1. Forgiveness
2. General Confession
3. Pride, Ego And Vanity
4. Come To Jesus, The Deliverer
5. Prince's Blood Of Jesus
6. Church's Command
7. Restoring The Soul
8. Warfare
1. Sins Of Ancestors, Curses, Soul Ties,
Fragmented Soul And Subconscious Mind
2. Taking Spiritual Authority Over The Meeting
1. Biblical Curses
2. Soul Ties
3. Occult And False Religion
4. Ungodly Spirits
5. Godly Spirits
6. Cursed Objects And Demon Infestation
1. Prayer
2. General Deliverance
3. Deliverance And Inner Healing
4. Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula
1. Some Common Types Of Evil Spirits
2. Principal Monarch System Demons
3. Other Important Demons Involved With Mind Control
5. Satanism
6. BASIC DELIVERANCE (Basic Deliverance)
1. Prayer
2. List of Demons for Basic Deliverance
1. Basic Deliverance
2. Rejection
3. Bitterness
4. Rebellion
5. Schizophrenia
1. Inward
2. Outward
3. General
7. FIFTY-THREE COMMON DEMON GROUPINGS (How To Minister Basic Deliverance)
1. Prayer
8. ABUSED CHILDREN (Deliverance for the Subconscious Mind)
1. Prayer
9. GRIEF AND BITTERNESS (Deliverance from Grief and Bitterness)
1. Prayer
10.BASTARDS AND INCEST (Incest And Bastard Curses)
1. Prayer
11.CHARISMATIC WITCHCRAFT (Charismatic Witchcraft)
1. Prayer
12. DRUNKENNESS AND GLUTTONY (Drunkenness and Gluttony)
1. Prayer
13.PERFECT LOVE (Perfect Love)
1. Prayer
14.INGRATITUDE (An Attitude of Gratitude)
1. Prayer
15. SELF (How To Be Miserable)
1. Prayer
16.HOW NOT TO DO DELIVERANCE (How To Do Deliverance)
1. Prayer
There are various types of demons. They have structure, ranks, functions and orders. There are powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Some categories are spirit guides, fallen angels, wizards, ghosts, phantoms, vampires, spooks, genii, monsters, sylphs, aliens, gnomes, imps, demons, devils, nature spirits and evil spirits (male and female). Gnomes would include dwarfs, elves and minihunes which are one of the four divisions of earth spirits. Nature spirits have to do with fire, water, wind and earth. Evil spirits work in different areas such as magic.
A great deal of time has been spent by both brilliant Christians and satanic magicians to chart out the names, ranks and structure of the demonic army that Satan commands. One accurate method of ranking demons has 365 ranks of demons, with No. 1 being the highest level of demons. The numbers of top level demons are numbered in the trillions, while the lower level imps are incredibly numerous. Satan has a vast army of evil spirits to use against humans.
Early Christians and the occult have often divided up the evil spirits (nature spirits) under fire, water, wind, and earth. The power of Enochian magic comes from the Watchtowers of these four elements. The principalities and powers exercise dominion over spirits. Each of these types of evil spirits has a number of specialists in a family.
Where sin flings wide the gates, the vital thing to remember is that there can be a demon of anything. There is a name of a demon for everything that is contrary to THE WORD OF GOD! The demons prefer to be called spirits; probably because of their pride.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by your blood and I belong to you, and I want to live for you. I confess my sins, known and unknown, I'm sorry for them. I renounce them. I forgive others as I want you to forgive me. (Pause to allow forgiveness of others as THE HOLY SPIRIT leads.)
Forgive me and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST which cleanses me from sin. I come to you as my deliverer. You know my special needs: the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles, that evil spirit, that unclean spirit. I claim the promise of your word, Whosoever that calleth on THE NAME OF THE LORD shall be delivered. I call upon you; deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and your works. I loose myself from you.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, thank you for dying for my sins, for your glorious resurrection and for making me a new creature in CHRIST by faith in your precious blood. I have sought supernatural experience apart from you and disobeyed your Word.
I want you to help me renounce these things and cleanse me in body, soul and spirit. I renounce witchcraft and magic, both black and white; Ouija boards and occult games; seances, clairvoyance and mediums; ESP, second sight, and mind reading; fortune telling, palm reading, tea-leaf reading, crystal balls, Tarot and card laying; astrology and interest in horoscopes; the heresy of reincarnation and healing groups involved in metaphysics; hypnosis;
curiosity about future or past, and which is outside Thy Will; water witching and dowsing, levitation, body lifting, table tipping, psychometry and automatic writing; astral projection and demonic skills; literature I read in these fields and vow that I will destroy such books in my own possession; psychic and occult; cults that deny THE BLOOD OF CHRIST; philosophies that deny THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST; and evil spirits that bind and torment me.
I break curses placed on me from occult sources; psychic heredity, and demonic holds upon my family line as a result of the disobedience of my ancestors; bonds of physical and mental illness; and demonic subjection to my mother, father, grandparents and human beings. I call upon THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to set me free.
ALMIGHTY GOD, I have a confession to make: I have not loved, but have resented certain people and have unforgiveness in my heart, and I call upon you to help me forgive them. I do forgive (name them, both living and dead) and ask you to forgive them. I do forgive and accept myself.
General Confession
LORD JESUS CHRIST, I believe that you are THE SON OF GOD, that you are the Messiah come in the flesh to destroy the works of the Devil. You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. I renounce unbelief and doubt as sin. I confess my sins and repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that your blood cleanses me from sin.
Pride, Ego And Vanity
ALMIGHTY GOD, I come to you. These six things doth THE LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. I renounce these and turn away from them. I humble myself before you and come to you as a little child.
Come To Jesus, The Deliverer
ALMIGHTY GOD, I come to you as my Deliverer. You know my problems (name them), the things that bind, that torment, that defile and harass me. I loose myself from evil spirits and influences, and satanic bondages.
