And when those who bore the ark had come to the Jordan, the feet of the priests bearing the ark were in the brink of the water.
Joshua 3:15
Behold, a company of people. A foot company with feet that will stand in the brink of the Jordan, the "descender," the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is an hour when discipline must come into focus in the church. As good as the programs of man have been, we must obey God's Word so the Divine Order of His plan will be fulfilled in our life. Much is taking place to fill the mind and heart with the desires of an earthly order. But Beloved, God is grooming a people with a heaven mind, a heaven understanding, a heaven hope, and a heaven glory, to possess their inheritance "in Him." God is making ready a people who will keep His commandments, know His voice, and follow Him "whithersoever He goeth."
Blanche Reynolds
Kingdom Voice Ministries
The Lord has spoken that the time for war is upon us. The Lord our God is in the midst of His church, His Ecclesia, His called out ones. There's a mighty army emerging in this hour that's delivering and causing men to know that the Lord, their God, has never lost a battle. He has never lost a war, and He never takes any prisoners but He sets the captives free. The war trumpet is sounding. It's a long blast, and it's a certain sound.
We are all moving into a clearer, more in depth understanding of the Word. God is continually bringing us into His Glorious Truth. We're growing up, overcoming, and changing, moment by moment. The Lord makes His Word powerful within us when we command our being to His attention.
The Lord has spoken and we are ready to go in and possess the land, which is our inheritance. It's a call to war. It's a time to do battle against the enemy. Just because you leave satan alone doesn't mean that he's going to leave you alone. We are all coming to a point in our Jesus experience where we must stand in the authority of maturity. We must command our being to His attention and pull down every stronghold within us. The battle is declared and has been set in array and the mind of man is the prize.
The enemy seeks to devour, steal, and keep you ignorant of the authority you have in the Name of Jesus. He knows if he can render you helpless then he can march in and out of your life. The enemy wants to bind, suppress, and control your life to hurt and bruise you. He wants to control you in the realm of death. But Glory to God, we have been visited with the measure of Life that is resurrected and out of death. The Lord is grooming His people to be priests and kings in this last day. We have come into this earth because of His decision to stand and bring deliverance to His Body.
Let's look at Joshua chapter 1. God was making some changes here. Moses is now dead in this passage. "The Lord said to Joshua, son of Nun, Moses' minister, Moses My servant is dead; so now arise [take his place], go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land which I am giving to them, the Israelites." Just as it was in Joshua's day, so it is in our day. These changes God is making are to bring us into a greater depth and harmony with His Word.
We are beginning to understand the dominion, the power, and the authority of our birthright privilege. The more we grow up and mature in Him by handling the things of His Word, we begin to understand the power, dominion, and authority of Truth that He has vestured us with, as the heirs of salvation. Like Canaan was an Inheritance to the children of Israel, salvation is our inheritance in this hour. God intends, just like that Canaan experience with the children of Israel, that there be no co-existence, no enemies lurking, no "live-in arrangements" with satan's territory, his demons, his authority, or principalities. God intends for this end time generation man to stand in the holiness of His Word and to declare His Glory to the nations. He intends for us to possess our inheritance as His Word in this earth and to drive out the enemies that have set themselves in battle array against the mind of man. Wherever the enemy is fighting, we must command him to let us go in the Name of Jesus. We must remove ourselves from satan's authority by breaking every curse and commanding every legal right of bloodline bondage canceled and broken. Everything that is comprised in death and has had authority in our life, must be loosed in Jesus' Name.
It is serious, Beloved. We must look at Truth and know God has planned for this hour. He is calling His many membered body to stand in holiness before Him. As long as we remain in a compromised understanding, or limited wisdom and knowledge, and allow the carnal nature of our mind to control and program our day, the longer we will be limited in power. We are weakened in authority and bound up in wisdom and knowledge. This has blinded us so we don't know the fact of life is that through the blood of Jesus Christ, authority and dominion over death has been given unto us. We have been called out of death and raised to newness of life just as He was the first born of the resurrection. There is a resurrection people arising in the authority of their inheritance and standing in the gap to set creation free.
