For though we walk [live] in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh and blood), but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the (true) knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One... II Corinthians 10:3-5





This is a word of encouragement to the Body of Christ. We are living in a day when great and mighty changes are scheduled to take place. The plan of God is continuing to unfold in this age. Like the travail of the birthing principle, we are travailing - "wrestling, struggling, to win the victory," over this death realm.

Everything in God's Word is written to be complete and perfect. It all fits together. Every word and action describes Jesus. We see Him walking out our inheritance in this earth, right in the place where perfection can be understood geographically and supernaturally. Dwelling in the city of the Comforter, Capernaum (Matthew 17), is not just a coincidence, or because He liked living by the water. (Sea of Galilee)

Our Great and Mighty God spoke a word into space with such energy and power that it brought forth a perfect creation day. All that is needed to understand and complete us in Him, is in His Word. Some would say it is a mystery... and yes, it is hidden... reserved in readiness for each person who is willing to receive it and be perfected. Our inheritance belongs to us. (Romans 8:14) We are Kingdom Seed - God's divine order seen in us who are ready to wrestle unto victory. (I Corinthians 15:49) Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, so shall we also bear the image of the MAN of heaven. We have inherited Eternal Life... Victory!

Blanche Reynolds
Kingdom Voice Ministries

Chapter I

The Mystery of the Wrestler Revealed

There is a need in the Body of Christ to understand our inheritance, and who we are in Christ Jesus. We only have to look into His Word to understand this message which will bring much needed deliverance to the Body. We have been a people hungering, thirsting, and languishing for Truth. We have been looking for Truth here and there, yet we keep saying "Lord, where is the Body of Christ? We have been called according to Your purpose. We have been saved which means "delivered" to the uttermost, to live forever, to live eternally in you." We see in order to take our inheritance, we must lay hold of the precious Glory of perfected Truth and be taught of the Spirit. This generation man of ours must be so saturated in God's Word that it will cause us to understand the Word picture Jesus gave us of eternal life. Understanding this will cause us to possess this fact as our inheritance.

Knowing the importance of the inheritance, I went to the Old Testament and began to study the children of Israel. (Jacob) There were twelve sons born to Jacob and they became mighty nations as their generations unfolded in God's Word. I began to study these twelve tribes and their possessions. I looked at the different things that had taken place on the ground where the battles were fought. I looked at the situations in the Word where man walked in rebellion and missed the plan of God for his life. Looking into the inheritance of each tribe and what father Jacob, or Israel had bequeathed unto them as far as a prophetic word for them to rely upon, I began to see a pattern.

After looking at the tribe of Manasseh and Ephraim, I came to the tribe of Naphtali. He was the sixth son of Jacob. We are going to examine this tribe's inheritance beginning in Genesis 30:1. "When Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she envied her sister, and said to Jacob, Give me children, or else I will die. And Jacob became very angry with Rachel, and he said, Am I in God's stead, Who has denied you children? And she said, See here, you take my maid Bilhah, and have intercourse with her; and [when the baby comes] she shall deliver it upon my knees, that I by her may also have children."

Concerning the "knee", or the kneeling position, it was considered a position of submission before God. The Hebrew word meaning "to kneel", also means "to bless", suggesting that a person receiving a blessing assumed that position. It was also considered the appropriate position for making a petition. Therefore Rachel, taking a part in the birthing process, thought she could claim this child to be her own. Rachel intended to be the first to bring that baby forth and say she had given her husband Jacob a child. This is all well and good, but there is something she did not understand - "the bloodline", "the genetic response", the attributes of both that are brought forth when two people come together and the marriage vows are consummated and God's creation plan begins. So Rachel, thinking this son could be hers, gave Jacob her maidservant. Bilhah conceived, bore a son and they called him Dan, which means "judged".

Continuing in verse six, "And Rachel said, God has judged and vindicated me, and has heard my plea and has given me a son; so she named him Dan [judged]." Since this seemed good, they did it again. Verse seven says, "And Bilhah, Rachel's maid conceived again and bore Jacob a second son. And Rachel said, with mighty wrestlings [in prayer to God] I have struggled with my sister and have prevailed; so she named [this second sone Bilhah bore] Naphtali [struggled], or wrestling. Naphtali "the wrestler", was born of Bilhah, which means "God is to be feared, God is terrified." Bilhah obeyed her master and did what she was commanded to do and brought forth these two sons.

Naphtali comes from a root word that means "to struggle, to wrestle, to twine things together until an answer has come." It also means "to wrestle to achieve victory." Since a man's name is his character, we see that there will be a wrestling in this generation man. This is also what is going on in the Body of Christ. However, if you take that word wrestle and cross out the "w" and the "tle", what is left is "rest". This wrestling that is going on in this tribe and in this inheritance people, will produce a "rest in God."

In Genesis 49:21, Father Jacob, whose name has been changed to Israel, began to bless his children. In the twenty-first verse, Jacob said, "Naphtali shall be a hind let loose, which yields lovely fawns." We see Naphtali being spoken of as a hind. A hind is a red, female deer. After its third year, it is called a hind because it is now ready "to bring forth after its own kind." Looking in the Spirit, I knew this had to be significant.

The hind has a strong sense of sight, hearing, and smell that is well developed. When this particular deer was created, it had no gall bladder. The gall bladder is a sack of bitterness used to help the liver respond and purify the body. Looking in the eyes of the Spirit, we see this nature with no bitterness and resentment in this group of people called the tribe of Naphtali.

That word loose, in Genesis 49:21, comes from the Hebrew word SHALACH. It means "to send away, to cast out, to conduct, forsake, leave, depart, or to put away." We see from this that Naphtali has been given choices. She is like a deer that is let loose to explore, examine, and pushed into the heights and glories that are beyond the natural realm. Naphtali is like a hind that has been let loose so that there would be no constraining, no holding back, but "a hind let loose that would yield lovely fawns."

The Holy Spirit was saying by Jacob, Naphtali was like a young female deer who, when she was old enough to produce her own kind, would suddenly have the instinct to act like a calf ready to get out of the stall, to break over the boundaries. There was a sign of recklessness and immaturity there. We see this same pattern in the church. We accept the Lord as our Savior and begin to develop in the things of God. We learn how to pray. We learn how to seek God and we get into the Word and begin to feed ourselves on it. This is like our time of adolescence, or growing up and blossoming in the fulfillment of His Word.

After this time of maturing, you come to the place where you are ready to bring forth, or to minister to the Body and to bring people into the Kingdom. But what happens most of the time, like the hind nature of being let loose in the field, we get ahead of God. We run after things that please us. We want people in the box we think they should fit into. Instead of producing according to our kind, we begin to try to shape, fix, and mold the people into the image that we think they ought to be. By doing that, we begin to be bound up and we lose the agility of the Spirit. We become disturbed with doubt, unbelief, and worry. We begin fretting and running from this group to that group, looking for the answers. They have answers to a point, but rather than looking inward and dealing with yourself, like a hind let loose, you climb the next mountain and go to the next group. What the Lord is saying is, "You have got to deal with yourself." When you grow up, you have got to be like Jesus. Ecclesiastes 3:18 says, "Man is but a beast without God."

God said in Malachi 4:2, "But unto you that fear My Name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves released from the stall." This hind let loose is not like the hind that was raised in the stall. This animal in some places has been domesticated. It gives milk to feed families and it becomes very tame. But the nature of the red deer is to be set free to climb the heights of the mountains, to jump the fence, and to move on to the next field until she looks and is satisfied. We begin to see a little bit of that nature the Lord was speaking of - loosed to choose, loosed to make a decision, loosed to know the voice of the Lord. A people in a wrestling place, but they wrestle unto victory. The Word says "her fawns would be beautiful." What would come forth would be peace, rest, and precious things.

The female deer is spoken of often in the scriptures. Psalms 18:33 says, "He makes my feet like hinds' feet [able to stand firmly or make progress on the dangerous heights of testing and trouble]; He sets me securely upon my high places. He teaches my hands to war, so that My arms bend a bow of bronze," which symbolizes judgement. Verse 35 continues, "You have also given me the shield of Your salvation..." We are looking at a people today who, just like Naphtali, have a wrestling going on in the midst of them, as the Body of Christ is being brought into the Divine order of Almighty God.

Psalms 42:1 says, "As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after Thee." We must be like the female deer panting after Truth, wanting the things of God, looking unto the Lord and crying out for all that He has for us. The thirsting after and seeking the Lord is an attribute of "the hind that is let loose and will bring forth beautiful fawns after her own kind."

