images, no idols before Him. He is the Lord our God. If the blessings are going to flow, obedience is going to have to take place.

Deuteronomy 7:25 says, "And the graven images of their god, you shall burn with fire." God does not want anything around, not even the ashes. You are not going to have anything before the Lord our God. "You shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them lest you become an accursed thing like it." There is a transferring of spirits. When you bring images into your home that have been dedicated to the gods of this world, Satan makes sure that the market is flooded and as the eye sees, it desires. Those spirits come into your home with them. The door of possession gets opened, and demons come in to try to control your household, and sometimes your kids will start having nightmares.

The Frog is symbolic of the Plague. It was one of the plagues that God put on Egypt. Some time ago, in a city in Oklahoma, I was called to a young couple's house. They had a little boy about 7 or 8 years old that was having nightmares. He was walking in his sleep and going out the front door at night. They were concerned about what was happening, so they asked us to pray for him. I explained some of these things I have just mentioned. First, we took the father through deliverance, because he is the priest of the home and the head of the house in the Eyes of God. Then we prayed for the mother. Then we prayed for the child. This is Divine Order, and we commanded the spirit of restlessness, confusion, to loose him. Then I asked the mother if I could see the child's room. When I went in, they had a little fake fur coverlet that matched the decor of the room and it was a big frog. They took it out of his room. We looked at some of his toys, and in the Name of Jesus, we broke the curses and removed the ones that were demonic in nature. The child never had any more nightmares to my knowledge.

I was called to the home of another family. They had a little daughter that was having all kinds of unclean, sexual attacks. She was mentally retarded, and it was very embarrassing. They couldn't understand what was going on because they had raised her right, sheltered her, and loved her. She had everything that a child would need. We prayed with her and broke the curses. I asked if I could see her room too.

When I went into the bedroom, there was a great big antique bed. It had come from a fancy plantation where the slaves had made the furniture. It was a costly item, so far as worldly goods are concerned. I was shocked when I looked at it. Right in the middle of the headboard was the biggest, most horrible looking demon! It looked like the wood had been shaped that way. It is a rice paper effect that can be done in the veneering process. The Lord showed me this demon with it's fangs dripping. I asked the lady of the house if she saw anything, and she said, "No." I told her to look at it again. As I pointed to it, she drew back in terror and said, "I can't believe it." She had the whole set of furniture, so we began to look at the rest of it.

There were skull and crossbones, symbolic of the curse of death. There were all kinds of demons on that furniture. It was a process done in voodoo to curse the master's house. Back in those days, the masters ravaged the women of that black generation. They kept all the little houses to produce slaves. It was an open market, and they sold the flesh of man to be workers for other plantations. Because they had no voice or way to speak, the slaves devised a way to curse the master's bed so his children would be full of death, destruction, and retardation. A way of getting even! Satan, allowing destruction, was brought in to pull down a hoard of curses upon the whole generation. Well, praise God, the people took the furniture out of that child's room and got rid of it, and the child's behavior became appropriate.

We have been exposed to many unclean, perverted things. The nest in us of demonic activity has drawn us to things that we don't really understand. We don't even know why we are drawn to these things. When lust, greed, selfishness, hatred, and anger abound, those things have control. These demons call unto themselves other demons that compound the authority of Satan in your surroundings.

Deuteronomy 7:25-26 says; "The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire; you shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it," (there's your clue), "for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. Neither shall you bring an abomination (an idol) into your house, lest you become an accursed thing like it; but you shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is an accursed thing."

The Owl is symbolic of darkness and the spirit of darkness. Things done in the covering of the night - demonic activity. You say, "Oh, that's just a little bird," but, there is a curse attached to it. If you are collecting them, I urge you to have a breaking and casting out in the Name of Jesus. In the Name of Jesus say, "I break the curse of darkness off of my generation."

How does the curse of darkness affect you and how do you know it is upon you? You find it hard to pray and read the Word. You find it hard to open yourself to the Holy Spirit and feel the Blessings of God. Darkness trying to cover over light.

The enemy wants to control you. If he can keep you ignorant, then, he's got ya! He doesn't care that you read your Bible. He doesn't care how much you pray, but when you BELIEVE in the Name of Jesus, he trembles. He knows when you find out what he's been doing in your generation man, you are going to kick him out in the Name of Jesus and you are going to be delivered!

Deuteronomy 8:2 says; "And you shall (earnestly) remember all the ways which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, and to prove you, to know what was in your (minds and heart,) whether you would keep His Commandments or not." When the crisis comes into your life, God is proving you to know what is in your mind and heart so you can deal with the lawlessness, the rebellion, and the undisciplined acts that have caused you to be left out when the blessings have been poured in. God allows you to learn the lesson. The devil cannot do anything that the Lord your God has not allowed him to do. When you tell Satan to go . . . . he has to. . . . in the Name of Jesus!

