1. Virginity
2. Adultery
Look these up at your convenience; they illustrate different points in the lesson:
Ex. 20:4 " 32:1-25 Do not make any graven images; Aaron makes a golden calf - Moses destroys it.
Psalm 34:1 I will bless and praise the Lord at all times continually.
Prov. 5:15-21 Be satisfied with your wife's breasts.
Matthew 5:32 Do not divorce your wife except for adultery. You commit adultery by marrying a divorced woman.
John 8:34 If you commit sin, you are the servant of sin.
Rom. 7:8; 8:7; 13:12; 14:13 Is the law sin? Carnal mind is enmity; cast off works of darkness; do not place a stumbling block.
I Cor. 1:23; 5:1; 6:9; 8:9; 9:27; 10:5-8, 13; 14:14 Christ crucified; father's wife; unrighteous; liberty; subjection, idolaters; temptation; tongues.
II Cor. 5:16-17; 6:17; 10:5; 12:21 New creature; separate; control thoughts, church is reproved.
Eph. 2:1-2; 4:29; 5:11, 19, 26 Quickened in God; communication corrupt; works of darkness; sanctify and cleanse.
Phil. 4:8 Think on these things.
Col. 3:5, 8 Mortify your members; put off all these sins.
I Thes. 4:5, 11; 5:17 Lust of concupiscence; study to be quiet, pray without ceasing.
I Tim. 5:22 Keep thyself pure from sins.
II Tim. 2:22; 3:4, 6 Flee youthful lusts; lovers of pleasure more than God; lead captive silly women with divers lusts.
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable and bed undefiled.
Titus 2:3-5 Old women to teach young women.
James 1:2-4; 4:7 Trying of your faith works patience; submit to God then resist the devil.
John 1:9, 2:10, 14 Confess our sins: love our brothers; you have overcome wicked one.
Jude 18-20 Mockers, sensual, ungodly lusts; praying in the Holy Ghost.
Gen. 24:16; Num. 31:35; Jud.21:12 Virgins mentioned.
II Sam. 12:18 Dress of virgin princesses.
Sol. 6:4-10 The charms of the Shulamite.
Sol. 7:1-9 Another picture of the same.
Num. 31:13-19 Virgin captives spared.
Jud. 11:30-31, 34-36, 39-40 The perpetual virginity of Jeptha's daughter.
Jud. 11:37-39 This virginity bewailed.
Sol. 8:8-9 Brothers guarding a sister's honor.
Sol. 8:10-12 Her chastity invincible.
Ps. 78:63-64 Not to be married, looked upon as a calamity.
I Cor. 7:1, 7-8, 25-29, 32-33, 36-38 Paul thought it better not to be married, as things then were.
I Cor. 7:2, 9 But better to marry than to burn.
Mat. 19:10-12 The gift of continence.
Rev. 14:4 Continence rewarded.
Ex. 20:14 Adulterer and adulteress.
Lev. 20:10 adulterer and adulteress put to death.
Pro. 6:32-33 Put to death - woman breaketh wedlock.
Mal. 3:5 Put to death - woman breaketh wedlock.
Matt. 5:27-28, 32 Commit adultery with divorced woman.
John 4:17-18 Five husbands - no husband now.
I Cor. 6:15-20 Adultery, fornication, sin, harlotry.
Gal. 5:16-21 Adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, lasciviousness.
Heb. 13:4 Bed is undefiled - God will judge whoremongers.
James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses.
Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery. Adulterer and adulteress are equally guilty.
This is a strong lesson but there is nothing to be embarrassed about. The Bible tells it like it is - sin is sin. You also need to learn how demons talk and think. Sex according to God is pure, uplifting and clean; sex according to Satan is perverted, degraded and filthy. Children and adults need to learn about the right and wrong ways of sex. This lesson is for pastors, ministers and those who have committed sexual sin before or after marriage. Do you know what the Bible says about sexual sin? Have you committed any sexual sin in your life? Do you know the long reaching results of your actions? Do you know you cursed your children?