Beloved, it's time that as things are exposed and we are delivered, to stand in the gap and declare the Glory of Almighty God in this earth. Having been delivered ourselves, it's time for the eye of our understanding to look into the Body. Oh, let this army be ready to stand in the presence of God and make that declaration "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." We will not allow darkness to overtake us or death to abide in our dwelling any longer.
In the house of the Almighty God, the people are free, liberated, and full of love. They walk in wisdom, power, might, and dominion. These people of God judge themselves according to Jesus Christ, the plumb line of Truth. It's time that the revelation Word be revealed unto us so we will stand in that kind of living arrangement. "Oh Lord, God, be in me all that you want to be," should be the cry of our heart. Let the things that drive and the forces of the flesh be abated and controlled and the enemy cast out in the Name of Jesus.
It's time that satan stop stealing our children and warping their minds in rebellion. It's time that the fathers stand in Divine Order as the priest in their home. Beloved, this will only take place if we drive the enemies out of our households in the Name of Jesus. What makes rebellious children is parents that have been rebellious. God was making some changes in Joshua 1, as the children of Israel stood on the bank of the Jordan that day. Joshua receives his commission in the 5th verse. "No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life." See, no co-existence with your enemies. "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not fail you or forsake you." The Lord our God has planned for us in this very moment and He's right on time and right on target.
He's closing this day of grace to usher in His millennial purpose. Where are the faithful people? Where's the faithfulness unto the Lord our God? Where are we in our walk with Him? Let every man examine himself and prepare for war. Let every man understand that "I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine" arise in Jesus "there is no shadow of turning." The Lord has chosen to dwell in us, and we are His handy work in this earth. We are the letter from Jesus Christ to the world and we must pour out His Truth. As the faithful ones pour out His Truth, the Body will know the Lord has set them in this hour for just such a time as this. The faithful ones will hunger and thirst after righteousness because of their desire to fulfill God's Word in this hour.
We are going to possess our inheritance and know that the kingdom has been established for our dwelling Jesus Christ has called a holy priesthood, a royal race to stand in His image. Think on that, Church. You and I have been called to become the Word of God in this earth. How can this happen if we are blinded by the selfishness of our own mind? The weaknesses of bloodline bondages keep us in the death realm, and we are continually giving ourselves over to fleshly desires and the pull of the world. Beloved, faithfulness must be more closely handled in our container as we come before the Lord.
We're not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers in high places. Only as we are faithful and make ourselves available to Him can we in this final day know the true emancipation and power of God. Beloved, it's time that the Church march on. Foundations have been laid and salvation has been taught. Now let us receive that power and move on with God. The Lord continued to speak to Joshua in the 6th verse. He said, "Be strong [confident], and of good courage, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land, which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only you be strong, and very courageous, that you may do according to all the law, which Moses My servant commanded you. Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go." Please look at these conditions. The Word of God is nigh us and even in our mouth. The authority of possession is given to you and me. As it was spoken to Joshua, it is just as powerful and mighty this moment in the mouth of God's servants who understand their inheritance in Him.
The Lord, our God has called us out to bring us in. He has called us to turn aside from the things of the world and to look neither to the right nor to the left. We're called to be strong and courageous, expecting God to move every obstacle in our life and pour out His Spirit in every place where we are lacking. Expect Him to show you to you so when the war wages and the battle cry is exposed, you are standing there as the champion of Almighty God declaring liberty and freedom in your being. When this happens there will be nothing that satan can put on you or bind you with fetters of death, for you have been vestured with life that's everlasting. The power of God within you has set you free! Can you praise the Lord for who you are in Him?
The Word of the Lord to the people of God:
"For yea, I've dropped the scales of lethargy and passiveness of the same old, same old, day after day. For yea, I do a new thing in this earth. I call men to stand and not to co-exist with the enemy that has riddled their lives and caused them to be weakened. For yea, I open your eyes to life this day that you might begin to live in the authority of My Word and stop allowing the enemy of your soul to destruct, destroy and blind you in the prison of death. For My Word is in your mouth to do you good."
Church, it's time to go on. It's time to shake yourself from that old python nature. What is that python nature? It's just like in the natural when the python wraps himself around and squeezes his prey until he's helpless and there's no life left in him. That old python nature broods over the people. He's been sent in hoards to destroy, maim, and render helpless the children of Almighty God. It's time we began to look with the eyes of the Holy Spirit. We must see what is going on in the spirit world and command deliverance to the Body.