Verse 3 says; "He humbled you and allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna . . ." There is a starvation, a famine for the Word of God. People are starving for Truth. They are wandering here and wandering there. Sitting under all kinds of ministries that are paganistic, idolatrous, false prophets, words of man, and flesh calling unto flesh. The people are starving for Truth and God is saying, "Come back to my Word and get involved with Me. Let My Word be written on your heart, your mind, your entire being."

Continuing in Verse 5; "Know also in your (mind and heart) that, as a man disciplines and instructs his son, so the Lord your God, disciplines and instructs you." That is God's Love going on in your life to do you good, to bring you to the facts of life. You are not the enemies' doormat. The generation that has bruised you as the man of sin, can bruise you no further, unless you let it!

Let's look at Deuteronomy 8:19-20. "If you forget the Lord your God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish. Like the Nations which the Lord makes perish before you. . ." We wonder how our ancestors sins and curses have been passed down from generation to generation. As our life becomes disciplined before the Lord, and we choose to obey His Word, and know these facts, we command our life to line up with the Truth of God's Word. We forgave our ancestors of their un-repented disobedience, rebellion, and lawlessness. As Jesus forgave, we forgive, it is under the Blood and no longer can curses allow demon activity to be passed down to our generation man. Our seed will not have to battle the enemy because we have removed Satan's legal right to buffet our lives. From here on in, for me and my house, we are going to serve the Lord.

Turn now to Deuteronomy 11:16-18. "Take heed to yourselves, lest your mind and heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them." The blessings cannot flow into your life if your mind is stayed on the things of your flesh; the gods that you serve in this everyday living; the things that you give yourself to. When your time with Him is not precious, or your vessel Holy before Him, the Blessings of the Lord will not flow in your life. You cannot let your mind run off like a renegade and think all kinds of unruly thoughts that lead you to a place of destruction and expect the blessings to flow!

God is calling the Body now to make choices! We stand at the crossroads. You are either coming into the Kingdom, or you are going back into Babylon - (the slavery of the harlot system confusion). It is time to make a choice. The Laws of God are our protection. When you purpose in your mind and heart to do all that He has spoken concerning you and everything in His Word, the Lord your God will open the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing.

It is time we see that the bondages of the bloodline all belong in the death realm. Now you are a new creation. When Jesus bought you with His Blood, you became a spiritual being. It is time to let the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, begin to teach you the things you need to know in this last hour. Stop playing church. Stop being a Jezebel or an Ahab. It is time to get down to business with God and let your mind be sealed in Truth. Allow the Lord, your God to teach you what is necessary to establish you as His Kingdom Son.

We are all growing up at different levels. What might bother me, you might handle with ease. There are things in every one of us, different degrees of hurt, wounds, pains, and demonic activity. The Lord is revealing unto each one of us these things because we must know the Truth, so the Truth can set us free!

Deuteronomy 12:2 says; "You shall surely destroy all the places where the Nations you dispossess served their gods, upon the high mountains and the hills and under every green tree." God does not want you to be a part of anything dedicated to Satan. Have you noticed the music of today? Your ears are precious and that spirit of rebellion in the music world is trying to take control. Have you ever noticed what Satan has tried to control? Like the god of Nimrod, Satan was the god of light, music, and youth. Those three disciplines are where Satan's emphasis is being placed to draw humanity to him, the great deceiver. He knows the effect upon the mind and what people are. The cup of lawlessness must be emptied out.

Deuteronomy 12:4 tells us that we "Shall not behave so toward the Lord your God." Verse 3 tells us why. Because you are going to break down their altars. You are going to dash their pillars into pieces. You are going to deal with their Asherim, that queen of heaven, that Jezebel spirit. You are going to burn it with fire "and you shall hew down the graven images of their gods and destroy their name out of that place."

Deuteronomy 14:1 says, "You are the sons of the Lord your God; you shall not cut yourselves, or make any baldness on your foreheads for the dead." All this tattooing that you are seeing is what this is talking about. I saw a beautiful, young girl the other day. She had tattoos all up and down her arm. There's an occult, a witch coven, that tattoos a black rose on their hand. When it gets up to the arm, it has another meaning of great importance of status to them. Satan wants to destroy the God look that we have been bequeathed from the Lord our God, to become His image and His likeness. So everything that Satan can do to destroy the beauty of humanity, disfigure the image in any way, and cause the people to desire it so, is a great plague among us in this hour.

Continuing in Verse 2; "For you are a holy people (set apart) to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a peculiar people to Himself, above all the Nations on the Earth." If you will read the 18th, 20th, and 23rd Chapters of Deuteronomy, they will give you more understanding of this, too.

