For those who are according
to the flesh and controlled
by its unholy desires, set
their minds on and pursue
those things which gratify the
flesh. But those who are
according to the Spirit and
(controlled by the desires) of
the Spirit, set their minds
on and seek those things
which gratify the (Holy) Spirit.
(Romans 8:5 Amp.)
PO BOX 567
What do we mean - the mind of man? Webster states it is "the intellectual or intelligent power in man; the understanding; the power that conceives, judges or reasons." Sometimes the mind is spoken of as "sound," "disordered," "weak," or "strong."
A changing world is of a changing mind. Like our "computer tech age," the mind is being searched with programs which are expanding its abilities. However wonderful and great this is, the enemy knows our capacity. In this last day battle, satan is vying for all the ground he can gain.
Our land is full of demon activity, murder, violence, hatred, death, etc. It seems we are being bombarded with everything that is comprised in evil. The mind of man is the prize. An identity change is trying to take place. The end will be POSSESSION, if satan has his way.
I believe we are very near to the coming of the Lord. The "SPIRITUAL MAN" MUST BE DEVELOPED AND READY. We have been bequeathed the "mind of Christ" as part of our inheritance. Jesus is the Truth, the Life, and THE WAY in this last day. There is a preparation taking place. TRANSITION is occurring by walking out of death into life.
Satan works in the death realm. His plan is the destruction of God's image. But praise God, we are going to become God's image. However, it takes travail and pain. We are groaning, and creation is groaning waiting for the manifestation of God's sons. (Romans 8:19)
The mind ability must be guarded. Our mind's capacity must be expanded through the learning of God's wisdom, which is God's identity in us. We must explore all the boundary lines, or "the frontiers" of this last day "manchild glory." This must be understood God's way.
We have scarcely scratched the surface in this "teaching tool." Our heart is towards getting this Ecclesia ready and excited about who we are and what our God has planned for us - His handiwork.
Blanche Reynolds
Kingdom Voice Ministries Conquering the Last Frontier - The Mind of Man
In identifying some of the problems in our society, we must address the fact of abuse. Abuse means, according to the Strong's Concordance, "to effect thoroughly, to effect someone all the way through, to overdo, to impose pain, to mock." Abuse is out of hand in our society today, with even the church having a part in it.
Abuse is not something that just happened yesterday. We find this abuse factor has come down the bloodline through the generation man. So many people are suffering because abuse has become a way of life in their generation.
We want to address the types of abuse seen. The avenues of abuse in the generation man has been through the physical, verbal, sexual, mental, and spiritual. Abuse in these areas has a deep and lasting effect on the personality of man, and in everything that concerns him.
When we look at the effects of verbal abuse, we find words which wounded, hurt, and tore many of us as little children. Sometimes parents have called us dumb or ignorant, and told us we could not learn. Teachers have said, "You are stupid and you'll never amount to anything, you'll never be any good." Abuse has left a bruise in our emotions which must be dealt with in this last day.
It is time that we, the body of Christ, begin to review our motives and strategies as we overcome and deal with our flesh man.
Looking with the eyes of the Holy Spirit at the things which have hurt, torn, and weakened us, we begin to recognize what has been going on in our vessel. Beloved, once these troubles are recognized, then we can begin to deal with ourselves. We do not have to stay in bondage to our problems. We do not have to stay that way. We do not have to continue in the state of insecurity, inferiority, timidity, shyness, backwardness, and feeling we do not belong because of low self worth and rejection.
Ephesians 4:12 says the Lord your God planned with each one of us in mind. His intention was to fully equip us so in this last day, a many-membered body WOULD BE READY FOR THE COMING OF THE LORD. Every one of us are special. We are precious, holy and we belong. We are not an accident going somewhere to happen.
Beloved, we cannot lag behind in this last day. This is an hour when the true church must look inward to see what they are allowing their being to be saturated with, overcome by, and weakened in. In Psalms 51:5, David recognized the state he was brought forth in - "a state of iniquity."
Ephesians 1:10 says, The Lord "planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and head them up and consummate them in Christ, [both] things in heaven and things on the earth." Putting on our spiritual glasses will allow us to understand this scripture. When we are mature, we are overcomers who are coming over. What are we overcoming? We are overcoming the death realm. We are a resurrection people, living a life which is out of death, in this last day.
The bruise which has changed the identity of mankind in the natural sense, because of the sins of the fathers, is being revealed. That bruise of revilement which has changed the identity and caused the weaknesses of selfishness, broken hearts, sadness, grief, and pain which is hard to express. Many people have been so bruised that they have lost their self image. The Lord knows and understands that you and I have become a complex being. This generation mixture in man is in conflict in this age. This conflict is producing the change necessary for us to take on the image of Jesus Christ.
It will not be just words in our mouth, even though that is part of it. It will not just be a certain dress code, yet that too, is part of it. We are going to be a people who have heard the voice of the Lord and have come into agreement with the changes which are necessary. The image represented in this earth will be the likeness and image of Jesus Christ.
Our natural man has put on the image of our namesake. However, in agreement with God's Word, and through this maturing process, He has prepared, made ready, and given unto us His wisdom. We are being delivered so we can become His likeness. Those words which abused, wounded, and caused our heart to faint are being exposed and addressed in this generation.
The Lord said this to me, "WHAT HAS MADE REBELLIOUS CHILDREN IS REBELLIOUS PARENTS." The role model before the children which we have presented unto them is the role model in which they are now walking. This is sad in some cases. We are a hurting, bruised identity in this natural realm and our children show the effects of what we are. Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you, [the priestly nation], have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forsaken the law of your God, I will also forget your children."
God planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages. He knew this cup of lawlessness would be made full to the rim due to the abuse identity from our ancestral namesake. Romans 3:23 says, "We have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory." Rebellion's bruise has left its mark in each generation. Every generation which neglected to deal with this, brought forth more of the same.
In recognizing the abuse, we see jealousy, hatred, envy, and many things which war against our vessel. These things can act out through us because we have not understood the inward identity of our being and its agreement to God's Word. We must understand that we are to be born of the Spirit so we can take on the personality of Jesus. I John 3:2 says, "Beloved, we are [even here and] now God's children; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what we shall be [hereafter], but we know that when He comes and is manifested we shall [as God's children] resemble and be like Him, for we shall see Him just as He [really] is."
In Jesus' Name, all power, authority, and dominion has been given unto us. In the Name of the Lord, we are going to be like Him. We are so insignificant when we think about this tardy, weakened, limited vessel which we are, compared to the glory, honor, and majesty of the Name of Jesus. But Beloved, His authority and all of His inheritance has been bequeathed unto us. We can no longer allow our vessel to be so torn, bruised, and confused to the point that all we can bring forth is devastation, rather than victory. It is time to examine what we are giving ourselves to.
The Lord planned for our maturity to unify the Body of Christ. There will not be any LONE RANGERS, or BIG "I'S" and LITTLE "U'S," but a unity in the Body of Christ. Where you quit, I begin, and where I quit, you begin. God is drawing together a many-membered Body with "a love of God commitment." A people who are praying without ceasing, and longing to see the glory of God fill His Body. They are longing to see the children of God arise and cry out, "Oh, Lord God, BE IN ME ALL YOU WANT TO BE." This is a last day people who are letting God's Word have its home in their hearts.
We are in the age of transition. This is the countdown. We are at the end of the day which has been full of God's grace, glory, and plan. He is right on time and target. God is about to close this age. He is ready to usher in the Millennium. We are the transition generation who will see this come forth.
There was a thirty-three and a half year overlap when the age of law and grace was ushered in, and His name was Jesus. Jesus was a word picture to the earth. He walked out God's plan in this earth. By looking at the identity of Jesus, the Son of God, mankind would know that the Lord God Almighty had them in mind. They would see through Jesus that they could obtain through His glory, repentance and forgiveness. giving ourselves unto Him, we can receive all He has planned for our life.
God has not changed. The good news of the gospel has been there all the time. Beloved, today there is a revealing, an understanding, and an opening to the things of the Spirit, like the stretching of a rubber band to the maximum. The Lord is revealing the fullness of His salvation. Salvation means "deliverance". All the power and glory which is encompassed in the Name of Jesus makes it possible for us to overcome the powers of death in the climax of this age. We have been born again of the Spirit of Life from the Living God. Now we can be full of the glory and completeness which He planned for when He put breath and life into us as inheritance sons.
What a privilege to be called of the Lord, to be able to understand, to lie down before the lord and say, "Oh, Lord God, I want ALL THAT YOU HAVE FOR ME. I do not want to miss any part of Your glorious plan." BELOVED, WE MUST MATURE AND OVERCOME IN THIS LAST DAY. God has planned for the climax of the ages to bring unity. He is going to head them up and consummate them in Christ Jesus. That means to be one in Christ. Like the consummation of the marriage vow, we are becoming one in Jesus.
Continuing in Ephesians 1:11, "In Him we also were made [God's] heritage (portion) and we obtained an inheritance..."
The Word of The Lord to His People:
For I am about to speak to you of your inheritance, saith the Lord,. I am about to speak of tender, wondrous experiences that I have planned for you as you dwell in me. I am saying unto you, bestir yourself in quickness and readiness. Let your heart be given unto Me in totalness. For I come quickly, saith the Lord. And I cause you to reign in the midst of life. My life in you supplied, for I am the Lord of life in My Body. I have redeemed you from the bruise that has left its mark of death upon your vessel. AND I HAVE CAUSED ITS SCAR TO BE EXPOSED SO THAT YOU, IN MY NAME, WILL DEAL WITH IT. For I am making ready a sure house. My Name shall not be diluted with the characteristics of a death realm. My Name will not be exposed to heretic teaching, or lawless rebellion. Neither will I allow My Name to be degraded before the heathen nations. For My Name shall be lifted up, for I heal, and restore, and make all things new.
Verse eleven continues, "and we have been foreordained (chosen and appointed beforehand) in accordance with His purpose, Who works out everything in agreement with the counsel and design of His [own] will. So that we who first hoped in Christ – who first put our confidence in Him – [have been destined and appointed] to live for the praise of His glory! In Him you who have heard the Word of Truth, the glad tidings (Gospel) of your salvation, and have believed in and have adhered to and have relied on Him, were stamped with the seal of the long-promised Holy Spirit."
We have seen the seal of the Holy Spirit in this earth in His many-membered Body. We have seen group after group as they raise their hands, magnify the Lord, and worship Him as a sign of the SEAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is a call which is so majestically splendorous. The song of the Lord revealed and true worship taking place is evidence of the indwelling Holy Spirit. There is no weakness, or limitation in our worship. Nothing is left out of this "called out" Body of Christ.
