For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father!
Romans 8:14-15 Amplified
Jesus said:
John 5:24 - "I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the person whose ears are open to My words [who listens to My message] and believes and trusts in and clings to and relies on Him Who sent Me has (possesses now) eternal life. And he does not come into judgment [does not incur sentence of judgment will not come under condemnation], but he has already passed over out of death into life." (Amph.)
John 6:63 - "It is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life-giver]: the flesh conveys no benefit whatever [there is no profit in it]. The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life." (Amph.)
The Word says:
Romans 8:2 - "or the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and of death." (Amph.)
II Timothy 1:10 - "[It is that purpose and grace] which He now has made known and has fully disclosed and made real [to us] through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, Who annulled death and made it of no effect and brought life and immortality (immunity from eternal death) to light through the Gospel." (Amph.)
I John 3:2 - "Beloved, Now are we the sons of God, but it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He doth appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is." (KJV)
In this last day generation man, God has planned with all of us in mind. We are the heirs of salvation (deliverance). "God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7) Jesus Christ took the keys of death and hell, giving man the gift of eternal life.
We're living in a day when we must understand what it means to "live in the Spirit of the Lord." In the natural realm, the Word of God seems so unusual and so far away at times. We are not able, with the natural mind, to comprehend the things of His Kingdom and the Glory of His presence in this hour. We have been bought with the price of Jesus' blood. We are a new creation; old things are passed away, and all things become new. This new generation man, this last Adam, is standing in a resurrected life that is out of death. We have come forth because He has called, qualified, ordered, chosen, and made ready a people who would come under the authority of His rod. He is speaking to His people and drawing us with chords of love. He is teaching us His Word so we might arrive at that point "in Him", of true perfection. For as He is, so shall we be in this last hour.
Jesus said in John 5:25, "The hour is come, and now is, when the dead shall hear My voice and all who hear it, shall live." Becoming involved in Truth with a spiritual understanding in our spiritual mind, we realize that God is speaking of a day, a time, a people "in Him", who will know the Truth and the freedom of His Truth. A life out of death, living to live "in Him". A people handling the situations of this natural realm with the force of eternal life! This is mind boggling to the natural man. However, in this hour, as the covenant promise and the heir of salvation, Jesus gives you the right to call on God in every situation that concerns you, and command life instead of death.
We are living in the authority, power, and privilege as the heirs of Jesus' covenant promise. His eternal purposes of immortality and perfection is being fulfilled in us. He is calling us out of death and we are realizing that His resurrection life is in us NOW. He's Alive! He's alive in the midst of His people, and there's a life expectancy in Him and us, that is forever.
We are not bound in weakness, sickness, or death. We are beginning to recognize the covenant privilege as the heirs of salvation. Salvation means "deliverance", and we are a people delivered and being delivered. The mixture in us is being exposed. We are looking into the cup of carnality and commanding, in the Name of Jesus, that our cup be emptied. Everything that sets itself against Truth is dealt with, in Jesus' Name. Jesus is the plumb line, God's full measure, the pattern Son. He's what we look at so we can know the difference between what is death and what is life.
We have come through many hardships, much pain, broken heartedness, painful situations unto death at times, but He has been faithful. His Word is like a fire in our bones that won't go out! We're saying, "Lord Jesus, fan the fire in us. We pull down the strongholds of death. We separate ourselves from this death realm, in your Name. You're the giver of life, and we shall be Your expression of Life, in this earth." When you start thinking this way, what can that old sly fox, the devil, do to you? Where has he got a foothold in your being? Nowhere, because you are exposed to Truth.
This new being, this new creation man, this last Adam is lined up with the Word that "became flesh and dwelt among us". (John 1:14) We are a Word people. We are walking out the Truth in this hour, and death is devastated. Death is the last enemy to go, and death has been put under our feet, according to I Corinthians 15:26. Every time you mortify that death realm in the Name of Jesus, the seed of salvation, Jesus in the midst of you, is germinating life. There's a knowing that "in Him".