Prince's Blood Of Jesus
Through the Blood of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, I am redeemed out of the hand of the Devil. My sins are forgiven. I am justified, made righteous, just as if I'd never sinned. I am made holy, set apart to GOD. My body is a temple for THE HOLY SPIRIT, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified. THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST cleanses me from sin. Satan has no part in me, no power over me. I renounce Satan, loose myself from him, command him to leave me, in THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Church's Command
In THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, I command Satan and his demons to loose my mind. I ask you to send angels to break, cut and sever fetters, bands, ties and bonds, whether they be by word or deed. I ask you to loose the Seven-Fold Spirit of God: Spirit of the Lord, Fear of the Lord, Counsel, Might, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding into me and my family.
Restoring The Soul
You can insert the names of the person / persons that you are praying for, rather than your name in the prayer:
ALMIGHTY GOD, I ask you to send angels to gather and restore my soul to its rightful place in me. I ask for you to send your angels to unearth and break earthen vessels, bonds, bands and bindings that have been put upon my soul, willingly or unawares. I ask you to have them free my soul from bondage by whatever means is required. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is powerful and effective to do this.
I ask you to send your angels to gather and restore the pieces of my fragmented mind, will and emotions to their proper place. Bring them into their original positions perfectly as you planned them when you formed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
I have power and authority that has been delegated to me. I break, cast out and return to the sender, the power of curses upon my head and soul.
ALMIGHTY GOD, I bow in worship and praise before you. I cover myself with the Blood of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST as my protection. I surrender myself completely and unreservedly in areas of my life to you. I take a stand against the workings of Satan that would hinder me in my prayer life. I address myself only to the true and living GOD, and refuse involvement of Satan in my prayer. Satan, I command you to leave my presence with your demons. I bring the Blood of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST between us. I resist the endeavors of Satan and his wicked spirits to rob me of the will of GOD. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I pull down the strongholds of Satan.
Sins Of Ancestors, Curses, Soul Ties,
Fragmented Soul And Subconscious Mind
I forgive my ancestors (upwards), descendants (downwards), and others (outwards) that have sinned against GOD and hurt me (those outside of me). I ask you to forgive them for their sins and mistakes. I remit their sins, sever demonic ties, and set myself free. I ask GOD to bless them with spiritual blessings, bring them into truth, and meet their needs out of His Riches in Glory through CHRIST JESUS. I ask that GOD forgive me (Godwards) for my sins, and I forgive myself (inwards) for sins against my body.
I ask You to send the gifts of THE HOLY SPIRIT to minister to the needs of the people and accomplish what you want done. I am careful to give you the glory, honor, praise and credit for what is said and done. These things I ask in the blessed NAME OF JESUS CHRIST: LORD, MASTER AND SAVIOR.
I command the forces of evil to obey in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. I take authority over Satan and the forces of evil according to the THE HOLY BIBLE, the complete WORD OF GOD, and command that you obey it. I break curses, charms, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, hexes, vexes and demonic ties that bind. I break soul ties caused by witchcraft, sorcery, bewitchment and sexual sins. Restore my fragmented soul: mind, will and emotions; send your angels out to recover what Satan has stolen from me. Stir up the demons in my subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out.
Taking Spiritual Authority Over The Meeting
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions (big and little demons), and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). We come against powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We come against demons inside or outside of anyone present, over this city, state, nation and world, in Hell or out of Hell. We come against you by THE POWER AND BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, by THE WORD OF GOD, by THE NAME OF JESUS,
by the authority of the believer, in the unity of our spirits, to set ourselves free. We sit in heavenly places over Satan, fallen angels, demons and forces of evil. We command you to line up in rank, file and order, and come out quickly. We bind the power that you have and loose ourselves from you in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth. We take authority over Satan and the kingdom of evil according to THE WHOLE WORD OF GOD. Amen!
Biblical Curses
ALMIGHTY GOD, I forgive my ancestors and others that have cursed me. I ask that GOD forgive me and them. I break curses placed on me and my descendants from uttering a wish of evil against one; to imprecate evil, to call for mischief and injury to fall upon; to execrate, to bring evil upon and to; to blast, vex, harass and torment with great calamities. I break the curses back to ten generations and even to Adam and Eve on both sides of my family, and destroy legal holds and grounds that demons have to work in my life.
I rebuke, break, loose myself and my children from evil curses, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, bewitchment, witchcraft and sorcery that have been put upon me and my family line from persons, occult and psychic sources, and I cancel connected and related spirits and command them to leave me. I thank you, LORD, for setting me free. But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of THE LORD THY GOD, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee. I break these curses and those that follow in The Name Of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Mistreating God's Chosen People, Willing Deceivers; Adultery, Harlotry and Prostitution; Disobedience to Bible, Idolatry, Keeping Cursed Objects, Refusing To Fight For God, House of Wicked, Not Giving To Poor, Stealing, Swearing Falsely By God, Failing To Give Glory to God, Robbing God of Tithes, Dishonoring Parents, Hearkening to Wives Rather Than God, Making Graven Images, Cheating People Out of Property, Taking Advantage of Blind; Oppressing Strangers, Widows and Orphans; Bestiality, Incest With Sister or Mother, Murder Secretly and For Hire, Pride, Putting Trust In Man, Doing The Work of God Deceitfully, Rewarding Evil For Good, Abortion and Causing Unborn To Die,
Having Bastards, Murdering Indirectly, Striking Parents, Kidnapping, Cursing Parents, Not Preventing Death, Sacrificing to Gods, Witchcraft, Turning Someone Away From God, Following Horoscopes, Rebelling Against Pastors, Losing Virginity Before Marriage, False Prophets, Rape, Not Disciplining Children, Teaching Rebellion Against God, Cursing Rulers, Refusing To Warn Sinners, Defiling The Sabbath, Sacrificing Humans, Seances and Fortune Telling, Intercourse During Menstruation, Homosexuals and Lesbians, Necromancers,
Blaspheming Lord's Name, Being Carnally Minded, Oral and Anal Sex, Children Rebelling, Nonproductivity, Fugitive and Vagabond, Improper Family Structure, Destruction of Family Priesthood, Refusing To Do The Word of God, Family Disorder, Failure and Poverty, Sins Worthy of Death, Touching God's Anointed, Perversion of Gospel, Loving Cursing, Choosing That Which God Delights Not In, Looking To World For Help, Stubbornness and Rebellion, Offending Children Believing CHRIST, Adding To and Taking Away From Bible, and Biblical Curses not listed Above.