This nation of people were strong in their self will, yet God intended to harness that self-will in this tribe of Naphtali. God wanted to make them know and understand that their inheritance, the place that God provided for them, was very important for them in order to carry out His plan. Remember, in these people there is no gall of bitterness, no place to fret, worry, or be bitter against one another. A place where ministry could come forth.

Psalms 29:9-10 says, "The voice of the Lord makes the hinds to bring forth their young, and it strips bare the forests, while in His temple everyone is saying, Glory! The Lord sat as King over the deluge; the Lord [still] sits as King [and] forever!" We see from this that the voice of the Lord makes the hinds bring forth their young. This inheritance of creation, this namesake of "wrestling", is bringing forth a wrestling people unto victory. This is a generation who will stand in this last day and be a territory proclaimed by the Lord for an understanding and a growing to take place in the Body. One translation says, "the voice of the Lord makes the hinds to calve." God's Word will come forth.

There are uncertain times, wonderings, falterings, painful situations going on because, as the children of Almighty God, we have come to embrace the namesake of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Deliverer, the Conqueror, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. That Name is coupled with ours and belongs to us. Taking on that Name also brings the realization that there is a responsibility attached to it that attributes all power, all authority, and all dominion to that Name alone. Because of that glorious inheritance, we see a people born of a genetic ancestry in the natural realm. But that natural realm is ripe to disappear because death has been swallowed up in victory and the power of the grave will no longer have a sting. (I Corinthians 15:26, 55-57) We are talking in the Spirit here.

We have received this Namesake, Jesus, and all it has provided us, but we have been wrestling between the old way of which we were and the new and living way of which we have been bequeathed. We are pulled back and forth continually between these two worlds. Looking at the Word of God we are saying, "Lord, this must fit together. We are a mixture because there are things in us that are bruising us unto death, yet we are also being restored to newness of life according to Your Word."

There is a wrestling and a struggling in us that is like hand to hand combat with an opponent that has thrown us to the ground. He has pounded upon us, time and time again and left us weeping, torn, belittled, and struggling. But Beloved, there is an inheritance that has been bequeathed unto us that brings forth victory.

Let's look again at the tribe of Naphtali. To wrestle, one must be surefooted. This is another picture of the deer or hind. "He makes my feet like the hinds' feet." Where a man stands, that is his turf, his territory, the place he will not move from. We have been given an inheritance from which we are not going to move, because we are surefooted like the deer.

God is calling a people, in this last day, to understand all of our inheritance in this holy land that we look at in the natural. As we begin to understand the meanings of the names and places that were spoken of, we begin to view this in the natural sense with natural understanding. But God is moving a people in this day of deliverance into a higher realm of understanding where the death realm is no longer in force. What we have learned in the earthly, is now taking on the meaning of the heavenly. We are understanding our inheritance in the heavenly realm that God has bequeathed unto us through the blood of Jesus Christ. As the natural takes shape and form, we see the plan, the Word of God, Jesus Christ made flesh and dwelling among us. God is planning and nurturing us for the day of His coming. Jesus is like a Word picture to us of everything that we need to understand in order to move into that heavenly mind, heavenly realm, and heavenly understanding. A place where all things are made new, and we are set free from the bondage of decay, corruption, and the rot of death. A place where we begin to live as the joint heirs with Jesus Christ, incarnate in Him, and set free like a deer let loose.

We are a people making choices in this hour. We are either going to live God's way or we will live the way of the death realm. We have come to a fork in the road and the Lord is saying, "Choose you this day whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:15)

This is a day of great compromise. We see the people rise and fall, over and over again. We see ministries come and go because the people have made wrong choices because their flesh man is in control of their body. They cannot decide as the Lord their God decides because they do not know how to live in the Spirit. They do not know how to live in the heavenlies, to enjoy the Glory of God and the Word of God that has been given unto us. The Word is full of the energy of life. The Word says, "In His Name, you will cast out devils", and they will be defeated. They will have no power over you because you are the heir of Jesus Christ, and in Him "you shall move and dwell and have your being." The being of the Lord God Almighty!

In this last day, the Lord is calling the intercessors, the wrestlers to come together. They are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against powers and rulers in high places. We have not even gotten through the flesh and blood part yet.

The Lord is saying unto us, "It is time you bestir yourself." There is a wrestling time going on in the church of Jesus Christ and God means for us to rest from all of the circumstances of this death realm. It is finished as far as we are concerned. It is time we began to lay hold of the facts of life and live because He lives!

Like the hind that has no gall bladder, there is to be no bitterness in the Body of Christ. But what are we finding? Bitterness, resentment towards one another, and hurt, and pain are reigning. Words are falling out of the mouths of men like a sword that divides, separates, and destroys the people. The Lord is saying that we must understand that we have been born of the Spirit. We have the power and the attributes of the Spirit and we must grow up, we must mature, and we must overcome the power of this death realm. In order to do this, we must look into the mighty Word of God and become Truth in this earth.

The true intercessor, as soon as the bitterness comes to her heart, she is going to deal with it. You cannot be an intercessor and carry around a lot of hurt, pain, and unforgiveness. To be a true intercessor, we must live a clean and holy life before the Lord. You must be surefooted. We are not going to stand in the midst of all this mess in our life, but we are going to stand in the Holy Place of God.

We are in this world, Beloved, but we are not of it. It is time for the Truth to come home in the heart of man. If we have bitterness in our heart towards someone else, we are not going to grow and mature. It is like a festering corruption that leads to destruction. It will only make you old before your time. It will make you full of worry, nervousness, and cause you to have bitter, sleepless nights and pain. We cannot let the place we stand be full of the things the enemy uses in the death realm to destroy the Body. Beloved, God is speaking to us. Now is the time that we must begin to truthfully seek the Lord and deal with the things that must be dealt with.

The tribe of Naphtali had as their gemstone, the diamond. We know the quality of the diamond. It will cut every other stone and not be bruised itself. It will never be chipped; Glory to God! It can get the job done and still transmit the light, the illumination of Jesus. Like the deer that pants after the Lord, God is calling a people who are searching after Him, to be true before Him. "A hind let loose which yields lovely fawns."

When we begin to bring forth, by the Spirit, a spiritual people, there is a birthing process that goes on in the Kingdom which is nothing like this natural realm. You did not have a "mama" and a "daddy" when you got saved. You received Jesus and repented of your sins. He forgave you and you were birthed into His Kingdom because of His shed blood. The birthing process of the Kingdom must be understood. There is a coming forth into Glory, a household of faith, a son company, born from the Kingdom seed, who are scheduled to do exploits in His Name.

Let's look at the territory of the tribe of Naphtali. Next to the Mediterranean Sea is the Syrian property that Naphtali has taken over. In the inheritance of Naphtali is the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, and Cana, where the first miracle of Jesus was performed. Looking in the Spirit, they are "bringing forth lovely fawns."

Matthew 4:12-13 says, "Now when Jesus heard that John had been arrested and put in prison, He withdrew into Galilee. And leaving Nazareth He went and dwelt in Capernaum by the sea. . ." Capernaum means "the hamlet of Nahum." Nahum means "comforter." Jesus dwelt in that Capernaum place, the place of the Comforter, symbolic of the Holy Spirit. In this place the wrestling and the growth are going on.

In the Body of Christ there are problems that have to be dealt with where generations have bruised and fought over our land. Time and time again there has been winning and losing, killing and murdering, stealing and destroying in this land. Yet, in this place of wrestling and inheritance was the territory where Jesus began His ministry.

In that wrestling place, "He went and dwelt in Capernaum by the sea, in the country of Zebulun and Naphtali. . ." The sea represents the masses of people. Continuing in verse 14 we read that Jesus went to this territory so "that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be brought to pass."

Isaiah 9:1-2 tells us what Isaiah had to say about this. "But [in the midst of judgment there is the promise and the certainty of the Lord's deliverance] there shall be no gloom for her who was in anguish." Here we have the wrestling match. "In the former time the Lord brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time He will make it glorious (the deer, the beautiful hind let loose) by the way of the Sea Galilee, the land beyond the Jordan. . ." Jordan means "the descender," a symbol of the Holy Spirit. There is a dwelling place in the Holy Spirit where peace, rest, and comfort abound. A place where the things that cause distress has no authority or dominion. A living place where a wrestling match is taking place unto victory. This wrestling is causing the Body of Christ to deal with themselves and command their being to the attention of the Holy Spirit. Those who wrestle unto victory are crying, "Oh, Lord God, be in me all you want to be. Let there be nothing in me that has to be tested, for I choose life, Lord. I choose resurrection living. I choose living in the inheritance of Jesus Christ, in the throne room of God. I choose to be seated in that resting place where You make my enemies my footstool." So we see that in the midst of judgment there is a beginning of things that are to take place.