Pastor Win Worley liked to say, "I hope you enjoyed your sin, you cursed yourself, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren."
There should be a joy in your relations to your mate. Pray and ask God to help you achieve satisfaction. You should enjoy your mate and no one else. Desire each other's affections. Your body belongs to your mate. You are one flesh through sex. This part of your body requires regular exercise.
I Cor. 10:13 For no temptation - no trial regarded as enticing to sin (no matter how it comes or where it leads) - has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man - (that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear). But God is faithful (to His Word and to His compassionate nature and He can be trusted not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will (always) also provide a way out - the means to escape to a landing place - that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it.
This tells us that temptation is common to mankind and we are able to resist. Our problem - we don't take the escape route! In fact, it is one of Satan's best wiles to use on us. We often feel guilty of sin when some shameful thought occurs to us. Actually, it is an attempt of a demon to get you to follow the suggestion. I have learned to stamp it reject and send it out of my mind. You see, the thought is not sin but to begin to elaborate on it, will lead to sin. Don't converse with demos and miss the escape route.
Study I Cor. 10:14. Therefore, my dearly beloved, shun (Keep clear away from, avoid by flight if need be) any sort of idolatry (of loving or venerating anything more than God). the Devil and demos watch us to see what we like and then try to push us into worship of it. That is idolatry. Be careful, remember what the Bible says about temptation and respond correctly and immediately.
Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the Devil, roams around like a lion roaring (in fierce hunger), seeking someone to seize upon and devour. Withstand him; be firm in faith (against his onset - rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined), knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world (I Pet. 5:8).
I am going to briefly discuss some of the traps Satan has set for us in the sexual area which will hold not only us but generations of our descendents in its' bondage. It will not be a pretty picture but perhaps you will see yourself and your children in these traps. There is good news for all Christians who desire to stop the effects of past sins. Jesus was made accursed for us. Therefore we may break the curses, call out demons and watch very carefully for Satan's tricks in the sexual area.
The number one reason we have found for the sinful sexual activity of our day is that proper love relationships are not shown in the home. In many homes, even Christian homes, the proper relationships are not lived. Children need to see and feel the love between parents and themselves. Many people do not love their children. Many who do may not be able to show love properly to the children due to the problems they have with rejection themselves. Love is constant; it does not turn off when you don't get your way or when you fail or when someone you love fails. Please read and study II Tim. 3:1-5.
The second reason (one which grows out of number one) is rejection. A rejected person is one who is always looking for someone to love them without reservation. Many substitute lust (which tries to grab for itself) in place of love (which is caring, giving and protecting). He was despised and rejected of men (Isa. 53:3). Rejection is a tool Satan uses on all of us. He used it repeatedly on Jesus. We have come to believe it is the first deep wound a person receives. If not healed, provides the doorway for demons to enter.
Much of the sexual activity of today is rejected people trying to feel loved. They have just fallen for one of Satan's tricks. Sexual activity is not love; it is just sex. Rejection causes us not to respect ourselves, therefore we do not respect others nor their rights.
Reason number three is curses playing out their legal hold. When you or one of your direct line ancestors commits a sexual sin which carries a curse, demons which accompany that curse will follow all the descendents and try to bring each one into sexual sin. The demons have a right to do this until the curse runs out provided no one else adds to the curse, or someone learns of breaking the curses and the casting out of the demons which accompany the curse. The purpose of this is to destroy whole family lines; I have seen this happen (King David's family and Saul's family).
But God (two of the loveliest words in the Bible) made a way out of this mess. It will not be easy; it will require diligence which we are commanded to have and to practice (2 Pet. 3:14, Ex. 15:26, Heb. 11:6, etc.)
If you want to get some idea how important God considers our relationship to family members and other people, just consider this. In Exodus 20 God says we will be cursed for three and four generations for worshiping other gods, but in Deut. 23 he says we will be cursed for ten generations for creating a bastard or for incest. A bastard is one conceived out of wedlock. Incest is sex with someone who is your relative.