Soul Ties
ALMIGHTY GOD, I break and renounce evil soul ties with engagements, lodges, adulterers, close friends, husbands, wives, cults and binding agreements between buddies.
Forgive me for developing evil soul ties. I forgive those who would control me. I renounce these evil soul ties, break them and wash them away with the shed blood of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST:
Beasts; Those I Have Had Sex With Outside of Marriage; Divorced Mates; By Incest, Rape, Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Bestiality and Lesbianism; Bloodless Religions and Religious Cults; Blood Brothers and Sisters By Rites; Witchcraft, Occult and Satan Worship; Fortune Tellers and Mediums; Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Psychologists and Mental Institutions. Finally, I break agreements with those that form evil soul ties.
Occult and False Religion
ALMIGHTY GOD, I confess seeking from Satan the help that should only come from You. I confess occultism and false religions as sin. I repent and renounce these sins and ask you to forgive me. I renounce Satan and his works: I hate his demons; I count them my enemies. I close the door on occult practices, and I command such spirits to leave me.
I renounce, break and loose myself and my children from psychic powers, bondages, and bonds of physical and mental illness, upon me and my family line, as the results of parents and other ancestors.
I renounce, break and loose myself from demonic subjection to my mother, father, grandparents, and other human beings, living and dead, that have dominated me.
I forgive my ancestors and ask that you would forgive me for participating in occult and false religion. I renounce fortune telling, magic practices and spiritism, cults and false teachings, and Satan worship. I break curses and soul ties brought about by psychic heredity, occult contacts and religious cults. I break demonic holds on my family line due to supernatural experiences apart from GOD including the following forbidden practices:
Enchantments, Wizardry, Necromancy, Witchcraft, Observer of Times, Fortune Telling, Consulting With Familiar Spirits, Occult Practices, Spiritism, Sorcery, Magic Practices, Son or Daughter Passing Through Fire, Divination, Charmers, False Religious Cults and other Occult and False Religious Practice.
Ungodly Spirits
ALMIGHTY GOD, I forgive my ancestors and ask that you forgive me for the following families of ungodly spirits and command that they come out as their name is called:
Spirit of Infirmity and Weakness, Spirit of Antichrist, Spirit of Fear, Deaf Spirit, Perverse Spirit, Dumb Spirit, Sorrowful Spirit, Blind Spirit, Spirit of Slumber, Foul Spirit, Spirit of Whoredoms, Unclean Spirit, Destroying Spirit, Evil Spirit, Spirit of Divination, Another Spirit, Spirit of Bondage, Hasty of Spirit, Spirit of Error, Haughty Spirit, Spirit of False Doctrines, Perverse Spirit, Spirit of Jealousy, Seducing Spirits, Sad Spirit, Jealous Spirit, Wounded Spirit, Lying Spirit, Proud in Spirit, Spirit of Burning, Familiar Spirit, Spirit of Egypt, Spirit of Heaviness, Spirit of Unclean Devil, Spirit of the World and other families of Ungodly Spirits.
Godly Spirits
ALMIGHTY GOD, we ask that you direct the angels to minister to our needs. We loose warring angels, ministering angels, THE HOLY SPIRIT and THE SEVEN-FOLD SPIRIT OF GOD. We loose legions of angels including the following Godly spirits:
Spirit of Wisdom, Poor in Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of Your Father, Spirit of the Lord, Strong in Spirit, Right Spirit, Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Life, Broken Spirit, Spirit of Adoption, Spirit of Princes, Fervent in Spirit, Faithful Spirit, Spirit of Meekness, Humble Spirit, Spirit of Faith, Excellent Spirit, Spirit of Jesus Christ, Spirit of Man, Eternal Spirit, Patient in Spirit, Meek and Quite Spirit, Spirit of the Ruler, Spirit of Glory, Spirit of Judgment, Spirit of Prophecy, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Elijah, Spirit of Counsel and Might, Contrite Spirit, Spirit of Knowledge, Good Spirit, New Spirit, Spirit of Deep Sleep, Spirit of Holy Gods, Spirit of Living Creature, Spirit of Grace and Supplication, Spirit of Holiness, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of Grace, Quickening Spirit, Free Spirit and other Godly Spirits.
Cursed Objects And Demon Infestation
ALMIGHTY GOD, I ask that you forgive me for having cursed objects in my home. Show me by THE HOLY SPIRIT what to destroy:
1. Books and objects associated with witchcraft and Satan's Kingdom.
2. Sinful activities of former residents left curses.
3. Knocking and noisy ghosts and apparitions (poltergeist phenomenon).
4. Owl and frog images.
5. Witch's masks and fetishes used by witch and fetish doctors.
6. Objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cult religions (Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, metaphysics, etc.), the occult and spiritism.
7. Graven images of gods (represent demons).
8. Idols and artifacts dedicated to demons.
9. Ouija boards and other occult paraphernalia.
10. Prayers to and worship of demons bring curses.
11.Rings, bracelets, necklaces, charms and other jewelry given to a person by someone in witchcraft.
12.Hex signs, and ancient geometric and mystical motifs being incorporated into designs for clothing, jewelry, decorative objects and china.
13.Rings, pendants, pins and various kinds of jewelry originally designed to bring good luck and to act as a talisman to chase evil.
14.Egyptian ankh (cross with a loop at the top which was an ancient fertility symbol); ancient witchcraft sign of the broken cross (called peace symbol); chais (consists of Hebrew characters spelling life); polynesian tikkis carved to represent various gods; African jujus shaped like snakes, hands, figures and other things; wiggley tail which is called Italian horn; protectors from evil eye; hand with the index and little fingers pointing up (satanic witchcraft sign); rock and roll records and tapes; and a great variety of crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, lucky coins, mystic medals, horseshoes and other items.
15.Religious fetishes and statues may have dangerous resident demon power.
16.Mexican sun gods, idols, incense, Buddhas, and hand carved objects from Africa and the Orient.