Continuing in verse 2, "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of intense darkness and the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined. You, O Lord, have multiplied the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before You like the joy in harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil of battle." The joy came when they saw what they had fought over and won. Deliverance is a battle time where we are dealing, in the Name of Jesus, with that old sly fox, the devil. He is our opponent who seeks to devour, to destroy, and to cause us to lose the understanding of our inheritance in Jesus Christ. Jesus is our namesake and the authority, power, and dominion of God's love in us. God is preparing us for this last day of battle. It is a victorious time when the sons of God will arise and set creation free. (Romans 8:19-23)

The Word of the Lord to His People:

"Yea, take heart and take heed, understanding that I am the Lord and I am doing a quick work and I am bringing the measurement of My inheritance forth that you will understand and know that you are not defeated. You are not broken down. You are not destroyed and trampled under foot. For I, the Lord God have met you in the day of wrestling. I have brought you forth and I have entreated you and I have made you to know and understand that I am the Lord God and I go before you. I have not brought you this far to loose you to the opinions of man and all of his demonstrations of death. For I have brought you out to bring you in. I have set your feet in a large place. I have let you loose to choose me. I have let you make the choice. Those who have chosen Me have overcome the power of death with all of its struggles and you have won the victory in Me for I am the Lord and I have defeated every foe in your behalf." Amen.

Let's look at Matthew 8:5. "As Jesus went into Capernaum, a centurion came up to Him, begging Him and saying, Lord, my servant boy is lying at the house paralyzed and distressed with intense pains. And Jesus said to him, I will come and restore him." This Capernaum was a struggling time, a decision time, yet a place of ministry.

Continuing in verse 8. "But the centurion replied to Him, Lord, I am not worthy or fit to have You come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant boy will be cured. For I am also a man subject to authority..." This territory is where God lets us loose to bring forth this birthing process of inheritance. He allows us our free moral right to choose. When we choose the Lord, God moves everything into place. He causes everything to be met in your behalf. He allows just enough crisis to perfect His Word in you. He allows your feet like the hinds' feet in high places. In that place your eye is single towards Him so you can enjoy that surefooted inheritance territory and know that "I am the Lord's and He is mine."

So the centurion continues in verse 9, "I say to one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my slave, Do this, and he does it. When Jesus heard him, he marveled, and said to those who followed Him [that is, who adhered steadfastly to Him, conforming to His example in living and if need be in dying also], I tell you, truly I have not found so much faith as this with anyone, even in Israel." This was taking place in the Capernaum area of the Comforter, on the shore of Galilee. This was the chief residence of Jesus and His apostles.

Let's look at verse 16. "When evening came they brought Him many who were under the power of demons, and He drove out the spirits with a word, and restored to health all who were sick; and thus He fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, He Himself took (in order to carry away) our weaknesses and infirmities and bore away our diseases. Now Jesus, when He saw great throngs around Him, gave orders to cross to the other side [of the lake]. And a scribe came up and said to Him, Master, I will accompany You wherever You go."

What is happening in this place of wrestling? This is where the miracles are seen. This is where ministry takes place. In this place of wrestling, the Comforter comes and you enter into a resting place in God where you know what God has provided. In that wrestling place you make the choice of the Lord. You will not go back into that death realm and be bound up by that law of sin and death any more. (Romans 8:2) We have come too far, Beloved, to go back now.

Matthew 9:1 says, "And Jesus getting into a boat crossed to the other side and came to His own town [Capernaum]. And behold, they brought to Him a man paralyzed and prostrated by illness, lying on a sleeping pad, and when Jesus saw their faith He said to the paralyzed man, take courage, son; your sins are forgiven and the penalty remitted. And behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, this man blasphemes - He claims the rights and prerogatives of God! But Jesus, knowing (seeing) their thoughts, said, Why do you think evil and harbor malice in your hearts?"

In this territory that was Naphtali's inheritance, bitterness would have no place. Why would Jesus begin His ministry here where bitterness did not abound? Beloved, you cannot be bitter and have the peace, love, and joy of the Holy Ghost in your heart. Great and mighty ministry took place in this wrestling territory, but it was a struggle unto victory because it was the inheritance of this tribe.

This territory was also a word picture for humanity. It was a hidden manna revelation, stored up for this day when we could understand that Comforter place. After you receive the Holy Ghost, you begin to recognize the sickness, the disease, and the demonic forces. You begin to understand the authority that is necessary for your life so you can walk in the presence of God. Now, when you seek Him, you will find Him. It is in the Name of Jesus that this victory takes place in the life of the believer.

Yes, God is teaching His people. We are a people who will march out in this last hour victorious in every phase of our life. Why? Because He has spoken and decreed unto us an inheritance that is lasting and shall remain through all the ages and all the eons of time, eternity. We are a people called out, chosen of the Lord, rescued and wrestling through the consequences of death and sin, yet delivered to the uttermost. For the Lord has to but speak and we are delivered. This is our inheritance that we must know about and understand in these last days.

Matthew 17:24-25 says, "When they arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the half-shekel [the temple tax] went up to Peter and said, Does not your Teacher pay the half-shekel? He answered, Yes. And when he came home, Jesus spoke to him [about it] first, saying, What do you think, Simon? From whom do earthly rulers collect duties or tribute? From their own sons or from others not of their own family?" In this inherited place of the Comforter there is an honesty and a truthfulness. In the territory of the natural realm where you live now, there are things that must be dealt with in order for you to have the liberty and freedom of life. In the natural realm, we have to pay the income taxes and give tribute to the land as we are commanded. We must render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, but by the Spirit we give tribute unto the Lord.

We expect the Word that has been vestured in us to bring the power and energy of life because it is our inheritance. This privilege may cost you something in the natural realm, but Beloved, it will be worth it all!

You cannot live in this death realm and think that you are going to have all the attributes of the life realm. When you live in selfishness, greed, and the temptations of death, you cannot have the glory of peace, longsuffering, kindness, and the blessings of God. There is a lesson to be learned. As you live in the Spirit there are disciplines and principles of the Spirit that must be alive in your life. You can go no farther until you empty out this law of death, destruction, and corruption that our ancestors have visited unto us.

This is the day of deliverance. This is the day when the Lord pours out His Word unto a people who are searching and seeking Him for Truth. For the Lord says, "For yea, it fits together, it blesses, it strengthens, and it brings forth the Glory of God, man in this earth."

There was a tax to be paid, Jesus said in verse 25, "From whom do earthly rulers collect duties or tribute?" Beloved, when you sow unto satan's kingdom, you are going to reap what you sow. But Glory to God, when you choose life and the Kingdom of the Son of Almighty God, you are going to reap from that abundance eternal life, liberty, and freedom from the power and destruction of death.

Jesus asked, "From whom do earthly rulers collect duties or tribute? From their own sons or from others not of their own family? And when Peter said, from other people - not of their own family - Jesus said to him, then the other sons are exempt. However, in order not to give offense and cause them to stumble - that is, to judge unfavorably and unjustly - take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find there a shekel." No matter what the "natural" realm looks like, however its demands are revealed, the Lord our God "will make a way where there seems to be no way." His provision will accomplish all that is necessary to overcome the world in this natural realm. There are needs in the natural realm, Beloved, that have to be tended to, but there are greater needs of the Spirit that must be attended.

This is a day of choices. This is what this word means. The Word tells us that "by His stripes we are healed". (Isaiah 53:5) The Word tells us that in the Name of Jesus we will cast out devils and we will heal the sick. (Mark 16:17) There is a privileged way of life, living in the Spirit so we are not bound by the power of death. As we begin to lay hold of and possess this Truth, like the hinds' feet on the mountain top, we are not moved because we are in that surefooted place of God. God said it and it is so. We are not moved from our place "in God". We have got to begin to take hold of our inheritance and not just speak some good sounding words, but let it become a reality in our being.