Here are some curses which you may have started or which may have been handed to you: Lev. 20:13 - homosexuals (male or female) often come from homes where there is an Ahab (dominated) father and a Jezebel (dominate) mother. They also come from homes where one or both parents may be closet homosexuals. Homosexuality is perverse, unnatural, abhorrent, detestable, and it brings confusion and every evil work.
Deut. 22:20-21; Num. 5:27 - Adulterous women loose demons of adultery on their children along with all the shame, insecurity, hurt, sickness, and the tendency to be a victim, etc.
Deut. 22:22-27; Lev. 20:10 - Adulterous men loose demons of adultery on their children the same as women along with the tendency to be cruel.
Deut. 23:2 - Creating a bastard looses demons to lead your children away from God, to cause trouble between family members and create more bastards.
Deut. 23:3 - Having incestuous relationships looses demons to cause all that is in the bastard curse, and also hardness, hate, insanity and deformity, confusion, perverse and defilement.
Deut. 27:21, Lev. 18:23 - Sex with beasts creates a very degenerate mind, physical deformities and is a form of Satan worship. Satan hates us and wants to make us lower than the animals. Some families have animal physical features. When questioned once about club feet, one demon said he was there because a great grandfather had sex with horses. It is confusion, perverse and degradingly carnal.
If you have ever said something like this, It isn't anyone's business what I do, I'm not hurting anyone but myself. Think how you will answer God. Think how you will feel as you watch the payoff from Satan to your descendents.
I have begun to suspect that any sexual activity that is contrary to God's Law will bring curses for some number of generations. Read Rev. 21:8. We must overcome these things before we finish this life. If you once transgress the realm of proper sex according to God, you have softened your resistance to improper sex.
How can you tell if you have a demon in this area? You may not have a demon if you are mildly enticed to sexual fantasy or sexual activity and you do not attempt to carry the fantasy out. You may be plagued by demons from past generations whose job it is to continually harass you until you give in enough for them to get control over you in this area. You do have one or more demons, if the pressure mounts and you find it very difficult or impossible to resist the temptation. Demons exert pressure (a lot of pressure = a lot of demons).
What is the responsibility of the church: the five-fold ministry and the congregation? The responsibility is to teach and demonstrate to the world God's standards of morality about sex before, during and after marriage. Has the church done its job? It is apparent that the world has affected the church more than the church has affected the world. The sexual statistics of church attenders is about the same as the people in the world. Unfortunately, the church is afraid to teach the laws of God to the congregation and what happens when these laws are broken. They are afraid to minister in these areas and to practice deliverance. The result is what we see happening today in the area of sex, a degeneration of morals of the people of the world.
We have often wondered why it is so difficult for people who have been into sexual sin and drugs to hold their deliverance. Just recently a young man and I were discussing this problem; we both realized at the same time that both of these actions were part of Satan worship. Drugs are used in the practice of sorcery. Many young people on drugs see and communicate with spirits. Pharmaceutical comes from a Greek word pharmakon, to practice witchcraft, or use medicine or poison. Since the first use of mind drugs was to communicate with spirits, it is an act of worship. People are spirits, which have souls and bodies. Each person's spirit is to control his mind. When a person takes a mind altering drug, he gives his mind over to the control of some other spirit; the other spirit is a demon.
Since perverted sex is used to worship evil gods, demons come into the person's body. They are very difficult to keep out after being cast out. All of the pagan cults were worshipers of demons and served their gods by partaking of impure sex.
If we have been trained to worship in some manner as a very young person, it is very hard for us to give up these wrong ways of worship. This is because demons come into us when we do acts of worship that are incorrect and they have no intention of giving up their home. In the last generation, we have witnessed the attacks of Satin beginning at earlier and earlier ages. It is his desire to get the very young children to commit some sexual sin which carries a curse. There are curses which go on for as long as ten generations, such as sex with family members, those near kin to you, playing with animals sexually, rape and homosexuality, etc.
Romans 1:21-32 shows the descent of man as they turn away from God, for it says they knew Him. As you read these verses, check them for accuracy as to what you see in the homosexuals you know. If you are one, look at yourself honestly.