17. Astrological symbols, horoscopes and fortune telling.
18. Products with cryptic, hidden, secret, occult curses.
19. Puppets, cult objects and representations. Dolls used for witchcraft and magic.
20. There is no way to list every demonic object. The list seems to go on and on.
ALMIGHTY GOD, please forgive me for practicing mind control over anyone or having anything to do with programming the total mind control slave. I forgive those who have practiced mind control over me in anyway. I command the following spirits to come out of me in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
General Deliverance
Spirit guides, fallen angels, wizards, ghosts, phantoms, vampires, spooks, genii, monsters, sylphs, aliens, gnomes, dwarfs, elves, minihunes, imps, demons, nature spirits (fire, water, wind and earth), evil spirits, magic, principalities, powers, structures, ranks, functions and orders.
Deliverance and Inner Healing
Empire, Domination, Control, Blocking, Hate, Fear, Envy, Lust, Slander, Narcolepsy, Soporific, Megalomania, Self Exaltation, Black Wraith, Rancor, Suspicion, Criticism, Sexual Violence, Emotional Stifling, Defilement, Abaddon, Infirmity, Unworthiness, Devouring, Floating In Space, Failing Eyesight, Self Condemnation, Hostility, Deafness, Despair, Incubus, Succubus, Astral Lovers, Sexual Perversion, Rape, Molestation, Bitterness, Denial, Oppression, Uncleanness, Shirkism, Shrike.
Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula
Some Common Types Of Evil Spirits: Anti-Christ, Bondage, Divination, Death, Deaf, Error, Familiar, Fear, Haughtiness, Heaviness, Infirmity, Jealousy, Lying, Perverse, Seducing, Whoredoms, Commanders.
Principal Monarch System Demons: Aesculapius, Apollos, Sacred Snake, Absolom, Amon, Apollyon, Fear, Destruction, Apollo, Astar, Star, Ashtareth, Ashtaroth, Astarte, Ishtar, Balilo, Beelzebub, Beliah, Beliel, Bes, Blackwell, Blood, Black Mass, Choronzon, Dameon, Dagon, CTHULHU, Electra, Enigma, Geb, Gerberus, Guardian Angels, Javen, Kali, Kemosh, Leviathon, Dragon, Tiamet, Lilith, Druidism, Dragon, Wyvern, Nwyvre, Winged Lion, Mammon, Meganosis, Metatron, Enoch, Moriah, Moloch, Molech, Mormo, Nanna, Nemo, Octopus, Orion, Ronwe-Squat, Shu, Typhon, Verono, Vultar, Val, Pan, Rege and Bacchus.
Other Important Demons Involved With Mind Control: Abduscius, Abigor, Abyss, Absu, Nar Mattaru, Cutha, Kutu, Archeron, Adramalech, Agaliarept, ISH, Botis, Aguares, Aim, Bonfire Child, Firechild, Alastor, Amduscias, Unicorn, Amon, Andrealphus, Peacock, Andrealphus, Asmodeus, Lust, Martial Discord, Baal, Legion, Freemasonary, Baalberith, Barbatos, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Belphegor, Blackwell, Botis, Captaintto, Astral Projection, Changeling, Crocell, Dantalion, Joker, Decarabia, Pentacles, Flauras, Andras, Foras, Forneus, Remove, Tongues, Rhetoric, Furcas, Furfur, Guardians, Goblins, Haborym, Haures, Hydra, Lucifer, Oaths, Dragon, Klotilde, Knochers, Leraje, Leraikka, Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Malebranche, Maleficia, Malphas, Mammon, Marax, Astrology, Marbas, Marchosias, Melchom, Mulciber, Murmur, Navky, Murder, Nebiros, Nysrock, Osculum, Paimon, Paymon, Phenex, Philatanus, Sodomy, Pederasty, Procel, Purson, Put Satanachia, Raum, Sabnack, Seera, Seraphim, Shaba Lidoma, Shax, Sitri, Sexual Enchantment, Nudity, Speculum, Succubus, Sytry, Uphir, Volarire, Watchers, Zepar.
Spirit: Spirit Guide
Conscience - Intuition - Worship
Soul: Mind - Will - Emotions
Conscious - Subconscious - Unconscious
Body: Physical - Brain - Sexual Organs
Wer Beasts: Vampires - Werewolves - Zombies
Manifestations: Changelings - Incubi/Succubi - Dopple Gangers - Shape Changings
Objects: Familiar Objects - Fetishes - Talismans - Amulets - Marks - Hagstones -Biofeedback
Curses: Spells - Incantations - Hexes - Vexes
Demons: Son of Satan, Mind Control, Death, Occult, Magic, Witchcraft, Drugs, Child Abuse, Fornication, Demonic Healing, Eastern Religions, Demonic Inheritance, Demonic Games, Rock Music, Voodoo, Familiar and Guiding Spirits, Forces and Powers
ALMIGHTY GOD, I forgive those who have rejected me, been bitter against me and have rebelled against me. Please forgive me for rejection, bitterness and rebellion against others.
In THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I command the spirits to come out of the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind. I command the families of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion, and other families to come out of me and bring their works with them as your name is called:
Basic Deliverance
Rejection: Fear of Rejection, Self Rejection.
Bitterness: Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder.
Rebellion: Self Will, Stubbornness, Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness.
Diseases: Cancer, Arthritis and diseases that come in through Bitterness.
Feelings of being Rejected, Refused, Repudiated, Declined, Denied, Rebuffed, Repelled, Renounced, Discarded, Thrown Away, Excluded, Eliminated and Jettisoned.