There was a time in my life when I was very sick. I could not feel the presence of the Lord. I was hurting very badly. They thought I was having a heart attack. All I could do was to rely on the Word. I said it over and over again, "But Jesus, You always heal me, You always heal me." When you know what the Word says, there comes a time when it is not just words in a book, but you are becoming that Word. We are living out our inheritance privileges in this earth NOW. We are learning that Jesus is our provider so we do not worry about money problems like a lot of people are having. He is Emmanuel. He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. We struggle in the death realm, but we live in the Life realm because in the Name of Jesus, we are taking the authority of God's Word and living it out in our lives.

The Lord said, "I will never leave you or forsake you", yet we do not act like it most of the time. We act like we are all alone and there is nobody else around. We are hoping we can hang on somehow until the end. That is the attitude a lot of people have and it must stop in the Body of Christ.

We are living in a day when we must live in the privileged place of the Comforter where we will know the comfort of the Truth of the Word of God. We are learning to loose the finances and bless the ministries so God can, in turn, bless us. God's amazing Glory is the most exciting thing I have gotten hold of. It is wonderful to see what God is doing in our life as we choose to become the fullness of His Word.

Beloved, the day is here when we must honestly seek the Lord our God and cry out before Him. The cry of our heart must be, "Lord, let there be nothing in me that has to be tested so the crisis in this death realm is passed because we have chosen life rather than death and defeat". (John 14:30) Who makes the decision here? We do. I cannot make yours for you and you cannot make mine for me. As much as I would like to cast that enemy out of you, until you make the decision you want these things gone, I cannot help you. But, when you make that decision, the Lord, your God comes to your aid and you are set free. This is learning to trust God's Word. This is living because the Comforter has come.

Mark 2:1 says, "And Jesus, having returned to Capernaum, after some days it was rumored about that he was in the house [Peter's, probably]. And so many people gathered together there that there was no longer room [for them], not even around the door; and He was discussing the Word. Then they came bringing a paralytic to Him, who had been picked up and was being carried by four men. And when they could not get him to a place in front of Jesus because of the throng, they dug through the roof..." In the natural, we think about digging from the bottom and coming up, but in order to get this man healed, they dug through the roof above Him.

Verse five says, "Jesus saw their faith". Again God has given us a word picture. In order to live in the Glory of the Comforter, we are going to have to wrestle. In that struggle of wrestling to gain victory, we may have to do some things totally different from what we use to do. Instead of digging from the bottom up, they are digging through the roof down.

God is changing some things in our life in order that we may know who we are in this last day. Here is a word picture of the Holy Spirit at work in the Body to bring forth this many membered Body who will stand without spot or wrinkle in this last day. They will do exploits in the Name of the Lord. We have got to get rid of these things that are annoying, trifling, bruising, and causing the wrestling match in our life. There are many things that we must do. There are people to be set free, and places the Lord would send us to prepare the Body for the coming of the Lord.

Luke 5:1 says, "Now it occurred that while the people pressed upon Jesus to hear the message of God, He was standing by the lake of Gennesaret [Sea of Galilee]. And He saw two boats drawn up by the lake, but the fishermen had gone down from them and were washing their nets. And getting into one of the boats, [the one] that belonged to Simon (Peter), He requested him to draw away a little from the shore. Then He sat down and continued to teach the crowd (of people) from the boat." In that Comforter's place, the Word of God is going to be poured out to our understanding by the sea, or to the masses of the people. It is in that place that God is going to speak. The Comforter has come so the joy of the Holy Ghost is seen in the earth. The people that have been in darkness shall see a great light.

Continuing in verse 4, "When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon (Peter), Put out into the deep [water], and lower your nets for a haul. And Simon (Peter) answered, Master, we toiled all night (exhaustingly) and caught nothing [in our nets]. But on the ground of Your word, I will lower the nets [again]." Peter was trying to explain it away. That is the way this old death realm works. "Why, you are too tired to go to church tonight. All they are going to do is sing three hymns, take up a collection, and speak a few minutes. The rest of the time will be talking." The enemy comes in and tries to discourage. He tells you, "You have so much on you now that you can't take on anything else." But Beloved, it is decision time in the Body of Christ. It is the time when discipline and obedience MUST BE HEARD.

The ear needs to be tuned for listening to the Truth. Beloved, when the Word tells me, "You are not your own. You have been bought with a price through the blood of Jesus." That means I belong to Him. When you are the property of Almighty God, there is not a devil in hell that is going to stand in front of you, unless you allow him there. In the Name of Jesus, you have all power, and all dominion to be set free.

Continuing in verse 6. "And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish; and as their nets were (at the point of) breaking, they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and take hold with them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was gripped with bewildering amazement - allied to terror - and all that were with him, at the haul of fish which they had made." Most of the time God wants to do the miracles through our life, yet we are so caught up with what we sense, what we feel, and what we are doing in the natural realm that we cannot step out in obedience and discipline so the miracles can flow. Just as our ears hear in the Spirit, so also must our eyes see.

God is grooming His Body. This is the day of miracles. This is the day when God is pouring out His Spirit in the earth. This is the day when the inheritors will inherit the land. We are a people that have been designed for the comfort of the Holy Ghost to be revealed in every area and facet of our life. We will not move in any time-frame of our day propelled by fear any more. Neither will we be occupied by condemnation any more. Neither will we be full of pride, arrogance, or undisciplined selfishness and overindulgence. Why? Because God has called us to a discipline and obedience of His Word that required you to act upon it.

This Capernaum or territory of Naphtali was a dwelling place of the Lord. It was the place of the Comforter where ministry can begin. We are that comforter place where ministry can begin. He is the personality of the living God. We are the dwelling place of His Glory and He intends for us to know even as we are known.

Father, we have boats and nets and we know where the water is. Lord, teach us what we need to know and understand. It is a wrestling place. We are like the hind that is to bring forth according to her kind, the lovely fawn. No bitterness, no resentment, no death in this last hour. Lord, we come before You and we ask You, Jesus, to show us the secret place. Write a word upon our hearts that will cause us to rule in You and to walk in a victory that overcomes the world.

We shall step in Your footprints, Lord. We choose to walk in Your pathway. We shall know the Kingdom discipline and order because You have decreed this to be unto Your people. We ask You to write Your Word upon our hearts so that every line will deify, strengthen, and keep us in Your dwelling place. Lord, let us now become that Light and Glory which we have seen. You are the Light and You dwell in us. We are the heirs of salvation and You have set us free so we may claim our inheritance in You.

Chapter II
Driving The Enemies Out
Of Your Inheritance

A man's inheritance is very important to the Lord. Remember the daughters of Zelophehad and how they came to Moses and Eleazar the priest? (Numbers 27:1-8) They said, "Our father died in the wilderness and we have no inheritance in this land to possess." So Moses and Eleazar brought this before the Lord and God said, "What these daughters have said has merit." Then God changed the law to honor the inheritance. A man's inheritance, what has been bequeathed unto him, is precious, honorable, and sacred.

We are the inheritors of salvation. We have been bequeathed salvation's glory through the blood of Jesus Christ. We have been given a portion, in Him, for this last day preparation to complete, make ready, and join us unto Him. The Lord is showing us the things that have entered in and kept us from the fullness of our inheritance. These are things that must be addressed in this last day. People who are being set free from demonic forces that have bruised them through the genetic response of their bloodline, need to understand how this has taken place. They need to understand the origin and how this is laid down in the Word of God.

The genetic response of our bloodline inheritance has been a veil over our natural mind. However, in this last day, page by page of the fullness of Jesus is being revealed as we are realizing as the heirs of salvation, we must possess our inheritance. In the authority our inheritance has given us, we will break the bands of this yoke that have separated us from the fullness of God. We can understand how we have been put upon by the enemy. We have been pushed through circumstance after circumstance, and now we are beginning to understand the reasons.

We have thought we are "just this way", and we are going to be this way forever. We are now learning that there are things that have happened to our generation man that have formed and shaped us in such a way that we have been imprisoned in our own flesh. We have longed for the Lord and the things of the Kingdom, but we have been pulled by desires, weaknesses, and frustrations of our natural man. In this last day, a revealing or an unveiling in God's Word of what is taking place is going to be understood. We are going to know the Truth of His Word.

The inheritance of Naphtali - "the wrestler", was the very place the first miracle was performed by Jesus. It was at Capernaum, part of Naphtali's inheritance, that Jesus dwelt. Realizing this, we can see that the wrestling here was "a wrestling unto victory". It was a wrestling, a conquering, and a winning of the battle. Looking in the Spirit, there is a wrestling going on in the dwelling place of Jesus Christ. We are the body, the temple, and the tabernacle where He abides.