It's time to go on. It's time to move out "in Him". It's time to expect God in the midst of you. He's there to do you good. You are His dwelling place in this earth, and deliverance just makes more room in you for Jesus. "I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the person whose ears are open to My words [who listens to My message] and believes and trusts in and clings to and relies on Him Who sent Me has (possesses now) eternal life. And he does not come into judgment, [does not incur sentence of judgment, will not come under condemnation], but he has already passed over out of death into life. Believe Me when I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the time is coming and is here now when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear it shall live". (John 5:25)
Romans 8:2 says we have received "the law of the Spirit of life". "The law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being], has freed me from the law of sin and of death." He has called us to live "in Him". We're to live in a liberty and a freedom of life where death does not abound. You cannot understand this with the natural mind, but in the Spirit, by the Spirit, and through the Spirit, you can have and know a spiritual life. This is a life that is "hidden with Christ in God". (Colossians 3:3)
The Spirit life law that Jesus Christ gave us is the law of life in the midst of us and it is out of death. Death has no power and dominion because we have been "born anew into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay [imperishable], unsullied and unfading, reserved in heaven for you". (I Peter 1:4) No more carnal, corrupted nature, but the new nature of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. A covenant, communion, commitment, and consecration that brings you out of bondage, into life. This life brings you into the presence of God, seated with Him, as He makes your enemies your footstool. When the Word is birthed within you, you will stand in the authority of God's government, His throne room. The very presence and power of God is then being fulfilled in the midst of you because His Word is working mightily in you.
Jeremiah 1:12 says, He's "watching over His Word to perform it". You and I are the Word people - the image, the likeness, the pattern of Jesus in this age, that will usher in His millennial purpose. We are the overlap, the Man child, His many membered Body of corporate stature. We are coming together in one mind, and one accord. Before us is the image of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and we will settle for nothing less than the fulfillment of that life in this earth. We must understand that "in Him", we have been designed according to His purpose, to live forever.
Do you see why the death realm must get out of your life? Do you see why you have to stop viewing the Word of God with a natural intellect and understanding? Instead we must look with the eyes of the Holy Ghost and let the Spirit of revelation reveal to us the hidden manna the mysteries, and the treasures of the Word. This Rhema Word will spring up life within you. When the devastation comes, and the devourer knocks on your door, you will stand there in the Glory of Almighty God and send him out from your presence! Praise God!
Deliverance must come to the Body of Christ in order to make room in you for Jesus. We don't let pride, vainglory, the jealousies, and the weaknesses of the personality of death, control our spirit man any more. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, as a new creation, we have heard the Word and the Word has required change. We have looked with the eyes of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. We have separated ourselves from everything of generations past that would bind us to the death realm. We pull down strongholds and demand sickness, weakness, and everything comprised in death from generations past, to be removed from us, in the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah, we put on Life!
The life of the Word is what brings us forth into understanding the equipment of immortality. The illumination of the light of Truth produces within you, the Glory of God. What is Glory? Glory is having all wisdom. It is the brightest light you could see. Glory is what the shepherds saw on the hillside of Galilee the night Jesus was born.
What is Glory? Glory is a transfiguration process God designed to illumine you and me with. From one degree of His Glory to another, He is transforming us continually as we put on life and separate ourselves from death.
What is Glory? Hallelujah, it is freedom, liberty, and life. It is knowing, understanding, and standing in the power and authority of Jesus' name. Glory is knowing that every weakness, dominion, power, and principality must bow at the Name of Jesus. "And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit." (II Corinthians 3:18)
Deliverance makes more room in you for Jesus. Salvation is come in the midst of us, qualifying us as the covenant promise by the shed blood of Jesus. We are a people receiving the power and dominion of an inheritance that is beyond the grave, beyond the death realm, and beyond anything in this earthly order that we could imagine. That dominion of our inheritance is seated at the right hand of the Father, and we are to live "in Him" forever, hallelujah!
Beloved, you've got to stop your stinkin' thinkin'. I say it that way so you will remember it. We've got to stop thinking in the death realm and measuring our being by death kind of thoughts. We've got to stop allowing the enemy to use us like a steam roller in the earth that rolls over us every day or so and pounds us with all his wickedness and bondage.