Rejection, Poor in Spirit, Pride - Ego - Vanity, Double Mindedness, Fear of Rejection, Self Rejection, Roots of Rejection, Ahab Jezebel Complex, Destruction of Family Priesthood, Dominance, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Rebellion, Withdrawal, Overpermissive, Too Harsh, Lying, Guilt, Distrust, Inability to Communicate, Witchcraft Control, Ugliness, Schizophrenia, Anger, Rejection from the Womb, Smoking, Drinking, Dementia Praecox, Instability, Agony, Inability to Give or Receive Love, Insecurity, Inferiority, Fantasy, Unreality, Sexual Perversion, Frustration
Passive-Aggressive Behavior, Lack of Confidence, Repression, Co-Dependency, Ignominy, Disappointment & Guilt, Anti-Social Disorder, Vexation, Introversion, Inhibition, Lashing Out, Abuse of Self & Others, Dysfunction, Projection, Addictions, Sex for Love, Depression, Emotional Instability, Anger, Bitterness, Intense Emotional Pain, Shame, Anxiety, Over-Compensation, Negativism, Dejection, Sadness / Crying, Work-A-Holism, Eating Disorder, Over-Sensitivity, Fear, Afraid to be Alone, Hysteria, Mistrust, Humiliation, Grief, Intensive Emotional Pain, Over-Protection, Overweight, Oppression, Eating disorders, Suicide, Isolation, Betrayal, Torment, Emotional Trauma, Feelings of Rejection, Phobia, Loneliness, Emptiness, Neurosis, Grandiosity, Abandonment, Social Isolation, Emotional Victimization, Deception, Psychological Victimization, Denial, Hopelessness, emotional Callousness, Murder, Bashfulness, Disrepute, Disesteem, Discredit, Worthlessness, Insignificance, Disgrace, Emotional / Psychological Rape, Perversions, Need for Approval / Validation, Dishonor, Suspicions, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, False / Non-Expectations, Discrimination, Segregation, Exile, Eviction, Scorn, Shun, Ignore / Neglect, Insecurities, Disapproval, Repudiation, Comparison, Favoritism, Dysfunctions, Feeling of Not Being Wanted, Nobody Loves Me Syndrome, Justification of Inappropriate Word / Behavior, Sabotage of Relationships / Organization / Self / Purpose / Destinies, Low Self-Worth, Self: Pity, Depreciation, Consciousness, and Fulfilling Prophecy.
Feelings of being Bitterly Cursed, Rebellious, Sharp, Acrid, Embittered, Poisoned, Violent, Provoked, Vexed, Grieved, Sorrowing, Bitter Herb, Calamity, Bile, Venom, Angry, Chafed, Most Bitter and Provoked.
Bitterness, Resentment, Hatred, Unforgiveness, Violence, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder, Root of Bitterness, Failure To Forgive, Arthritis, Schizophrenia, Mind Binding, Memory Loss, Recall, Broken Relationships.
Feelings of being Disobeyed, Transgressed, Violated, Disregarded, Defied, Infringed, Shirked, Resisted, Mutiny, Rebelled and Revolted.
Rebellion, Greed, Disobedience, Lying, Self-will, Hate, Stubbornness, Evil Plotting and Planning, Anti-submissiveness, Evil Control of Others, Destruction, Unrighteous Judgement, Subversion, Rock Music, Resistance, Christian Rock, Interference, Deceit, Friction, Trickery, Repulse, Betrayal, Defiance, Pride, Aggressiveness, False Love, Scorn, Arrogance, Sorcery, Conniving, Seduction, Confusion, Sullen Masculine Women, Taking Tranquilizers, Effeminate Men, Taking Drugs, Insecurity, Restless, Frustration, Witchcraft, Depression, Unholy Sex, Doubt.
Haughtiness, Independence, Segregation, Wrath, Separatism, Obstinacy, Insubordination, Defensiveness, Vanity, Strife, Conceit, Loftiness, Non-Compliance, Contempt, Recalcitrance, Unruliness, Waywardness, Rejection of Authority, Defiance, Sedition, Disdain, Selfishness, Self: Centeredness, Importance, Righteousness and Protection.
LUST: Fantasy Lust, Perverseness (2)
REJECTION: Fear Of Rejection, Self Rejection, Fear Of Judgment (1)
SELF ACCUSATION: Compulsive Confession (3)
FALSE COMPASSION: False Responsibility (4)
DEPRESSION: Despondency, Despair, Discouragement, Hopelessness, SUICIDE
GUILT: Condemnation, Unworthiness, Shame
PERFECTION: Pride, Vanity, Ego, Intolerance, Frustration, Impatience, Anger
SELF AWARENESS: Timidity, Shyness
TALKATIVENESS: Nervousness, Tension
FEARS: People, Insanity, Germs, Other
CONFRONTATION: Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Fears (PARANOIA) (5)
REBELLION: Disobedience, Anti-Submissiveness
Schizo, Damnable Seed, a commanding ruler: Double Mindedness; (Mental Illness), (Rejection) - Lust, Fantasy Lust, Perverseness, Jealousy, Paranoia, Self-pity, Depression, Suicide, Guilt, Pride, Vanity, Loneliness, Fears, Attention Seeking, Inferiority, Harlotry, Rejection, Unfairness, Withdrawal, Fantasy, Daydreaming, Timidity, Self Awareness, Shyness, Sensitivity, Chattering, Nervousness, Vivid Imaginations, Fear Of Germs, Frustration, Impatience, Inordinate Affection For Animals, Intolerance, Insanity, Self-Rejection, Self-Accusation, Tension, Fear Of People, Compulsive Confession, Envy, Fear Of Judgment, False Compassion, Fear Of Rejection, False Responsibility, Despondency, Despair, Discouragement, Hopelessness, Condemnation, Unworthiness, Shame, Perfection, Ego. (Rebellion) - Fear, Accusation, Rebellion, Selfishness, Pride, Hatred, Resentment, Violence, Murder, Memory Recall Loss, Disobedience, Paranoia, Suspicion, Distrust, Persecution, Confrontation, Self Will, Projection, Stubbornness, Anger, Root Of Bitterness, Judgmental, Self-Deception, Self-Delusion, Self-Destruction, Unteachableness, Control, Possessiveness, Unforgiveness, Retaliation, False Beliefs, Anti-Submissiveness, mental and spiritual spirits.
1. Keeps one from giving and receiving love - both GOD's and Man's.
2. Weds one to the world for love.
3. Makes one tell all seeking attention, punishment and correction.
4. Includes inordinate affection for animals.
5. With honesty at all costs - seeking evidence for suspicions.
6. Keeps one from looking at self. Projects one's own faults into others.
7. Weds one to selfish desires.
8. Both mental & spiritual. Seductive: to temporalily mislead, decoy.
Delusion: a misleading of the mind, false belief, fixed misconception.
In psychiatry: a false belief regarding self - common in paranoia.
We have used this list many times. We recommend that you use this list in your ministry. You can use it for mass or individual deliverance. Start with Basic Deliverance of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion in the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind.
In THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I command the spirits to come out of the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Mind. I command the families of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion, and other families to come out of me and bring their works with them as your name is called:
BITTERNESS Accusation Passivity
Resentment Judging Funk
Hatred Criticism Indifference
Unforgiveness Faultfinding Listlessness
Violence Lethargy
Anger Fear of Rejection Depression
Retaliation Self-Rejection Despair
Murder Despondency
Insecurity Discouragement
REBELLION Inferiority Defeatism
Self-will Self-Pity Dejection
Stubbornness Loneliness Hopelessness
Disobedience Timidity Suicide
Anti-Submissiveness Shyness Death
Inadequacy Insomnia
Strife Ineptness Morbidity
Argument Jealousy Heaviness
Quarreling Envy Gloom
Fighting Suspicion Burden
Distrust Disgust
Control Selfishness
Possessiveness Worry
Dominance Withdrawal Anxiety
Witchcraft Pouting Fear
Daydreaming Dread
Retaliation Fantasy Apprehension
Destruction Pretension
Spite Unreality Nervousness
Hatred Tension
Sadism Escape Headache
Hurt Indifference Nervous Habits
Cruelty Stoicism Restlessness
Passivity Excitement
Sensitiveness Sleepiness Insomnia
Self-Awareness Alcohol Roving
Fear of Man Drugs
Fear of Disapproval Sexual Impurity
Perfection Lust
Persecution Pride Fantasy Lust
Unfairness Vanity Masturbation
Fear of Judgment Ego Homosexuality
Fear of Condemnation Frustration Lesbianism
Fear of Accusation Criticism Adultery
Fear of Reproof Irritability Fornication
Sensitiveness Intolerance Incest
Anger Harlotry
Mental Illness Rape
Insanity Competition Exposure
Madness Driving Frigidity
Mania Argument
Retardation Pride Cults
Senility Ego Jehovah's Witnesses
Schizophrenia Christian Science
Paranoia Impatience Rosicrucianism
Hallucinations Agitation Theosophy
Frustration Urantia
Paranoia Intolerance Subud
Jealousy Resentment Latihan
Envy Criticism Unity
Suspicion Mormonism
Distrust False Burden Bahaism
Persecution False ResponsibilityUnitarianism
Fears False Compassion(Lodges, societies
Confrontation and social agencies
Grief using the Bible &
Confusion Sorrow God as a basis but
Frustration Heartache omitting the blood
Incoherence Heartbreak atonement of Jesus
Forgetfulness Crying Christ)
Doubt Cruelty Occult
Unbelief Ouija Board
Skepticism Fatigue Palmistry
Tiredness Handwriting Analysis
Death Weariness Automatic Handwriting
Indecision ESP
Procrastination Infirmity Hypnotism
Compromise (May include Horoscope
Confusion any disease Astrology
Forgetfulness or sickness) Levitation
Indifference Fortune Telling
Inheritance Water Witching
Self Deception (Physical) Tarot Cards
Self-Delusion (Emotional) Pendulum
Self-Seduction (Mental) Witchcraft
Pride (Curses) Black Magic
White Magic
Mind Binding Hyperactivity Conjuration
Confusion Restlessness Incantation
Fear of Man Driving Fetishes
Fear of Failure Pressure Etc.
Occult Spirits
Spiritism Spirits Cursing Religious
Blasphemy Ritualism
Mind Idolatry Course Jesting Formalism
Intellectualism Gossip Legalism
Rationalization Criticism Doctrinal Obsession
Pride Backbiting Fear of God
Ego Mockery Fear of Hell
Belittling Fear of Lost Salvation
Fears (All Kinds) Railing Religiosity
Phobias (All Kinds) Etc.
Hysteria Addictive &
Compulsive Spiritism
Fear of Authority Nicotine Seance
Lying Alcohol Spirit Guide
Deceit Drugs Necromancy
Pride Medications False Religions
Ego Gluttony Buddhism
Vanity Taoism
Self-Righteousness Gluttony Hinduism
Haughtiness Nervousness Islam
Importance Compulsive EatingShintoism
Arrogance Resentment Confucianism
Frustration Etc.
Affectation Idleness
Theatrics Self-Pity Covetousness
Playacting Self-Reward Stealing
Sophistication Kleptomania
Pretension Self Accusation Material Lust
Self-Hatred Greed
Self-Condemnation Discontent
Call for demon spirits that went in from the abuser (Spirits of Abuse). Call out the Victim Spirit (advertises to be victimized). Come against abuse: mental (mind, will and emotion), physical, spiritual, material and sexual.
ALMIGHTY GOD, please forgive me for abusing others mentally, physically, spiritually, materially and sexually. I forgive everyone that has abused me in those ways. I command every spirit of abuse, victimization and related spirits to come out of me in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
beating discontent covetousness
hate dejection stealing
guilt hopelessness kleptomania
retaliation suicide material lust
destruction death (welcome fantasy) food lust
pouting morbidity greed
cursing heaviness criticism
berating gloom intolerance
inferiority false burdens irritability
lonely worry competition
timid and shy dread driving
inadequacy apprehension argument
ineptness nervous grief
suspicion excitement sorrow
jealousy schizophrenia heartache
spite mental illness heartbreak
hatred retarded crying (for
cruelty madness control of others)
contention manic depressive sadness
daydreaming paranoia laziness
fantasy unfairness death
distrust fear of judgement cursing
pretension fear of condemnation gossip
unreality fear of accusation mockery
escape fear of reproof belittling
indifference sensitiveness railing
stoicism hallucinations idleness
passivity nightmares self-pity
sleepiness confusion self-reward
alcohol frustration self-hatred
drugs forgetfulness self-awareness
quarreling incoherence self-condemnation
fighting doubt self-protection
torment unbelief sexual impurity
harassment skepticism lust
funk indecision incest
listlessness procrastination fantasy lust
lethargy compromise masturbation
depression pride homosexuality
despair ego harlotry
despondency fear of authority rape
disgust lying and deceit (for exposure
discouraged protection) frigidity
defeated pretense murder
sadism backbiting hyperactive
driving no peace lying
fear of loss of lovefear of love manipulation by false love
cold hearted no feeling don't care
unstable loveless unlovable
deceptive sly cunning
ALMIGHTY GOD, please forgive me for the bitterness that I have from the grief over the loss of my loved ones and from any situation that has happened in my life. I repent for allowing natural grief to turn into demonic grief. I break demonic soul ties with the living and dead. I set myself free from demonic ties that came in through grief and bitterness. I command the following families of grief and bitterness, and any related spirits to leave me in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
Rejection Rebellion
Fear of Rejection Self-Will
Self Rejection Stubbornness
Rejection of Others Disobedience
Root of Bitterness Depression
Resentment Despair
Hatred Disgust
Unforgiveness Despondency
Violence Toward Self Discouragement
Violence Toward Others Defeatism
Temper Dejection
Anger Hopelessness
Rage Envy
Murder Distrust
Grief Selfishness
Suicide Fantasy
Death Unreality
Insomnia Spite
Wrath Hateful
Malice Hatred
Bitter Wailing Deceit
Bitterness of Death
Escape Confusion
Indifference Frustration
Stoicism Incoherence
Passivity Lying Spirits
Sleepiness Guilt
Alcohol Self-Hatred
Drugs Condemnation
Indifference Shame
Listlessness Unworthiness
Lethargy Embarrassment
Weariness Pressure
Tiredness Railing
Laziness Confrontation
Doubt Disease
Doubting God's Word Cancer
Indecision Ulcers
Indifference Arthritis
Grief Worry
Sorrow Anxiety
Heartache Fear
Crying Dread
Sadness Apprehension
Cruel Restlessness
Burdens Roving
Oppressive Grief
Pain of Mind
Pain of Emotions
Suffering Spirits
At least 25 infectious organisms are transmitted through sexual contact. The eight most common include: Curable (Bacterial) STD's: Chalamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Trichomoniasis. Incurable (Viral) STD's: Genital Herpes, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Hepatitis B and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) / AIDS. Other diseases are caused by STD's. We curse the bacterial and viral organisms.