This wrestling match is showing powerful struggles in areas where bruises have abounded so much because we have been shaped in our iniquities. We have been clothed in these struggling situations and they have kept us from the reality of the authority we have in the Name of Jesus Christ. Our problems have become bigger to us than our knowledge of the Name of Jesus. The more we think on the situation that we are wrestling with, which is a battle in this flesh man, the more we are occupied and detached from the reality of the power in the Name of Jesus. Our inheritance in Him is that we have the authority of His Name to step on every foe, to cast out every devil, and to take our place in the Glory of God victorious.

This struggle means "to be torturous, to wrestle forward, to be entwined". We can now understand what is going on. We have been entwined with demonic forces and powers that have been birthed within us because of our environment. In that mixture, we have been weak and fallen into the sleep of death. Beloved, it is time to address this situation and realize that as the heirs of Jesus Christ, we must utilize our inheritance. We have been like the man who had a million dollars in the bank and never used a penny of it. We have all power and all authority given unto us in the Name of Jesus.

When this understanding of inheritance begins to be developed in us, we begin to realize, "I am not my own; I have been bought with the price of the blood of Jesus". There is a discipline that must take place. Sometimes people cannot even see what you are in Christ because we are so unregulated with our mouth and our actions. We become wild or impulsive by running forth in our own flesh rather than staying in that place, in God, where we bring forth children for the Kingdom. It is by remaining "in Him" that we see salvation come, the Body healed, people restored, delivered and set free in Jesus' Name. God is bringing forth a people who will be developed, perfected and complete in Him so that the Kingdom of God will be active and alive in this earth.

The rules are not like those of the tangible realm for this growing process. In the tangible realm, a man is born because he has a mother and a father who, through the consummation of their marriage vows, brought forth according to God's plan. When God's laws are broken, the children become illegitimate. They come under the curse of the vagabond, the wanderer, and the outcast. They are not allowed in the congregation of the righteous for ten generations, or four hundred years. (Deuteronomy 23:2) That spirit becomes a strong force in the personality of that person.

In the natural realm, when God's laws are broken, man must repent and ask God to forgive him. He must be born again and allow that birthing process of the nature of God, the Holy Spirit within him, to come forth. We have the capability to contain the Spirit of the Living God through the blood of Jesus Christ.

We cannot use the tangible realm of this natural man and think we are going to produce the image of godliness. We were birthed through the bloodline bondages of ancestral weaknesses. We have been shaped in the iniquities that have bruised us unto death. However, by the Spirit, we have been born anew and now we have the power, authority, and dominion to live forever in Christ Jesus.

Flesh and blood cannot understand this, but in the Spirit, it is revealed. By the Spirit we have been given the capability to speak an anointed word that brings conviction to a heart and causes repentance to be met. This is the birthing process necessary to bring forth spiritual children. This process is nothing like what we felt in the natural because this birth does not require a mother and a father. By the Spirit we are birthed into the Kingdom because of our inheritance of the blood of Jesus Christ. This inheritance entitles us to the throne room experience of being able to sit down while the Lord, our God makes all our enemies our footstool. We are the heirs of the perfect blood of Jesus Christ. His blood has given us power and authority over this death realm that has tried to bruise and cause us to sleep with our fathers and be absent from God.

God, in His infinite wisdom, gave us a word picture of His only begotten Son. In hearing His Word and acting upon it, we would become His Word in this last hour. "The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." (John 1:14)

Let's look again at this Naphtali territory. We said the red deer has no gall bladder which contains the bitterness and resentment. This tribe of people, like the hind let loose that would yield lovely fawns, had no bitterness or resentment that would hold back the work of God. Where did the work of God begin? It began right in this territory of Naphtali.

John 2:1 says, "On the third day there was a wedding at Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there." This is a word picture in this Naphtali place where no bitterness could abound. Verse two continues, "Jesus also was invited with His disciples to the wedding. And when the wine was all gone, the mother of Jesus said to Him, They have no more wine! Jesus said to her, (Dear) woman, what is that to you and to Me? [What have we in common? Leave it to me.] My time (hour to act) is not come yet. His mother said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it."

By the Spirit we know a wedding is being prepared and we are the Bride of Christ. By the Spirit we know we are called unto that wedding to rejoice and praise the Lord. We know, by the Spirit, that the sacrifice lamb has been slain and His blood has been sprinkled upon the covenant ark of heaven. By the Spirit we know the taste of that lamb that was in every Israelite's mouth when he left Egypt and entered the wilderness so he could have the freedom to worship the Lord. By the Spirit we know there is a company of people that has been eating that lamb for some 2000 years.

We have been in that glorious place where the Word has been broken in bite size form to feed us. The Word is His flesh and the wine is His blood. We are looking, by the Spirit, at a wedding ceremony that took place in this Naphtali territory where he began the first miracle. This is a word picture govern to humanity to show us that we have been called to the wedding. We have been called as the wedding guest to a time of preparation, but we have also been called as the Bride to be ready for her Bridegroom.

It is like walking on stepping stones or progress being made to enter into the realms of glory. We understand that we are coming into that place where we will sit down at the Father's table and eat the glorious Word. We will be satisfied because it is served unto us in order to bring forth a strength and an understanding in this last day that we have been bought with the price of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Continuing in verse six, it says, "Now there were six waterpots." Six is the number of man and the number of God's week when He completed His creation. As we know, it was on the seventh day that God began to rest. These waterpots of stone were standing there, all in a row, being looked upon as empty vessels. There was nothing there, no preparation for such a time of celebration. "So the six waterpots of stone were standing there as the Jewish custom of purification commanded." These were pots made for washing, not for containing wine. They were ready to be filled with water to wash the hands and feet of the wedding guests for the custom of purification. God has given us this sixth day preparation time to recognize that there is a washing of regeneration. There is a time coming forth in each of us that is making us ready for this seventh day of rest.

God began a word picture in the Cana territory for us to understand that we are a part of this wedding feast. We are invited to the feast because the preparation is being made and has been made for each of us. Like the six waterpots of stone, we have been empty before the Lord. We have not been cleaned properly for such a time as this.

The church has not understood the message of deliverance. The more they put on to make themselves look holy, or to make themselves acceptable to one another, underneath there is hatred, jealousy, envy, and strife. There are things in our life that must be examined and dealt with.

The water in those stone pots is like the messenger of the Holy Spirit. It is the job of the Holy Spirit of Truth to anoint, reveal, and to show us to us so we might have a nature within us that will line up with God's Word.

We have been given the glory of communication. God chose the foolishness of preaching to convict of sin and to bring forth Truth to His Body. This will not happen through some subliminal message. Any other way is folly.

We have been just like those six stone pots, standing there like a stone man. Our flesh has been pounded and bruised by the bloodline bondages that we have been shaped and molded in. They were commanded to have 20-30 gallons of water per person for this ceremonial washing. We see that thirty fold nature again – the washing of salvation.

Jesus said to them in John 2:7, "Fill the waterpots with water. So they filled them up to the brim. Then He said to them, draw some out now and take it to the manager of the feast. . . " We see a change taking place here. What has been water for washing in this thirty fold experience, is now full to the brim with pure wine. That change must take place in us also. We are going to become the Glory of the Lord in that same wine making process.

Let's look at the process of making wine. When they mash the grapes, the first thing that grape does is to lose its identity. When the wine maker gets through stomping on the grapes, all that is left are a few seeds and a little hull. Do you see yourself in this? Then, as if that were not enough, they pour the juice out and let it ferment. All the fermentation begins to rise to the top. All the corruption that has been allowed is skimmed off the top. When they finish skimming, they get a new vessel and pour this skimmed wine into it. This process is continued until all the dregs are gotten rid of and there is no more fermentation. The wine maker begins to pour this wine into another vessel where he knows there is no sediment in the bottom. Now it is ready to be tasted and to bring joy in the being.

This wine making process is patient. We, like the water pots full to the brim, must do some changing. We cannot go on and bring forth vessels after our own kind in the condition that we are in now. We are not able to wash and cleanse ourselves because we have been stagnated, imperfect and boiling over with all manner of things that must boil out of us.