Continuing in verse fourteen, The Holy Spirit "is the guarantee of our inheritance – the first-fruit, the pledge and foretaste, the down payment of our inheritance – in anticipation of its full redemption and our acquiring [complete] possession of it, to the praise of His glory."
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. He will always show you the Truth. He will never tell you a lie, or cause you to walk in the fullness of a lie. He will always show YOU TO YOU when you want to know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. He is showing us in this last day some of the hurt and wound in the Body of Christ. It is not psychology. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is teaching, nurturing, and establishing His many-membered Body in this last day. His Body is redeemed and justified in the knowledge of who we are in Him.
What is abuse? This abuse principle is on the air waves. Scarcely a home has not been touched. We hear about children who have been beaten and left in the cold. There are mothers who run away and do not take seriously the call of being the mother in the family. We hear of Dads who do not take care of their family, battered women, and people pushed to their limit. There is such a lack of understanding and ignorance about who they could be in Christ Jesus.
That generation cup is filled to the brim. That anger comes forth until it causes a warring look in the eyes of the people. Anger, frustration, and confusion can even be seen in the people on the streets. We have seen people who will not even lift their head up as they speak to us. This hurt, pain, and abuse in the emotions is being exposed to the Body in this last day.
What is the affect of abuse and where does it lodge in the being? First, we have to understand our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the portion of mental activity of which the individual has little or no conscious perception. The subconscious mind is an information "taker inner." It programs you. When you are in a certain situation, the subconscious mind takes note of that situation. When a similar situation occurs and the conscious mind would become traumatized, the subconscious mind would begin to implement how this problem was handled the last time it occurred. We are pulled upon in our conscious mind with tiredness, confusion, distress, abuse, and much pain. Our conscience is tormented by devastations which are working in this hour in the earth.
What the enemy wants to do is disengage the conscious mind. Then all the information and thoughts go directly into the subconscious mind. The person will hear with no awareness, and therefore have no control, idea, nor logic of right or wrong. God chose the conscious mind ability to communicate His way to the generation man. We interact in conscious communication with one another and our subconscious mind takes note of every thing the conscious mind has communicated. That is the kind of ability God has given this glorious creation being. We are not an accident going somewhere to happen. This complex, beautiful being which God created was programmed with a consciousness of love. We were given the ability of communication so we can communicate with our senses what we are hearing, understanding, and receiving. God gave us these attributes in the natural realm to make us complete, mature, and glorious in His sight.
As overcomers, we have the authority in our being to command our mind, which is like THE LAST FRONTIER TO BE CONQUERED. We know so little about the complexity of the mind of man and its capabilities and weaknesses. If a man breaks his arm, we know how to treat it until it is healed. But, you let a person get so broken, bruised, and pounded on until their mind breaks, we lock them away and lose hope that they can get well again. Very often drug therapy is prescribed which brings more of an addiction than healing. Every time the mind is altered with drugs or alcohol, demonic forces are allowed to come in and take over as the consciousness is disengaged by the controlling drug.
In this last day, God's plan for our maturity includes a consciousness, and a reality of His ways. Knowing and acting upon God's Word helps us to understand what is right and wrong. As we implement God's Word in our life, we begin to take authority in the areas where we have been bruised. The escape of fantasy, low self worth, rejection, and many other areas are exposed as we command God's Word to our vessel. The mind uses many escapes trying to cope when it cannot comprehend in the consciousness of reality what is taking place.
God intended for the conscience to be the internal or self knowledge of right or wrong. According to Webster's Dictionary, the conscience is "the faculty power or principle within us which decides on the lawfulness or unlawfulness of our own actions and affections, and instantly approves and condemns them." This moral sense must be given to the Lord. We can have the "mind of Christ" by bringing our mind into subjection unto the Lord. Our mind is to be commended unto Him that we will live in an attitude of prayer and praise. By keeping our thinking in the presence of the Lord, everything which comes to us during the day will be scrutinized in the conscious realm by the glory of Almighty God. What is the Lord doing? He is showing us that in this last day, we are going to win.
We do not have to continue to cry with a broken heart over our children. No longer will our children be runaways or have their mind calloused by the subliminal message of rock music and the death realm of satanic forces. WE CAN NOW PRAY IN AUTHORITY AND EXPECTATION BECAUSE THE LORD, OUR GOD IS NOT DEFEATED.
What is the enemy trying to do? He wants to disengage this conscious mind so we think we are a failure and we give up. We think, "What's the use?" If people cannot get along in their marriage, they just get a divorce and try with someone else. They are saying the vows before the preacher and thinking, "If this doesn't work, there is always plan B." Beloved, what is this doing? It is stunting the growth of the church, the true believers, the family, and hindering the flow of God's Divine Order. It is causing the people to be warped, mislead, selfish and greedy. A beast is rising out of the earth. This beast is wearing clothes and walking about saying, "I don't need anyone. I have the answers. I don't need anyone but me." But this is not working, Beloved. Our society is beginning to understand this. The church must also have this revelation.
To reiterate, the portion of the subconscious is:
1. The mental activity which the individual has little or no conscious perception.
2. The subconscious occurring without consciousness or perception, or with only slight perception on the part of the individual. The mental reactions are based on what it perceives and what it has seen. It adds nothing to, and it takes nothing away from it.
The subconscious mind is only going to be what it is trained to be. When abuse is a way of life, abuse is going to be the way you treat your situations. When the conscience is traumatized by a long standing abuse, the effects of the abuse will cause similar situations to be handled in the same manner - with more abuse.
One example of sexual abuse is incest. As an adult, the little girl abused by her father at an early age, will not know how to handle her woman emotions. The same spirit of abuse which has caused her to be so hurt and weak in her woman emotions, will cause her to be drawn to a man who is an abuser. This is a psychological, subconscious effect which causes her to expect nothing but more abuse. In most families today, the abuse factor operates through meanness, hatred, and cursing. Little children whose parents have said, "You're dumb, you can't learn, you will never be any good," often become failures, even though they are brilliant. In their conscience or subconscious understanding, their self worth, the ability to do and accomplish a task, is tarnished by this abuse.
Many parents do not realize their children will be a product of the role model that has been presented before them. Children will take on the identity of the frustrations and confusions of their parents. When it comes time for them to make decisions in life, their decisions will be influenced by the role model of their parents.
Satan tries hard to distort the true image of the father and mother before the children's eyes. If he can distort and control the identity of the father and mother, he can open the door to rebellion, anger, and disobedience in the children.
I am sure you have noticed the ungodly disregard for God's Divine Order in the home on what the world calls "family T.V. programs." They make the father look like the village idiot and the woman is the overbearing, dominating controller or Jezebel. The disciplined children are constantly lying and disrespectful to their parents. As the television is used as a babysitter and children are exposed to this as their role model, they become dysfunctional in their environment and grow up emotionally underdeveloped.
This nation is in great stress. The Body must begin to understand what is happening, so the maturity scheduled in this last day can be revealed in every one of us.
II Timothy 3:1 says, "But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble – hard to deal with and hard to bear." I believe this "great stress and trouble" is here right now. Brokenheartedness, torn, emotions, weakened vessels, a product of the abuse affect is like being hurt all the way through. The pain, defilement and hurt is coming out of so many lives, because the conscience dealt with it this way in the past. Now the subconscious mind, through the trauma and disorder, continues to deal with it in the same manner.
The subconscious mind is a listening device where the subliminal affect can directly take place. The subliminal affect is the sound wave which goes into the subconscious mind. The enemy uses these sound affects to program rebellion and death into our children through the rock music principle. I believe much of the television airwaves are back-masked with subliminal messages of uncleanness, defeat, and rebellion. The power of suggestion causes people to become what the world system wants them to be. I believe our ears, eyes, and the whole communication process is holy and precious in the sight of the Lord. We need to be careful as to what we allow our vessel to be exposed to.
Exposing our minds to the subliminal message brings defeat, weakness, uncleanness, perversion, and sicknesses of the mind. Many demonic forces are programed into the being of many. Like a door opening to the subconscious mind, information lies there until a crisis begins to take place in your life. This information is suggested to the conscience and rebellion's program is acted upon. Yes, we live in "perilous times of great stress and trouble."
Continuing in II Timothy 3:2, "For the people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered..." We see this everywhere. As long as it does not touch me and mine, people do not care. It causes a disjointed Body. This causes people to run to and fro and build kingdoms unto themselves. It is totally opposite of the plan of God. We are a many-membered Body, a remnant company who are JOINT-HEIRS WITH JESUS CHRIST, the Pattern and Head of the Church. This self-centered spirit will not make Jesus the head, for it wants that place itself.
The American dream has become a perversion. It has become a driving force which can break the mind. It promotes greed, overindulgence, selfishness, and a desire of wanting to be something you aren't. People over extend themselves financially because they think they have to have more than the people down the street. That mind-consciousness is being distorted. Verse two continues, people are "lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate (greedy) desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be ABUSIVE (blasphemous, scoffers), DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, UNGRATEFUL, UNHOLY AND PROFANE."
The subconscious mind is being programmed with all these subjects. We see what looks like a beast rising out of the earth in various forms of greed and over-indulgence. Gods and goddesses of the New Age idolatry are coming over the air waves in many places. Learning institutions bring forth great forms of paganistic idolatries, taught under the guise of education. They are blinding the being and putting the subconscious mind into an open place of divination control.
These forces are working under the realm of divination, foretelling, foreseeing, beguiling bewitchment, and fantasy, until all they can hear is distorted by these powers. The supernatural Holy Ghost, which Jesus bequeathed unto us as His heir, cannot be heard because we are deafened by the power of divination, like a hypnotic control, until they cannot see or hear by the Holy Spirit. The mind becomes bound by satanic powers and will fall under his control. Ecclesiastes 3:18 says, "A man without God is but a beast." That selfish nature becomes the driving force and what is produced is a beast with the beast nature, which says "all that matters is self."
When these demonic forces have taken over, we become a slave to their control. The Word says, "Whatsoever a man gives himself to, that is what he becomes the servant of." (Romans 6:16) When our day is crowded with defeat, negative thinking, depressive thoughts, we are going to serve those things. It is like someone walking to the door and saying, "Come on devil, you can live here today." Beloved, that must stop. In the Name of Jesus, we are going to be shouting, "Ha, ha devil, I whooped you again." We are learning to pray, intercede, and cry out to the Lord with thanksgiving and joy.