The Word of the Lord to the people of God:
"Oh yes, I've given you every city, every stronghold, saith the Lord. I've caused your enemies to flee before you. I've given you power and might and My Word has been declared in this earth, saith the Lord. In this earth, in our time, in My day, saith the Lord, I am moving in My plan and I'll cause your enemies to shutter in your presence. I will cause them to tremble at My Word in your mouth and you will be set free. Oh, taste and see that the Lord your God is good."
Verse 8 of Joshua 1 continues, "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it." Oh, Lord let this condition be met. Let us begin to view the authority of God's Word with a revelation mind. Let us come into such a dwelling place and a reverence in the Spirit that we understand the things of the Holy Spirit.
Let the strength of the Spirit and the power of God within us teach us and bring our vessel into harmony with God's Word. Oh, that we might be available to the presence of God, like a written epistle to the world. Let Jesus be seen in the midst of us.
Talk about an illumination of light. As the Body of Christ begins to illuminate the pure Word and take on the image and pattern of Jesus Christ, the Son, we will break every bondage and fetter that has bound us in the ancestral pattern of the death realm. Beloved, there's a new and living way prepared for each of us. We haven't even scratched the surface of the things God would do in this hour through His Body. Oh, Lord let us comprehend that Your Word is life forever.
God continues in verse 8, "for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success." Many curses have been visited unto us because of the bloodline bondages of doubt, unbelief, unfaithfulness, and the lack of care or understanding of generations past. We have been trying to function with all the curses that have bound us in the death realm.
"It's time," the Lord your God would say unto you, "I call you to burst out. I visit you in wisdom and knowledge for in this day I shall have a people known unto me. I shall have a people who are protected by My Name. I shall have a people who will no more bear the scar of death. For yea, I have a life everlasting, resurrection power. I have called you into newness of life as My Glory is revealed in the midst of you. The Lord your God would say unto you, Arise, shake yourselves from death and allow My Word to pour through you."
The fountain of living water is waiting to burst through your being, Church. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Let Him pour out His Word unto you so you never believe a lie and never back up, but you stand in the strength and the power of God. You stand expecting God to deliver and set you free. Oh, let us know and understand that in the Lord your God, you have been given a place to dwell where there is power, might, and dominion. Talk about success in life! Oh, it's good to know who you
are in the Name of Jesus.
God continues in the 9th verse, "Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous; be not afraid, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go." When you get to believing this, what can that old sly fox, the devil do to you? When you start understanding that the Lord your God is in the midst of you, you're ready to fling away the death realm and to remove yourself from every demonic force and control. It's time now that our mind be tended to and become a vessel of holiness before the Lord. Verse 10 continues, "Pass through the camp, and command the people..." This verse is telling us to look at where we are dwelling and what's going on here. Let's pass through the camp and make preparations. That's what deliverance is doing, the camp of God making preparations to go in and possess their inheritance of salvation. The word salvation means "deliverance" and we are a delivered people in the Name of Jesus.
Verse 11 continues, "Prepare your provisions; for within three days you shall pass over this Jordan, (which means "the descender", a symbol of the Holy Spirit), to go in to take possession of the land, which the Lord your God is giving you to possess. And to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh Joshua said, Remember what Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, The Lord your God is giving you [of these two and a half tribes a place of] rest, and will give you this land [east of the Jordan]. Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle shall dwell in the land which Moses gave you on this side of the Jordan; but all your mighty men of valor shall pass on before your brethren [of the other tribes] armed, and help them [possess their land]. Until the Lord gives your brethren rest, as He has given you, and they also possess the land the Lord your God is giving them. Then you shall return to the land of your possession, and possess it, the land Moses the Lord's servant gave you on the sunrise side of the Jordan."
You see, God didn't leave the families taking care of families without Divine protection. Beloved, we're like the Ruebenites and the half-tribe of Manasseh. We are the forerunners who are being exposed to the Word of power and might to bring deliverance and protection from the evil one. We're sent to guard and to drive out the enemies that are in the land God has given us to possess.