When the water pots were full to the brim, Jesus began to command them to pour out enough for a tasting. "Take it to the manager of the feast, to the one presiding, the superintendent of the banquet. So they took him some. And when the manager tasted the water just now turned into wine, not knowing where it came from, though the servants that had drawn the water knew, he called the bridegroom."

In this process of making us into the image of Jesus, until we can be set free, delivered, and recognize the things that have to go out of our life, we are not going to be able to bring forth very much fruit. You will not pour out much for the Body of Christ that will sustain them or cause them to celebrate.

I have heard people say when they have arguments with one another, "If that is what God is, I don't want any part of Him." When they look at you and me, what do they see? The Lord is speaking to His Body. We must begin to examine ourselves more thoroughly and allow ourselves to be examined by the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit reveal to you the things that must be done so when the wine is ready, when Jesus has finished the work, you are glorious and ready to be poured out for the wine feast.

John 2:11 says, "This first of His signs (miracles, wonderworks) Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee and manifested His glory..." We see the first miracle of turning the water into wine happening in this Cana place. The waterpots that are for washing are in the doorway of a wedding feast. They, like us, become fulfilled and anointed to pour out to the people. What is manifested when deliverance has taken place, is a manifestation of the Glory of God. The joy of salvation is being set free and containing that joy. Deliverance is not a one time thing. It is sometimes necessary to address the same thing over and over again. I believe that God revealed so much about His messenger Jesus casting out devils, healing the sick and bringing restoration because it is so needed in the Body. We cannot go any farther in God until we address the fact that deliverance is needed now in the Body of Christ. Verse eleven says that by this miracle, Jesus "displayed His greatness and His power openly; and His disciples believed in Him - adhered to, trusted in and relied on Him."

We mentioned before the story of Jesus paying the temple tax and rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. We are in the world, but we are not of it. There are responsibilities that we have to our body and our situations of living that must be attended to. However, these things are not to be the control of our life for we have been called to live in the Spirit.

Matthew 17:24 says, "When they arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the half-shekel [the temple tax] went up to Peter and said, Does not your Teacher pay the half-shekel? He answered, Yes." We know from this that Peter had already talked to Jesus and He had told them what to do. In verse twenty-seven Jesus told them, "In order not to give offense and cause them to stumble - that is to judge unfavorably and unjustly - go down to the sea and throw in a hook; take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find there a shekel. Take it and give it to them to pay the temple tax for Me and for yourself."

We are the Ecclesia, the called out one, the temple of the Lord. We are called upon to live in this natural realm, but we are set free by the Glory of God. There is a supernatural understanding that God is building a temple, a tabernacle within us. We cannot fling away the responsibilities of this, neither shall we turn our back upon what God has spoken in this last day.

We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. We will stop being vagabonds and wanderers in the land. We will stop acting with the attitude of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, always condemning, pulling down, and hurting one another. We will, in the love of Jesus Christ, pray for one another until we are set free and have dealt with those factors that have bruised us unto the death realm. We must be in the place where God intends us to be so that the inheritance we have received through Jesus Christ can be acted upon. The five fold ministries are to operate in the church. We are living stones. We are drawn together to become like Jesus. We are His Body and we are partakers and sharers of His Glory.

Mark 8:1 says, "In those days when [again] an immense crowd had gathered, and they had nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples to Him, and told them, I have pity and sympathy for the people and My heart goes out to them, for they have been with Me now three days, and have nothing [left] to eat." Here is that third day again, symbolic of the resurrection day which is life out of death. Remember, "they had nothing left to eat." Beloved, there comes a time when this natural realm will provide you nothing. We are coming to a day when you will no longer desire the things that pet or feed your flesh because your place in God is more glorious and wonderful to you.

Jesus said in verse three, "If I send them away to their homes hungry, they will be feeble through exhaustion and faint along the road." In the natural realm, food sustains life. In the spiritual realm, spiritual food sustains the spiritual realm. When you begin to eat of the Word of God, you have strength and stamina. Spiritual muscles take you into the Kingdom Glory and all the things God has planned for your life. In the natural, if you stop eating you will get weak and you will fall into the sleep of death. If you overeat and overindulge, you will become sick, slothful, lazy, and tardy. There are spirits attached to these things that come in and begin to bombard your life because their ultimate purpose is to take you out of the battle. They want to overtake you and to bruise you unto death until you are so separated from your knowledge of eternal life that they put you to sleep with your fathers. So Jesus is thinking of the needs of the people in this verse.

Continuing in verse four, "And His disciples replied to Him, How can anyone fill and satisfy [these people] with loaves of bread here in [this] desolate and uninhabited region? And He asked them, How many loaves have you? They said, Seven. And He commanded the multitude to recline upon the ground, and He [then] took the seven loaves [of bread], and having given thanks, He broke them and kept on giving them to His disciples to put before [the people]; and they placed them before the crowd. And they had a few small fish; and when He had praised God and given thanks and asked Him to bless them [to their use], He ordered that these also should be set before [them]. And they ate and were satisfied, and they took up seven [large provision] baskets full of the broken pieces left over."

Jesus fed the four thousand and He fed the five thousand. When He fed the five thousand, He took up five baskets full. When He fed the four thousand, He took up seven baskets full. Broken, bite sized pieces were left over. There was no force feeding of the people, or choking on the Word. He meant for that word picture to be sealed in the heart and mind of men so they could contain the Truth. Five baskets and seven baskets makes twelve. Twelve is the number for God's divine order and perfection of government.

After Jesus dismissed the people, He got into a boat with His disciples. Continuing in verse fourteen, "Now they had [completely] forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf with them in the boat." They did not have any bread in the natural, but they had the Bread of Life with them.

Continuing in verse fifteen, "And Jesus (repeatedly expressly) charged and admonished them saying, Look out; keep on your guard and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees..." Looking again in the Spirit we are saying, "We are the Church; we are the containment of Jesus Christ. We are living stones and yet there is still a Pharisaic understanding and principles that we have abided by. We have been drawn to these ways and allowed these things because we have not known or understood the Word. We have been deceived and we have not kept guard because we have not eaten enough of the True Bread to know the difference.

Verse sixteen says, "And they discussed it and reasoned with one another, [It is] because we have no bread." There comes a time in the growing process, Beloved, when we must turn away from the customs and religious practices of man. We must get alone with God and let Him write His Word upon our hearts. We must seek Him as our vital necessity. The disciples thought Jesus was warning them about the leaven of the Pharisees because they had no bread. Jesus said in verse seventeen, "Why are you reasoning and saying [it is] because you have no bread? Do you not yet discern or understand?"

We are seeing a divination power in the psychic realm that is so powerful in this hour. There is no discernment in the Body of Christ. There is a lot of fortune telling, spiritual witchcraft, and false prophecy, but no discernment of spirits. The people are blinded.

Remember what was spoken about the Tribe of Naphtali walking in darkness in Isaiah 9:1-2? We have been a people in darkness, but the Word says we have seen a great light. When they saw wine in those water pots in Cana, that was a great light. When they began to taste and drink, that was a great light. They understood how the miracle realm had burst through to the natural realm. They saw heaven and earth come together through one magnificent Son - His Name is Jesus, the Son of Almighty God.

Jesus only acted in the most normal, natural way He could act. He spread before them a drink that would satisfy and bring an understanding. By the Word of the Living God, every line, every jot and every tittle would be fulfilled. This was done so the imagination of man would not have to run and search for the principles and powers of this death realm. Once man understood and came to the Lord Jesus Christ and received Him as His own, he could begin to receive the wine, the Glory, the anointing of the Lord.

Let's look at Deuteronomy 33:23 where Moses is blessing the Israelites before his death. "Of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favor, and full of the blessing of the Lord..." Oh, wrestler, Oh, him that struggles, we see satisfied with favor. God had favored that struggle and that wrestling because Naphtali came forth satisfied and full of the blessing of the Lord. This was a generation who in days to come would see water turned into wine. Naphtali was to "possess the sea [of Galilee] and [its warm, sunny climate like] the south." God was speaking of the excitement of going on and dwelling in that place where favor and satisfaction is found.

When you wrestle and hold on like Jacob, you know what a wrestling match is all about. In Genesis 32 when Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord, he would not turn loose until he had received his blessing. That Naphtali wrestling unto victory was in Jacob's loins. It was ready to come forth to a generation of people in order to bring forth the favor and the blessing of the Lord. We see Jesus living in this place, teaching the Word until the people were satisfied. It was like bringing forth beautiful fawns after His own kind. Many grew up in God because they heard the Word of the Lord.