Our mind must be "hidden in Christ", for it is very precious. Our conscious and subconscious mind is being formed in the Glory of God. Every time you give yourself to negative thoughts of bondage, lawlessness, weakness, and failures, Beloved, the enemy comes in like a flood and seeks to hold you there. However, when you know who you are in Christ Jesus, you will pull down that death realm and command your being to His attention. Beloved, the Word is in your mouth, and the Word is in your thoughts. When the Word becomes such a part of you that you speak and think it even when you lie down and when you rise up, you begin to line up with its Truth. Because of this Truth working in your life, you wouldn't think of being a disappointment to your Father. We are going to live God's way. Resurrection life must be understood in the Body of Christ. We've come out of death into life, and it's time to live.
I Corinthians 15:19 says, "If we who are [abiding] in Christ have hope only in this life and that is all, then we are of all people most miserable and to be pitied". Beloved, it's time to move on. There's an expectation of life, an excitement of Truth, a longing for more of Jesus in the midst of you as you make yourself available to Him. How do we get there? Through intercession, praise and worship, times of consecration and making ourselves available to Jesus Christ, the Word of God Commanding our being to His attention and allowing the Spirit of Truth to show us the weaknesses in our life, and when He does, not being afraid to deal with it. When you see these weaknesses in your life, you know the answer is to command it to go, in the Name of Jesus. The person that comes for deliverance is sometimes shaking and trembling, but he walks out a king. He walks out in power, dominion, and glory because he knows he has been set free.
For yea, though I am the giver of life, I say unto you that My life in you has equipped you to live in Me. You have been like a wagon trail, back and forth from death to life continually, because you're alive in your knowledge of your first Adamic nature, the tangible realm of sense and feeling. But yea, as I have equipped you thus and as you have made the decisions of life and know the protection and the boundaries that you walk in, so too abides the Lord your God who has made My Spirit realm, My Spirit life, My Spirit Glory ready for your acceptance, ready for your understanding, and ready for you to walk out and to live in Me continually. I give you power, dominion, and authority to tread on everything that is comprised in death. It is there for your examination. If you choose to look, you will see that I am the giver of life and My life in you is abundant. I have brought you forth to bring you in that you might know the quality of life, of Spirit Living that takes you out of death and produces within you the immortality process, that power of an endless and everlasting life. Your privilege and purpose in My presence is that you are a part of My being, saith the Lord. I have given you Life that you might know truly how to live!"
Hallelujah! The Word says if we, who are abiding in Christ Jesus, have hope only in this life and that is all, then we are a people to be most pitied. We must teach and bring forth greater understanding to the people that in knowing, they will follow and in following, they are protected, and in being protected, they are full of joy. "For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink". It's not the things of the tangible only, but it is more! The Word is expanded and we know His righteousness is peace and joy, in the Holy Ghost. We've scarcely learned to speak in tongues, yet all the gifts of the Holy Ghost are there to fulfill that joy and to bring that effervescence of His Glory forth from each of us.
We must separate ourselves from the death kind of thinking, and let life be experienced in the midst of us. When the Red Sea is before you, the mountains are on each side, and the Egyptians are running at your back, Beloved, that's when you know the Lord your God is your source and He will deliver you. I think so many times of the Song of Moses, when God allowed the children of Israel to watch their enemy be destroyed in the sea. The water literally swallowed them up and they disappeared from view in this tangible realm.
Beloved, God has given us power, authority, and dominion through the Name of Jesus, the covenant promise of shed blood. Our enemy has been swallowed up. He has been removed, in Jesus' Name. We are a new creation. We are more than conquerors. We are the heirs of salvation. You are an heir of Jesus Christ. Glory to God!