God has declared a rest, a place of peace. How do you spell rest? W-I-S-D-O-M. God has given us a place of rest through wisdom in Him. We have the knowledge of knowing the Lord our God is in the midst of us and His Word is declared forever. He changes not. His intention was that His Body would no longer co-exist with the people of the land who were their enemies, but in His Name, every enemy would be subdued, overpowered, and driven out. The endowment of your inheritance that is in your mouth is the Name of Jesus. His Name gives you power and authority over all that is comprised in death so you can drive out your enemy.
Beloved, God is speaking mightily to a people who will heat. He has chosen you to be His Body in this earth. He has chosen you to be free from every mark of the sin principle. He has planted within you the seed of salvation. In this human container that has taken on the likeness of generations past, there has been a last Adam nature planted, that seed of salvation. When we subdue this old flesh man and command him to stand back like the bursting out of many waters, salvation is seen in the midst of us. The Holy Ghost is in control, and we are living in the Spirit and enjoying the pleasures of our inheritance. Divine order of God's laws protect us from all that is evil in this earth.
Yes, a people emerging in power and might, willing to judge themselves because all the matter of judgment was given unto Jesus. (John 5:22) The four winds of Revelation 7, a symbol of judgment, are being held back by four angels. Judgment is being held back until the sons of God are sealed in their forehead with the Word of Almighty God. Beloved, everyone that worries about the mark of the beast better be more concerned about getting the seal of God in their forehead. We need to stop allowing our minds to be ravaged by satan's kingdom and allowing bloodline deceptions to control us. Let us stand in the authority and power of Truth and demand our rightful ownership as heirs of salvation so all that transpired on Calvary is at work in the midst of us, His Body.
Joshua was commanded to be strong and courageous and to do what the Lord commanded. God prepared everything, He left nothing out. That's the way it is when you're walking in the Spirit. He doesn't leave you hanging on some limb hoping it won't break. He doesn't stop the world to let you get off. He is molding and shaping a people who will stand the test of time and will pull down the strongholds and the dominions of death. The last enemy to be subdued is death. All this realm of the tangible is wrapped up in this death understanding. God is stripping it like the grave clothes off of Lazarus. The people are seeing underneath the wrapping, the force of life. God intends for us to walk out of death into the fullness of life as Jesus, the first born of the dead did. The Word is full of this Truth.
All of us have been called to seek and inquire of the Lord. The children of Israel passed through the camp and preparations were made. The trumpet sounded when they began to go. Every one of us must realize that we have a responsibility to come through the Spirit, that Jordan River experience of being emerged into the Holy Spirit. Each of us has a place in Canaan's Gilgal, that "place of rolling" where you roll your burdens upon the Lord as your salvation experience.
Let's turn to Joshua 3:10. "Joshua said, Hereby you shall know that the living God is among you, and that He will surely drive out from before you the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and Jebusites." If you will look up the meanings of these names, you will see that each represents the power of a bruise in your emotions.
Verse 11 continues, "Behold, the ark of the covenant; the Lord of all the earth is passing over before you into Jordan!" (God's covenant) "So now take twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe." See, every man had a representation in the presence of God. "When the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord of all the earth shall rest in the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan coming down from above shall be cut off, and they shall stand in one heap. So, then the people set out from their tents to pass over the Jordan with the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people."
Now let's look at this with spiritual understanding. You see, God is not going to jerk you up by the hair of the head and force you into a place that you're not going to know how to walk or live in. He's not calling you into a spiritual life of mixture that wonders and hopes. He's calling you to come out of death into life. He's calling you to know that every Word that proceeds out of His mouth is intended to be understood by you. In fact He said, "if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God." When He calls you to walk, live, and take up residence in the Spirit, He means for you to have spiritual understanding. It's ,just like in the house you live in now. You know where everything is but if you misplace something you can pray and the Lord will show you where it is.
You see, the Lord never fails. He has made His plan and He means for it to work. Deliverance may sound strange to you in this hour, but let me just site the facts. The first demon Jesus drove out was in the synagogue where the religious people of the day were. Seventy percent of Jesus' ministry was driving out the demonic forces. The Word of the great commission to you and me is that we will drive out demons in His Name. We have understood the remission of sin, Divine healing and health. Now as He reveals this mystery of iniquity, lawlessness, and rebellion, we are being delivered from it. This is
God's plan, His covenant promise going before us just like He did for the children of Israel.