Remember the stone of the tribe of Naphtali was the diamond, symbolic of the transparency that would come forth. They would know that light, that reflection, that illumination which was to be seen in Jesus. No bitterness, gall, resentment, or hatred, only the light of the transparent Son of God.

Genesis 49:21 says, "Naphtali shall be a hind let loose and he giveth goodly words." The word goodly here comes from a Hebrew word which means "beauty". Beauty means "to glisten, or to be fair and goodly". When Jesus started to teach and preach, it was goodly, beautiful, and it was fair. It brought forth that transparency quality that comes in the Name of Jesus. The ministry of the glistening diamond is coming forth in this generation of people who are going to be like Jesus. Those who are dwelling in Him and receiving from Him all that He has spoken.

When Moses expressed in Deuteronomy 33:23, "O Naphtali", in connection with the prophecy of the tribe, this was not to be ignored. It was spoken to draw our attention to the fact that God was speaking to those who would be satisfied with favor. When Jesus came to dwell there, that was the favor of the Living God in their midst. By the Spirit again, where does He dwell? He dwells in His people. We see that Naphtali, like a hind let loose, is disciplined before the Lord and ready to receive the things God is speaking to her.

In I Samuel 21, we see another picture of the bread. "Then David went to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest; and Ahimelech was afraid at meeting David, and said to him, Why are you alone, and no man with you? David said to Ahimelech the priest, The king has charged me with a matter and has told me, Let no man know anything of the mission on which I send you, and with what I have charged you. I have appointed the young men to a certain place. Now what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or what you may have. And the priest answered David, there is no common bread on hand, but there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. And David told the priest, Truly women have been kept from us about these three days, since I came out, and the food bags and utensils of the young men are clean, and although the bread will be used in a secular way, it will be set apart in the clean bags."

David is a shadow and type of Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life and the five fold ministry fully manifested. There were twelve loaves, one for each tribe, sitting on the table of shewbread. David could not have eaten the twelve loaves. David only asked for five because of this Bread of Life, this five fold ministry in the church. In the Body of Christ, that example would bring forth ministry to the people that would sustain, give life, strengthen, and admonish them before the Lord.

In Mark 8:14 the disciples said, "We only have one loaf". They did not realize that the one loaf that was in the boat was the fulfillment of God's incarnate, generation man, Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. His genealogy, like the bread of the shewbread table, the bread of the face, was the revealing of total Truth. Like the face of man reveals his identity, that one loaf revealed that one new man, the last Adam, Jesus. We can just see Jesus breaking the bread to feed them and giving them the wine to drink. Jesus, the bread of life, stood among the twelve disciples in the upper room and they became one. They became partakers and sharers of a communion with the Bread of Life that would sustain humanity. Jesus knew that His body would be broken and bruised for this very day, this very hour. The power and the strength of that blood and body is as powerful within us this moment as it was there on that day.

Naphtali possessed the west and the south. West of Naphtali is the Mediterranean Sea. Looking in the Spirit, it is like being pushed into places that have not been explored yet. The seas were the gateways to new lands and always held new adventures. God wants this wrestling within us to produce that nature of coming into a higher plain, or a higher realm with God. We will move across the waters; we will move across the masses of people who are going on with God. We will stop here and there in this learning process, but we will move on in the things of God.

The south speaks of the pleasant things which are at the foot of Naphtali. Just west of Naphtali was Zebulun. God wants us to understand that this sea coast of Galilee and the town of Capernaum are an inheritance. We have inherited that wrestling ability. By the Spirit we are seeing that this wrestling time is going to produce a growth in us.

Just as Jacob wrestled with the angel until he was blessed, that is the overcomers walk. That is moving on in the things of God. When Jacob finished that wrestling match, the Word says he put the right mothers with the right children and he bowed himself to the ground seven times. (Seven is the number of completion or perfection.) He became the priest in his home, the head of his house. Then Jacob went to meet his brother Esau because in that wrestling match, God had changed his name. No more trickster, schemer, and supplanter, he now became Israel - "him who seeks, who contends, who perseveres, who is tenacious to seek after God."

This ministry place of Jesus is like a word picture to our Spirit man. We are seeing the wrestling that is going on in our being. We are seeing the bloodline bondages, the curses, and the bruises that have shaped us in iniquity. They are being exposed over and over again as we seek to go on in God. The enemy, like a hot breath upon your neck, is trying to trip you up, destroy and deceive you. He is trying to get you into every place he can to keep you from doing what the Lord wants you to do.

The enemies' power is moving strong through divination in this last day. His determination is to seal off the mind of man so man cannot wrestle, seek God, or know the difference between the things of God or the things of the flesh. Our enemy wants us to be so pounded upon by that realm of divination and psychic phenomena that it would seal our ability from choosing the things of God.

What is going to take place? A beast is going to arise out of the earth with no dominion and no care. The beast is full of greed, excess, overindulgence, no caring for children or family, but only caring for self. The beast is a nature of total selfishness. What is the enemy trying to do? He is trying to seal the mind so man can no longer wrestle through the frustrations of this natural realm.

Beloved, that is why an understanding of our inheritance is so important in these last days. This inheritance gives us a capability through the blood and Name of Jesus Christ which is bequeathed and bestowed unto us. In His Name, every knee bows, every tongue confesses, and every demon in hell trembles. The enemy has no right in Jesus' Name, but if he could seal you from that knowledge, if he could occupy your being with other areas, he is going to do that.

We are on the count down. We are in a day of the coming of the Lord. Jesus stands at the door. We are the generation that will usher in the millennial. There are great and mighty wonders to be performed and we must be ready. We have inherited the Kingdom of God, the throne room, sealed in Him, propping our feet up while He makes our enemies our footstool. There is a way of peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. We have inherited the same inheritance of Jesus Christ and the Lord means for us to occupy it.

The territory that was given to Naphtali had to be possessed. Unfortunately, Naphtali never drove out all the enemies from the land. There was always a battle going on. Remember the song of Deborah, the prophetess, and Barak who was part of the companies' descendants? Look at all the battles that went on and are still going on till this day. What does the Syrian or harlot nation want to do? She wants to occupy all the choice land that God so graciously gave unto us, this place which belongs to the inherited seed. We see this in the natural and in the Spirit we know we must drive out the enemies from our inheritance. We are the dwelling place of Jesus Christ. All that are led by the Spirit are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14)

Praise God that we are a company of people who in this last hour are going to be like Jesus. We are going to arrive in Him because we are a people who have fed upon His Word and become His Word. We are going to eat and be satisfied in the Name of Jesus.

II Corinthians 10:3 says, "For though we walk [live] in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons." We are in this human containment. We have the look and the attributes of this natural man, but we have been birthed a new creation. We have and are the container of the Holy Spirit. The outer flesh man has the look of that man of death. He has been birthed and shaped in that iniquity. Our inner man has been born anew by the Spirit of the Living God. We take on a new birthright as the heir and the seed of salvation. We are the seed of God.

There is a warfare going on that is causing change in the Body of Christ. Our inner man is at war with this outer man. The outer man is like a veil of flesh that is separating us from being one in Christ Jesus by being totally given and committed unto Him. Our desires and personality have been warped and pulled down by the generations of death. We have desired things that have taken our time and caused us to be sealed in our emotions, leaving us without an ability to give or to receive love. The enemy is like a great and mighty python serpent that has wrapped itself around you until you cannot express yourself in the area of love. People stand in fear, all alone in a crowd, hurting continuously. That spirit came in through the hurt and pain of the inner man until he has been surrounded and captured by its affect.

The Word says that we walk in the flesh. In the flesh I would knock you down, slap your jaws, and pound on you until you said, "Hey, quit; I quit; I quit." That is the flesh kind of battle. In that kind of fighting, you might win the battle, but you are not going to win the war. You cannot hit them over the head with your Bible or bless them with a brick. In order to grow up this spiritual man, you have got to do it God's way.

II Corinthians 10:3 says, "We are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh and blood), but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the (true) knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One..."

I have had to tell people who I pray with that they have to fast their thoughts. We have to stop thinking in that negative realm or about desires that please us or things that have happened in the past. If satan has laid a trap for you in this area, you are going to have to deal with this thinking process if you are going to go on with God. The enemy comes in like a flood. Those things that have promoted sin allow the promiscuity of the sin nature to become like an adulterous woman - seeking ways that take the mind out of the presence of God. Good things can do that just as well as the bad things. When your mind is not stayed on the Lord, self reigns in your mind. The choice is up to you. You are either going to decide as the Lord decides, or you are going to decide as your flesh decides. This is a life or death choice.