Deuteronomy 27 begins, "Moses with the elders of Israel commanded the people, keep all the Commandments with which I charge you today. And on the day when you pass over the Jordan, (the descender, or when you come into the Spirit), to the land (the promises of God), which the Lord your God gives you, you shall set you up great stones, and cover them with plaster. You shall write on them all the words of this law, when you have passed over, that you may go into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you."

When you received the Holy Ghost, you descended into that Jordan, symbolically speaking. Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon you so you could now begin to walk into the promises. The laws of God are in effect in your life. Obedience and discipline are there so His Blessings can flow into your life.

Verse 4 continues; "Set up these stones, which I command you this day, on Mount Ebal, (a stony bare place), and coat them with plaster. And there you shall build an altar to the Lord your God, an altar of stones; you shall not lift up any iron tool upon them." A place where God would have communication with His people. There is nothing you can add to God's Word. No stones that you can shape and fit together because Jesus is the true tabernacle, Zechariah 6:13 said it. When the Messiah comes, He is going to build the true temple. That is you and me, the true tabernacle. Don't let there be any iron and tool to hew them. No doctrines of man or nothing written in the bottom line will make it sound better. No co-existence with your enemy; no place for compromise. We are going to do this God's way. Jesus sprinkled His Blood on that Heavenly Altar and finished God's Plan for man. Back in Moses' day, this altar was only a symbol, a shadow, a type of what God was getting ready to reveal through His Only Begotten Son. Perfect Blood, perfect sacrifice; it is finished.

Verse 6 says; "You shall build the Altar of the Lord your God of whole stones, and offer burnt offerings on it to Him." Things pleasing unto the Lord. The burnt offering was totally consumed of the Lord, bringing us into His presence. God received it all.

Verse 7 continues; "And you shall offer peace offerings, and eat there, and rejoice before the Lord your God." Why? Because we are finally getting our consecration and worship right. "And you shall write upon the stones all the words of this law very plainly." There was no guessing about what it said. We are going to do it the way God said it. A lot of people have a lot of methods. They are all looking for a new label, a new way to try to impress man. But the Lord is saying, "I AM GOING TO DO IT MY WAY."

We are going to repent of our sins and ask Him to come into our heart. We are going to take His Name and we are going to command our being to His attention, in Jesus' Name. Remember, we have been bought with a price of His Precious Blood and we are His heirs. He has bequeathed unto us the authority of His Name, and in His Name we will cast out devils and we will heal the sick.

Looking at the curses of Deuteronomy 28, we are going to start breaking the curses and removing the legal right of demonic living arrangements in us. WE ARE GOING TO CAST THEM OUT! As we name them, if you feel like this applies to you, then take a breath and deal with it. If you have to scream or holler, whatever it takes, the bottom line is to get it out. It is time to break the curses of our bloodline. When the curse is broken, I have found that the demon is ready to get out. He doesn't have a place to stay any more. We are going to break the curses, in the Name of Jesus.


Pray this prayer now. Father, I break every curse of idle words and abominations that caused the generations to go after the gods of this world. In the Name of Jesus, I command it broken and I command it to come out. I command the curse of idolatry to loose me. Observing things that were given to idols, I command it broken, in the Name of Jesus. Paganistic practices, I call it out in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I break every curse of the wanderer and the vagabond, the curse of illegitimacy. I break the curse of rebellion, disobedience, and not obeying the Word of the Lord. I command selfishness and greed to loose me, in Jesus' Name. I break the curse of the city, the things that I have tried to build for myself, the kingdoms and possessions. I break the curse off my fields, land, and inheritance. I break the curse off the fruit of my body, off my children, and my generation. I break the curse off of the increase of my wealth, the things I have done, and off the blessings of my land.

I break the curse of my going out and my coming in, my sitting down and my rising up. I break the curse off my basket and storehouse in the Name of Jesus. I break every curse that Satan has set up to bring defeat into my generation man.

I command all lawlessness and rebellion to cease, in the Name of Jesus. I break the curse of confusion. I command the spirit of confusion; the spirit of Babylon; the harlot system; that whorish nature; like a flirtatious woman, full of greed, self indulgence, promiscuity, that goes whoring after other gods, to loose me right now, in the name of Jesus. I GO BACK TEN GENERATIONS AND BREAK YOUR HOLD ON MY LIFE! I come against, to remove, that Babylon curse. I come against all the rebuke and blasphemy, every curse of damnation that has been spoken upon my bloodline for ten generations. Everything that took away my self worth, I command it broken.

I come against the spirit of destruction. I command this curse of destruction to be loosed off of my generation, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I command the curse of evil, all the back biting, the slander, the contention, the anger, the hatred, to come out in Jesus' Name. (You are the priest in your tabernacle. God causes this by the Name of Jesus taking effect in you). I come against every pestilence. I break the curse of poverty and command that spirit to loose me. The things that have stolen my blessings from me, I command them to come into obedience to the Word of God. I break the curse of the thief and the liar; incest, illegitimacy, and sodomy. I come against the spirit of pride and self righteousness. Religious spirits, I command you to loose me.