When you start thinking in that kind of capacity, the enemy is going to loose you. Hallelujah! You are going to recognize all his deeds and send him from you, in the Name of Jesus. The fact is that Christ, the Messiah, has been raised from the dead, and He became the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. (I Corinthians 15:20)
When a man plants a row of tomatoes in his garden and cultivates them, the tomatoes begin to bloom and form. One day there is a ripened tomato on that vine, IF the elements are in its favor and the farmer has done the watering and the necessary things to bring that tomato forth. He picks that first fruit and in the joy of the Word he says, "Thank you, Lord, for the blessing, the bounty of earth, the fruit of my labors." That first fruit was precious. It was always brought to God under the covenant of the Old Testament. Beloved, when that first ripened tomato is picked, that first fruit is a blessing to the taste. However, this doesn't mean the rest of them are not tomatoes. Some ripen first, and it will always be that way. Some people make sweet progress, and sometimes it takes awhile, but it doesn't mean that we all are not "in Him".
We need to stop measuring one another by our limitations and begin to look for Jesus in the midst of us. We must live in the quality of salvation, pray for one another, and seek the Lord in each other's behalf. Allow the facts of life to be revealed in the midst of you.
I asked the Lord on the way to a meeting, "Lord, what do you want me to tell this Body?" The Lord said, "Tell them about the facts of life." Well, you know if I thought about that in the natural, what I would think about would be the birds and the bees. But I knew He was speaking to me in the Spirit and that even though the language sounded like the natural realm, what He meant had a spiritual understanding. The fact of life that the Body of Christ needs to experience, is that you were birthed out of death. At that birthing process, through the blood of Jesus Christ, you have been designed to live forever "in Him". That is a fact! It's the fact of life.
Another fact of life is that you have received the power and dominion of an everlasting life. It is a fact of life that you are an overcomer and the Word is being performed in the midst of you, bringing forth fruit according to its nature! The facts are out and we're understanding that we are the joint heirs with Jesus Christ. That means if you don't fit with somebody else in the Body of Christ, you better find out why and deal with your--self.
They couldn't put rejection on you if there wasn't rejection in you. They couldn't put self pity on you if there wasn't something in you that self pity could touch. They couldn't put jealousy on you if there wasn't a jealous nature there for it to touch. We must look into ourselves and command our being to the attention of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Then we can take the privilege of His Name and command the enemy to flee.
Every legal right he has had to possess us. We break it now, in the Name of Jesus. Every curse that has been visited through the generations that have brought bondage, sickness, weakness and death, we break it in the Name of Jesus. These are not just words, but an authority, a power, a knowing and an understanding as Jesus shows you the way. Examine yourself before Him and let the Holy Spirit show you the facts.
I Corinthians 15:20 says, "But the fact is that Christ, the Messiah, has been raised from the dead, and He became the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep [in death]." Let that roll around in your spirit. Continuing in verse 21, "For since [it was] through man that death [came into the world, it is] also that through a Man that the resurrection from the dead [has come]. For just as [because of union of nature]," like the union of a man and a woman coming together and being made one, "in Adam all people die..."
Dying is the most normal thing every one of us has understood to do. In the South, most of the graveyards are right next to the church. We get them saved and we bury them. I Corinthians 15:22 says, there is a "union of nature that in Adam, all people die." That is normal in the natural realm of death, but Beloved, you've been made a new creation. You've been exposed to life that is everlasting. You've stopped living to die and now you've started living to live.
There is a dwelling place in the Holy Ghost that God has prepared for you from everlasting to everlasting. There is a place, in Him that is far above the reach of change, decay, and this natural realm. We enter into that dwelling place when we stop our stinkin' thinkin'. This allows us to enter into the promise of I Corinthians 15:22 that says, " also [by virtue of their union of nature] shall all in Christ be made alive." We take that dwelling place, that nature of living in the Spirit and compare our life to spiritual things. Glory to God! Let the Word be revealed so that you can walk in the unction of the Holy Ghost. Let us know the sound of His voice if it is just a whisper, a touch, or a nudge. Let us understand that the wooing and the moving of the Holy Ghost is to protect, deliver and make glorious the Body of Christ in this hour.
Continuing in I Corinthians 15:23, all of this comes, "...each in his own rank and turn..." We were born a first Adam, but then we were birthed the last Adam, two generation men. The first Adam is the container that God chose to put His Spirit of life in.