II Timothy 3:3 says, "They will be without natural (human) affection (callous and inhuman), relentless - admitting of no truce or appeasement. They will be slanderers – false accusers, trouble makers; intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good." We see this all around us. Day after day, so much of this is revealed. Sometimes, even in our own being, we see these areas which must be dealt with.
In I Samuel 31, Saul had been dishonorable before the Lord. He had pleased himself and not carried out the wishes of the Lord. He is in a great battle here. Saul knew that his time would soon come to an end because God had already anointed David. "Now the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled before [them] and fell slain on Mount Gilboa. And the Philistines pursued Saul and his sons, and slew Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchishua, Saul's sons. The battle went heavily against Saul, and the archers severely wounded him. Saul said to his armor-bearer, Draw your sword and thrust me through, lest these uncircumised come and thrust me through, and ABUSE AND MOCK me. But his armor-bearer would not, for he was terrified. So Saul took a sword and fell upon it." When the fear of abuse came upon Saul, it consumed him so that he was willing to take his own life.
Abuse is a very serious matter. Our spiritual mind is formed in the glory of God's love, not in abuse, hatred, or injustice. We have been born through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are a people who are programmed to give and receive love. This is a love which is so special, so powerful, and so wonderful. When we let God wrap us totally in His love, abuse will never be a part of our vessel. We will never have negative thoughts, but only wonder how we can help, or go that second mile for our brothers and sisters.
We will be so consumed by God's love, that the abuse will never be able to control us. Our soul desire is to be Jesus' hand extended, reaching out to a hurting world. Jesus is the Pattern Son. Beloved, when this kind of thinking begins to flow, you put on the mind of Christ. We are not going to hurt any more. We are going to help.
Beloved, the Body must come before the Lord in order for us to become that vessel of honor. We must be given unto the Lord. As we do this, He pours out His glory so we might minister to the hurt and wounded. This is a day when abuse must be exposed with eyes of love. God has not called us to whip anyone, or to tear them down, and wound the soldiers. He calls us to bring healing, restoration, good feelings, and His authority to the Body of Christ.
Our conscious man must bring forth that overcoming knowledge that we will do exploits in Jesus' Name and set all creation free. It is easy to like the likable, but it is hard to love the unlovely, but we must start doing it now. Judgment begins at the house of the Lord. WE MUST GET INTO THE PLACE WHERE WE DEAL WITH OURSELVES.
Isaiah 53:5 says, "Jesus was bruised for our iniquity." That means "lawlessness and rebellion." "The chastisement needful to obtain peace and well-being for us was upon Him..." Sometimes you have to go through that valley, climb that mountain, or swim through that river. Sometimes you have to get into that place where the only thing you can holler is, "Help, Jesus," so your eyes are on Him. That is God in your life blessing you. He turns the crisis into a transfiguration process to bring the glory of God in your life.
Nothing in this natural realm can compare with the Holy Spirit freedom He has given unto us. THE CHASTISEMENT WHICH WAS NEEDFUL was upon Him so WE might obtain peace. Can you recognize and understand what He did to obtain our peace? In the Name of Jesus, we are not destroyed or defeated. We can receive His peace.
The Lord spoke in a prophecy several years ago, "The day is coming, and it is now here, when I stand in mine and I examine." I said, "Examine me, Lord, and let me not be afraid to look. Show me all the things I need to address because I do not want anything in here which causes me to miss You."
Part of my life I was raised in an orphanage. I had a lot of bruises, hurts, and wounds. I know about that chastisement needful to obtain my peace, which was upon Him. It was allowed in my life to shape and make my vessel. I have not arrived yet, but I am still working on it. I have said to Olen during a trial, "We are not passing this test." That is when it is time to get back to the drawing board and see what we missed.
I had a terrible temper which came down the bloodline from my father. An orphan with a bad temper is not a good thing. You have to love if you want to be loved. When I got saved I realized Jesus loved me just like I was, and He would never leave me or forsake me. Something happened in me when I understood those truths. Every tearful time when I cried myself to sleep in that dormitory, wanting my mother, was wiped away when I realized Jesus loved me just like I was. When that kind of love understanding takes place, you want to please Jesus. You no longer want that junk in your vessel, you want to get rid of it. You want to take on the attributes of Jesus so you can begin to look like Him, act like Him and talk like Him. We are being formed into His likeness by a progressive work within.
Jesus is our role model, and the image of God's glory. In this we can take our dominion. Jesus Christ gave you His inheritance so we can be like Him. How does this happen Beloved? "With the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole." (Isaiah 53:5)
Continuing in verse six, "All like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has made to light on Him the guilt and iniquity (or rebellion) of us all." If the Lord treated us according to our guilt and rebellion, we would all be on the outside looking in, with nothing left. But, the Lord planned for this day. He gave us the authority of His Name so we could know that in Him we have won the battle.
Isaiah 53:10 says, "Yet it was the will of the Lord to bruise Him..." This did not just happen because He was there and they were mad at Him because He knew more than the scribes and pharisees. THIS WAS THE WILL OF GOD TO BRUISE HIM BECAUSE THE LORD KNEW THE POWER OF THE DEATH REALM OVER MAN WITHOUT GOD. God knew that man would merely live to die, rather than live to live. The moment you are born, you begin to die, you are then born again to live forever. Change can begin in you and in me, right where we are.
How do we get deliverance? By being honest, humble, and desperate before the Lord. The only person you can change, Beloved, is yourself. As much as I might want to help you, I cannot do a thing until you make up your mind you want to deal with yourself. The bottom line of deliverance is to make more room in you for Jesus. Deliverance is getting rid of that ugly death realm which wants to control and have its way in you. It is being willing to look and being willing to cast it out. That word CAST in the Greek means, "TO VOMIT VIOLENTLY." I have seen people do that and come out victorious. You are not going to have dignity and have deliverance. When you want Jesus more than you want life, and when you want to grow up and be like Him, YOU WILL KNOW THAT THERE ARE THINGS IN YOUR BEING WHICH ARE HOLDING YOU BACK.
When I was a child, I had a fear which you would not have believed. It seemed like I was afraid of everything. Even as a grown woman, if I had a flat tire by a graveyard, I would have just driven to town on the rim. I had that kind of fear. It was a consuming thing to the point that I would play games with myself in order to deal with it. I'd say things like, "the girl who has on the checked suit, the devil cannot get." (I had on the checked suit.) I played a game in my conscious mind so I could handle the fear that was in the driver's seat trying to destroy me. This fear came from the devil using people and circumstances to pound on my tender mind to the point that it bruised and left a scar. If fear is not dealt with, its bruise will soon defeat that person and mare their growing maturity.
The incest abuse often brings so much pain that it produces a mental defect. Very often, like crossed bars, a girl would rather be like a boy than face the development of her womanhood in life. She takes on the masculine nature and this very often opens the door to a lesbian spirit. When a lesbian, homosexual spirit presents itself, she will often accept it, rather than experience the love of a man. Marriage becomes a lying escape which satan uses. Many girls go through the motions of marriage, yet inside they are quaking and shaking, hoping no one will see and realize the abuse they are hiding. Often hey become fearful and frigid.
In our generation man there is much hurt which must be addressed. As this hurt is dealt with and the demonic spirit which has misled is cast out, you are going to be free. Jesus spoke in the Great Commission in Mark 16:17, "IN MY NAME YOU WILL CAST OUT DEVILS." We are going to pull down those strong-holds of abuse as we get totally honest before the Lord and speak with His authority.
Abuse in our flesh man will only get worse. But, we have been born again to become the Body, the Man-Child company who is going to bring forth first-fruits. We will bring our best to God. We are a people designed to live for Him in great and mighty glory.
We need to search our hearts. We have said and done things which we choose to repent of right now. We have been angry and mistreated, but today is our salvation. Lord, we examine ourselves. We renounce anger, hatred, violence, molestation, fear, weaknesses, and hurts that are so bad that our mind has packed it away so we cannot remember. We often meet people who have blank spots in their memory because it was so painful. But oh, Lord, there is none besides YOU. We trust YOU, with all our life and being. We trust YOU, Jesus to show us to us. Come on in Jesus. Show me where I have failed and have not been careful. Show me every weakened place and I will seek after YOU, Lord. Let YOUR Word speak unto my heart. I come to YOU, Lord, when YOU call my name.
We have a special name, Beloved. You are the apple of His eye. The bruise of the past will not be a wound today, but it is healed in the Name of Jesus. How we long for more of Jesus. We repent of this flesh man's control in our life, in the Name of Jesus.
Say this with me: Lord Jesus, I forgive every person who has ever hurt me. I forgive my mother and father. I forgive my husband or wife, my bother and/or sister, my household, and my church. I forgive myself, Lord. I give myself to You, Jesus, so You can show me the truth of who I really am. I choose to abide in trust, faith, and hope, for You are mine, Lord, in Jesus' Name.
The Lord said that He was turning our troubles to bread. Once we can understand these troubles which have bruised, wounded, tried and sorely put upon us, they become bread. Because the light of truth is revealed to us, we begin to understand we are overcomers coming over. Our crisis has drawn us to the Lord. We realize that the Lord is our source, and there is none besides Him. He cares and makes a way where there seems to be no way. Then we begin to command glory into every crisis AND EXPECT IT TO BE THERE. We begin to lift up the Name of the Lord in trust and faith, beholding Him and His plan which is bequeathed unto us as His heir.
In this last day, the spirits of Jezebel, Ahab, manipulation, dominance, control, and divination are great and mighty powers operating in the earth. The reason for this is because these spirits are being called upon. The mind of man is in a state of confusion. We want what we want, and we want it now. We do not have the habit of thinking things through. Most of the time our motive is for self, rather than to bless, edify, strengthen, and build up the other person.
This is a day in which the overcomers must begin to understand. Since we have been bought with the price of the blood of Jesus, the image and pattern we are to become, is Him. In order to see the plan of that pattern being revealed in us, we must get into God's Word and find out what it says. Then we must command our being to His attention. Beloved, this is not an easy task. Most of us were conceived through powers of abuse, rebellion, and lust. More children are born out of lust than they are out of love. This is a sad thing to say, but it is very true.
These areas must be addressed to the Ecclesia in this last day. Knowledge is increasing in the natural. By the Spirit, we must begin to understand the things which are going on. We do not want to become abusers who maltreat, have wrong purposes, violate, deceive or defile others.
With our heart and mind given unto the Lord, we are a conscious person, and we have a subconscious ability. In our consciousness, God has placed the ability to give and receive love. In the consciousness of who we are and what we give ourselves to, we are being taught the things of the Lord.