ALMIGHTY GOD, I forgive my ancestors for creating bastards and committing incest. Please forgive me for the same sins. I break the curses of the bastard and incest on me and my descendents. I command the following spirits of sexual sins and diseases to come out of me in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST: (Use the OVERALL LIST OF DEMONS for sex.)
ALMIGHTY GOD, please forgive me for practicing charismatic witchcraft. I break the power of the ruler demons over my family and organization. I break demonic ties, bonds and caps. I break soul ties to pastors, religious leaders and any Christian who has been trying to control me. I break curses placed on me by submitting my will to others. I break curses brought by charismatic witchcraft and control. I break the curse of Jezebel and Ahab. I renounce false gifts given by Satan. I drive out demonic works and associated spirits of witchcraft and mind control as follows in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
Rejection by Christian brothers, sisters, pastors
Rejection of deliverance and Lake Hamilton Bible Camp
Rejection by husband, wife, mother, father, children
Rejection between deliverance workers, pastors
Rejection in womb, of self, of others
Hurts and deep hurts by Christians
Touch me not, inability to give or receive love, conception in lust
False doctrine, hearsay
False preachers, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles
False tongues, prophecy, interpretation, demonic gifts
False religions, religious cults, eastern religions
False love, sweetness, sentimentality
False prosperity, love of money, think and grow rich, money by faith
False positive thinking, metaphysical faith, soulish faith
False charismatic movement, false partial gospel
False shaking, quaking, crying, putting on a show
False cooperating, discipleship
Charismatic witchcraft, witches, warlocks
Domination, control, manipulation, dictatorial
Mind control, blanking, blocking, binding, confusion
Witchcraft, occult, antichrist, familiar spirits, divination
Jezebel, Ahab, passivity, destruction of family priesthood, lukewarmness
Commanding angels for riches, imaging, visualization
Greed, covetousness, mammon
Financial poverty of workers, pastors, churches, camps
A different gospel, another Jesus
Apostate religion, almost fooling the very elect
Spirit of error, spirit of the world,, aborted spirit
Ruler demons over workers, pastors, families, churches, camps
Soul ties and curses from control
Despondency, despair, defeat, hopelessness, morbidity
Strife, contention, bickering, quarreling among brethren
Inability to work with other Christians
Denominational spirits, separation, infighting
Spiritual pride, ego, vanity, pre-eminence, haughtiness
Self idolatry, we are gods, worship of man, fear of man
Mormonism, Jehovah Witnessism, bloodless religions
Catholicism, occult, Masonry, religious demons
Evil eye, third eye, Masonic eye, all seeing eye
Christian fantasy, falseness, false love
Playacting, theatrics, affectation, pretension
Hypocrisy, lying, deceit, deception, delusion, compromise
ALMIGHTY GOD, I Forgive those who have rejected me and caused me to seek food and drink for comfort. I ask GOD for forgiveness for drunkenness and gluttony, and any other addictions such as drugs and medicines. I forgive my ancestors who were drunkards and gluttons, and break curses and demonic ties on me. I cast out the following list of demons from myself in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
Gluttony Drunkenness
Nervousness Alcohol
Compulsive Eating Medications for Drunkenness
Resentment Desire
Frustration Addiction to Alcohol
Idleness Bondage
Self-Pity Slavery
Self-Reward Fantasy
Caffeine Fears
Diet Pills Flashback
Indulgence Habit
Surfeiting Unreality
Addiction to Food Craving for Alcohol
Cravings for Particular Foods Addiction to Any kind of Beverage
I Like To Eat
See chapters on Mind and Family in the Deliverance Manual. You will discover demons not on the list. The list is for those commonly found associated with these problems. This could be any spirit that keeps you from loving: Father - Son - Holy Spirit, other people and yourself.