You didn't just happen to come into this world because there was a twinkle in your daddy's eye when he looked at your mama. You are here because the Lord called you, formed you, and sent you into this earth for such a time as this, that the strongholds and the principalities and the dominions of death would be swallowed up in victory. How can this be? Because the people who are alive, choose to stand in that life and live forever in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
What hath death to do with thee? Death is only there as much as you allow it to be. Jesus said, "The hour is coming and the day is now here, when the dead shall come up out of the grave. Those that are in the tombs shall hear my voice. They shall know my voice." Beloved, we shall know His voice.
How many times has God tried to speak to us, yet we are so busy and occupied in the death realm with things we want to do, acting the way we want to act, that we never hear the slightest whisper of His voice. Sometimes it has taken a clap of thunder to get our attention.
One time several years ago, when we were still in business, I thought I would sneak off from the store, go home and take a nap. When I got to the house, it began to rain. I thought, "Well, I'm just going to turn on the T.V. a minute and sit here and let it be." My next thought was, "I really need to take this time to get into the Word." About that time there was a great big ball of fire that hit in the middle of the room. I said, "Is that you, Lord?" I got my Bible and began to read. He didn't have to tell me twice! The lightning had run in on the T.V.
Beloved, God doesn't want to have to send a ball of fire to get your attention. He wants to talk with you at every step you make. He wants to pull with you through every crisis. He wants you to know He is there in the midst of you, comforting you. However, if we let that old death realm swallow us up, all we are going to get out of the container is the death that we have ministered to.
See why this Word needs to be strong in us? Beloved, the time is now. The world is waxing worse, and our country is ready for judgment. God is summing up this day and we know, by the Spirit, there's an urgency in us for His soon return. We're crying out for the peace of Jerusalem - the threshing floor of peace. We are crying out, "Oh, Lord God, be in me all that you want to be. Show me the way, teach me Your Truth, and let me know Your voice." What does He say to us? "I am here. I am here."
Several years ago, I was going to my birthday party. I had not had one in a long time and I was really excited. I went across a big four-way street in Montgomery. I looked both ways and didn't see anything. The next thing I knew, there was a motorcycle coming down on me. He hit on the driver's side and the man's body flew across my windshield. His helmet came off on impact and he flew about 25 feet in the air and hit the pavement.
My door was jammed. I don't know how I jumped out on the other side of a Pinto, but when the Spirit of the Lord is on you, you can do anything. As I jumped out, my first thought was, "I am not going to be responsible for taking a life. Satan, you will not put that on me!" I walked over to the man and he had a fountain of blood coming out of his head. I thought, "Oh God, he's dead!" He was laying there lifeless and I threw my body down upon him and I began to command the life into him, in the Name of Jesus. I laid there and prayed until I felt his body begin to move and his arms and his legs began to straighten out. I looked at his face and the blood had stopped. I began to pray and worship God in the Spirit. When the ambulance got there, they thought some wild, Italian woman had reverted to her native language. They didn't know I was standing before the presence of God, praying in faith for life in this young man!
Beloved, we must listen to His voice and know His Word. If there had been a measure of doubt in me, that young man would have gone to meet his Maker. In that moment when there was no time to doubt, no time to reason, God gave and continued life.
The fact of life is that we must begin to think with spiritual understanding in everything that concerns us. We must stop allowing the enemy to program us with negative thinking, blindness, deafness, and weakness in this hour. The union of life has come to each of us who have embraced Jesus and made Him Lord in our life.
I Corinthians 15:23 says, "...those who are Christ's [own will be resurrected] at His coming." I don't want to burst anyone's theology, but there are three comings of Jesus Christ. He came as a babe in swaddling clothes, He came in you and me, and He is coming again. We will put every enemy under our feet and then we are going to present the Kingdom unto the Father. (I Corinthians 15:25)
We've been resurrected and Jesus is coming again. I'm not living to die, but I'm expecting immortality. When it comes time to shuck this human container, Beloved, it is going to be because it outlived its usefulness and it is cramping my style! In the Name of Jesus, we must begin to live in this last hour according to the Word of God. We must know who we are, in Him. All power and dominion have been given unto us through the blood of Jesus Christ. All matter of judgment belongs to us because He gave us His Name. In the Name of Jesus, we judge ourselves "for the time [has arrived] for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will [be] the end of those who do not respect or believe or obey the good news (the Gospel) of God? (I Peter 4:17)
I Corinthians 15:24 says, "After that comes the end (the completion), when He delivers over the kingdom to God the Father after rendering inoperative and abolishing every [other] rule and every authority and power." This is what happens when you take authority over the enemy. You abolish his rule and dominion in your situation.