Let me give an example of this process. After you were saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit, you began to understand that the Lord was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquity, or rebellion, and by His stripes you are healed. Suddenly one morning you get up and you have a headache. In that trauma of the headache, you are standing in front of your medicine cabinet, then you realize, Jesus is my Healer. By His stripes I am healed. The subconscious had very quickly taken over. The conscience had a problem, and the subconscious was going to help you correct it. When your conscience came into focus, you realized that the Word says, "By His stripes you are healed." Immediately you began to pray and take authority over the infirmity and command it to lose you in the Name of Jesus. Your faith is then enacted, and you began to feel the presence of the Lord. As you continue in the warfare, praise, and expectation, the Lord brings healing to your vessel. To stop short of God's glory is to miss much of the things He has prepared for us. He makes a way where there seems to be no way.
The subconscious is pulled upon by many satanic forces today. It is subliminally fed information of destruction. Satan is wanting to cleverly beguile, bewitch, and deceive the conscious mind so that as trauma takes place, the information which comes forth is doubt, unbelief and fear. He wants us to be bound up in the crisis which we are in.
The conscious mind, with its ability to receive, has been given the power, authority, and dominion of the Word of God. When the conscious mind is thinking on the kingdom of God, the subconscious is programmed to victory, healing glory, restoration. This is God's plan put in motion because it would not occur to your being to react any other way.
Most of us have been born with the affects of abuse in our vessel. Many times mothers dread having another baby. So tender is the mechanism of God's intricate plan of mental capacity. Our mental capacity is so precious, holy, and wonderful that the emotions of the mother can be felt in the embryo which is being formed in her vessel. They use to say when you are pregnant, "You have to be happy. You have to think good thoughts so you have a happy baby." I use to laugh and think they were being old-fashioned, but they were very right.
Many of us have come through that kind of mental abuse. We have been born in the capacity of fear, expecting the worst. Rejection is one of the biggest roots in the human personality which is bruising the life today. This takes on many forms. As we grow up, we begin to handle this personality bruise by packing things away in our subconscious mind. We think this is the way we should handle it, but our vessel becomes mixed with the precious and the vile. So many times the effect of our bruise is the controlling force in our crisis. Our faith in God's Word becomes diluted with this hidden mixture.
How can we hold onto this fragmented thinking which causes us to view our personality commitment through the eyes of the rejection, fear, doubt, and unbelief? As we can, we really understand and possess the knowledge of what Jesus did on Calvary in our behalf. That is the key. You must possess your salvation and inheritance. You must choose to come into agreement with God's Word. Prostrating yourself before Him and laying down every thought, you must command your mind to the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth. He will show the truth to you where you need the understanding.
This affect of abuse is in each one of us. I had a big root of rejection in me because I was given to the orphanage at two or three years old. I did not understand, so I had a great lack in my growing up since I did not have the attention of a mother and father. It is a great honor and a privilege to become a parent. To be a grandparent is so wonderful and marvelous, it is hard to express the glory of it. That role model of parenting is a wonderful provision of God which He gave to the natural creation of parenting process.
God instills in a father the love and care for his wife and children. God has designed the man to pray and intercede for his family. He is to walk out before them a way of life which is conducive to the Word of God. As the head of the house, the man is answerable before the Lord. He would never choose to abuse his family when his life is lined up with the Word of God. This is the natural flowing of God's plan into our life.
What privilege for a mother to hold the form of creation, nurture, feed, and care for it. A woman must be careful of how much she sleeps, what she eats, and be so mindful of this precious, holy, creation plan. This blessing, the attributes of creation, is such a wonderful plan of God's. Our society has not understood, or has carelessly thrown away these facts. We have allowed lust, the flirtatious eye, and whoredoms to be the driving force that brings people together. Many times children are born out of wedlock, and the curse of the bastard comes into effect. (Deut. 23:12) This curse is in effect in our nation today. Our ungodly laws have allowed murder, rather than the springing off or the off spring of love's creation.
America must wake up and find out the real issue, and realize what is really important. What is really important are family values and being all you can be for Jesus Christ. Having that order will place your husband in his rightful headship and he will want to fulfill God's plan for his family. His fear of God will cause him to honor and reverence his wife, his helpmate. Through intercession and prayer, the two of them can put ten thousand of their enemies to flight. (Deut. 32:30) How glorious is this vow of commitment. Can't you see why satan would want the mind to be taught subliminally? It is so man will fling away the beauty of Gods' creation, and the forming of life. It is holy when two people fall in love and do things according to God's order.
How precious and wonderful it is to understand that God does forgive. We have made mistakes, because of our lack of understanding. We have missed the preciousness of life. In this last day, understanding that Jesus has forgiven all sin brings freedom to our soul. He did not forgive all but divorce, lust, or murder. He forgives all sin.
We have time to turn things around. We have time to deal with ourselves. We have time to turn this abuse which our mind and personality was formed by, into glory. There are things in us which must be understood if we are to be overcomers coming over. What are we coming over? We are coming over the death realm where sin abounds. We are coming over that death realm which has caused a bruise, malnutrition, and caused men to faint and be broken in their humanness. We are coming over that death realm because we have been born out of death into life, to live forever in Christ Jesus.
The church has kept the message alive. The church has done great and wonderful things, but it is sad to say the church has missed much of the pattern. In her socialistic understanding of gathering together, so much has been lacking because the Word of God has been neglected in the church. People have taught their own opinions and looked for methods. They have counted their success by the amount of people which fill their pews.
We are looking at a society, a nation that is maladjusted, malformed, and faithless. The people are consumed with such a lack of trust that they are continually looking for someone else to do it for them. They want someone else to pray them through, lay hands on them, and tell them WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR. We have people with itching ears. God has a plan which must be exposed. There is a call in the earth today for the Word of God to be revealed in the hearts and minds of the people.
We need to ask ourselves the question, "Why is it that I cannot hear? Why is it that I cannot understand? Why is it that I fall short of God's blessings when I choose to sit with my arms folded in the congregation while everyone else is praising and worshiping the Lord and seeking God?" It is like we are back in the north forty and we cannot hear anything God is saying. WHAT is wrong in our human container? We cannot burst through this power and force which makes us silent, brings depression, and makes us think nobody loves us.
What is wrong with us? We have not understood that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. The Word is there to divide you from the death realm so you might grow up and be exposed to the life which is everlasting. Beloved, in the condition of the church today, she will never make it until she repents. That word "Ichabod," (the Glory is departed), is over the door of many assemblies because the people have chosen their own way, rather than God's way. This is a day when it must be exposed.
When you choose your own way, letting your temper erupt so you can get what you want, you are mocking God's Word. Beloved, we cannot pour out bitter and sweet from the same vessel. THIS IS A DAY OF DELIVERANCE AND THE CHURCH MUST UNDERSTAND THAT. We cannot let those passive thoughts that say, "This is the way I am, and will always be, because I'm like my mother or father." These thoughts cannot continue to pollute our vessel.
This is a day when you must present yourself before the Lord. In the congregation of Israel, every male came and presented himself before the Lord three times a year. (Deut. 16:16) That is like a man being naked before the Lord, and holding nothing back. This is not talking about clothing. This is talking about what you are walking in. This is talking about your mind and heart, and what you are giving yourself to. How much time are you spending before the Lord? How much time do you allow grief, sadness, guilt, loneliness, and all the destructive forces to come against your mind and abuse your personality? You cannot allow this and continue in the joy of the Lord.
There is an abuse in this last day which must be exposed. As our mind gains understanding, and we begin to examine ourselves, then we must get honest before the Lord.
II Timothy 3:3 says that in the last days, "They will be without natural (human) affection." We see it all the time. That is what abortion does to the mothers. They have no natural human affection. When that beautiful ability of love is destroyed, and a woman agrees to murder her own seed, something happens in the personality. God put that precious, wonderful feeling inside of a woman which is called mother love.
Most of the time, because we have not understood the difference between love and lust, lust has taken over. The problem arises and the enemy has programmed into the mind, "Why don't you just murder it, and abort it?" They tried to tell us that it was not really a human being. The enemy thinks he can program into the subconscious thinking, it is not really a real life. It just happened because "I gave myself and now it will complicate my life." Those kinds of thoughts are placed into the subconscious thinking because the conscious looks for a way out.
Abortion is abusing the seed and destroying the vessel. The woman hears in the subconscious, "You are free of it, now everything is all right. Nobody is going to know, so go ahead and do your thing." Later they find that something wonderful and precious in the personality was defiled and destroyed. That mother love is being thrown away and calloused over until there is no feeling and no caring. There is only someone saying, "I want someone to care and love me." This attitude makes the mother go from bed to bed looking for love, but never finding it.
We are a people who must understand that our vessel must be holy before the Lord. It is not going to begin in Washington, and change just because we elect a new president. It must begin in you and me. Our vessel must be submitted unto the Lord in intercession and travail by being honest before Him.
Can you understand now why the Lord sent Jesus Christ? Can you understand why He died on Calvary for all our sin? Yes, it was so we might be born again to receive life, immortality, and completeness in God.
Can you see that the Lord has planned with us in mind? Knowing the ability of this human containment, and how easily drawn away mankind would be, God had a plan in mind before the foundation of the world. The enemy tried to seduce, beguile, and bewitch the mind into areas of idolatry and paganistic worship, wanting to gain control.
Are you thinking, "But idolatry and paganism happened a long time ago?" Oh no, the same thing is going on today. They may change the names of their idols like they did in the past, but it is the same idolatry. They now call it "New Age, the Mother goddess of earth, or the greenhouse effect." They are doing everything to change the name so people bound by fear will begin to think that the good old earth is about to disintegrate.
I do not believe the Lord God Almighty would create the heavens and the earth to destruct before He was ready for it to happen. I do not believe that anything that humankind could do to destroy, will be allowed. When God spoke and said, "Let there be light and let the water and earth separate and creation be formed," His intention was not for it to be destroyed. That will not happen until He is ready for a new heaven and a new earth. That place will be called "the New Jerusalem," which will be coming down. (Rev. 21:2)
God will have His people prepared for that New Jerusalem. The Bride of Christ will put on immortality and prepare herself for the coming of the Lord. It is time to let the intellect of the Holy Ghost teach you who you are, and who God is in this last day.
God does not make any junk, Beloved. We are precious, holy, and wonderful in His sight. The capacity of salvation has been birthed within us. The seed of truth, the inheritance, has been bequeathed unto us. That inheritance is there for us and it is alive, and it shall remain. There is not a devil in hell who can stand before you and change that fact, unless you think he can.