I break the curse of consumption and fever, inflammation, fiery heat and sword and drought, blasting and mildew that would pursue me till I perish. I come against all diseases and infirmities in my generation bloodline, in the Name of Jesus.

I command broken, the curse of brass (judgement, man not judging himself according to God's Word). I break the curse of blindness, no sight, no vision. I break the curse of Godlessness and faithlessness in my generation in the Name of Jesus.

I command condemnation, you will loose me in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I break the curse of powdered soil and dust from the heavens and the spirit of destruction, no ability to plant and grow and harvest. No ability to retain the Word of God. I break the curse that causes me to be struck down before my enemies. The spirit of failure, I command it to loose me. I break the curse of death, premature death (suicide, the death wish). I break the curse of boils, blood diseases, tumors, in the Name of Jesus. I command the curse of cancer to be loosed from my body. I command bitterness, bitter roots, resentment, unforgiveness, to loose me. I break the curse of molestation and frigidity, in the Name of Jesus.

(In the Name of Jesus, you are set free because the Word of God does not fail. The Laws of God are to be acted upon. ) I break everything that would make me the tail and not the head, the man beneath instead of in control. I come against depression, insanity, and retardation and incest. (These are caused by and passed down through the generation bloodline. It's incest causes these weaknesses and tendencies of insanity and retardation to be literally formed in each generation), and I command these demons to loose me!

I break the curse of scurvy, itch, all skin diseases, and things that do not heal, herpes, and psoriasis. I come against the spirit of torment in itches, nervousness. I break the curse of shingles, madness, and insanity. I break the curse of blindness, no spiritual insight, physical and mental. I come against the spirit of dismay, dismay of mind and heart; the spirit of despair; mental anguish, mental depression; and I command you to loose me in Jesus' Name.

Everything that has been allowed to bruise my life, I now cancel it. I call Heaven and Earth to witness that I will not be bound with the curses any longer. I come against the enemy coming in and robbing from me, taking the things that are precious and robbing me of good. I break the curse of lust, promiscuity, adultery, fornication, bestiality, masturbation and perversion. Your assignment is canceled. The spirit of fantasy, (the daydreamer), I break your hold in Jesus' Name.

I break the curse of sore boils in the knees and legs; no upright walk. (The knees represent balance, the unbalanced walk.) I command the curse of the knees, the lack of balance, to be broken off of my life. Boils that cannot be healed from the soles of my feet to the top of my head will be healed in Jesus' Name. I break every curse of disease. All the diseases of Egypt; all known diseases that could be visited to my bloodline. Diseases like Arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, heart trouble, nervousness, and all the things that are visited in the bloodline. The weaknesses of the knees; rheumatism; all the things that settle in the neck, in the column, the back. I break the curse of a weak back, hips and legs, in the Name of Jesus. I break the curse of edema, swelling. I break the curse of heart attack and stroke, and I command it broken off of my bloodline.

I break the curse that would allow the enemy to pursue me and allows him to come in and present himself. I break the curse of all witchcraft and all mind control. I command every demon in Hell to loose me in the Name of Jesus! I break the curse of the false prophet, false teaching, things that I have listened to and taken into my being that were incorrect and did not line up with God's Word. I command all false teachings and errors to be broken and out of my life, in Jesus' Name. I repent before You, Lord, and I ask You to show me from here on in, what is right in Your Sight, in Your Word.

I break the curse of unbelievers; unbelievers in my household, that mixture in the house from the mother, the father, the children, the wife, or husband. I break the curse of laziness and I command the spirit of passivity to loose me, in Jesus' Name.

I command the witch and the warlock, the generation man that has been infiltrated with these demons, to go in the Name of Jesus. I break the curse of the witch Jezebel. I call out the religious theatrical spirit that has to be seen and heard, to loose me, in Jesus' Name.

I break the curse of verbal abuse and physical abuse. (Many times as children, we were whipped, beaten, cursed at, and it left a mark on our personality.) I come against that spirit of abuse and I break the curses of damnation, in Jesus' Name.

Now, start praising the Lord. I worship You Lord. I give my vessel to You. I give my being to You and I surrender to You, Lord. Come on in Jesus, and take every area I have emptied out, and fill it with more of You. (We leave no place in our vessel, cleaned and swept, for the enemy to bring seven worse and harass us in the future. Matt. 12:43-45)



We have a rendezvous in Armageddon.
The mind of man is being challenged to the last battle.
Do we belong to Jesus? Yes!
Will we be ready when He comes? Yes!