The Bible describes homosexuals exactly. There are two ways to save yourself from this kind of life: (1) Never, not even once, engage in homosexuality. (2) If you have engaged in homosexuality, you may sincerely repent of your sin. Acknowledge your guilt, believe Jesus' promise that all who call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved from their sins, and forgive all people who have ever done you any wrong. Recognize the attempts of homosexual spirits in people will try to get you into it again. Determine that you will fight the good fight of faith and never allow yourself even the appearance of that sin. Change any wrong behavior patterns. Repent of wrong thoughts and correct them according to the Bible. Change your body movements and action from effeminate to manly or manly to feminine according to your gender.
If you have had sex with anyone other than your legal mate, you have a mental and emotional tie to them called a soul tie. How does this tie or bond work? In I Cor. 6:15-16, we learn that we have become one flesh with those we have had sex with. We must repent, turn away from this sin, break the soul tie with each person, and cast out the demons (Lev. 26:40-42). The demons in each person, desiring more sexual activity, traffic between the people reminding each of the other, hoping to create desire and trying to fan desire into reality.
If you had sex before marriage, even with your future mate, you committed fornication. If you then married your sexual partner, your marriage and all your children were cursed. You have loosed demons to pressure all your children to this sin and to greater sexual sin.
If you conceived a child before marriage, you conceived a bastard. If you conceived a bastard child, you cursed your descendents for ten Bible generations (400 years). The descendents will tend to conceive bastards generation after generation.
If you fornicated before marriage, you are likely to commit adultery after marriage. Adultery is also committed by someone who marries a divorced person. If you had sex before marriage, you set a pattern for your children to commit fornication. Like father - like son; like mother - like daughter. The sins that the parents commit will tend to be repeated by the children and their descendents. Sexual sins of the pastor will also tend to be repeated in his congregation; he looses sexual demons to rule over the church.
Jezebelic mothers and Ahab fathers will raise children who may become masculine women and effeminate men. Homosexuality and lesbianism can be caused by parents not setting the proper example in the home. Man is head of home; woman submits to man in divine order. Man is to love the wife as Christ loved the church. Many women do not submit properly to their husbands because the husband does not properly love the wife and submit properly to God. When men show harshness, lack of concern, do not value and are unkind to the wife, she will not only loose respect for him but will not trust his leadership.
Pornography can come into the home through television, radio or the printed word. Seeing, listening or reading pornography will cause the person to want to repeat these acts. Once seen, these scenes are extremely hard to wipe out of the mind.
Incest or rape by your relatives destroys the natural sex life with your mate. Rape can cause harlotry or frigidity; it produces hate, distrust and hardness.
Occult sex or sex orgies cause a person to become very demonized. Demons of succubus and incubus lead to depravity. Exposure and unclean sex loose sensual appetites and lewd emotions.
Bestiality can lead to horrible offspring. You may even create a type of demonic tie with that animal.
AIDS is a curse from God on those who practice homosexuality and fornication. It will become a terrible plague in our country. If you remain sexually pure, depend on God to protect you from AIDS.
We know a single man who went six years without a wet dream or masturbating. Satan even sent three beautiful demons of succubi to trap him; he didn't fall for the trap. It is better to let your body have a wet dream than to masturbate.
A soul tie is formed with all sexual partners, even with the same sex through homosexuality and lesbianism.
The only way the above patterns can be stopped is to practice deliverance: confession of sins, breaking curses and soul ties, casting out demons, and living a scripturally disciplined life. Then the descendent will be free to make their own choice.
You should enjoy the sexual affections of your mate. The bed is holy and undefiled. Your body belongs to your mate. Intercourse is the only Godly form of sex. Sexual deviation such as oral sex and anal sex with your mate is demonic.
Fornication - immorality. Uncleanness - impurity. Lasciviousness - licentiousness - indecency - sensuality - debauchery. Revellings - carousing - orgies.
Deliverance Manual by Gene and Earline Moody