Pray this prayer with me. I command my being to line up with God's Word. I command every thought into captivity. I refuse to allow my mind to be the dumping ground of every hateful, despicable wound that the enemy wants to put in my way. He will not steal my children. He will not steal my household. He will not steal my finances. I command my mind to line up with the discipline of Truth from God's Word. I expect the Lord to move in my behalf. I expect Him to protect me from every evil. I expect Him to go before me and make the crooked places straight. I expect the Lord God to have a meeting in me continually, for I am His to command.

I hold nothing back. I come to do my part. I come to do His will. I stand before the Lord for Him to look upon me and to show me what I need to deal with so in this last day I will stand in obedience. I will stand in discipline. I will not be wringing my hands and crying because I cannot cope or I cannot stand it any more. God has commissioned me and He has dealt with me and I have dealt with myself, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

At last we will bring forth lovely fawns. We will bring forth a people that are going to love the Lord because they see Jesus in our face. They will understand that we have fought the battle and we have won!

II Corinthians 10:7 says, "Look at [this obvious fact] which is before your eyes. If anyone is confident that he is Christ's, let him reflect and remind himself that even as he is Christ's, so too are we." We belong to the Lord. We cannot fall into the pitfall of negative things. If needed, we must fast our thoughts. We must command our mind to be disciplined before the Lord our God. We must seek to do His will and as we do, we begin to get happy in the Lord.

Ephesians 6:10 says, "In conclusion, be strong in the Lord - be empowered through your union with Him..." Understand that as the Bride of Christ, you have all power. You have all authority. There is not a devil in hell that can stand in front of you. There is not a principality or power that can boil you over. There is not anything that has come into birth within you that is going to take you out because the Lord, your God has satisfied your mouth with good things.

We have wrestled and we have won. We have dealt with the enemy of our soul and we have commanded him to lose us in Jesus' Name. We have recognized that we have a union in the well-beloved. We are one in Him. It says in Ephesians 6:10 to "draw your strength from Him." When you think that you cannot go another step, draw your strength from Him. That is what the Word says. These are not just words in your mouth or six hairs and twelve goose pimples on your arm because it sounds good. This is the Word of Life to us that brings strength when we have no more.

It is not always easy to draw your strength from the Lord if you have not been doing it very often. You are going to have to learn some principles here. Drawing your strength from Him comes on your face, on your bedroom floor with the door closed, crying out to God until you hear from Him. In the presence of the Lord there is strength, power and glory which His boundless might provides. There is no problem too big, no valley too low, and no mountain too high that Jesus in you cannot gain the victory in.

We see the manifestation in the natural of things that we cannot change. But by the Spirit, God can do something about it and He alone will change it. We must depend on the Lord. We must draw our strength from Him.

Ephesians 6:11 says to "Put on God's whole armor - the armor of a heavy-armed soldier, which God supplies - that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil." The devil is planning on taking you out, but he is not going to do it. It may have been fourteen years before you found the Truth, but when you found it, things began to change right then. When we found the Truth, things turned around. This is the year for turning unto the Truth of God so we will have the favor of the Lord and goodly blessings will be provided.

Continuing in verse twelve, "For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood - contending only with physical opponents - but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness..." There are things in this present darkness that seek to devour and control. I believe it means that there are hidden things. There are hidden things in our inner man that have got to be addressed. You cannot continue to allow your personality to be warped by the enemy of your soul.

The Word says there are "rulers in this present darkness." What are rulers? A pouting spirit in a man, depression, insanity, and schizophrenia are ruling spirits that operate in the darkness so that you are unable to see them. They come upon you because your mind is looking for an escape. You cannot handle the natural realm so you begin to look for a way of escape. Depression is your mind escaping from facing or addressing the things in the natural. Beloved, we have power over "the master spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere."

Our mind is like heaven; our body is like the earth. There is a battle going on in the heavenlies and the mind of man is the prize. There is a wrestling match over the territory of our inheritance, the authority and power we have been given in the Name of Jesus. In this wrestling we are seeking God and not settling for anything but God's best, His choice, His grace, and His baptism of love. By entering into Him we gain His highest authority, the Name of Jesus. Knowing Him we seek after Truth and cry out, "Oh, Lord God, let me be all that you intended me to be in this last day. Let there be nothing in me that will cause me to be out of agreement with Your Word." It is in this wrestling match that we must "put on God's whole armor." God has shown us who we are in Him and we win the battle.

Psalms 68:26-27 is a psalm of praise and worship. It says, "Bless, give thanks and gratefully praise God in full congregations, even the Lord, O you who are from [Jacob] the fountain of Israel. There is little Benjamin, (son of the right hand), in the lead [ in the procession], the princes of Judah and their company, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali." Here we have that wrestling company that has wrestled unto victory.

Continuing in verse twenty-eight, "Your God has commanded your strength [your might in His service and impenetrable hardness to temptation]. O God, display Your might and strengthen what You have wrought for us!" Amen.

There are things that have bruised our mind that we need to pray about. I want to pray a prayer of discipline. We must, in this last day, be disciplined in our day before the Lord. You cannot run helter skelter like a vagabond through the land. You cannot run to this group or to that group. It is time to grow up and to get down to business with the Lord. We must cry out and pour out in the presence of the Lord on our face before Him. The joy that comes after this time with Him is sweet. Once you begin to experience this, you will not allow the enemy to cheat you out of your time with the Lord.

Pray this prayer with me: In the Name of Jesus, I command my being to Your attention, Lord. I command disobedience and rebellion to loose me right now in the Name of Jesus. I go back ten generations on both sides of my family and I command every rebellion and every curse that was put upon me to be canceled in the Name of Jesus. I command the enemy to loose me right now. You have no authority, power or dominion in my life. I am a child of the King. I have been born of the blood of Jesus Christ. I am delivered and I am being delivered. Your Word, Lord, is in my mouth. I command that every curse of lawlessness and rebellion be broken. You will set me free, in Jesus' Name. (Now take a deep breath and begin to battle it. It is time to wrestle. Push it out from you. If you have to cough or scream, do whatever it takes to get rid of it.)

I command all anger, madness, frustrations, and pent up emotions to loose me in Jesus' Name. All the rebellion, selfishness, and greed, I command it to go. All the mind control, hypnotism, and divination, I command it to loose me. I break all the forces that have come against me, all the hexes and vexes, charms, fetishes, and potions. I demand the spirit of witchcraft to loose me. I come against the spirit of godlessness in my generation, people who have not accepted Jesus. I break the curse of godlessness and faithlessness and I command it to go in Jesus' Name. (Take a deep breath and begin to push that from you. Godlessness is where the sickness and disease comes in.) I command the spirit of idolatry, being drawn to the flesh and the manifestations of the psychic realm, broken off me in Jesus' Name. (It is because of these very things that you are weak and sick. When you do not obey the Lord and you do not seek Him, the enemy has a right to come in and begin to destroy.)

Observing the word of Deuteronomy 28, I break all the curses of scurvy, tumors, itch, and all sores and things of which I cannot be healed. I command all sickness and disease to loose me in Jesus' Name. I break the curse of cancer off me. All infirmities such as arthritis and all the things that bruise the hands, the feet and the arms, hindering my service and my walk in the Lord. I command it to loose me right now in the Name of Jesus. I break the curse off of my basket and store, and off of my ability to get gain. I break the curse of poverty off my finances. I break the curse that comes on me when I go in and go out, when I am not seeking the Lord. I break those curses when the enemy overtakes me and tries to destroy me. I command every demon that has attached itself to be loosed from me in the Name of Jesus.

Sadness, guilt, grief, I command you to loose me. Every weakness in my generation man and all the idolatrous practices and spiritual adulteries when I have served myself rather than serving God, I break those curses in Jesus' Name. I come against the spirit of confusion. (There is a spirit of confusion over the church. She doesn't know how to come in and she doesn't know how to come out. She is wandering, full of questions, doubt and unbelief.) I take authority over confusion, confusion of mind, and I command it to go in Jesus' Name. (Take a deep breath and let it go.)

Beloved, in this wrestling and struggle, we gain the victory in Jesus' Name! Hallelujah!