Verse 15 continues, "Those who bore the ark had come to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were in the brink of the water." See, so many times our feet lag behind because our mind is full of fear, doubt, unbelief, and misunderstandings. The mind is the gateway or entrance. When the mind is set, the body obeys.
So the feet are made for walking. I call this generation a "foot company." We have been called to usher in the Body. We're bringing the final deliverance in this hour. Every generation has had a measure of the Word and its prophets, forerunners and deliverers. God is calling in this final hour this many membered Body, the Bride, the union of Him, Jesus, to come to that place of completeness and perfection. As we are "in Him" we will walk out of death and be propelled by life. From everlasting to everlasting, we will live in the perfection and completeness of God's Almighty Word.
A foot company, a people designed to set creation free who are deliverers corporate in stature. No big "I's" and little "U's." Nothing in the flesh to remind you of death. A people so in love with Jesus and the Body, the brethren and fellow heirs of salvation. They are living in such a place of responsibility that they declare "the Kingdom and of the Kingdom there shall be no end."
Lord let us come into this understanding. Let us stop trying to pull away from one another and get involved in loving and helping others. We need to pray, intercede, travail, and command in authority that God's love be shed abroad through the heart of His Body. His Body must move in the excellence of His Glory with their eye single before Him. Let us stop allowing Satan to ravage our minds in despair, doubt, and unbelief.
In Joshua 3:15, the feet began to touch the brink of the water. That's what is happening right now. God's feet, His Body, is touching the brink of the water. We're beginning to stand there and all of heaven is called to witness the power of God in His Body. The Body is coming together and beginning to flow in the unction and the union of becoming "one in Him." The sheep are being called out and the Shekinah Glory is designed to be seen in this many membered Body. As He sends, so shall we go.
Lord, be in us all that You want to be. Let there be no selfishness or rebellion in us that would not let us bend, but would cause us to separate ourselves from the Body. Do you not understand why satan has put such an emphasis on rebellion in this hour? He knows it is the one tool of selfishness that will separate the people's families. We see it everywhere we go, rebellion until it is a mire and a mixture. The cup of lawlessness is full and spilling out in this earth, and God is ready to judge it.
Beloved, before it is totally judged, a people who have been willing to judge themselves are emerging and standing in the gap. They're being snatched from the furnace of affliction. The fire of God is raging. He's pouring out His Spirit, and Beloved, it's time to step in and be obedient in the simple things. Let God speak to your mind and your being.
Where are we now in all of this? It's changing time, you see. You can't co-exist with the forces of hell. You can't be bowed down in the weaknesses of your mind with emotions that have been bruised to the point that your personality is warped in certain areas. It's time that life be totally revealed. The sons of God must now stand in the authority of Truth and set creation free.
So when they stepped in the brink of the water, the miracle began. The waters subsided and then they stood. The priests' feet, in verse 15, "were in the brink of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks through the time of harvest)." Beloved, God is calling a people to merge in and to come on into the greatness of His Glory and His Divine Plan. Let His Word be so revealed that we would not miss one splendorous thing He has designed for us to be fulfilled in.
Oh, Lord the changes that are necessary. When You planned Lord, You called out a Blanche, a Norman, a John, and each one of us to be sent to survey the situation in our own lives. Your Plan is working and You're Alive in this earth. Oh, Lord let your Word fill this earth, your vessel.
In Joshua 4, they took a stone, or a rock. Then in verse 4, "Joshua called twelve men of the Israelites, whom he had appointed, a man from each tribe. And Joshua said to them, Pass over before the ark of the Lord your God in the midst of the Jordan, and take up every man of you a stone on his shoulder, as is the number of the tribes of the Israelites." We must pass over before the covenant to let our call and election be sure. We must work out our own salvation.
Why do you think they had to put the stone on their shoulders? Look at Isaiah 9:6. "For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder." His Name is Jesus. He has been given to us that we might know the plan of God, the pattern of the ages, the Son of God. God formed the world that He might bring forth out of it a Bride for His Son. He has called and qualified us in the dominion of all Truth.