Do you see why the enemy is working on your personality? Do you see whey he wants your thinking process to be full of doubt and unbelief? If he can subconsciously and subliminally grab hold of any fragment of your being to bring in doubt and unbelief, he will do it. He will not be out there in plain view. He knows if he manifests right in front of you, you will kick him in the teeth, pound him in the earth, and put him under your feet. The enemy is going to come in the sly and cunning ways of fear and deception. He operates in that power of divination. He does not want your conscious mind to have the understanding that he is close around. He knows that when you find out the privilege of your inheritance through the blood of Jesus Christ, YOU ARE GOING TO DEFEAT HIM EVERY TIME.
Children who have been emotionally neglected are unsure of themselves. We see this in the classrooms across the nation. They want to learn and understand, but they do not have a good self image which allows them to think they belong or have a part. This spirit is called neglect. Many times the children are unable to concentrate. They have a lack of trust of self and others which causes learning difficulties. This lack of trust causes them to always be looking over their shoulder, fearful of what or whom may be there. They cannot believe that anyone would care anything about them. Almost everything around them is fearful.
Lying does not seem bad to an abused child if it will stop the abuse. When this begins to happen, often the dual personality of a schizophrenic spirit will take over. It is like escaping into fantasy, and living with a lack of reality. I call this "the Great Escape." It is the spirit of abuse which is hurting the formation of the child's personality.
Many children go home and find their parents fighting. Often the god of the house is the god of sports to the father. He is not on his knees before God. He is not telling his wife that he loves her, and he is not showing love to his children. If he is only thinking about what "he" wants and thinks "he" needs, that is wrong thinking. God is not the source of that kind of thinking, Beloved.
When God is your source, your children will not suffer from fearful neglect. They will stop being hyperactive to get your attention. That need for love is so strong. Often children will be mean and naughty, just to get mom or dad to say anything to them. The hyperactivity comes through the spirit of neglect and abuse to the point that the child is unable to concentrate.
These children have not had a role model. Their dad doesn't seem to care, and their mom is too busy. The child doesn't feel like they fit in. We find that most of the time the middle child suffers worse from this than the oldest or the youngest. The oldest is given a lot of respect, and the baby gets a lot of love and attention. The child in the middle is too young to be the oldest, and too old to be the youngest. Therefore, he tries to fit somewhere else and he is not wanted. We see these children hurting desperately for special attention.
The forming of that child's personality is taking place whether you observe it or not. This creation life does not stop because you have to work out in the job market, or you spend time in front of the television. Life is a continuous source which is causing a shapening in our vessel. The Word says, "Whatsoever a man giveth himself to, he becomes the servant of that."
There develops an extreme lack of trust in the person who has been neglected. When they begin to grow up, there is such a need for self to be exalted. We find them full of rejection, yet needing to be seen and heard, they talk a lot. That is just one way they try to handle things. Often they become perfectionists. After all, if people see you do everything perfect, then they will accept you.
Many times the root of rejection brings obesity because people eat for self reward. Self must have help and it will look for any way to get it, even if it is wrong. I have realized myself that in my rejection, I would over eat, thinking, "There's got to be something good somewhere." The Lord was dealing with me in that area of obesity, overindulgence, and excess.
God wants our bodies to be whole. We cannot just put on a religious face on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our being has to come into the subjection of Truth. THE LORD IS TURNING OUR TROUBLES INTO BREAD. We are seeing the places which have to be dealt with. In the Name of Jesus, the Bread of Life, we can eat of the hidden manna. We are commanding our being to line up with God's Word. We are no longer going to put up with the weaknesses in our flesh man.
There is hope. There is strength and an authority, and His Name is Jesus. You do not have to remain the way you are now. You do not have to sit in the congregation with your arms folded, fearful someone is going to think you are not spiritual enough. You do not have to put on a religious face. You can be all you can be for the Lord.
People are going to look and see Jesus in you. The old phony religious spirit is not going to control you. You do not have to make a statement by the way you dress. They are going to see Jesus in your eyes, hear Him in your voice, see Him in your smile, and look at Him in your actions, and that dress code is going to bring you into the transfiguration process of eternal glory.
There is a lack of faithful trust in the Body of Christ. What does all this lack of trust cause? It causes a learning disability. It is like looking through the veil of your flesh. Everything which is in control in your life is what you look through in your actions in this earthly realm. As we examine what we are giving ourselves to, we will begin to see our motives through our actions. With our eyes on Jesus, the Pattern, we will see what true trust and faith brings forth in our life. It is then that the image and pattern will be right in our vessel.
The image of our bloodline (as described earlier) in the natural, as good as it is, when you meet Jesus Christ, there is a changing that must take place. You have been born again of the Spirit. The Spirit is shaping the glory of God within your vessel. You can no longer continue to allow what was formed in death through natural parenting to drive you. If that is the force which you give yourself to, you will miss so great a salvation. A maturity has to take place in the Body of Christ so we can see God's finished work through His resurrection power, which is life out of death.
We often make excuses by always expecting to be rejected. Sometimes we go to great extremes in this area because we are so controlled by the fear of rejection.
Besides the fear of rejection, there is another stronghold called the thief and the liar. The Word says in Zechariah five that, "the thief and the robber are cut off from God." This is serious. Lying does not seem bad to the poor self image person, if it stops their abuse. If they can lie to be accepted, they will. They become masters at exaggeration because it helps them handle their abuse. It takes their eyes off of themselves. If they can stir up trouble in the group, then no one is looking at them. They can gossip, talk, and feel like they belong. It is a spirit which must be exposed.
When this lying spirit comes, it is the spirit of satan himself. He comes, and if he is allowed to continue, he produces a schizophrenia, which is a dual personality. He takes on that personality and the schizophrenic spirit will literally take over. When the lie is succumbed to over and over again, the person who is speaking literally believes it to be the truth. He tells it so convincingly that the spirit blanks out the subconscious which would say, "Wait a minute, that is not right," until he succumbs to that lie.
The schizophrenic spirit, or the spirit of satan himself, will often give themselves another name. They will laughingly say it is a nickname, but it is the schizophrenic nature to have a second identity. It often presents itself through pretense, fantasy, and unhappiness when a child is very young. It takes over the mind of the child and offers an escape when the reality of the situation they are in is out of control. Schizophrenia is an escape in the vessel which must be exposed.
Some people have many personalities when great hurt has taken place. Satan is always looking for a weakened mind to come and counterfeit peaceful well-being and make the person think he is something he is not.
When schizophrenia begins to take over the human mind, it brings fantasy and over indulgence. The personality will totally change from what we know that person to be, when it is in control. Like the thief and liar, they are greedy and often become promiscuous because the schizophrenic personality is a demonic force which wants to gratify its desires through the person it possesses. Very often they live outside of reality and the real world, living a life of "the great escape."
When the mind cannot handle what is happening in the natural realm, so many times, looking for an escape and a way out, the spirit of schizophrenia can take over. Schizophrenia can be birthed in the bloodline. It is a weakness in the mind. It is a mental situation, or maladjustment which is always there in each generation until it is dealt with through the covenant of the blood of Jesus. When you command the schizophrenic spirit to be loosed from a person, there is no big problem to cast it out in Jesus' Name. Satan must obey. The blood of Jesus never fails. He has never lost a battle. He will never bring defeat to your life. He always brings victory.
Having the knowledge of who you are, commanding your being to His attention, and being willing to address every problem will always bring victory. No matter how painful, limited, or unfaithful you have been, when you get honest before the Lord, deal with yourself, the enemy will be exposed.
Sometimes the spirit of schizophrenia will put the person into a catatonic state. They reject any activity or become extremely active or talkative. It is like two sides of a coin. Wherever satan thinks the personality can be affected, that is where he is going to pound. You, as the believer, must make the choice. Am I going to live for Jesus, or am I going to be torn, pulled upon, or taken over by a schizophrenic demonic force which wants to destroy?
The schizophrenic personality has the power to bring hallucinations, visions, and escapes. They see themselves in high positions. This person is vulnerable to demonic deceptions of grandeur and exalting of self. They will listen to false prophets who go forth and prophesy to these people and tell them words which they want to hear. In that state of deception, they will get excited and believe a lie from satan, rather than the Truth. They begin to lift themselves up. That self image which is lifted up is nothing less than a beast nature. Greed, overindulgence and total self-centeredness takes over the person.
We must understand the complexity of our being in the light of Jesus. Then, in the Name of Jesus, we must command our being before the attention of the Holy Spirit. We must get honest and humble. We become the deliverer and the deliveree. You are the priest in your temple. You say what is going on in your tabernacle.
This is a day of choices. It is like a man standing at the fork in the road. By the Spirit, we understand one road goes to Babylon, which means "confusion". There is a Babylon confusion in the earth today. The church is full of it. The other road goes to Jerusalem. Jeru means, "a threshing floor", and Salem means, "peace". It is time for the church, the called out Ecclesia to get to the threshing floor. It is time to come unto Mt. Zion, the mountain of God. We must let the winnowing process of God's Word cause our being to come into agreement with His Truth. We must allow that winnowing fan to purge our flesh man. What is the winnowing fan? It is the Name of Jesus in your mouth which sets you free.
I Corinthians 6:9 says, "Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled); neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality..." What is homosexuality doing? It is gratifying self. It can produce nothing but more uncleanness. It cannot bring forth according to its own kind. It is like slapping God in the face and saying His creation plan was not good enough. The spirit of homosexuality is a spirit in the land today. We see the physical man taking on that image. There is an unholy, degrading, uncleanness which is being accepted. It is a perverted mind full of thoughts of self, rather than the Lord. (Ezekiel. 16:49)
Homosexuality is like the smoke of the death realm which must have gone through Goshen when the death angel walked through the land. The enemy wants you to think it is all right to please yourself with yourself, or with like kind, or those who are like minded. It is an abomination in the sight of God. If it continues, it can only bring the curse of separation from God to the bloodline of this generation man. (Romans 1:20-32)
Judges 19:1 begins "In those days, when there was no king in Israel..." King is symbolic of God's government. This is saying there was no authority at this time. Whatever seemed right to a man is what he did. Today, with all the New Age thinking, we see this way of life coming into focus again.
Continuing in verse one, there was "a certain Levite," which means "joined", who was "living temporarily in the most remote part of the hill district of Ephraim." Ephraim means, "doubly fruitful". This Levite "took to himself a wife of inferior station from Bethlehem in Judah." Bethlehem means, "the house of bread", and Judah means, "praise".