Continuing in verse 25, "For Christ must be King..." That is the quality of resurrection living, living like a king with Divine authority operating in your life. The dominion of the Kingship, the Divine authority, the last Word, the finished work, the completed plan, and restoration is God's plan for the day. Bringing forth His millennial purpose, Jesus Christ will rule and reign a thousand years in this earth.
Verse 26 tells us, "The last enemy to be subdued and abolished is death." See why that old death realm is hid from us and why every one of us has expected to die. I can remember as a young Christian I was terrified of death. I was terrified of anything because I had such a fear. It had come to me as a child when we were alone. I was raised in two orphanages for the better part of my life, and many things happened to us as children. When there are 40 other kids in the dormitory crying for mama, you don't get much mama. I came through a lot of rejection, hurt, and fear. It was like a great root of dominion in the midst of me. Everything that I tried to do, fear accompanied it.
I did not know how to separate my life from the death realm of fear until Jesus Christ showed me His love. I realized He loved me just like I was with all my faults, all my weaknesses, and that great big root of fear. As I sought Him, there came a day when I heard the message of deliverance and this child that needed it the most, got it the most. He is not finished with me yet, but I tell you, we've hit some home runs. Hallelujah! I've sent that old devil a packin' many a time, because I recognize his strategy.
You can't think because you leave him alone that he'll leave you alone. It doesn't work that way. He doesn't play by the Marcus of Queensbury rules. He always hits you below the belt. He always hits you where you're the most vulnerable. If you are not in the habit of handling your life with the expectancy of immortality, the power of God, the rulership and leadership of Jesus Christ in everything that concerns you, you are living in the death realm. When we give it to Him, He releases us to live in the Spirit realm where there is life everlasting.
Remember when Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave? He came forth out of that grave all bound up with grave clothes so that you couldn't see any flesh. His whole being was covered with that death look, even the napkin over his face. Then Jesus said to the people, "Unwrap him." They could not see it, but life was still there under that death realm. When they began to unwrap him, can't you just imagine the joy on the face of the first person that saw live flesh? There was life that was full of Glory under that death wrapping. The Lord gave this prophetic picture of Lazarus so when the people saw Jesus in His resurrected Glory, they would not be shocked. Resurrection is God's principle of life out of death.
With your spiritual glasses on, look at yourself. Each of us, like that death realm with all its wrapping, are seeing what we have been shaped in. It is the rebellion of generations past. We have taken on the very image and likeness of parenting ancestors who have broken the laws of God which have continually held our generation in spiritual death. In order for this to stop, these areas of death must be exposed. Death puts us under the law of the curse. Satan has a right to carry out the curse. He will exact from us all that he can to destroy us.
According to I John 3:14, "We know that we have passed over out of death into Life by the fact that we love the brethren (our fellow Christians). He who does not love abides (remains, is held and kept continually) in [spiritual] death. If someone is not loving you, then you better look where death is abounding in you. We need to put it in the ball park where it belongs. If there's a measure where the enemy can put his finger, Beloved, he is going to be doing that. His desire is to produce his image in this earth and to set up his kingdom to rule and reign over all life. Satan has been allowed only what he can take and he can take only what he has been given.
When you separate yourself from death and stop living to die, but rather embrace resurrection and seek the Lord your God, the firstborn of the dead, then you are following His example, His pattern. He laid down His life so you and I could take that quality of life and live forever in Him. His life was given so we will stop being driven by death and all that is comprised in its misery.
We are not going to be bound in spiritual death because "Wisdom has built her house..." according to Proverbs 9:1. In other words, we are the wisdom of God and we are being built into the likeness and image of His dear Son. Zechariah 6:12 says when Jesus Christ the Messiah comes, "...He will build the [true] temple of the Lord." You and I are the living stones of that true tabernacle.