A child is born and a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulders. They bore that rock on their shoulder because they were going in, in the authority of the highest Word, the government of God. This is a symbol, shadow, and type that in the ages to come, out of the Spirit and personality of God, would come a burden bearer, the Rock of Ages. His government would be upon His shoulders "and His Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the Increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end."
This is what is happening in deliverance. We're seeing the increase of God's government in this earth when we pull down the principalities and the powers and we empty ourselves before the Lord. When we invite Him, the Holy Ghost, to take over every area we've emptied, than we see the increase of His government and peace because that's what deliverance does. It brings you authority and peace. And "of His kingdom there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice. "
Thank You, Lord for Your laws. They are our protection, and Your grace, which is Your favor, helps us abide in the liberty and freedom of Your Word. Every Word You have spoken into this earth is to make me better, to deliver, to protect, to carry me and give me liberty, freedom, and total rest. Yes, Lord from that later time forth and evermore, the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.
What does deliverance do? It lets the zeal of the Lord of Hosts loose in the midst of you. Talk about loving Jesus and having an experience in His presence. What could be in the death realm that we would want to hold onto compared with the zeal of the Lord of Hosts? How could we ever think of making any kind of exchange or compromise? Why would we not seek Him? Glory to God.
The stone was put on the shoulders as a representation for every tribe. Let's look back at Joshua 4:6. "That this may be a sign among you, when your children ask in time to come, What do these stones mean to you?" It means freedom, liberty, and God's miraculous power. It means God cared so much that He'd let us walk over on dry land and dwell in His provision in Canaan. This walk of living in the Spirit is like moving in with God. To take up residence in this home means to at last come into a heaven nature, mind, and glory in this earth.
Verse 7 continues, "Then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; when it passed over the Jordan, the waters of Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the Israelites a memorial for ever." You can't forget the first works of your salvation. Many times we forget what we were and what Jesus did. We can't forget the first work that Jesus did when He forgave us. He doesn't let us forget it because it is the established basis of our birthing process. We were birthed a new creature through the blood of Jesus Christ to stand in authority and to live in Him, forever. That shouldered responsibility of Jesus, our Cornerstone, causes us to know whence we came. We know, as the heirs of salvation, that we stand as He is in this earth.
Verse 8 continues, "And the Israelites did as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, as the Lord told Joshua, and carried them over with them to the place where they lodged, and laid them down there."
"And Joshua set up twelve stones in the midst of the Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the covenant had stood; and they are there to this day. For the priests who bore the ark stood in the midst of the Jordan, until everything was finished." That's exactly what is happening now. We are here until everything is finished. We are the finished work. Jesus said at Calvary, "it is finished." We are the people of the finished work. It is done. Everything that was needed, transpired for us on Calvary 2000 years ago on.
So they stood there until everything was finished. See, God wants you to know every jot, line, and tittle. He's the Alpha and He's the Omega. In this "end-time, Omega people," last finished Word people are emerging in power, Truth, authority, and Glory, and they are delivering humanity. All of creation that's groaning in the pains of travail of this world is trying to birth something they have not been equipped to do.
It doesn't matter how good your mind is in the natural. Until you have had an introduction to the Holy Ghost and begin to dwell and think in the process of spiritual understanding, you cannot know what God has done in your behalf. Neither can you walk in the protection of His Glory because flesh and blood cannot reveal it to you. Why do you think the enemy is doing so much to try to destroy the work of God in this earth and blot out His Name in the mind of the people? Because He knows when the people remember Calvary and the Name of Jesus, they'll rise up in the authority and power of that Name and he will have to loose them.
Satan has set out to control our minds. In a university in this nation, there is a temple erected to Hara Krishna. An idolatrous, eastern religion allowed there because the people want that kind of idolatry. Their minds have been so bruised and taken up in humanism.
Oh God, let the Word be revealed to Your sons and let us stand in the authority of Your Word. Let us begin to rise up against the darkness that is seeking to cover the land. Let us judge ourselves so that we might in judgment set creation free. Oh Lord, be in the midst of us. Let us know Your Word by the revelation power of the Holy Ghost. We've come to the brink of the river, but we haven't passed over. Let us move into the authority of God's Word and pass over in haste as the children of Israel did.