Verse two says, "And his concubine was untrue to him." The word concubine, according to the Strong's Concordance means, "lying with". In the Jewish custom, a concubine was considered a secondary wife, betrothed according to custom. She was a female slave responsible primarily for bearing children to insure the continuation of the family name.
We are going to put our spiritual glasses on, and talk about what we are seeing in this last day. The things which are taking place in our land, must not be turned away from any more. I view this concubine as what is being called the church today. This concubine, or secondary wife, is ready to bear children and continue the generation by saying, "I'll live in my father's house, but I'll go and do what I want to do."
The concubine was regarded as a member of the family. She had a legitimate avenue for succession and inheritance. In other words, she was included in the inheritance of that man. She also had access to the royal concubines. I Samuel 3:7, and II Samuel 16:21-22 tells us that being a concubine was viewed as a legal claim to the throne. They were given special protection. (Esther 2:14) II Samuel 15:16 says they were given responsibilities to look after.
Today in our nation there is moral decay, broken homes, and families in the street. It is as if there is no authority or discipline in the Body, just as we were reading about in the nineteenth chapter of Judges. The Word of God has been thrown away. People break the law and expect the government to take care of them. We are in so much disarray. It is as if there is no government authority in our land.
The Bible has been taken out of the court system. You do not swear in the name of God any more. You just swear. The name of Jesus is not allowed in our school systems. Prayer has been taken out.
The curse of illegitimacy has brought on the curse of murder and destruction upon our nation. This curse is being walked out as we see all the violence and murder in our land. We are looking at a day and a time where we are nearing the coming of the Lord. In these days we are saying, "Lord, where is the authority of truth? Where is Your Word taught and revealed? How can this continue, we ask?" How can man program his life without God? How can the difference between right and wrong be so neglected in our learning institutions? How can we allow the paganism and idolatry of religious error to be taught through witchcraft enchantments? There is a very cleaver deception going on in our land. Divination is out of control. Things are taking place where abuse is abounding. The conditions of this day must be addressed.
The Levite took his bride out of Bethlehem. He got her from the "house of bread". His concubine was untrue to him and we can look at her as a shadow and type of the church. She has the vow of commitment, but she is not walking in it.
People are running to and fro and pleasing self, rather than pleasing God. They are looking here and there for new ways to draw people into their congregation so they can say, "We have the biggest church in this city. We have the things of God, but the reality is that people come in the doors of the church with a broken heart, torn emotions, hurting pain, and death at their heels. They go out of the church the same way they came in.
We need to ask, "Lord, where did we miss it? What has happened?" We must understand that this "house of bread", Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, has bequeathed unto us an inheritance of everlasting life. In Him, and through Him, we have been given the privilege of eternal life.
We are not a concubine, Beloved, but we have been living like one. We have been unfaithful to the Truth. We have wanted our way and we have wanted it right now. We do not want to grow up. We get what we think we need, and program God out of our life to get it. Our day gets so busy that we neglect our time in the presence of God in prayer. Just like this concubine which was untrue and went back to her father's house, the church does the same. We want to live in the "good old days" and "remember when...
Our houses are being ravaged. Children have been torn away from parents by the curse of rebellion. Households of abuse are formed in every corner of the city and we are asking, "Where will it end? What has to take place to draw Your Body into the place where they will look unto you Lord, and deal with themselves?"
This concubine went back to her father's house at Bethlehem in Judah. We finally realize the creeds and doctrines of the church, as good as it was when it was first spoken, will not bring the peace that passes all understanding for today. These creeds and doctrines will not bring the teaching needed for the Body of Christ today. The world is riding an escalator by running to and fro and looking for "things". They are trying to put their life in order by the works of their own hands, rather than the Word of God.
Out of all this is coming a great and mighty spiritual abuse which must be addressed in our land. You cannot keep expecting the rest of the Body to pray you through. You cannot run back to the comfort of the old order of the church and think you are home free. You cannot just sit in the pew and think everyone is going to pet your flesh. I know this is a hard word, but we all want more, and we recognize things must change. We are not satisfied with "the status quo". We want more. We want the Word of God to be like a "fire" in our bones to burn out the dross. We want the Word to teach us what we need to understand, and bring us into that place where commitment is a reality in our vessel. Consecration is a way of life. It is the thinking process of giving yourself unto the Lord, which must happen.
Judges 19:3 says, "Then her husband arose, and he went after her, to speak kindly to her [to her heart] and to bring her back, having with him his servant and a couple of donkeys. And she brought him into her father's house, and when her father saw him, he rejoiced to meet him." Again we see the symbol and shadow of the church. It is good to go back to places and know where we have come from. However, it is better to know where you are going and what lies ahead in order to be an overcomer.
Continuing in verse four, "And his father-in-law, the girl's father, [insistently] detained him, and he remained with him three days," like from death to resurrection. "So they ate and drank, and he lodged there". This is the same with the church. They are going back to the old order and ways where the people come and go without having to do anything else until it is time to come again. There was a day when that worked, but Beloved, the church cannot work that way today. The people are set free. They need to be taught how to live, and treated with the tender loving care of a hospital until they are healed.
Verse five says, "On the fourth day they arose early in the morning..." When you see four in the Bible, realize there is a test coming. On the fourth day of creation, the animal, vegetable, material, and spiritual kingdoms were formed. We have the four times of day and the four seasons. There are many things set on this principle of four.
The earth is the scene of man's testing. It is the place of the overcomer. This earth has been created to take out of it a Bride for God's Son. In this testing place, we are beginning to see there are things necessary for us to do. It is a test. You cannot let the anxiety and stress of this day control you. We must overcome this death realm and be victorious in Jesus. There must be an exposure of the things in you so you can make the right choice by being victorious in Jesus. Each crisis takes place to show you to you. God is allowing this so you will pass the test. In His Name, you will overcome and deal with the flesh man. The time has come when you must stop allowing the enemy to entice or pound upon your being and try to destroy you.
They rose on the fourth day early in the morning. The break of day is when the light comes. Light, according to the dictionary, "is what makes vision possible". "The [Levite] prepared to leave" at that time. Like the Levite, we have been trying to get ready to get to heaven since we have been saved. "But the girl's father said to his son-in-law, Strengthen your heart with a morsel of bread, and afterward go your way." In other words, "We have enough for you to eat and then you can rest" - instead of passing the test.
We are called to walk out of death, into life. We are to separate ourselves from the powers of death through the Name of Jesus. According to I Corinthians 15:26, the last enemy to go is death. This last enemy wants to control your thinking. He wants you to give up and think this is the end. Beloved, when we pass this test, we are going to have an understanding of living in the Spirit, which is the life of the overcomer. By living in that place of peace and rest, joy is provided by Jesus Christ, who is the Pattern Son. He is the example, the image, and the likeness. The first chapter of Revelation says He was the first born of the dead, the resurrection and the life. So what needs to happen? We have to stop thinking in the death realm. We have to expect life instead of death, be positive instead of negative. We need to expect glory instead of defeat. There are changes in this vessel which must take place in this last day.
Continuing in verse six, "So both men sat down and ate and drank together, and the girl's father said to the man, Consent to stay all night, and let your heart be merry. And when the man rose to depart, his father-in-law urged him, so he lodged there." We see this in the church today. They say, "Come join us and stay with us. We've got our creed and our social programs. We have plenty to feed you at our table".
In the eighth verse, the man "rose up early in the morning on the fifth day to depart. This is like the day of the five-fold ministry of the church - the prophet, teacher, preacher, evangelist, and the apostle. The church says, "We've got the Word. Your intention was to equip us fully, and we receive it, Lord." But when you go into the congregations, there is hardly any speaking in tongues or the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Where is the true gift of prophecy where God is speaking through a man? What is taking place? The church is sitting down, making the heart merry, seeking the pleasures of the day, and living in deception and divination. The sad part is the Church does not know the difference between living in the natural and living in the Spirit.
On the fifth day, "the girl's father said, Strengthen your heart, and tarry until toward evening. So they ate, both of them". Again the table is spread. There is a sustenance and communion taking place.
Continuing in verse nine, "And when the man and his concubine and his servant rose up to leave, his father-in-law, the girl's father, said to him, Behold, now the day draws toward evening..." With our spiritual glasses on, we hear this word for those in the last days who live in spiritual Bethlehem, "the house of bread". We are on the countdown. This age is about to close. God is calling for Divine order in His people by separating them from the world. The things of the natural realm are being discussed and exposed, so people can get deliverance.
The father-in-law said, "I pray you stay all night. Behold, now the day grows to an end..." The old order is ripe to disappear, Beloved. As good as it has been, as much as we have heard, and as much as we expected the church to be our elevator before God, it can only be you before His throne. It must be you seeking the Lord by crying out to God in your prayer closet and saying, "Lord, be in me all you want to be".
This is a very serious day. Like the day that grows to an end, it is decision time. Are you going to lodge in this old order and eat at that table which is prepared? Or are you going to become the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, God's new order in planet earth? "O death where is thy sting, O grave where is thy victory?" This new order is the power of an endless and indestructible life through the blood covenant of Jesus Christ.
Beloved, we cannot go on any farther until we lighten this load. Deliverance has to come to the church. Right now, when deliverance is spoken in some congregations, the people shudder. You are ushered to he door if you say very much out loud. People do not want to think that they have a demon. They do not understand the Great Commission which says, in the Name of Jesus, we are commanded to cast out demons and to heal the sick. If demonic oppression and possession were not a fact of life, then God would not have given us the authority and power to cast them out, in Jesus' Name.
In this last day, understanding this "new order" is attaining salvation through the blood covenant of Jesus Christ. This is not going to happen until you have a responsibility and discipline before the Lord. You must seek Him through prayer, cry out before Him, and worship the Lord Jesus in the Spirit of Truth. We have got to stop expecting someone else to do it for us. We must stop thinking we can go to a church or a conference and get a "quick fix". Deliverance is a continuous process of discipline and obedience in the overcomer. The overcomer will bring forth an inheritance to be left in the earth. His Name is Jesus.
We are living in a day where only that which is done for Jesus Christ will last. We are living in a day where the Bride must take her place, but not as in a concubine way of life. The Bride will not be a secondary wife. Beloved, in this commitment and consecration, we receive a new name, and that name is Jesus. It is that name in your mouth which brings deliverance to your vessel. Deliverance prepares you so you can contain the transfiguration glory which God has bequeathed unto us. (II Cor. 3:18) Our vessel must be a holy vessel of honor before the Lord.