ALMIGHTY GOD, I thank You that You loved me so much that You died on the Cross for me. Please forgive me for not loving you, my relatives and others. I forgive my relatives and others for not loving me. I command the following families of inability to give and receive love, and any related spirits to leave me in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
Lying Unstable Fear Fighting
Fear of loss of love Unlovable Pouting Violent
Fear of being loved Sly Cursing Victim
Demonic manipulation Cunning Berating Alcohol
Drugs Torment Suicide Morbid
Coldhearted Beating Lonely Witchcraft
Unfeeling Guilt Inferiority Uncalled for laughter Unstable Destruction Timid Silly
Loveless Jezebel Shy Foolishness
Don't Care Ahab Suspicious Pride
Inability To Give And Receive Love
ALMIGHTY GOD, I repent for having ingratitude towards GOD and others. Please forgive me and help me to have an attitude of gratitude irreguardless of what happens in my life. Let me have joy in THE LORD and rejoice in THE LORD always. I command these spirits to leave me In THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
Ingratitude to God Dishonor of God Rejection of God & his
Thanklessness Hatred Towards Gods dealings with you
Punishment Discontent Lying To Self
Cover-Up Lies Cringing Fear Ineptness
Fear of Failure Dishonor of Self Dishonor of Others
Futility Foolish Reasonings Vain/Godless Imaginations
Stupid Speculations Senseless Minds Foolishness
Lack of Knowledge Lack of Wisdom Idolatry
Sexual Impurity Homosexuality Indecency
Incest (Male or Female) Loathsomeness
Unrighteousness Iniquity Guilt
Covetousness Grasping Greed Malice
Envy Jealousy Murder
Strife Deceit Treachery
Ill-will Cruel Ways Secret Backbiting
Gossip Slandering Hateful to God
Insolence Arrogance Boasting
Inventors of Evil Undutiful To Parents Having No Understanding
Without Conscience Faithlessness Heartlessness
Loneliness Mercilessness Fantasy
Poverty in Soul Poverty of Spirit Poverty in Body
Poverty in Pocketbook Want Lack
Self-centeredness Insufficiency Rationalization
Murmuring & Complaining Proud Proud
Abusive/Contemptuous Blasphemous Scoffers Arrogant & Contemptuous
Disobedient To Parents Ungrateful Boasters
Unholy Profane Callous and Inhuman
Relentless Unforgiving Lacking Natural Affection
Troublemakers False Accusers Intemperate
Loose Morals Fierce Haters of Good
Treacherous Betrayers Rash
Self-conceited Hypocrites Lovers of Sexual Pleasures
Anger Towards God and Vain Amusements
ALMIGHTY GOD, please forgive me for thinking more about myself than about You and others that You want me to love. I repent for miserable thoughts about myself. I will rejoice and have joy in You at all times and under all situations. I will love THE LORD MY GOD with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind. I will love my neighbor as myself. I will love my enemies. I command the family of self demons to come out of me in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
Rather than calling out each name, you can call out the family of self demons.
Self-abhorring Self-despraise Self-seduction
Self-absorbed Self-deserving Self-starved
Self-accusation Self-ease Self-subjugation
Self-admiring Self-evolution Self-subversive
Self-affrighted Self-exaggeration Self-suppression
Self-aggrandizement Self-exalting Self-suspended
Self-applause Self-exposure Self-suspicious
Self-approbation Self-exulting Self-tormenting
Self-awareness Self-flattering Self-torturing
Self-banished Self-forgetfulness Self-unforgiveness
Self-baptizer Self-harming Self-worshiper
Self-beguiled Self-idolized Self-abasing
Self-betrayal Self-ignorance Self-abnegation
Self-blinded Self-immolating Self-absorption
Self-concern Self-indignation Self-abuse
Self-condemnation Self-indulging Self-annihilation
Self-condemning Self-infliction Self-appointed
Self-conflict Self-killed Self-assumed
Self-consuming Self-lauding Self-begotten
Self-contempt Self-loathing Self-centered
Self-criticism Self-neglecting Self-collected
Self-crucifixion Self-oblivion Self-conceited
Self-deceiving Self-partiality Self-conscious
Self-degradation Self-pity Self-contained
Self-deluded Self-pleasing Self-contradiction
Self-depraved Self-preference Self-deception
Self-depreciation Self-pride Self-delusion
Self-despair Self-repression Self-destruction
Self-destroying Self-reproving Self-distrust
Self-devouring Self-repulsive Self-esteem
Self-diffidence Self-restriction Self-hood
Self-diffusive Self-reverence Self-hatred
Self-disparagement Self-ruined Self-importance
Self-display Self-scorn Self-ishness
Self-loving Self-interest Self-torture
Self-made Self-righteous Self-willed
Self-opinionated Self-seeking Self-wrong
ALMIGHTY GOD, please forgive me for agreeing with the doctrines of demons and not with the truth of THE HOLY SPIRIT, rejecting deliverance and rebelling against THE WORD OF GOD; having fears of deliverance, demons and people; and becoming bitter against GOD and man for me being in bondage. I command the following spirits to come out of me in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST:
Fear of Rejection Dread Shame
Fear of Men's Opinions Apprehension Sexual Impurity
Fear of Disapproval Roving Cult Involvement
Bitterness Restlessness Embarrassment
Rebellion Unreality Self-Will
Stubbornness Indifference Disgust
Anti-Submissiveness Passivity of Mind Worry
Disobedience Lethargy Anxiety
Fear of Criticism Depression Fear of Reproof
Insecurity Discouragement Fear of Confrontation
Timidity Defeatism Confusion
Inadequacy Hopelessness Doubt
Ineptness Heaviness Unbelief
Distrust Burden Indecision
Fantasy Forgetfulness Procrastination
Compromise Rationalization Pride
Fear of Failure Deception Play-Acting
Ego Discontent Frustration
Pretense Fatigue Hyperactivity
Argument Selfishness Carelessness
Mockery Hypocrisy Heedlessness
Cynicism Smug Complacency
1. Pigs In The Parlor - Short Prayer.
2. Out In The Name Of Jesus - Medium Prayer.
3. Hegewisch Baptist Church - Long Prayer.
4. Believer's Position of Power & Authority Deliverance Workbook by J.M. Haggard (deceased).
5. Deliverance and Inner Healing by John and Mark Sandford.
6. They Know Not What They Do, The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, and Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, 1630 Stella Rd., Longview, WA 98632.
7. Binding The Strong Man by N. Cindy Trimm.
8. Warfare Prayers; Curses & Soul Ties / Binding & Loosing Spirits; Invading Enemy Territory; Getting Started in Deliverance; The Satanic Cosmos; and Principles of Deliverance & Mass Deliverance by Win Worley
9. Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody.
10.Spiritual Warfare Manual, How To Do Deliverance Manual, Sexual Deliverance Manual, Witchcraft Deliverance Manual, Curses Deliverance Manual, Healing Deliverance Manual, Spiritual Warfare Prayer Book and Mini Deliverance Manual by Gene Moody