They slept that night at Gilgal which is "the place of rolling." Beloved, when you know who you are and salvation is met in you, you're going to rest in God. They rolled all their burdens off there at Gilgal. They laid down everything they had been carrying all those years in the wilderness. This new generation man had been birthed in the wilderness. Remember that old rebellious generation that died in the wilderness in the 40 years they were there. That generation man was blotted out and now this new generation was birthed in the wilderness.
This new generation camped with God and learned obedience by the things they suffered. They followed the sound of the trumpet and the pillar of smoke by day and the fire by night. They heard the voice of the Lord and saw the Shekinah Glory in the tent of meeting. This is the generation that was chosen to be "in Him," and carry out His thoughts, even as He thinks them. This is understanding the Tabernacle Glory. They were looking forward to the coming of Jesus Christ who would, in His time, build the True Temple. Zechariah 6:12 says, "Behold -- look at, keep in sight, watch -- the Man [the Messiah? whose name is the Branch; for He shall grow up in His place and He shall build the true] temple of 'the Lord." He's building the True tabernacle of living stones, called up out of the Jordan. These are those who are called out of the Spirit and are putting on Glory and salvation. A living, dwelling, and breathing place in Almighty God where we are free to know the Glory of His presence and hear His voice. There is a generation coming forth that will understand as He thinks because of the closeness of being "one in Him." Oh, Lord God let us understand Your breath of Life in the midst of us in this hour.
So Joshua got up that morning and walked about five miles out of Gilgal. Five is the number of ministry, the fivefold ministry. In Joshua 5:13, "he looked up, and behold, a Man stood near him with His drawn sword in His hand. And Joshua went to Him, and said to Him, Are you for us, or for our adversaries? And He said, "No neither", but as Prince of the Lord's host (the Son of God) am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and worshiped, and said to Him, What says my Lord to His servant?"
Did you ever wonder why He said to Joshua, "No, neither?" Let me show you what the Lord said to me. They were viewing Jericho and all of Canaan was their possession. Their enemies must be driven out and the walled city of Jericho was the first place were they were to do battle. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, stood there having been sent to take out a tithe of deliverance. The walls of Jericho were made because they thought they could appease their god by taking their first and last born, cutting them into pieces and putting them into the mortar of the wall as their erected protection. They had taken life, thinking they could protect themselves from death and their enemies.
God called Joshua into Canaan to take possession of their inheritance by driving out their enemies and bringing deliverance to them. God went before them to fight their battle. It's the only time in the Word that God took the whole tithe as HE did from the walls of Jericho. (Joshua 6:24) Verse 15 continues, "And the Prince of the Lord's host said to Joshua, Loose your shoes from off your feet; for the place where you stand is holy. And Joshua did so," showing his obedience.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has come. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. God foreordained before the beginning of time His plan to have a people who would know Him. His family recognizing their place in Him, the first fruit. God got the spoil of Jericho, but a people who had grown up in obedience carried out the plan. A plan simply using a shout, but only when God said it was the right time. The people became God's trumpet and sounded the war cry. In this hour, you and I are becoming God's trumpet. With the shout of the Name of Jesus, the walls of Jericho, the fenced city of bondages in our flesh and the weaknesses of death must fall.
The enemy of death is the last to go, according to I Corinthians 15:26. We're pulling him down because the Lord our God has given us dominion. Jesus Christ was sent by God. He hung His celestial robes in some magnificent hallway and put on swaddling clothes as He was born in a manger. Coming into a world "that received Him not but to as many as did receive Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God."
Beloved, God's calling His sons to stand today. I'm not talking about girls and boys with the shapening of your generation man, or the likeness of your namesake. I'm talking about the man-child people that have been birthed out of the wilderness experience of death. Those which have been born out of the Spirit and learned by obedience by the things they suffered.
A people who are willing to pull down all the bondages of death, destruction, and every bruise that has bruised the personality through the selfishness of man. This is a people who command their mind to be changed, renewed, and refreshed in Him in order to put on the mind of Christ and be sealed according to the purpose of God. These people are called to look neither to the right nor to the left, but to look only at the courageous majesty of God's Word. This is a delivered people who are called to stand in the gap, bringing deliverance in the Name of Jesus because they are disciplined in God's authority.