Continuing in verse ten, "But the man would not stay that night". Ministry compelled him and he must go on. "He rose up and he departed, and came opposite to Jebus, which is Jerusalem." In those days, Jerusalem was the home of the Jebusites. The Jebusites were winnowers by trade. Jebus, the home of the Jebusites, was a part of the inheritance of Benjamin, but he never drove the enemy out. Benjamin never possessed his inheritance, yet his name means, "the son of the right hand".
Benjamin was born after Jacob's name was changed to Israel, which means "he who seeks and contends". He was born under the curse of destruction and death. His mother forfeited her life in the birthing process. She chose to sit on her father's teraphim (or household idol) when they were going back to their inheritance, Canaan. This happened because Leah, which means "law", and Rachel, which means "grace", wanted a part of the inheritance of their father's house. It was customary in that day, that when a father died, if a daughter possessed his household idol, or teraphim, she could take a part of her father's inheritance, just like a son.
Little graceful Rachel was going to get her part. Like father, like daughter, she was a manipulator and deceiver. She put that idol under her camel seat, and when her father came looking for it, she said, "It is the custom of women with me". It was because of that very incident that she forfeited her life. It looked like everything was going to be good. Because Jacob's heart was pure he said, "Laban, if you find anything of yours among our baggage, then let that person who has taken it die". The time came for Rachel to travail and bring forth Benjamin. In the groaning of her travail, she knew what she had done. She knew she was about to forfeit her life because a curse had been spoken. Rachel called this son Benoni, "the son of my sorrow". But Israel came and changed his name to Benjamin, "the son of the right hand". He held close this love gift from Rachel. Benjamin was all he would have left because Joseph was about to be taken from him.
If a man is walking with another person and extends his right hand, then the other person is reaching out their left hand. Israel called his son, "the son of the right hand". He was going to hold fast this beloved son because he was precious to him. He was the image of his love from this woman who his heart belonged. The tribe of Benjamin was known for the strength of their left hand.
The tribe of Benjamin became a mighty tribe of warriors. They grew and brought forth many sons. They had six important cities bequeathed to them in the promised land. One of these cities was Jericho, which means "fragrance". The walls tumbling down was certainly a fragrance. God took the tithe of deliverance out of Jericho. They took all the silver, gold, and brass and gave it to God. God took the first-fruits, the tithe of deliverance from the promised land.
The next city, Ramah, according to the Strong's Concordance #7414 means, "the height, as a seed of idolatry". The mixture in Benjamin's inheritance can clearly be seen through the meaning of this name. A name expressed not only a geographical location, but often it was a prophetic expression or nature of what was to come. Everything which is lifted up is not always godly.
The next city belonging to Benjamin was Bethel, "the house of God". The first night Jacob ran for his life, he anointed that rock and it became a Bethel stone. He made a covenant and said, "Oh Lord, the God of Abraham and my father Isaac will be my God". The place where he made a covenant before God became a city.
Gibeon was another city which Benjamin was bequeathed. Gibeon means, "like a hill". It was a refuge city where people would run to save their life after having committed a murder.
Mizpah was the next city which means, "a watch tower". This is like a place to watch, pray, and be lifted up before the Lord. In this place you can be assured that no enemy can approach which has not been seen.
The next place was Jebus, or Jerusalem. Jeru means, "the threshing floor", and Salem means, "peace". Talk about the love of God and what He has given unto His people! Six cities, with each one having a very special place in the history of this great nation. Benjamin, like most spoiled children, never got it right. This Benjamin company was like an undisciplined person who was petted, pampered, and hovered over. I am sure something came into the vessels of this inheritance which always expected someone else to do the hard part. Benjamin was absorbed into the tribe of Judah as the battles came in time to come.
In Jerusalem, there was a Benjamin gate which faced the tribe, sometimes referred to as the sheep gate. We see these great and mighty warriors who had done great exploits, but we also see concern for self and self preservation.
Returning to Judges 19:11, "the servant said to his master, Come, I pray, and let us turn into this Jebusite city and lodge in it". Like the threshing floor of peace, the church has to come to the place where she is going to lay down before the Lord and be winnowed. She must deal with the things which must be revealed in a threshing floor experience.
There is a darnel company. There are things which have grown up in the midst of us which cause us to malfunction. These are areas in our life which must be addressed. Every one of us must have the comfort of Jerusalem, "the threshing floor of peace". We have to climb that Mt. Zion (the mountain of God) by the Spirit, and lie down on that threshing floor. We must let the winnowing fan of Jesus Christ purge us. The whole kernel, the best plan of God for our life, will be revealed. There will be nothing in us that will have to pass the test in this last day, because we have already allowed a winnowing and a purging to take place.
Mt. Zion was the highest mountain of Jerusalem. It is spoken of as the city of our God. When we realize what the Lord is saying unto us, we know that Jesus Christ is the King (of the mountain). He took our place on Calvary where His blood was shed so we could appropriate that perfect work of winnowing. We can be set free from the lawlessness, greed, and selfishness. We can be set free from all of the things which come through the natural man because of the sin principle in the generation man of death. (Obadiah 1:21)
We are a new generation. We are a last Adam who has been born to live forever, because we have received Jesus Christ, and we have been born of His Spirit. There is a purging process taking place in this last day generation.
The angel in the book of Revelation had a great and mighty sickle in his hand. The word was spoken, "the earth's crop is fully ripe". It was time to mow down the grain and deal with those areas so the separation would come. No longer would you be torn, tortured, despised, and carry a great and mighty burden. We must understand this crop, (the seed of God, which is the planting of the Lord). This seed of salvation has been nurtured and matured. Everything which we need to overcome is in that package plan of God, His Name is Jesus.
When you come into agreement with God's Word, you are going to be different. You are going to be willing to work and you are going to want to deal with yourself. We run to the threshing floor and lay down before the Lord. We say, "Oh, Lord, God, winnow me. Show me to me. Let there be no darnel which has to be tested in this last day and removed".
There is coming an hour when you shall know, even as you are known. If you refuse to deal with yourself today, you will fall by the wayside in that hour. How glorious is the Word of God to our heart.
The church has the attributes of the concubine. She is an unfaithful lover. She wants to go back to her daddy's house so she does not have to grow up. She can remain daddy's little girl and do what she wants. We see this spirit in ourselves from time to time. We find that the hurt and pain which complicated our life, became so big that we do not want to press on any farther. If the enemy had his way, he would cause you to be blind in that respect. He does not want you to be able to deal with those areas which need to be dealt with in our life.
Continuing in vers eleven, "And the servant said to his master, Come, I pray, and let us turn into this Jebusite city and lodge in it. And his master said to him, We will not turn aside into the city of foreigners, where there are no Israelites. We will go on to Gibeah", that high hill which was a refuge city.
Verse twelve continues, "And he said to his servant, Come, and let us go to one of these places and spend the night in Gibeah or in Ramah", symbolic of "a height".
"And so they passed on and went their way; and the sun went down on them near Gibeah, which belongs to Benjamin, and they turned aside there, to go in and lodge at Gibeah. And the Levite went in and sat down in the open square of the city, for no man took them into his house to spend the night".
It was a custom, if you were a stranger or a sojourner in a city, you would sit in the town square. As the people who lived there passed by, they would ask you to come to their home and spend the night with them. You could spend the night with whoever invited you for up to three days with no questions asked. There would be food on the table and a nice bed to rest in. But on the fourth day, you had to either talk, or leave. That was the custom of that day.
Continuing in verse sixteen, "And behold, an old man was coming from his work in the field at evening; he was from the hill country of Ephraim (which means "doubly fruitful") but was living temporarily in Gibeah; the men of the place were Benjamites. And when he looked up, he saw the wayfarer in the city square; and the old man said, Where are you going? And from where did you come?"
"The Levite replied, We are passing from Bethlehem of Judah to the rear side of the hill country of Ephraim; I am from there. I WENT TO Bethlehem of Judah, but I am [now] going [home] to the house of the Lord [where] I serve; and there is no man who receives me into his house. Yet we have both straw and provender for our donkeys, and bread and wine also for me and your handmaid and the young man who is with your servants; there is no lack of anything". Some people say the same thing today by saying, "I've got all of God I want. I do not want to change anything"."
"And the old man said, Peace be to you; but leave all your wants to me; only do not lodge in the street. So he brought him into his house, and gave provender to the donkeys. And the guests washed their feet, and ate and drank." We see here a preparation, and making ready for a rest in a house which would comfort them for a night. We may come through many situations in life which will look like rest. However, walking through it, we will find ourselves in turmoil and fear.
"Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain worthless fellows, beset the house round about, and beat on the door, and said to the master of the house, the old man, Bring forth the man who came to your house, that we may have intercourse with him". That Benjamite city was full of homosexuality. Looking by the Spirit, we understand, man cannot please himself, with himself. That is the spirit behind homosexuality. It will produce nothing but defeat, sickness, and death. The homosexual is emotionally unstable and unbalanced. He is trying to change his own identity.
Out of that Benjamite city, we see things unattended to. This is what came forth out of a generation who expected everyone else to do things for them. We see selfishness, and self exaltation manifested through homosexuality. They wanted to have their way with this Levite priest.
"And the man, the master of the house, went out and said to them, No, my kinsmen, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is my guest, do not this [wicked] folly. Behold, here are my virgin daughter and this man's concubine; them I will bring out now; debase them and do with them what seems good to you, but to this man do not so vile a thing". This is hard to hear and hard to understand and realize what is going on in the land. This is the results of going your own way, rather than seeking the Lord. This is what happens when you choose the old order rather than the will of God on a day by day unfolding of truth. This exemplified a life of not walking in the Spirit and living in the presence of the Lord. You are even willing to sacrifice your own seed.
This Benjamite was willing to sacrifice these two ladies so the Levite would not be harmed. However, continuing in verse twenty-five, "the men did not listen to him. So the man took his concubine, and forced her forth to them and they had intercourse with her, and abused her all the night until morning. And when the dawn began to break they let her go".
We look at the church system today and we see this same revilement. We see men following signs and wonders, walking in psychic phenomenal, and teaching doctrines of devils. There are things going on in the church which should not be happening. The Church, like the unfaithful lover, has become a harlot system.
The concubine was thrown out to the city, the city being what man has made for himself. That spirit of homosexuality abounded there. They took this concubine and abused her all night. As long as the church sits in the darkness of the death realm, refusing to go on, and refusing to hear God's truth, nothing will change. The Church has refused to understand that deliverance has to come in order to separate us from this death realm. Like the darkness of night, the Church has been forced to compromise and is being overcome by the harlot system of this day. Until this is understood, the Bridegroom cometh, yet the Bride is not ready for her commitment vows.