In Daniel's vision, the rock that was torn out of the mountain was out of human hands, and it began to pound the image of clay and iron. The feet that Nebuchadnezzar saw was that old flesh man of sense and reason, building and forming that image of death and destruction. This is a picture of the power of man exposing himself and making his own glory. But Beloved, that iron, symbolic of strength, and that clay, symbolic of brokenness, could not be contained together. When that stone came out of the mountain and began to pound on those feet, it became like the chaff of the summer threshing floor. The wind blew it away and nothing was seen any more. The wind of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, is in the midst of you.
The stone, when it was finished, became a great rock and filled the whole earth. Beloved, you and I are living stones and we are the stones that have come forth because the foundation has been laid through the blood of Jesus Christ. He's the chief cornerstone and the temple is alive today! The mysteries and the secrets are being revealed. The plan of God is being shown forth in this earth.
This veil of flesh that has separated us from Truth, has been rent from top to bottom. This natural man, with his natural image, has shown forth his natural being. However, through the blood of Jesus Christ, that hidden man in the midst of us, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, is coming forth! Yes, He is coming forth in His Body, Beloved. When you break forth like the breaking of a bottle, the world will see what is contained in the midst of you. This is how the world will know Jesus Christ has been formed in the midst of His Church. The foundation was laid and the temple is erect. The walls are built up. The roof is on, and there is a meeting going on in the Body of Christ that shall continue forever. Hallelujah!
"Death is swallowed up in victory. Oh grave, where is your sting? Where is your victory?" Let's get the death out of us, Beloved. Let's remove every stain of it, in the Name of Jesus.
Revelation 2:7 says, "He who is able to hear, let him listen to and give heed to what the Spirit says to the assemblies (the churches)." That is you and me, the church. "To him who overcomes (is victorious) I will grant to eat [of the fruit] of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God." Beloved, He is calling a people to "come and dine."
Right up to the very last chapter of the book, the plumb line was out. The reed of measurement was there. It is going to be exact. We are going to be like Jesus. He is the only image and likeness we are going to be like, and we are going to do it His way. In this end time hour, the mold is fixed. You cannot look like the world and expect to illumine Jesus Christ in your life. You cannot give yourself to the realm of death and continue to live there, yet expect to know the life of the Holy Spirit. There is a calling to "come out from among them, and be ye separate." Put on Life. Live in Him. Be restored. Be built up in the most holy faith, and expect God in every circumstance.
I tell you, He is Alive! He is Alive in the midst of you and me. In Him, the quality of resurrection is out of death, and is the power of an endless and indestructible life.
I thank You, Lord God Almighty, that Your Word is in this earth. I thank You that You chose the foolishness of preaching to bring Truth to Your people. I thank You, Lord that the Life is in the blood, and we are a people covered with the blood of Jesus. I thank You, Lord that the zero factor requires Your covenant to be walked out. I thank You, Lord God that we are a people, the sheep of Your pasture, Your Word in this earth. We are Your image, Your likeness, and we are coming forth. We are born anew beyond the reach of death, corruption, and decay. We have been born in the Spirit, by the Spirit, and through the Spirit, to live forever, a spiritual being in Him. Now my Father, we mortify the death realm, this old flesh man with all of his desires, in the Name of Jesus.
Please pray this prayer with me:
Lord Jesus, I repent of all the times I spent on my desires and dreams that left me weak, despaired, and separated. Now Lord Jesus, I ask you to open my understanding. Reveal Your Word to me, Lord, like it really is. Let revelation come to my mind and heart. Flood my being with Life, Lord. I give myself to you, Jesus. Come on in Jesus. Be in me all You want to be.
I command my being to Your total attention. Show me every bruise of the bondage of death that has controlled me. I put it down. I put it under my feet. I command it to go, in Jesus' Name. I walk out of death because I am a new creation. I am the righteousness of Jesus Christ in this earth. I have been designed to live forever. Oh Jesus, come on in. Come on in and have Your way in me, in Jesus' Name! Amen.