Jericho means "fragrance." I thought to myself, "Lord, what could be good about that?" The Lord said, "Deliverance is good." When you are set free from your enemy and he falls at your feet asunder, that has a fragrance and is a sweet savor.
Deliverance is a blessing to your life and Jesus Christ has come and given dominion, power, and authority to accomplish this in your life.
Joshua said, "As for me and my house we are going to serve the Lord." These walls must come down. The children of Israel made a lung blast like the groaning and travail that often comes in deliverance. Sometimes it's a wailing, a weeping, or a tearing, but it's always peace and blessing after you are set free.
I laugh in my spirit man so many times when people are so careful during deliverance because they don't want anybody to see them. They put on their religious face and try to hide and cover up. You can tell they don't want anyone to see them do anything that would be socially embarrassing. But when that person gets set free they are ready to tell everybody how bad it was and how wonderful it is now that they're delivered.
Deliverance exposes the flesh and then builds you up in the Spirit so you can stand in strength and power and defeat your enemy wherever he is. The church ought to be the hospital where you get Divine surgery. The church is where you let God arise and His enemies be scattered. The more we flow in worship and praise, the easier our enemies will scatter and the church will begin to move in one mind and purpose. Oh, Lord let us become a Body in Jesus' Name. Lord let us lift You up. We're here to bring the walls of Jericho down. There can be no coexistence with our enemy.
You see, love lets you look because love trust, has feelings and needs. We can fight the battle because God's love flows through us. It's time to take our shoes off because we're standing on Holy ground. God has called us out of the world as His deliverers to hear His voice. You had an experience in your salvation that you'll never forget. There's always the reminder which says, "Yes, I belong to Jesus and I've been birthed a new creature." There must be changes made in my dust man so that my life lines up with the Word of God.
It's time for the sounding of the long blast. You know the Word delivers you, and you've just read the Word God gave. God gave His Word to the writer's pen generations ago. Today He reveals it again in the authority that He intended it to be shared with His people.
Father, we command our being to Your Word. We've been camping with You Lord, but now You've given us a land to possess, an inheritance which we choose to take.
Say with me, "Lord Jesus I command my being to Your attention. I hold nothing back. I command my mind to line up with Your Word. I open up my gate, which is my mind, and in the Name of Jesus I invite the King of Glory to come in. Come in King of Glory. Show me to me in the Name of Jesus as I bow before you, Lord."
"I command all bruises of death to be loosed from me. I speak to selfishness, mind control, all witchcraft, sorcery, divination, and white and black magic and I break your hold on my life in Jesus' Name. I go back ten generations and I break all the witchcraft, spiritual idolatry, and adultery. (The sin of witchcraft is the same as the sin of rebellion, according to 1 Samuel 15:23.) I break the curse of rebellion for ten generations off of my life, my-family, and my generation, according to Deuteronomy 23:2. I command every legal right that Satan has had to torment me to be broken right now. I come against religious pride, the spirit of fear, anxiety, and nervousness, and I command you to leave me in Jesus' Name."
Now the rod of authority, spoken of in Isaiah 11:4, is in your mouth. It's the Name of Jesus. You're the boss and priest. This is priestly ministry. The priests were commissioned to keep the house of the Lord clean. You are that house. Come on in Jesus. We come to You, Lord, like living stones.
I Peter 2:4 says Jesus was "a living Stone" which men have tried and thrown away, but He was chosen and precious in God's sight. You and l are living stones, a part of His tabernacle, even so His Body. I will be what He intended me to be, I come as a living stone to be "built into a spiritual house for a wholly, dedicated, and consecrated priesthood." (1 Peter 2:5) To offer up those spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable and well-pleasing to God. For thus it stands in scripture, "Behold I'm laying in Zion a chosen, honored cornerstone, a chief cornerstone." I believe in Him and I trust and rely on Him. He has never disappointed me and I've never been put to shame." His Name Is Jesus.
Today is a day of choices. It is God's way, or your enemy, satan's way. There is no middle ground in this battle. You and I must :make the choice to go on with God. We will defeat every enemy foe and in His discipline we will win every battle His way is life out of death and living in the Spirit. Romans 8:2 says, "For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ [the law of our new being], has freed me from the law of sin and death." Beloved, the day is here when we must choose, "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)