Continuing in verse twenty-six, "At daybreak the woman came and fell down and lay at the door of the man's house where her master was, till it was light". We have a church system which is a harlot, wounded, hurting situation that must come into the agreement of God's plan. The preparation of the Bride is to make herself ready for her Bridegroom. The church system is pleasing self by building kingdoms unto men. The church is like a harlot system with a flirtatious eye for the things of the flesh and the lusts of the eye.
"And her master rose up in the morning and opened the doors of the house." Now that the light has come, it is a safe place. Her master, the Levite "went out to go his way". We will just go on our own way and think everything will be all right. "And behold, his concubine had fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold". Again we see a picture of the abused church dying. Even when your hands are holding the threshold, death will still come.
The threshold is the casement, or the form which the door takes to make the entrance. The church is holding on to the form, or the entrance way where the form of man's doctrines, doubt and unbelief, and death avail. This is a harlot system, hard to deal with and hard to understand, which neglects the Word of God. A system praying scared prayers, and prayers of selfishness. Death is setting in at the threshold. Her hands were gripping with five fingers, symbolic of the five-fold ministry holding on to the threshold, a semblance of form.
Beloved, there is life everlasting in the true Ecclesia, the Body of the Church. The Lord God is saying, "Come out from among them and be ye separate". Know that the Word of God is planned for every individual. Your being IS THE Church of Jesus Christ. You are the Living Stone. You are being built up into that spiritual house that belongs to the Lord, God Almighty. Zechariah 6:12 says, "Behold, look at the Branch, the Messiah. He is building the true Church". Beloved, that is you and me.
This old church system, as good as it has been, is full of abuse and death this very hour. I am not telling you to leave anything. I am telling you to recognize that you are the Church and you are that Living Word which the Lord has called into agreement. He has given His very nature, which is your inheritance, unto each one of us so we might be like Him.
Verse twenty-eight continues, "And the Levite said to her, Up, and let us be going." How can it be understood that you cannot go back? You cannot raise up the old order again. Remember when Jesus went through Samaria to go through Jerusalem? He didn't go that way just because the road went that way. Samaria is a symbol of rebellion because it is the capital of the ten tribes who rebelled.
There was a well Samaria called Jacob's well. The Bible says it was high noon, or twelve o'clock when you have the brightest light in the natural realm. Jesus said it was necessary for Him to go to Sameria on His way to Jerusalem. He sat down on Jacob's well - that old order which had never gone dry all those years. Flocks had been watered, and men had passed by and gotten a drink. It was a life containment, good to the last drop.
Jesus brought a new order. He sat down on that well at high noon, the fullness of light. Jesus had a new order, an artesian flow with living water. Jesus said, "Out of your innermost being will flow rivers of living water". He was speaking of us being in the Spirit and having spiritual understanding. The woman who came to the well could not comprehend this. All she was thinking was that He did not have a bucket to dip out the water with, because she was looking in the natural. Jesus spoke to her by the Spirit.
The woman said to Jesus, "Lord, give me this water to drink." He said, "How many husbands have you?" This is what living water does. It makes you look at yourself. She answered Him, "Give me this water to drink", and He gave her the water she needed to be satisfied. He caused her to get honest and see herself. That is a washing situation with a cleansing purpose. It was high noon and it could be seen by all.
The Levite told his concubine, in verse twenty-eight, to get up, "and let us be going". You see, even the leadership of the church does not realize that the Bride is about to die, or she is already dead. People come into the church sick, and they go home sick. They come in brokenhearted and grieved, and they go home the same way.
The Levite wanted her to get up so they could be going, but there was no answer. "Then he put her [dead body] upon the donkey, and the man rose up, and went home." We are thinking, "Lord, this is terrible. Why did You leave this in the Word for us to hear?" I believe it is a mystery, a shadow and type, and an understanding for this last day. Beloved, we are not going to continue to be abused all night unto death and find ourselves only able to hold onto the threshold of Truth. We belong to the household of faith. We have passed from death to life and we are going to live forever. We are going to get into God's plan, and we are going to do it God's way.
Most people want God, but they want Him on their own terms. This concubine was just gripping the threshold. That was all she could do. There was nothing left but to hang onto the threshold. We see the church system in this same condition. She could not even give him an answer.
Continuing in verse twenty-nine, "And when he came to his house, he took a knife, and took hold of his dead concubine, and divided her [body] limbs into twelve pieces, and sent her [body] throughout all the territory of Israel". That which was terrible becomes even more terrible. We shudder at the thought of the church with its old order and death. Each tribe received a piece of her body so they might see what takes place when one of their household has allowed such abominable practices. Practices which please themselves and cause them to walk in greed and selfishness, like the nature of a beast, only brings destruction.
Verse thirty tells us the response of the people when they saw the concubine's body. "And all who saw it said, There was no such deed done or seen from the day that the Israelites came up out of the land of Egypt to this day; consider it, take counsel, and speak [your minds]."
Her body was cut into twelve pieces. The number twelve signifies the perfect government of God. We remember there was no king or government in Israel. Twelve, in that governmental perfection, brings Divine order understanding. There were twelve tribes, twelve disciples, and twelve gates in the New Jerusalem. Twelve times twelve is one hundred forty-four. Twelve cannot complete itself any further. This is a shadow and type of the one hundred forty-four thousand who were sealed in their foreheads in Revelation 7:4. The tribe of Ephraim and Dan were left out, but Manasseh and Benjamin were grafted in. Benjamin, "the son of the right hand", was cared for and brought forth. This is God's plan for the church.
We must understand that God had all of us in mind from the foundation of the world. God has "a sealing plan", and we will be sealed in the forehead, as the twelve thousand from each of the twelve tribes were. How are we sealed? By the mind being sealed to truth and made ready for the seal of the living God.
Twelve is a very significant number in the Bible. You will find twelve of each of the following:
1. Twelve partridges from Seth to Noah and from Shem to Jacob
2. Twelve sons of Israel
3. Twelve gates of the New Jerusalem
4. Twelve apostles
5. Twelve foundations
6. Twelve gates to the city
7. Twelve pearls
8. Twelve angels who carried announcements
All of these represent the discipline of God's government. Twelve pieces of the concubine were sent to the twelve tribes. We see the worst thing which could happen by this secondary wife being sacrificed in this unholy, horrifying situation.
When Israel saw what took place, every tribe came and there was a great and mighty battle. Israel wept before the Lord because they hated to come against their brother Benjamin. Every time they consulted the Lord, they were told to go ahead. Every time they fought, they lost men in this battle, eighteen thousand at one time.
This is hard to hear and deal with, but what is in the family generation must be exposed. You cannot take over and destroy God's plan. You cannot have it your way and throw out God's visitation to your house. God gave Benjamin into their hands, just as He will for us as we deal with those areas in our life which need to be dealt with. This is God's Mercy.
We are dealing with things which are hard to look at, but must be dealt with in this last day. They had to have hated to see that piece of the concubine. It seems so barbaric and horrifying, but it is a symbol and a shadow and type of the ravaging allowed when that tribe turned its back on God. That spoiled youngster, who was not made to mind or do right, brought this abuse forth. The spirits came in and nearly blotted out the namesake of Benjamin.
The inherited bondages and curses in our bloodline are hard to look at. Our culture says we are dignified and proud. We do not do certain things in front of people. We do not get honest most of the time. We wear a spiritual mask because we do not want people to see the hurt and pain which is there. But, like the concubine who held onto the form, the church must understand the work of Calvary.
They mocked Jesus and spit upon Him. Talk about abuse. They pulled His hair from His beard and put a crown of thorns upon His head. They did everything they could in the natural to abuse the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. They even called Him a King. They told Him to heal Himself. They did all kinds of abusive things which would have caused destruction if He had just been a man. He was the Son of God and He was willing to suffer and take our place. He was willing to go to Calvary and be bruised, tormented, and mocked, for He knew the whole picture.
Jesus knew He was the Son of God and that the death realm was full of death, grief and destruction. He knew that death had to be swallowed up in victory. He knew that the grave would no longer sting. Out of His death would come a life force and an understanding of resurrection Truth. When they looked into that tomb, the grave clothes were left. The napkin which had covered His face was folded in another place. The angels at the head and foot of the briar expressed God's mercy protection waiting in this natural realm. This was symbolic of that covenant Ark of Heaven.
Jesus took His blood and sprinkled it on that covenant Ark of Heaven so you and I could go free. Every realm of God's creation plan could now see and understand the doorway of the covenant which was made possible by the blood of Jesus Christ. Now every realm could see the picture of reconciliation which the Lord God had planned. God planned a resurrected life, and a deliverance principle for a people who would hear, obey, and believe His Word. All mankind could now walk through that doorway and receive their inheritance. Talk about living. Talk about glory. Talk about Jesus. "It is finished."
Is deliverance necessary? I do not see how you can go any farther without it. We must come into that place where we command our vessel to line up with the Word of God. We have been delivered, we are going to be delivered, and we are being delivered. Deliverance is a progressive work, making more room in us for Jesus.
The mind of man, the last frontier, is like a door which we must enter. We must understand the abuse bruise which separates and defiles our vessel. The mind is like the tabernacle door. The cleansing of God's house will take place as we hear by the Spirit what the Spirit is saying.
The principles of deliverance must be understood. Total honesty, total humility, total belief, faith and trust, and total desperation is needed for deliverance to come to your vessel. We must get to the place where we say, "I cannot go on any farther. I want this out in the Name of Jesus". We have suffered from the sins of our fathers, but we have been born of the Spirit of Life through the blood of Jesus Christ to live forever.
I would like to pray for you. "Lord, I pray for Your precious people. Give them understanding and wisdom. Teach us what we need to know and understand in this last day as the manifestation of a covenant people who are joined together in Christ Jesus. Give us a Levitical priesthood understanding of this "joined holiness". Cause us to become the Bride of Christ through the principle of union by being one in Christ Jesus".
"I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, he who does not enter in by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way (elsewhere, from some other quarter) is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. The watchman opens the door for this man, and the sheep listen to his voice and heed it, and he calls his own sheep outside. He walks on before them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. They will never [on any account] follow a stranger, but will run away from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers or recognize their call."
"Jesus used this parable (illustration) with them, but they did not understand what He was talking about. So Jesus said again, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that I Myself am the Door for the sheep." (John 10:1-7)